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What's this P90X workout stuff?


A.Romero said:
Checked the website. Aren't those a lot of carbs?

I'm confused! I thought carb intake was bad!

carb is essential to recover, I think. I don't think it's a good idea to cut off carb entirely... as you run out of gas (and you'll know it)

Like having a big fuel tank (muscle) with no gas in it.. the car just doesn't move!

As far as my understanding is, that simple low-fat (I drink skim with enforced nutrients) chocolate milk is just as good (and much cheaper) than drinking recovery drink.


A.Romero said:
Checked the website. Aren't those a lot of carbs?

I'm confused! I thought carb intake was bad!

Post-workout window...when your body is actually using it and needs it...it's not like a midnight slice of cake


OmniGamer said:
Post-workout window...when your body is actually using it and needs it...it's not like a midnight slice of cake

Oh, OK guys.

Thanks a lot for the info. I'm really ignorant about these topics.


lachesis said:
Well, I wasn't exactly fat - more like little chubby - but at 5'9", I was running nearly 187lbs nearly maximum. My man boobs were enormous, and have this ugly permanent wrinkle under neath. Belly was like mountain high when I had a big, late meal, and once my waist was at 29 to 30, now I was pushing towards 34. Longer than my inseam, which is 32... not acceptable, LOL!

I was also a long time smoker too. Probably around 15 yrs or so. I finally quit smoking thanks to electronic cigarette - and it did wonders to my short breaths. I also have hard time running half mile too. Towards the end of last year, I've been running on elliptical machine for one hour, 3 times a week for 3 months... until I stumbled upon this thread... and it seems to help me catch up the cardio workouts like Plyo and Kenpo, etc. I have relatively easier time with those... But I have very tough time with Soulders / Chest / Back work outs because I basically have 0 muscle mass on my upper body.

However, the key, so far, has been just sheer determination. Do your best. You don't have to "match them" per se. Just do your best and forget the rest. The result, will just follow you as long as you stick to the workout routines and follow the diet. Strict diet will get you far, but I'm doing my moderate modification to suit my lifestyle more. I'm generally allowing a little more carb than I should have, but I'm still losing weights like crazy. The other day, I was at 171.5lb. Late last year, it was 187. When I started P90X, I was at 183-5. Now, it's almsot 14 lb loss. Some of my co-workers who hasn't seen me a while notices that I have lost weight, and that I look better. Ladies are starting to look at me once more. LOL!

I'm just into week 5 now. By end of 90 days, I wonder how far I would improve, and I'm getting some significant performance improvements steadily, along with fat loss. I haven't done any other workout programs, so I can't voucher their effecitveness, but this one, combined with diet effort - certain is working... and I bet it would work for you too. It's hard, but the reward is there. Keep at it, keep your motivation high, and keep on trying and test your body and will to the max. I wish you luck.


So, today was my Plyo day again. I added much more intensity than I put previously. Intentionally jumping higher, squatting lower, etc - and perhaps I had little too little food for the dinner, I was feeling little hazy towards end. But pulled through, and good stuff. I even do the knee jump thingie pretty well. However, for the rock star, I just replaced with good ol X jump from Kenpo.

Still, I think for me, the hardest one is the Core Synergistics. LOL. I feel most worked out after that - not just legs, or not just arms/ shoulders... my entire body feel very worked out with that. I dream one day, I'll fly through the Core Synergistics.... then I'd be a very fit person, I rekon.

Thanks for the input. At 5' 10" 235 lbs, and probably somewhere a bit over 30% BF, I'm quite a bit heavier (and fatter) than you were. My waist size is 43" compared to 32" 3-4 years ago. I do, however, still have quite a bit of muscle mass from when I was really into weight training. My big quads and hamstrings help me carry around the extra dead weight easier than someone at my height/weight would normally be able to. I would start lifting weights again to lose BF, but I kind of messed up my back, so moving heavy weights is a bad idea, plus I want to try something else (I can't stand treadmills or any other stationary equipment device).


Neo Member
Man, how accurate are scales that measure body fat and H2O levels? I see my body fat (man boobs, belly, face fat) gradually melting away, but according to the scale, I've probably lost 2 pounds and 1.5% bodyfat (from 27.5% to 26.0%) in the past 4.5 weeks.

I don't know if it's the scale, me, my diet, etc. And I've been following the diet relatively well (minimal carbs, tons of protein. Carbs usually come around lunch time, where I have the whole day to burn it off, unless it's the recovery drink carbs)

I do see muscle in my arms and some in my abs, but I wonder why my body fat percentage isn't dropping as my muscle mass slowly increases.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I just saw part of the first dvd, Chest & Back, :eek: my mind is blown. How many pushups and pull ups are they doing, it's crazy!


otake said:
I just saw part of the first dvd, Chest & Back, :eek: my mind is blown. How many pushups and pull ups are they doing, it's crazy!

For some real mind blowing stuff you've got to watch Chest Shoulder and Triceps. Tony's plyo pushups are a real spectacle.
A.Romero said:
Checked the website. Aren't those a lot of carbs?

I'm confused! I thought carb intake was bad!

The carbs from a recovery drink is coming from sugar, more specifically dextrose and/or maltose. Can't find the articles I've read online, but basically these 2 types of sugar doesn't go through the kidneys for processing. It gets immediately absorbed by the muscles since it's fast acting. It's the perfect carb for post workout because of that trait. (I'm going by memory so I'm not sure the info is 100%. Someone feel free to correct me)

I actually make my own recovery drink with dextrose and a protein powder mix I heard about online that has 0 carbs.


I use this as my protein mix. Taste like a watered down fruit drink. Add in the dextrose(I add 68g for a 2:1 mix) and it's as sweet as Kool-Aid. Sooooo good.


f-castrillo said:
Man, how accurate are scales that measure body fat and H2O levels? I see my body fat (man boobs, belly, face fat) gradually melting away, but according to the scale, I've probably lost 2 pounds and 1.5% bodyfat (from 27.5% to 26.0%) in the past 4.5 weeks.

I don't know if it's the scale, me, my diet, etc. And I've been following the diet relatively well (minimal carbs, tons of protein. Carbs usually come around lunch time, where I have the whole day to burn it off, unless it's the recovery drink carbs)

I do see muscle in my arms and some in my abs, but I wonder why my body fat percentage isn't dropping as my muscle mass slowly increases.

you're probably gaining muscle mass.

Man, after doing so many pull ups/chin ups, my lats are lookin all crazy now.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
f-castrillo said:
Man, how accurate are scales that measure body fat and H2O levels? I see my body fat (man boobs, belly, face fat) gradually melting away, but according to the scale, I've probably lost 2 pounds and 1.5% bodyfat (from 27.5% to 26.0%) in the past 4.5 weeks.

I don't know if it's the scale, me, my diet, etc. And I've been following the diet relatively well (minimal carbs, tons of protein. Carbs usually come around lunch time, where I have the whole day to burn it off, unless it's the recovery drink carbs)

I do see muscle in my arms and some in my abs, but I wonder why my body fat percentage isn't dropping as my muscle mass slowly increases.

Don't concern yourself with what the scale says, especially with regard to body fat percentage. It's not accurate if you're seeing significant improvements in your muscle mass and staying at about the same weight. That's your body composition improving, so keep at it.


Neo Member
mYm|17| said:
you're probably gaining muscle mass.

Man, after doing so many pull ups/chin ups, my lats are lookin all crazy now.
I hope you're right, I'm praying that body fat percentage will start to move down a little faster, as well as my weight. While it's great to see myself visibly changing, there's something about the numbers in my weight and body fat that is a little discouraging.

I've started doing Kenpo with weights and that's been able to keep my heart rate up high (constant 154-158). Hopefully that, plus the Doubles Cardio X in Phase II and III, will do something for my stats

EviLore said:
Don't concern yourself with what the scale says, especially with regard to body fat percentage. It's not accurate if you're seeing significant improvements in your muscle mass and staying at about the same weight. That's your body composition improving, so keep at it.
Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. I'm just gonna make sure I continue to 'bring it' then :D
otake said:
I just saw part of the first dvd, Chest & Back, :eek: my mind is blown. How many pushups and pull ups are they doing, it's crazy!

It's an intense workout, to be sure, but with the alternation between chest and back your muscles get plenty of rest. At the end of the video Tony makes a reference as to how some of us have just done over 120 pull-ups.

Myself? I am doing more like 100 push-ups (on bars) and about 50 or so chair-assisted pull-ups. Some guys do my entire workout in one go! :lol


Masta_Killah said:
The carbs from a recovery drink is coming from sugar, more specifically dextrose and/or maltose. Can't find the articles I've read online, but basically these 2 types of sugar doesn't go through the kidneys for processing. It gets immediately absorbed by the muscles since it's fast acting. It's the perfect carb for post workout because of that trait. (I'm going by memory so I'm not sure the info is 100%. Someone feel free to correct me)

I actually make my own recovery drink with dextrose and a protein powder mix I heard about online that has 0 carbs.


I use this as my protein mix. Taste like a watered down fruit drink. Add in the dextrose(I add 68g for a 2:1 mix) and it's as sweet as Kool-Aid. Sooooo good.

That sounds interesting...

I guess I should look into that protein mix. Thanks a lot.


Neo Member
The second Core Synergistics of the week really wiped me out. My heart rate hit at all time high today (164 BPM), so I really tried to 'bring it' to keep the heartrate up as much as I could. There were times where I slacked off because it was too tiring, but I would always pause the video so I could get an extra few reps of an exercise in to make up for me 'doggin it'.

The sphinx pushup gave me a shitload of grief the other day, but I was able to get through them better. The entire workout went better today than the other day actually, now that I knew what all the exercises were, what they looked like, etc. Burned over 850 cals again!:D

My arms are still sore from doing Kenpo with wrist weights though. But I keep telling myself it'll get better in time
Damn, today was supposed to be yoga x, but after a day of work I just couldn't get myself to do it. Is this is exercise equivalent to being "stuck in the rat race?" I mean, is this what stops most people - just giving up like this?

What do you recommend I do now?


NumBaWumba said:
Damn, today was supposed to be yoga x, but after a day of work I just couldn't get myself to do it. Is this is exercise equivalent to being "stuck in the rat race?" I mean, is this what stops most people - just giving up like this?

What do you recommend I do now?

wow im in the same boat.. long day at work, i have no motivation of doing yoga x for an hour and a half..


Yup. Yoga still kicks my butt every time. By the time I reach to Warrior 3 and variation moves, I'm totally worn out. I can probably do only half of Warrior 3, if not less. :lol

Thing is, I do try to do Warrior 3, but I intentionally skip crane pose, which I simply cannot do it without endangering myself. So instead of going into Child's pose, I just skip and move on. (save 1 min of total workout). I also have little hard time doing the Plow pose, so I do about half the time till I start to feel like I'm putting too much pressure on my neck, I slowly come out and fast forward to next move. Yoga belly 7... at least I try my best to keep up, taking breaks here and there, but don't pause the routine.

But the feeling of relaxation after Yoga X is just unbelievable. Unlike any other workouts on P90X, I feel much calmer and ready to fall a sleep right afterward with peace of mind. Toughest part is actually bring myself up, and taking shower to wash off the sweat. :)

Yes, Yoga X is loooong and hard. I thought of skipping it too. Heck, I even thought each workout is too long and too hard for me, and thought of cutting it in half early on - but I managed to push on to the full length. I still have to force myself to get started on Yoga X, but after few moves of Warrior 2, reverse warrior and all, I have no issue of completing it. And even when I hit the dreaded Yoga Belly X time, I feel like "oh, this is almost over!" and manage to push on till end... and when you reach to the end... good feelings do come in. :)


I've started my first "recovery" week, but Core Synergistics ain't no walk in the park. Hey Tony, you think I can get some recovery in my recovery week?
Boonoo said:
Now and then I would cheat with yoga x and only do the first 45 minutes. I felt guilty afterwards.

:lol I was about to do this today. I started doing yoga kinda half hearted the first 5-10 minutes(the warm-up period). By the time I started doing the Vinyasas, I was pumped. :lol I was going all the way down during the upward dog move and I did half of the downward dog push-ups. I even killed it during warrior 3, only putting my foot down during the reverse twist part.

NumBaWumba said:
Damn, today was supposed to be yoga x, but after a day of work I just couldn't get myself to do it. Is this is exercise equivalent to being "stuck in the rat race?" I mean, is this what stops most people - just giving up like this?

What do you recommend I do now?

Don't sweat it if you missed a workout and keep on pushing. I skipped ab ripper on Wednesday and just kept moving on. Also, I find talking about it on this thread really helps during those days where you don't feel like working out. Knowing that others are also struggling really helps in keeping motivated.


mnannola said:
I've started my first "recovery" week, but Core Synergistics ain't no walk in the park. Hey Tony, you think I can get some recovery in my recovery week?

Actually, it's my favorite nightmare workout. I was totally awe-struck when I first did it - couldn't keep up at all, etc. but for some reason, I was looking forward to do then 2nd time later that week.

Without Core Synergistics... I think recovery week might have been a bit too boring (sans Kenpo, which... well, is interesting enough for me.)

But whatever reason was... that after Core Synergistics - I can now perform the ab ripper X much better! :D
Did back/legs and ab ripper today. Did really well and pushed myself hard. I had to skip 3 moves of ab ripper though. During one of the exercises, I took a deep breath while I was rocking on my back and ended up cracking my back. :lol Nothing bad, but it left me weak after. :lol I tried to finish the move but all the energy I had was sucked out of me.

I ended up getting Panda Express for lunch today. First time I had chinese in 2 months. Ordered the mixed veggies, chicken and mushroom, and mandarin chicken(no sauce). I wasn't sure if I should eat it but after checking online, the meal only came out to around 600 calories and around 55g of carb.


Neo Member
I'm slowly seeing some improvement in my performance during Yoga X. I can reach further during stretches, i can hold the Warrior 3 poses (and those half moon variants) for longer before having to come down to rest, and I'm able to open up my chest more during any of the twisting exercises. Even the balance postures were easier this time around, and I could hold Crane for 10-12 secs before falling out of it and having to do it again.

Yoga Belly 7 gave me the most problems, but I still kept up fairly well with minimal rest periods. My core probably hasn't fully recovered from the two Core Synergistic workouts this week (the second of which I pushed harder than the first). I'm kinda excited to see how my first Ab Ripper X of Phase II will go :D


I missed two days in a row cause of a bad case of insomnia. I tried doing it yesterday and i "bonked" as tony would say after 15 minutes. Same today though i switched to light cardio just so that i could some momentum going. What do i do now that i missed two days? (yoga and legs). Should i do yoga in the morning and legs in the aft, Then use my day off on sunday to do saturday's exercise?


Neo Member
koam said:
I missed two days in a row cause of a bad case of insomnia. I tried doing it yesterday and i "bonked" as tony would say after 15 minutes. Same today though i switched to light cardio just so that i could some momentum going. What do i do now that i missed two days? (yoga and legs). Should i do yoga in the morning and legs in the aft, Then use my day off on sunday to do saturday's exercise?
If it were me, I would just repeat the week you're currently on, starting on the day that your next week would normally start. I personally wouldn't do Yoga X and Legs & Back on the same day, and I also wouldn't use the rest day for any of the P90X workouts, as your body needs time to replenish its muscle glycogen stores (takes a few days for full recovery), and doing the two exercises in one day could cause you to 'bonk' again anyway


koam said:
I missed two days in a row cause of a bad case of insomnia. I tried doing it yesterday and i "bonked" as tony would say after 15 minutes. Same today though i switched to light cardio just so that i could some momentum going. What do i do now that i missed two days? (yoga and legs). Should i do yoga in the morning and legs in the aft, Then use my day off on sunday to do saturday's exercise?

Well, repeating or making up would be one thing, but to be honest, if it was me - i'd just move on and finish as is. I would, however, try to do my best not to miss any more sessions at all costs.

If you had insomnia and feeling way too tired to do any real workout (I actually recommend yoga for insomnia, as it's boring (LOL) and I sweat like hell, and I feel really relaxed at the end, ready to fall a sleep.... but say if I was sick for a few days, I'd try to concentrate to rest for a few more days and just repeat the whole week. But if you missed a couple days in a row - I'd just say move on, and keep your motivation up and up for the rest of the sessions.

I had 1 leg session cut in half on my 1st week, and skipped one plyo (because of lost) - on my 2nd week.. but I've not missed a single workout since then. What's more important, IMO, is sticking to it to the end. YMMV, and results may vary too, but one thing for sure is that everyone who put their best into it, will get some results - even if it's little. Well... that's at least what I hope for on my 1st 90 days. 2nd 90 days... we'll see.


just got done with my 5th leg/back. Added even more intensity - deeper lunges and all, and I'm totally wiped out now. I'm not sure whether these workouts will ever be "easy" as more I feel like I'm adapt to it, more intensity that I put in and I get wiped out no matter what. LOL Ab Ripper X, I was doing little short of what I was doing on Wednesday, but I'd say I'm about 25% better than maybe 2-3 week ago. I can do a lot of sit-up moves now, but the endurance moves like scissors, bikes and frog curls... those are especially hard for me.


Neo Member
lachesis said:
W I can do a lot of sit-up moves now, but the endurance moves like scissors, bikes and frog curls... those are especially hard for me.
I feel the same way. Fifer Scissors and Heels to the Heavens (pulse ups) kick my ass every time. That's where I usually have to pause the video so I can rest a bit and finish the reps on my own. :lol


Did plyo with pushups during the water break.
When I did plyo the first time the warm up was killing me. Talk about a world of difference.

Feels so good man
nubbe said:
Did plyo with pushups during the water break.
When I did plyo the first time the warm up was killing me. Talk about a world of difference.

Feels so good man

:lol so true. End of week 7 and I can go through plyo now without pausing during the moves. I still pause during the water break, just to extend my rest period by 30 seconds to a minute. Still, such a huge difference from the first month.


Am I the only one who finds yoga to be a snap? Actually, I think all of the workouts are not too hard with the exception of chest and back, and ab ripper x. Kenpo and Plyo are super easy and I put a lot of effort into them.


Friday's core synergistics went even better than the last one and I already improved my reps by a bit. Yoga was pretty sweet today, too, and I keep seeing small improvements in form and flexibility each time. Only a stretching session tomorrow and that's my first recovery week done! :D

Can't wait to start phase II and see what I look and feel like by the end of it. Right now I've started to see some major improvements –smaller belly, leaner face– rather than just feeling them which is a great motivational booster. Also, it's weird to see myself in this new light, as someone who's in shape (or at least a good bit on the way). That's never been me before and I'm having a slightly hard time understanding it and getting used to it. It's awesome overall though, and it's a great feeling to see the result of almost a month's hard work. There is no way I'm stopping now.
I haven't been to the gym in about 6 months, in which I did 2 cycles of P90X (with some slack here and there), and let me tell you - the gains on my old routine are phenomenal. Like, I'm sitting here lifting weights and thinking "wtf - did I accidentally ingest steroids before I got here??" :lol

Also, last night on the phone my girlfriend finally mentioned the size of my biceps :D. Thank you P90X!


As for the cons of the program, I have really only one thing to complain about, and that is the concept of a program itself. If you read this thread up and down, you see members quoting P90X continuously - both the videos and the commercials. Sometimes it's funny, of course, but other times it really freaks me out! Watching the same videos over and over is like brain-washing and this thread is evident of it.


Neo Member
NumBaWumba said:
I haven't been to the gym in about 6 months, in which I did 2 cycles of P90X (with some slack here and there), and let me tell you - the gains on my old routine are phenomenal. Like, I'm sitting here lifting weights and thinking "wtf - did I accidentally ingest steroids before I got here??" :lol

Also, last night on the phone my girlfriend finally mentioned the size of my biceps :D. Thank you P90X!


As for the cons of the program, I have really only one thing to complain about, and that is the concept of a program itself. If you read this thread up and down, you see members quoting P90X continuously - both the videos and the commercials. Sometimes it's funny, of course, but other times it really freaks me out! Watching the same videos over and over is like brain-washing and this thread is evident of it.
"Ab Ripper X: I HATE IT....but I love it!"


f-castrillo said:
I feel the same way. Fifer Scissors and Heels to the Heavens (pulse ups) kick my ass every time. That's where I usually have to pause the video so I can rest a bit and finish the reps on my own. :lol

You are a dedicated man. I thought of doing it, but after 1 full hour of workout and all, my honest feeling is to get over with this ab ripper as soon as possible, so I just let it go by when I take brief breaks. LOL. Perhaps when I'm done with first 90 days and taking a couple weeks of breaks, I'll still do ab ripper X 3 times a week and do full 25 reps per moves, even if it takes an hour to do so. By doing so, hopefully I won't have to pause or pause less on my 2nd run afterwards, saving precious time.


Neo Member
lachesis said:
You are a dedicated man. I thought of doing it, but after 1 full hour of workout and all, my honest feeling is to get over with this ab ripper as soon as possible, so I just let it go by when I take brief breaks. LOL. Perhaps when I'm done with first 90 days and taking a couple weeks of breaks, I'll still do ab ripper X 3 times a week and do full 25 reps per moves, even if it takes an hour to do so. By doing so, hopefully I won't have to pause or pause less on my 2nd run afterwards, saving precious time.
I'm just trying to look and feel somewhat fit by the summer :lol may give P90X+ a run through if time (and unemployment) permits. I always make it my goal to finish all 25 reps of whatever he asks for, even if it means pausing the video; I have this long term goal of finally being able to go through Ab Ripper X without having to pause at all. It'll take a while, but I may be able to do it by the end of phase II or III. I'll report back tomorrow, I start Phase II tomorrow, and I can't wait to see how I hold up in Ab Ripper X after the recovery/ab focus week :D


Neo Member
So I had my first Phase II doubles day today (Cardio X in the AM + Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps and Ab Ripper X in the evening). This smiley sums up my feelings...


I was up late (3am) the night before playing Spec Ops MW2 with the gf, and I woke up at 8am to do Cardio X (before breakfast, as the fitness guide recommends). Cardio X felt really easy this morning, I didn't burn out or anything, just worked up a nice comfortable sweat. Afterwards, I went about the rest of my day, blah di blah di blah

I added a bit more (not too much) rice to my diet today in anticipation of my first Chest, Shoulders, Triceps + Ab Ripper X session. Skip to 8pm, and I'm finally starting the workout for the first time. To sum it up in as few words as possible, I felt like I was weeks back before day 1 of Phase I, when I was still eating bad and downing alcohol like nobody's business - you know how the holiday season goes :D. The amount and variety of pushups in this routine is insane. I had gotten used to the pushups in the Chest and Back routine, so all of those Pike Presses, two-twitch speeds, slow 3-in-1, etc. totally turned my arms into jelly. I was doing lots of weight switching so that I could get to my rep goals. I really pushed it today, I think, because by the time I had gotten to the clap/plyo pushups, I had to resort to doing clap pushups ON MY KNEES... and I only did FOUR because of the sharp pain I eventually developed in my outer pecs (near the armpit) :lol. Without explaining the rest of my life story, the entire workout can be summed up as brutal. It took me 2 hours to do an hour and 15 minute workout :lol (due to having to adjust weights, take breaks, etc.)

On the bright side, Ab Ripper X went better than the last time, I felt the effects of the recovery week in this session. I was able to maintain my form even better than before, which in turn made some moves harder, but I was also to get through more moves without having to rest. I still have a hard time keeping up with Tony and the kids with the wide-leg situps and the rollup-V-up combo. I was still able to pull off the 50 mason twists, but I struggled more because I used up more energy as a result of my improved form. Not to mention I was already wiped out from the previous chest, shoulders, and tricep workout.

I see lots of room for improvement. I probably would have fared better if I got at least 7 hours of sleep, familiarized myself more with the routines and appropriate weights, and/or add even more carbs to my diet for more energy. Oh well, now I know how to prepare for next week. This is muscle confusion at work, I guess :D

I've got good old Plyometrics tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it because it's something I've done many times in the past


f-castrillo said:
To sum it up in as few words as possible, I felt like I was weeks back before day 1 of Phase I, when I was still eating bad and downing alcohol like nobody's business - you know how the holiday season goes :D. The amount and variety of pushups in this routine is insane. I had gotten used to the pushups in the Chest and Back routine, so all of those Pike Presses, two-twitch speeds, slow 3-in-1, etc. totally turned my arms into jelly.
I totally agree, I can barely lift my arms above my head right now. :lol I felt pretty good after managing to do the slow 3 in 1 without using my knees, but it went downhill after that... All of those different tricep extensions and push-up variations (plyometric pushups – what the hell?!) was completely new for me (and my body), and I can feel it. Also, the slight upping of carbs in diet is very welcome: I had two slices of whole wheat bread with onion & chive cottage cheese earlier and they felt deserved; I didn't touch bread at all during phase I.
Well, count me into the club, I did my first chest and back yesterday! Unfortunately today i can't flex my right tricep but oh well!

Question, I saw some recovery drink stuff earlier, but I'm trying a protein powder and it tastes like gloopy shit. Are there any good alternatives, like does chocolate milk really get the job done?
Inflammable Slinky said:
Well, count me into the club, I did my first chest and back yesterday! Unfortunately today i can't flex my right tricep but oh well!

Question, I saw some recovery drink stuff earlier, but I'm trying a protein powder and it tastes like gloopy shit. Are there any good alternatives, like does chocolate milk really get the job done?

4:1 recovery drinks tend to taste really good due to the high amounts of sugar(don't worry, the sugar isn't fructose). You can also try making your own mix if you can get your hands on some dextrose/maltose. Read post #1409 to see what I use.


Inflammable Slinky said:
Question, I saw some recovery drink stuff earlier, but I'm trying a protein powder and it tastes like gloopy shit. Are there any good alternatives, like does chocolate milk really get the job done?
I've been using chocolate milk so far and it works perfectly for me, and what I mean by that is that when I have a glass after my workout (about 200ml) I feel re-energised and don't suffer from as much pain the next day. And the taste is great. :D I can't be bothered finding the studies that also prove this, but google around and you'll find proof (there's some good links earlier in the thread too).


Yonn said:
I totally agree, I can barely lift my arms above my head right now. :lol I felt pretty good after managing to do the slow 3 in 1 without using my knees, but it went downhill after that... All of those different tricep extensions and push-up variations (plyometric pushups – what the hell?!) was completely new for me (and my body), and I can feel it. Also, the slight upping of carbs in diet is very welcome: I had two slices of whole wheat bread with onion & chive cottage cheese earlier and they felt deserved; I didn't touch bread at all during phase I.

Same here. 1st day of Phase II was brutal. Well, first WEEK of Phase II was actually brutal - and so much so, I'm little intimdated like I was in my 1st week of Phase I. (and contemplating cutting down the workout)

On phase I, though - the 2nd week was a breeze, with much more confidence and intensity. I hope I can keep that up from today, which I'll be doing the push-up maniac-x again tonight.


Neo Member
Inflammable Slinky said:
Well, count me into the club, I did my first chest and back yesterday! Unfortunately today i can't flex my right tricep but oh well!

Question, I saw some recovery drink stuff earlier, but I'm trying a protein powder and it tastes like gloopy shit. Are there any good alternatives, like does chocolate milk really get the job done?
I use Endurox R4 as my recovery drink (has that 4:1 carb protein ratio) immediately after a workout, and I like to have a protein shake in the morning after breakfast and right before going to bed (I use Six Star 'Premium Whey Protein' from WalMart).

- Breakfast protein shake helps me meet my protein intake needs (provides a little carbs too)
- pre-bedtime protein shake also aids with protein intake needs, and aids recovery during sleep
- Endurox recovery are like "liquid calories", providing your body with the carbs (dextrose), protein (whey), and vitamins and electrolytes it needs to promote recovery. Muscle glycogen stores are used up during intense exercise, and dextrose reaches your bloodstream relatively quickly so you don't have to worry about it adding to your body fat.

My arms are still pretty weak and sore today. I've got plyometrics in a few hours, but I fear for my arms during tomorrow's Back and Biceps routine :lol ...well the biceps should be doing most of the work, so hopefully I can hang


I placed my order this afternoon. 20% off the original price, with express shipping. If you hesitate to place an order chances are great they'll offer it to you even cheaper.


Just did ab ripper x.. with the full set for everything (paused twice, once before the heals to the heavens, and once during). This is the first time I managed to do fifer scissors without stopping and with good form; knee was not bend, or at least not at the start :lol


Starting this up again. Last summer I made it through the 30 days before I quit (didn't see results). Then 2 weeks later, I noticed I was thinner. I blew it.

Trying to bulk up is pretty tough with my metabolism. At 27, I lose all my muscle if I don't work out for 2 weeks. Anyway, I'm gonna "keep pressing play, keep pressing play..."
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