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What's this P90X workout stuff?

One of the things i'm struggling with is how much to eat. The nutrition guide gave me a ballpark of 1800 calories, but I'm like 140 pounds with ~10% body fat. I feel like I need to eat way more to put on anything.

Should I just try to consume like 900ish calories of protein a day or some shit?
Inflammable Slinky said:
One of the things i'm struggling with is how much to eat. The nutrition guide gave me a ballpark of 1800 calories, but I'm like 140 pounds with ~10% body fat. I feel like I need to eat way more to put on anything.

Should I just try to consume like 900ish calories of protein a day or some shit?

Try livestrong.com for a calorie counter. You can set it to weight gain if you want. Also check out the fitness thread and ask the guys in there. They know more about bulking then the people here.


Neo Member
Is doing Ab Ripper X 45min-1hr after Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps a bad idea? Or would Ab Ripper X not work as effectively as if I had done it immediately after? I had visitors come over when I had 40 seconds left in Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, and I wasn't able to get back to Ab Ripper X until almost an hour later.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.

So I finally moved into my new apartment, which means I'm working the P90x into my daily schedule. So, I started with Chest and Back.

Christ. I can't make it past 20 minutes. After the military pushups, I was done.

How the hell do you guys do this? I'm not fat or anything, but I feel like you need to be a Greek god to do this shit.
Dacvak said:

So I finally moved into my new apartment, which means I'm working the P90x into my daily schedule. So, I started with Chest and Back.

Christ. I can't make it past 20 minutes. After the military pushups, I was done.

How the hell do you guys do this? I'm not fat or anything, but I feel like you need to be a Greek god to do this shit.

Pace yourself and don't try to compete with the people in the video. Try to keep in mind the # of push ups you can do before failure and spread it out through out the video. Don't blow your load too quickly.


Neo Member
Dacvak said:

So I finally moved into my new apartment, which means I'm working the P90x into my daily schedule. So, I started with Chest and Back.

Christ. I can't make it past 20 minutes. After the military pushups, I was done.

How the hell do you guys do this? I'm not fat or anything, but I feel like you need to be a Greek god to do this shit.
What the other guy said, you have to pace yourself. First week is hard because you don't really know what your limit is before your form and strength start to fail you. But generally, you want to pace yourself so you can get through the first run through, then really 'bring it' on the second run through (Chest & Back is one of the repeat workouts, where you do it all over again once you hit the end)

MeshuggahMan said:
Question, my pull up bar seems to really push in on the sides of the door frame and cause big indents on it. I'm using http://www.amazon.com/Iron-Total-Upper-Body-Workout/dp/B001ND04U4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=sporting-goods&qid=1267482523&sr=8-1. Is there anyway to prevent or lessen this?
Is there any foam padding or cardboard cutout you can use as a sort of padding between the bar and the doorframe? I use the same bar, but the padding on the bar itself is sufficient enough to prevent denting


Well, decided to start the P90X program yesterday. On New Years Day my family decided to do a Biggest Loser challenge to see who could lose the largest percentage by Easter. I’m easily the most active of the bunch but the thing is that for the past couple of years I could never get past my plateau of around 215 – 220 lbs (I’m 5’8”).

At my largest out of college I was around 270 lbs and that’s when I got my Powertec leverage system (it is truly awesome by the way) but now I’ve been hovering around this weight for the past few years (32 years old now) even though I’m pretty active. So this 3 month challenge was a chance for me to prove myself.

My starting weight was 225.8lbs. For January I went back to being consistent on my normal workout routine while eating healthier. Quickly lost around 6 pounds that first week (but this was to be expected) and the next couple of weeks were kind of stagnant. Since I want to kind of “shock” the body and change up my routine I decide to follow the 12 Week Daily Video Trainer on Bodybuilder.com for the next 5 weeks. Great series and it helped my get past my plateau. I’m now at ~211lbs, the lightest I’ve been since my first year of college almost 15 years ago. I really like the 12-15 rep range to failure of this program.

But for this last month, I’m ready to change it up once more for the final push and that’s where the P90X comes in. I’m currently pretty happy with the amount of muscle I have but I just want to focus on losing fat and I’m hoping the P90X will let me hit my goal of 200lbs by Easter.

Got through the first workout of Chest and Back decently (had to use the chair for assisted pull-ups) but had to end up pausing with only 2 workouts to go. (I think it was divebombers and dumbbell rear raises) My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was a bit too nauseated. I also think having too much water with my creatine right before the workout didn’t help because I felt bloated and wanted to throw up towards the end. Starting off I felt pretty good because I was pumping out around 20-25 push-ups at the beginning but towards the end I think I only squeezed out 4 on that last set with the diamond push-ups, lol.

But I got through, thinking “man, that workout is no joke” and then I see the Ab Ripper come up next. I think “Oh that must be for tomorrow”…

Nope. Find out this morning that I was supposed to do it directly after chest and back. Well I guess I have a new goal for next Monday (and I guess this Wed and Fri as well). Plyometrics is next, we’ll see what I’m made of.


Dacvak said:

So I finally moved into my new apartment, which means I'm working the P90x into my daily schedule. So, I started with Chest and Back.

Christ. I can't make it past 20 minutes. After the military pushups, I was done.

How the hell do you guys do this? I'm not fat or anything, but I feel like you need to be a Greek god to do this shit.

I know exactly how you feel man. Each time I've restarted this (I never seem to make it past week 3 or 4; real life/laziness take over and prevent me from sticking to it), week one is a fucking nightmare. But week 2 is astonishing man; you won't believe how much stronger you'll feel, how just 10 divebombers seemed an utter impossibility in week one, but suddenly in week two, you want to try and hit 12.

Stick with it, and don't do 20 if they do 20, or 10 if they do 10. Pick a realistic goal for yourself, and simply try and improve on it each week (or each repetition if you revisit the same exercise in a workout). Nothing's to be gained from killing yourself trying to match these people who are essentially way past their 90 days.

As soon as I get over this fucking 48-hour flu (second one this year already, fuck me), I'm starting again. I need to be ripped for the summer!!
fatty said:
Well, decided to start the P90X program yesterday. On New Years Day my family decided to do a Biggest Loser challenge to see who could lose the largest percentage by Easter. I’m easily the most active of the bunch but the thing is that for the past couple of years I could never get past my plateau of around 215 – 220 lbs (I’m 5’8”).

At my largest out of college I was around 270 lbs and that’s when I got my Powertec leverage system (it is truly awesome by the way) but now I’ve been hovering around this weight for the past few years (32 years old now) even though I’m pretty active. So this 3 month challenge was a chance for me to prove myself.

My starting weight was 225.8lbs. For January I went back to being consistent on my normal workout routine while eating healthier. Quickly lost around 6 pounds that first week (but this was to be expected) and the next couple of weeks were kind of stagnant. Since I want to kind of “shock” the body and change up my routine I decide to follow the 12 Week Daily Video Trainer on Bodybuilder.com for the next 5 weeks. Great series and it helped my get past my plateau. I’m now at ~211lbs, the lightest I’ve been since my first year of college almost 15 years ago. I really like the 12-15 rep range to failure of this program.

But for this last month, I’m ready to change it up once more for the final push and that’s where the P90X comes in. I’m currently pretty happy with the amount of muscle I have but I just want to focus on losing fat and I’m hoping the P90X will let me hit my goal of 200lbs by Easter.

Got through the first workout of Chest and Back decently (had to use the chair for assisted pull-ups) but had to end up pausing with only 2 workouts to go. (I think it was divebombers and dumbbell rear raises) My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was a bit too nauseated. I also think having too much water with my creatine right before the workout didn’t help because I felt bloated and wanted to throw up towards the end. Starting off I felt pretty good because I was pumping out around 20-25 push-ups at the beginning but towards the end I think I only squeezed out 4 on that last set with the diamond push-ups, lol.

But I got through, thinking “man, that workout is no joke” and then I see the Ab Ripper come up next. I think “Oh that must be for tomorrow”…

Nope. Find out this morning that I was supposed to do it directly after chest and back. Well I guess I have a new goal for next Monday (and I guess this Wed and Fri as well). Plyometrics is next, we’ll see what I’m made of.

Don't forget to write down how many reps you do during those weight days. Also, take your time during plyo and modify. Try to go at your level. You don't need to go squat all the way down like the people on the video. You'll eventually get there, but not on your first try(It may take you up to a month or two, maybe even more).

Dacvak said:

So I finally moved into my new apartment, which means I'm working the P90x into my daily schedule. So, I started with Chest and Back.

Christ. I can't make it past 20 minutes. After the military pushups, I was done.

How the hell do you guys do this? I'm not fat or anything, but I feel like you need to be a Greek god to do this shit.

:lol Yea, I was thinking the same my first week. I was like, "da fuck.... diamond push-ups this late into the workout?!?" Fast forward to phase 3 and right off the bat I was able to do 10 diamonds like it was second nature. Also, because I stuck with Yoga, those dive bombers were a cinch(one of the reasons why you should do Yoga people). Overall, HUGE difference from week 1. I was able to do all of the push-ups in chest/back unassisted. :D :D :D

Just finished plyo and that shit killed me. :lol Pushed myself much harder then before, going all the way down for my squats. I had to take a few extended breaks, but it was worth it. No pain, no gain!

Here's some motivation for people struggling. First 3 column push-ups are all assisted. Last column is all normal.


Masta_Killah said:
Yoga helps with flexibility, recovery time, and helps prevent injury. Up to you if you want to skip it, but why would you? The p90x program was designed with yoga in mind. Skipping it would make the entire p90x program pointless.
Really? So without it I won't build muscle/lose fat? I find that hard to believe.
Dechaios said:
Really? So without it I won't build muscle/lose fat? I find that hard to believe.

All that stretching helps with muscle recovery. You're going to be sore throughout the program and what yoga does is allow you to work on those sore muscles, thus allowing you to push yourself further when you get to the other workouts. Stretching also pulls on those muscle fibers, allowing them to grow faster when you start your weight workouts(could be wrong but this is what I was told when I did weight training a few years ago). It also helps prevent injury. Everyone I've worked out with do some form of stretching.


I want to start this program so badly, but I seem to have developed both tendonitis and a minor stress fracture on the same freaking foot. Note to self: stick to 10% running rule next time.

Is this program fairly high impact? Like jumping around and all that, or is it about an bad as, say, biking? I want to cross-train or something while I heal, but I don't want to make my now minor injuries something worse.
nyong said:
I want to start this program so badly, but I seem to have developed both tendonitis and a minor stress fracture on the same freaking foot. Note to self: stick to 10% running rule next time.

Is this program fairly high impact? Like jumping around and all that, or is it about an bad as, say, biking? I want to cross-train or something while I heal, but I don't want to make my now minor injuries something worse.

It's high impact, high intensity. Allow yourself to recover fully before taking on the program. Try doing some low impact routines like an elliptical or a swimming pool(to build strength). You could probably do the weight workouts though(chest/back/tri/bi/shoulders). I'd just stay away from the cardio stuff like plyo, kenpo and yoga till full recovery.


Masta_Killah said:
It's high impact, high intensity. Allow yourself to recover fully before taking on the program. Try doing some low impact routines like an elliptical or a swimming pool(to build strength). You could probably do the weight workouts though(chest/back/tri/bi/shoulders). I'd just stay away from the cardio stuff like plyo, kenpo and yoga till full recovery.

Lame. Oh well, it will give me time to plan my diet perfectly.


Masta_Killah said:
All that stretching helps with muscle recovery. You're going to be sore throughout the program and what yoga does is allow you to work on those sore muscles, thus allowing you to push yourself further when you get to the other workouts. Stretching also pulls on those muscle fibers, allowing them to grow faster when you start your weight workouts(could be wrong but this is what I was told when I did weight training a few years ago). It also helps prevent injury. Everyone I've worked out with do some form of stretching.

I would say that for those who want to do a less intense yoga routine but still want to get all that stretching in that they could skip the last 8 or 10 minutes of the “vinyasa” section.

so the crazy half moons, twisted half moons, warrior 3 poses etc are skipped but you still get in a bunch of warrior poses and then 45 minutes of stretching plus the abs stuff at the end.

after a while, though, it will be easier to get through the whole yoga routine.


Masta_Killah said:
Try livestrong.com for a calorie counter. You can set it to weight gain if you want. Also check out the fitness thread and ask the guys in there. They know more about bulking then the people here.

Damn...is this thing right? It says I need to eat 3800 calories to gain a pound a week!
LCfiner said:
I would say that for those who want to do a less intense yoga routine but still want to get all that stretching in that they could skip the last 8 or 10 minutes of the “vinyasa” section.

so the crazy half moons, twisted half moons, warrior 3 poses etc are skipped but you still get in a bunch of warrior poses and then 45 minutes of stretching plus the abs stuff at the end.

after a while, though, it will be easier to get through the whole yoga routine.

I hated those first 45 minutes when I first started. I didn't even bother doing push ups during downward/upward dogs. Now, I love doing them. Being able to perform those moves when you first struggled with feels so satisfying and it really motivates you to push even harder.

Barrage said:
Damn...is this thing right? It says I need to eat 3800 calories to gain a pound a week!

The calories sound a lot, but when you're actively being physical, you'll be burning calories and will be constantly hungry. Also, as said by the guys in the fitness thread, gaining muscle is a lot tougher then it sounds. Try to keep track of your food intake and you can get a rough estimate on how many calories you need to consume per day. Once you do that, divide it by how many meals you'll be eating per day. You usually want around 6 meals(including snacks) per day, not including your recovery drinks. Also, you can do the milk diet that the guys in the fitness thread recommend if you want to bulk. It makes reaching that calorie goal much easier.



First plyometrics workout is done and I was able to complete all of it, keeping up with their reps! I even went lower at times on my squats! Woo hoo, I pumped!

Don't get me wrong, it was hard, and right when we got to the bonus section after that football workout I was doubting that I would be able to repeat the sport set but I lucked out as they only did it once. I think the reason why I was able to finish this workout out successfully was because I play football and basketball almost weekly and I'm always pushing myself.

I'm terrible when it comes to endurance stuff like running more than a mile but HIIT type stuff I'm pretty good at. When playing basketball I'm not the best shooter but I'm constantly running up and down the court trying to get a fast break and then back on defense. On football I try to cover a fast receiver on defense and then get right back to running routes on offense.

Man, I'm so glad I was able to finish this one successfully on my first try, I was a bit discouraged yesterday since it will be a while until I can go without unassisted pull-ups. And I know I will struggle again tomorrow but it's nice to see all that hustling in sports has paid off.

The times I checked my heart rate was around 165-170 after each set so it was going pretty good. My whole shirt is literally soaked...but "it feels good, man".

Masta_Killah said:
Don't forget to write down how many reps you do during those weight days. Also, take your time during plyo and modify. Try to go at your level. You don't need to go squat all the way down like the people on the video. You'll eventually get there, but not on your first try(It may take you up to a month or two, maybe even more).

Yep, I've got my reps written down for yesterday's workout. I think I'm going to try and pace myself a little better on the weight exercise days so I can try and finish strong. Here is how I did on the first day and how bad I struggled toward the end. :lol
Every pull up I had to use a chair otherwise I would only be able to crank out 1 or 2.

1st complete set
Standard push ups - 23
Assisted wide grip pull-ups - 15
Military push ups - 16
Assisted Rev. grip pull up - 16
Wide grip push ups - 20
Assisted narrow grip pull up - 10
Decline push up - 10
Pull pants up - 18 w/ 30lbs
Diamond push ups - 10
Lawnmower - 20 w/ 30lbs
Dive bomber - 9
Back flyes - 15 w/ 20lbs

2nd complete set
Assisted wide grip pull-ups - 12
Standard push ups - 20
Assisted Rev. grip pull up - 12
Military push ups - 20
Assisted narrow grip pull up - 12
Wide grip push ups - 15
Pull pants up - 12 w/ 30lbs
Decline push up - 12
Lawnmower - 20 w/ 30lbs
Diamond push ups - 8 (so so hard, had to do these on my knees)
(much needed 5 minute break)
Back flyes - 13 w/ 20lbs
Dive bomber - 10

Didn't do Ab Ripper.

I need to use larger weights for the dumbbell rows and and lawnmower exercise though, too many reps.
fatty said:

First plyometrics workout is done and I was able to complete all of it, keeping up with their reps! I even went lower at times on my squats! Woo hoo, I pumped!

Don't get me wrong, it was hard, and right when we got to the bonus section after that football workout I was doubting that I would be able to repeat the sport set but I lucked out as they only did it once. I think the reason why I was able to finish this workout out successfully was because I play football and basketball almost weekly and I'm always pushing myself.

I'm terrible when it comes to endurance stuff like running more than a mile but HIIT type stuff I'm pretty good at. When playing basketball I'm not the best shooter but I'm constantly running up and down the court trying to get a fast break and then back on defense. On football I try to cover a fast receiver on defense and then get right back to running routes on offense.

Man, I'm so glad I was able to finish this one successfully on my first try, I was a bit discouraged yesterday since it will be a while until I can go without unassisted pull-ups. And I know I will struggle again tomorrow but it's nice to see all that hustling in sports has paid off.

The times I checked my heart rate was around 165-170 after each set so it was going pretty good. My whole shirt is literally soaked...but "it feels good, man".

Yep, I've got my reps written down for yesterday's workout. I think I'm going to try and pace myself a little better on the weight exercise days so I can try and finish strong. Here is how I did on the first day and how bad I struggled toward the end. :lol
Every pull up I had to use a chair otherwise I would only be able to crank out 1 or 2.

1st complete set
Standard push ups - 23
Assisted wide grip pull-ups - 15
Military push ups - 16
Assisted Rev. grip pull up - 16
Wide grip push ups - 20
Assisted narrow grip pull up - 10
Decline push up - 10
Pull pants up - 18 w/ 30lbs
Diamond push ups - 10
Lawnmower - 20 w/ 30lbs
Dive bomber - 9
Back flyes - 15 w/ 20lbs

2nd complete set
Assisted wide grip pull-ups - 12
Standard push ups - 20
Assisted Rev. grip pull up - 12
Military push ups - 20
Assisted narrow grip pull up - 12
Wide grip push ups - 15
Pull pants up - 12 w/ 30lbs
Decline push up - 12
Lawnmower - 20 w/ 30lbs
Diamond push ups - 8 (so so hard, had to do these on my knees)
(much needed 5 minute break)
Back flyes - 13 w/ 20lbs
Dive bomber - 10

Didn't do Ab Ripper.

I need to use larger weights for the dumbbell rows and and lawnmower exercise though, too many reps.

Nice. You're one of the few lucky ones when it comes to plyo. Most of us get our asses handed when it comes to that routine. :lol

Keep at it and by the end, you'll probably be ripped with the numbers you're producing. Just make sure you're eating enough food to fuel your muscles.
Entered Phase 2 yesterday. So I know I'm only 1/3rd of the way through this program, but I still have no idea if it's working or not. My weight is dropping (started at 218, now at 211) but I don't see any visible changes in my body. It's so hard to tell though when you see yourself everyday. Hopefully I'm not just losing muscle...

Maybe by the end of Phase 2 I will see some differences. It really is discouraging to work so hard and not see any results.


ArachosiA 78 said:
Entered Phase 2 yesterday. So I know I'm only 1/3rd of the way through this program, but I still have no idea if it's working or not. My weight is dropping (started at 218, now at 211) but I don't see any visible changes in my body. It's so hard to tell though when you see yourself everyday. Hopefully I'm not just losing muscle...

Maybe by the end of Phase 2 I will see some differences. It really is discouraging to work so hard and not see any results.

Just keep working at it because Phase 1 is really only for you to get acclimated to the workout. Phase 2 and 3 is where you really really push yourself. You won't magically get muscles and a 6 pack in 1 month. Losing 7 pounds in 1 month is something you should be proud of.
mYm|17| said:
Just keep working at it because Phase 1 is really only for you to get acclimated to the workout. Phase 2 and 3 is where you really really push yourself. You won't magically get muscles and a 6 pack in 1 month. Losing 7 pounds in 1 month is something you should be proud of.

Thanks. I just keep telling myself to follow through with the program, and then after the 13 weeks is up I can evaluate whether or not it worked.
I find it REALLY hard to believe that you're following the workout exactly for a month and not seeing any visible improvement. You're probably just used to yourself and not noticing. Or consuming enough food to cancel it? I don't know.

And seven pounds is awesome !


I'd really like to try doing this, but since I work swing shift (3PM-11:30PM) I don't think it would work out.

Going to work where I have to move and lift a lot when I'm completely sore from working out during the day seems like a bad idea.
Thanks, Funky. Yeah, that must be it. Obviously weight is coming off; but I am just concerned that it may be more muscle than fat. In which case I would need to bump up my calories a bit.

nataku said:
I'd really like to try doing this, but since I work swing shift (3PM-11:30PM) I don't think it would work out.

Going to work where I have to move and lift a lot when I'm completely sore from working out during the day seems like a bad idea.

How does the shift you work prevent you from being able to do this? Also, the soreness is only there for the first week or so.


ArachosiA 78 said:
Thanks, Funky. Yeah, that must be it. Obviously weight is coming off; but I am just concerned that it may be more muscle than fat. In which case I would need to bump up my calories a bit.

Congrats again on finishing the first month and the 7 pounds. How close are you following the P90X diet? I've a week and a half in, but have been pretty much just trying to eat healthy and sorta following their recommended portion thing.

Has anyone been using that P90X recovery drink? I've just been having a protein shake after a workout, but I keep on reading on other boards that that 4:1 carb to protein ratio is very important. I've already bought a couple tubs of protein mix and was considering the P90X recovery drink, but not sure if I should spend even more money.
ocadman said:
Congrats again on finishing the first month and the 7 pounds. How close are you following the P90X diet? I've a week and a half in, but have been pretty much just trying to eat healthy and sorta following their recommended portion thing.

Has anyone been using that P90X recovery drink? I've just been having a protein shake after a workout, but I keep on reading on other boards that that 4:1 carb to protein ratio is very important. I've already bought a couple tubs of protein mix and was considering the P90X recovery drink, but not sure if I should spend even more money.

Thank you. I'm not following the P90X diet really. I actually am taking it a couple steps further. For one, I carefully weigh/measure and eat the same foods everyday, so I know that I am getting exactly 45%protein, 35% carbs and 20% fats (2,100 calories total).

Additionally, I employ the strategy of calorie/carb cycling. Every 4th day I bump up my carbs to 50% and my calories to 2,500 (this is a to confuse my body and prevent it from going into starvation mode).

I have been using the recovery drink. It's expensive, but it does taste pretty damn good, and I am never sore, so it might actually be helping with muscle recovery like it's supposed to.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Is this a good workout if you want to gain muscle? I don't want to get any skinnier...

Also, a pull-up bar is not an option in my place. I don't have any appropriate doorways...am I screwed?
140.85 said:
Is this a good workout if you want to gain muscle? I don't want to get any skinnier...

Not really. It's possible to gain muscle doing P90X, but you'd have better luck just eating a shitload of food and lifting heavy weights. P90X is more suited to getting in really great shape and getting nice muscle definition.


It is now day 38 and I've just managed to do the first unassisted chin-up of my life, and with good form too! It took over a month to get here (I couldn't move at all while hanging from the bar a month ago), but it was worth it. I can nearly do an unassisted pull-up, but I'm not quite there yet; I should be in a week or so. Feels awesome! :D

140.85, you can definitely gain some muscle with P90X, but you might wanna up the calories a bit and keep the protein high. Check the fitness thread for more info. And instead of a pull-up bar you can attach bands to a door to work the muscles in almost the same way – they show you how to do all of the exercises with bands in the videos.


ArachosiA 78 said:
Thanks, Funky. Yeah, that must be it. Obviously weight is coming off; but I am just concerned that it may be more muscle than fat. In which case I would need to bump up my calories a bit.

How does the shift you work prevent you from being able to do this? Also, the soreness is only there for the first week or so.

Everyone says how brutal this is, I figured you'd be sore as hell all the time. Going into a physical job already sore just didn't seem like a good idea. If that's not the case, then great.

I'll just need to look into the total costs now.


Neo Member
nataku said:
Everyone says how brutal this is, I figured you'd be sore as hell all the time. Going into a physical job already sore just didn't seem like a good idea. If that's not the case, then great.

I'll just need to look into the total costs now.
It starts off brutal, and remains pretty intense the entire time, but the soreness is nothing like the first week. In the first week, I felt like I was going to die - all my muscles were sore by the end of the week, and I struggled hard to keep up with the workouts later in the week, especially Kenpo X. I still get soreness from the workouts (I'm in phase 2, week 2), but nowhere near the amount of stress and pain of phase 1, week 1.
140.85 said:
Is this a good workout if you want to gain muscle? I don't want to get any skinnier...

Also, a pull-up bar is not an option in my place. I don't have any appropriate doorways...am I screwed?

It's not the best routine if you're looking to bulk-up, but obviously if you stick to heavy weights and lower reps you will be able to increase muscle mass pretty well over the course of the program. Just make sure to keep your caloric intake appropriately high and take in a lot of protein. The only real problem I found going through this program the first time is that push-ups aren't a perfect replacement for bench-pressing and other resistance exercises that work the chest (there really aren't any aside from one I can think of in all of P90X). Whenever I pick the program back up I try and add some sort of pectoral resistance training on Thursdays (my 4th day). The rest of the resistance days are good enough to put muscle everywhere else on your body.

If you don't have a pull-up option, you're gonna need to look into using resistance bands. Opening a door and slinging the bands over the door and in-between the door and door-frame on top of the hinge is usually good enough.


ArachosiA 78 said:
Entered Phase 2 yesterday. So I know I'm only 1/3rd of the way through this program, but I still have no idea if it's working or not. My weight is dropping (started at 218, now at 211) but I don't see any visible changes in my body. It's so hard to tell though when you see yourself everyday. Hopefully I'm not just losing muscle...

Maybe by the end of Phase 2 I will see some differences. It really is discouraging to work so hard and not see any results.

You weigh 211 and you're only eating 2100 calories a day. Pretty sure under the guidelines in the fitness manual you should be at least at 2700 (Don't have it with me, but thought it was 10 x your weight, plus 600 to give you enough energy for the workouts). Maybe this is why you're losing muscle.
Valkyr Junkie said:
It's not the best routine if you're looking to bulk-up, but obviously if you stick to heavy weights and lower reps you will be able to increase muscle mass pretty well over the course of the program. Just make sure to keep your caloric intake appropriately high and take in a lot of protein. The only real problem I found going through this program the first time is that push-ups aren't a perfect replacement for bench-pressing and other resistance exercises that work the chest (there really aren't any aside from one I can think of in all of P90X). Whenever I pick the program back up I try and add some sort of pectoral resistance training on Thursdays (my 4th day). The rest of the resistance days are good enough to put muscle everywhere else on your body.

If you don't have a pull-up option, you're gonna need to look into using resistance bands. Opening a door and slinging the bands over the door and in-between the door and door-frame on top of the hinge is usually good enough.

You could try modifying those push-ups. Weighted vest, one foot in the air, stack footed, variable speeds, as well as combining moves can help intensify push-ups. I believe those One-on-One videos with Tony use that philosophy. Also check out youtube for those ghetto gym workout vids. They show some nice variations on the same moves that are on the p90x program. Just adapt and modify those moves for home use.


Notice the moves are similiar to p90x, except much more intense. Look at that corn cob pull up. O_O


Here's another with more push-up variations.


ArachosiA 78 said:
Entered Phase 2 yesterday. So I know I'm only 1/3rd of the way through this program, but I still have no idea if it's working or not. My weight is dropping (started at 218, now at 211) but I don't see any visible changes in my body. It's so hard to tell though when you see yourself everyday. Hopefully I'm not just losing muscle...

Maybe by the end of Phase 2 I will see some differences. It really is discouraging to work so hard and not see any results.

I know exactly how you feel, and I cannot recommend enough that you take progress pics! There have been plenty of times when i've I thought I hadn't made any visible progress just by looking at myself, or that the scale's numbers weren't shifting the way i'd expect/want them to, but make some side by side comparison pics, and you'll notice some changes.

Quick update, i'm about a month into my "hybrid" routine, and now i'm adding in some of the P90X cardio. Yesterday I did Plyo X, and despite not having done it in a while, I was able to do pretty good.

Here's a pic I took on monday shortly after my chest workout...bicep vein starting to become more visible(when pumped)



Neo Member
I've never heard of LiveStrong.com before, but now I'm using their calorie counter. It's pretty nifty, actually. And I got the $3 app for my Storm, for those times I have money to eat out in this economy :D


ArachosiA 78 said:
Entered Phase 2 yesterday. So I know I'm only 1/3rd of the way through this program, but I still have no idea if it's working or not. My weight is dropping (started at 218, now at 211) but I don't see any visible changes in my body. It's so hard to tell though when you see yourself everyday. Hopefully I'm not just losing muscle...

Maybe by the end of Phase 2 I will see some differences. It really is discouraging to work so hard and not see any results.

When I first finished the 30 days, I didn't see change either... until 2 weeks after I had quit. THEN I noticed that I was thinner than I had been. Since I'm trying to bulk up, it was a noticeable change as I had lost the muscle I gained.

You're just getting used to your body because you see it everyday. Someone else said it, but doing the pictures really helps. Then you'll be saying "I was THAT skinny?"


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I just tried Ab Ripper for the first time.

UUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. I could barely make it to the halfway point of the video.

3 days into this, and I'm completely beat all over. I'm utterly destroyed. I feel like shit.

How on earth do you people do this?


Dacvak said:
I just tried Ab Ripper for the first time.

UUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. I could barely make it to the halfway point of the video.

3 days into this, and I'm completely beat all over. I'm utterly destroyed. I feel like shit.

How on earth do you people do this?

week 2 gets much better. trust us. your body adapts incredibly quickly and you no longer feel debilitating pain days after each workout :lol

also, Tony says many times that you’re not gonna be keeping pace with them when you start out. just do what you can and you’ll get better in weeks.


Neo Member
Dacvak said:
I just tried Ab Ripper for the first time.

UUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. I could barely make it to the halfway point of the video.

3 days into this, and I'm completely beat all over. I'm utterly destroyed. I feel like shit.

How on earth do you people do this?
Go at your own pace, and pause the video if you have to. I know I paused in my first several Ab Ripper X sessions because I needed more time to hit 25 reps for certain moves. It will get better in time.

I find that I pause in different spots now than before, because I'm able to maintain good form and push harder in exercises where I used to pause, but as a result, causing me to pause on other exercises later into the workout.


Hey guys. I recently started P90X, on to week 2 now. I'll post about some results when I actually have some :)

I have adapted this calendar from P90 to P90X that I found online.

I found it useful to have it hung up on a wall somewhere, and cross off dates as you go through. If anyone finds mistakes, or wants it adapted to another routine please let me know.

Grab it here:



After taking only a few days off, I got back on and I am just super tired after working out. Good thing this is my recovery week.
Just did arms/shoulders today. Took me nearly 2 1/2 hours to complete, including ab ripper. Took my time and went for that burn. Felt good. :D


Neo Member
I've got a question for those of you using the LiveStrong.com calorie counter. I've got my daily calorie intake goal set to 2400, and I'm currently within 425 of reaching that goal. But when I enter my Yoga into the fitness section, it takes the appropriate amount of calories away, so that I end up 1000 calories away from my goal.

I might be asking a stupid question, but I should be eating 2400 calories (I'm level 2, btw) period, right? aka I don't have to factor in my daily workout?
nomster said:
You weigh 211 and you're only eating 2100 calories a day. Pretty sure under the guidelines in the fitness manual you should be at least at 2700 (Don't have it with me, but thought it was 10 x your weight, plus 600 to give you enough energy for the workouts). Maybe this is why you're losing muscle.

Yeah, this could definitely be the case. I will watch the scale closely this week, and if I drop more than 2 lbs than I know that some of that is muscle so I will have to up the calories a bit.
OmniGamer said:
I know exactly how you feel, and I cannot recommend enough that you take progress pics! There have been plenty of times when i've I thought I hadn't made any visible progress just by looking at myself, or that the scale's numbers weren't shifting the way i'd expect/want them to, but make some side by side comparison pics, and you'll notice some changes.

You're right, I really should take some pics. I'll try to remember to take some after my workout today.
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