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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Kronotech said:
Starting this up again. Last summer I made it through the 30 days before I quit (didn't see results). Then 2 weeks later, I noticed I was thinner. I blew it.

Trying to bulk up is pretty tough with my metabolism. At 27, I lose all my muscle if I don't work out for 2 weeks. Anyway, I'm gonna "keep pressing play, keep pressing play..."

Wait till you hit 36 like I am. 27 ain't so bad. :lol It looks like I gain muscle right after the workout, and in the following evening it flops back to fat. ;)

Wish I could have started at 27. Well, at 24, I did join a Gym. Only went 2 times, due to severe muscle soreness. I didn't have a single clue about any "warm-ups" or "reps/sets". I just did whatever weight that could handle at max, and nearly killed myself doing bench press. ;)

Even at 27, I had pretty low metabolism, that I was gaining fat pretty easily. I was definitely very very inactive person - sitting playing videogames for hours and hours after work. Even at work, I was doing Gafing (back then, it was GAF) constantly in a seated position. (still am, though).


did my 2nd Shoulders, Chest and Tricep workout. Man... tons of push ups. I had to begin on my knees from the beginning just to keep up with the lady who, did much more than I did. :( But I do see little bit of improvement on my reps and all - so that's a good sign. Only thing is that my right elbow somehow "click"s when I do deep push up... like my knee joint. I wonder if it's a sign that I shouldn't push too hard? :(

Anyhow, love the feeling of the muscle bulking up right after workout. Too bad it disappears right next morning or so... I started from near zero, and maybe I gained about 1/4 compared to any healthy male it seems. At this point, I just can't see my six pack suddenly bulging and my man boobs would be completely gone by end of 90 days. Better not hope for miracles... that I'm just glad that I am sticking to some good workout routine and most importantly, healthier eating habbits. Less fat, less salt, and less spicy.

To be honest, it feels like that I haven't been taking too much of protein like its suggested. I am trying my best, but I somehow developed more taste into veggies now. Almost mandatorily I am eating grilled chicken breast slices down at the cafeteria, and drink protein drink in the morning, protein snack bar, and all.. but sometimes no protein in the dinner at all. Too much protein, somehow bloats my stomach, and at the dinner I have to be very careful not to overeat - because I have to workout in about hour or hour and half. So my Plyo days (Tues) I stay away from any heavy eating nor protein - just some soup and couple pieces of potato bread, and maybe a light sald.... wait, I had some tofu today for protein. Love tofu. :)

But what i'm really into these days is any grilled veggies. LOL. I used to dream about fried chicken and all the junk food - but at this point of my training, I just find them rather unappealing to me now... which is a good thing. Being an Korean origin, I can take pretty spicy food with no problem. At least I used to. Today, I wanted to spice up my dry chicken breast with something - and used some Thai chilly sauce which I had no problem gobbling down before... and my taste buds has gone really soft thesedays, and my mouth was on fire, looking for water, burning up. LOL. I used to love mexican habanero sauce - I think I'll probably pass out if I had that XXX spicy food now. ;)


Neo Member
koam said:
Just did ab ripper x.. with the full set for everything (paused twice, once before the heals to the heavens, and once during). This is the first time I managed to do fifer scissors without stopping and with good form; knee was not bend, or at least not at the start :lol
Lucky, my legs only stay straight for like the first 3, then I have to bend more and more gradually in order for me to continue doing the exercise!

Plyometrics was actually refreshing today. I was able to put more into the exercise because the recover week allowed my poor legs to rest, and as a result, I was able to jump higher and squat lower during the exercises without having to take any breaks. My squats were a little lower, but my pace was closer to Tony and the kids' (I went at a much slower paced in Phase I)

Tomorrow is Cardio X + Back, Biceps, Ab Ripper X. I expect to be wiped out by Back and Biceps, but I'm looking forward to seeing if I can improve my Ab Ripper X routine more


So I just started my first recovery week and have come down with a tummy bug. Really sucks as I was already feeling a bit demotivated and this is just making it worse. :(


f-castrillo said:
Plyometrics was actually refreshing today. I was able to put more into the exercise because the recover week allowed my poor legs to rest, and as a result, I was able to jump higher and squat lower during the exercises without having to take any breaks. My squats were a little lower, but my pace was closer to Tony and the kids' (I went at a much slower paced in Phase I)

Holy shit! I never thought of going at a slower pace then them. I always went at their speed, but I would crap at maybe 20 seconds. I'll have to attempt going slower then them, but lasting the whole 30 seconds.
My mind is fucking blown. And I don't know why, i go at my own pace for everything else.


lachesis said:
Wait till you hit 36 like I am. 27 ain't so bad. :lol It looks like I gain muscle right after the workout, and in the following evening it flops back to fat. ;)

Wish I could have started at 27. Well, at 24, I did join a Gym. Only went 2 times, due to severe muscle soreness. I didn't have a single clue about any "warm-ups" or "reps/sets". I just did whatever weight that could handle at max, and nearly killed myself doing bench press. ;)

Even at 27, I had pretty low metabolism, that I was gaining fat pretty easily. I was definitely very very inactive person - sitting playing videogames for hours and hours after work. Even at work, I was doing Gafing (back then, it was GAF) constantly in a seated position. (still am, though).


did my 2nd Shoulders, Chest and Tricep workout. Man... tons of push ups. I had to begin on my knees from the beginning just to keep up with the lady who, did much more than I did. :( But I do see little bit of improvement on my reps and all - so that's a good sign. Only thing is that my right elbow somehow "click"s when I do deep push up... like my knee joint. I wonder if it's a sign that I shouldn't push too hard? :(

Anyhow, love the feeling of the muscle bulking up right after workout. Too bad it disappears right next morning or so... I started from near zero, and maybe I gained about 1/4 compared to any healthy male it seems. At this point, I just can't see my six pack suddenly bulging and my man boobs would be completely gone by end of 90 days. Better not hope for miracles... that I'm just glad that I am sticking to some good workout routine and most importantly, healthier eating habbits. Less fat, less salt, and less spicy.

To be honest, it feels like that I haven't been taking too much of protein like its suggested. I am trying my best, but I somehow developed more taste into veggies now. Almost mandatorily I am eating grilled chicken breast slices down at the cafeteria, and drink protein drink in the morning, protein snack bar, and all.. but sometimes no protein in the dinner at all. Too much protein, somehow bloats my stomach, and at the dinner I have to be very careful not to overeat - because I have to workout in about hour or hour and half. So my Plyo days (Tues) I stay away from any heavy eating nor protein - just some soup and couple pieces of potato bread, and maybe a light sald.... wait, I had some tofu today for protein. Love tofu. :)

But what i'm really into these days is any grilled veggies. LOL. I used to dream about fried chicken and all the junk food - but at this point of my training, I just find them rather unappealing to me now... which is a good thing. Being an Korean origin, I can take pretty spicy food with no problem. At least I used to. Today, I wanted to spice up my dry chicken breast with something - and used some Thai chilly sauce which I had no problem gobbling down before... and my taste buds has gone really soft thesedays, and my mouth was on fire, looking for water, burning up. LOL. I used to love mexican habanero sauce - I think I'll probably pass out if I had that XXX spicy food now. ;)

Sorry, I should have clarified. I'm actually in the opposite boat. My metabolism is too high and has been since high school. I can't put on muscle worth anything and as soon as I put it on, it's tough to keep it.

My dad didn't gain a waist size until he turned 40 and our genes are quite similar, unfortunately. I guess I'm just trying to break the mold. C'mon P90X! Bulk me up like a mammoth!


Kronotech said:
Sorry, I should have clarified. I'm actually in the opposite boat. My metabolism is too high and has been since high school. I can't put on muscle worth anything and as soon as I put it on, it's tough to keep it.

My dad didn't gain a waist size until he turned 40 and our genes are quite similar, unfortunately. I guess I'm just trying to break the mold. C'mon P90X! Bulk me up like a mammoth!

Nah, you were perfectly clear. But I just think being thin > fat... I'll take thin body any day of week. ;) I guess it's always greener on the other side. :D I wish I had high metabolism like you do... I only had really high metabolism during my high school days. After college, it was pretty much all down hill. :( Being able to whatever you'd like to your heart extent, without worrying of getting this belly fat... must be a blessing.


Neo Member
The scales are starting to show a little promise. Yes, I still check the scales every day, but I try not to take it to heart.

I weighed and did my bodyfat measurements this morning after emptying out my bladder, and I was 185.2 lbs and 25.3% body fat. That's a significant difference from the 189-192 lbs and 26.2-.9% that I've been averaging the last few weeks. I guess my feelings that I pushed hard in yesterday's Plyo session is kinda validated now :D. So naturally, my newfound extra motivation allowed me to push harder during this morning's Cardio X. I burned up 590 calories in the hour of Cardio X (45 minutes of exercise + checking my heartrate for the following 15 minutes to see how my heartrate drops post-workout). I think I usually average closer to the high 400s/low 500s, so this motivated me even more (used wrist weights for Kenpo section again).

I can't wait to do my first Back & Biceps today, it'll probably bring my motivation down to the ground :lol but at least there's the oh-so-familiar Ab Ripper X afterwards
Kronotech said:
Sorry, I should have clarified. I'm actually in the opposite boat. My metabolism is too high and has been since high school.

eat moar. bulking requires eating. a lot. more than u think. there's so many ppl who want to bulk up but eat way too little.

try the gallon of whole milk a day-diet (in addition to what you already eat). keep it up for a few months.


I'm not sure what to do about the diet. I have just completed phase 1 but still have some fat I want to lose. Should I carry on with the Fat shredder phase of the diet or move onto the second phase?


plyo killed me today, it normally doesn't but i was low on energy and did it late tonight. Still finished it and thank god for the second wind that I got. Damn you Mary-Catherines!

I'm not sure what to do about the diet. I have just completed phase 1 but still have some fat I want to lose. Should I carry on with the Fat shredder phase of the diet or move onto the second phase?

If you read the manual, it says to redo Phase 1s diet and skip to phase 3 later.


Neo Member
zankara said:
I'm not sure what to do about the diet. I have just completed phase 1 but still have some fat I want to lose. Should I carry on with the Fat shredder phase of the diet or move onto the second phase?
I would add a little bit more carbs to your diet, but not enough to call it the Energy Booster (phase 2) diet. That's what I did, and while I've only been in phase 2 for 3 days, my weight and body fat went down significantly. During the last week of phase 1 and the recovery week, I floated around 189-192lbs and a mid-26.x body fat percentage.

3 Days ago, at the start of Phase 2, I was 189.2 lbs and had 25.9% body fat. This morning, I was 185.2 and body fat had gone down to 25.3%. For me, it was probably a combination of getting used to the new routines (Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps), being able to hold better form and work harder during Ab Ripper X, and having some extra energy from the added carbs to really 'bring it' during the workouts (I noticed I was really pushing it during Plyometrics). Of course, I also have some newfound energy from having that recovery week, so I've been able to push harder in all areas of my exercise :)

Long story short, I would try adding a little carbs back into your meal plans. It might allow you to go that extra mile during workouts where you normally wouldn't :D. And if the added carbs doesn't do much for you (or prevents fat from burning as fast), you can just cut back again.


I had Back and Biceps today, and as expected, I was pretty blown away. Not as much as Chest, Shoulders, and Tris, but my biceps were pretty much done for the day after the workout. My left arm (non-dominant side) failed a little bit earlier than my right, and as a result, I had to take mini breaks in order to allow the left arm to muster up the strength to finish the reps.

The new pullups were insane too. I was able to eek out 5 wide front pullups, and 8 switch grip pullups (with sketchy form and rests between switching), but after that, all pullups were assisted. The worst one for me were the corn cob pullups. Right, left, in, out, wtf :lol

Ab Ripper X was a mixed bag for me today. Some of my 'weak' exercises were a little better today, and I found myself taking mini breaks during the exercises that I normally don't rest in. But I got through the 50 mason twists pretty well compared to the other day, the burn kicked in much later than it has in the past. :D

And I got my big ass Endurox lime flavor in the mail today, my fruit punch Endurox will run out in a day or two, so hopefully lemon lime doesn't dissapoint!


f-castrillo said:
I would add a little bit more carbs to your diet, but not enough to call it the Energy Booster (phase 2) diet. That's what I did, and while I've only been in phase 2 for 3 days, my weight and body fat went down significantly. During the last week of phase 1 and the recovery week, I floated around 189-192lbs and a mid-26.x body fat percentage.

3 Days ago, at the start of Phase 2, I was 189.2 lbs and had 25.9% body fat. This morning, I was 185.2 and body fat had gone down to 25.3%. For me, it was probably a combination of getting used to the new routines (Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps), being able to hold better form and work harder during Ab Ripper X, and having some extra energy from the added carbs to really 'bring it' during the workouts (I noticed I was really pushing it during Plyometrics). Of course, I also have some newfound energy from having that recovery week, so I've been able to push harder in all areas of my exercise :)

Long story short, I would try adding a little carbs back into your meal plans. It might allow you to go that extra mile during workouts where you normally wouldn't :D. And if the added carbs doesn't do much for you (or prevents fat from burning as fast), you can just cut back again.

Thanks. I might try adding some more carbs as I do seem to be running out of energy during workouts and also find myself hungry quite often.


so I'm thinking of doing this but I'm curious what steps I should take before hand.
I mainly want to loss body fat. I'm 6'0 and like 240lbs. The body fat is distributed throughout my body, its not like its all in one area so I guess that's the only benefit :lol

Which program would benefit me more? Is there anything I should do to prepare?

Also, for so many people in this thread to have done it, where is the b4 and after pics?


I gave this another try since I've gotten thinner and don't have the same strain on my back...unfortunately, the day after the first workout, I could hardly bend my arms (couldn't even reach to put my glasses on), so I suppose something was wrong with my form on some exercises :(

There's no way that I'll be able to do day 3 since they are mostly arms exercises :(
I think I'm going to give up again...toning/bulking up a bit was a pipedream for me
Did core synergistics today and I've improved since last time. Push-ups were much easier and I didn't have to do them assisted. After I was done, I got together with some friends and went for a little hike....


Griffith Park... 5 miles!! The observatory was actually below us, by the right side of the picture. Thanks to plyo and legs/back, my legs were in top shape. Didn't even feel a burn throughout the hike. Huge difference from week 1, where I couldn't even do 10 minutes of a trail by my house.
carlos said:
I gave this another try since I've gotten thinner and don't have the same strain on my back...unfortunately, the day after the first workout, I could hardly bend my arms (couldn't even reach to put my glasses on), so I suppose something was wrong with my form on some exercises :(

There's no way that I'll be able to do day 3 since they are mostly arms exercises :(
I think I'm going to give up again...toning/bulking up a bit was a pipedream for me

You need to get out of that negative thought. Don't worry about the arm. Unless it's sharp, stabbing pain, it's just muscle soreness and will go away after a week. Also, you don't have to keep up with the people in the videos. Just because they're doing 300+ push-ups, doesn't mean you have to. Set a goal for yourself. Even if its 1, set it as a goal and improve on it the next week. You can also modify the moves if you're having a hard time(I've been doing knee push-ups for 2 months, only to be able to do normal ones just today). Don't concern yourself with bulking/toning either. Have the mentality of "I want to be fit" and the rest will fall into place.


Just started and just finished day 2. Man, I know it's only been two days, but the diet is just I dunno. Just coming in here and reading everyone's posts and whatnot motivated me to pick it up. Unfortunately, I strained my neck after the first day, and while it hurts, I did a really light day 2, it's somehow getting better. Does anyone know how long it takes to recover from a neck strain? Basically, I can't really turn my head towards the left. Every other direction is fine.
Just started with my roommate tonight. Doin' Core. Wasn't too bad, reminded me of when I did karate back in high school.

should probably watch my diet though...all the push ups in the world doesn't mean shit if i just eat a ton afterwards
ocadman said:
Just started and just finished day 2. Man, I know it's only been two days, but the diet is just I dunno. Just coming in here and reading everyone's posts and whatnot motivated me to pick it up. Unfortunately, I strained my neck after the first day, and while it hurts, I did a really light day 2, it's somehow getting better. Does anyone know how long it takes to recover from a neck strain? Basically, I can't really turn my head towards the left. Every other direction is fine.

It'll take a few days. In the meantime, concentrate on your form for phase 1. Take it slow and easy until you master the moves. Phase 2 is basically about "bulking." Work to reach the burn and failure during the phase. Phase 3 is considered the "toning" phase. This is the phase where you'll see the most results. According to the people on the p90x forum, as well as the trainers, most people won't see the radical change until phase 3. There was a post where someone said that the people who first did the program were pissed because they didn't see any results the first 2 months. That changed with phase 3 and they became believers.


Neo Member
ocadman said:
Just started and just finished day 2. Man, I know it's only been two days, but the diet is just I dunno. Just coming in here and reading everyone's posts and whatnot motivated me to pick it up. Unfortunately, I strained my neck after the first day, and while it hurts, I did a really light day 2, it's somehow getting better. Does anyone know how long it takes to recover from a neck strain? Basically, I can't really turn my head towards the left. Every other direction is fine.
A few weeks ago, I slept on my neck wrong and acute pain was there for a day or two. The soreness lingered for another week or so afterwards, but nowhere near as painful as the first two days. And none of my workouts were significantly affected by my initial neck pain (I had Yoga the morning I woke up with the pain, and so a few of the twisting moves hurt the neck a little, but it was alright overall)


g35twinturbo said:
so I'm thinking of doing this but I'm curious what steps I should take before hand.
I mainly want to loss body fat. I'm 6'0 and like 240lbs. The body fat is distributed throughout my body, its not like its all in one area so I guess that's the only benefit :lol

Which program would benefit me more? Is there anything I should do to prepare?

Also, for so many people in this thread to have done it, where is the b4 and after pics?

At 240lbs, i really don't think P90X is for you. You're going to have a hard time. You might want to try Power 90 instead, lose some weight and then do P90X.
g35twinturbo said:
so I'm thinking of doing this but I'm curious what steps I should take before hand.
I mainly want to loss body fat. I'm 6'0 and like 240lbs. The body fat is distributed throughout my body, its not like its all in one area so I guess that's the only benefit :lol

Which program would benefit me more? Is there anything I should do to prepare?

Also, for so many people in this thread to have done it, where is the b4 and after pics?

koam said:
At 240lbs, i really don't think P90X is for you. You're going to have a hard time. You might want to try Power 90 instead, lose some weight and then do P90X.

He should be fine. P90x is more mental then anything else. Since the program allows a person to modify the moves, it all comes down a person's dedication and willingness to change. Check out the beachbody forums and you'll see guys just as large, if not larger, doing P90x.

Just make sure you give your all and do your best. That's basically what the whole program is all about. As for preparations, you should get some dumbbells(get light(~5-8 lbs), med(15-20 lbs), and heavy weights(25-40 lbs)) or a few bands(30 lbs or higher imo), as well as a pull-up bar(highly recommended but not required) and a yoga mat(required).


I believe this guy did only P90x, about 3 or so rounds.


Masta_Killah said:
It'll take a few days. In the meantime, concentrate on your form for phase 1. Take it slow and easy until you master the moves. Phase 2 is basically about "bulking." Work to reach the burn and failure during the phase. Phase 3 is considered the "toning" phase. This is the phase where you'll see the most results. According to the people on the p90x forum, as well as the trainers, most people won't see the radical change until phase 3. There was a post where someone said that the people who first did the program were pissed because they didn't see any results the first 2 months. That changed with phase 3 and they became believers.

Thanks, It's definitely gonna be a long road ahead.


Neo Member
My arms are still sore, and I get some "nice" pain whenever I bring my arms in after being extended for a long time (or vice versa). I laughed because I felt a lot of pain in my arms coming into namaste/prayer after several vinyasas. I must've really pushed hard in the days leading up to yoga, because I never feel anything like that doing something like a standing namaste :lol


I've done the first two days of the workout and I am so ****ing sore, lol. Is it still wise to start the 3rd day when 60% of my body is so sore? Is that the point?


Dechaios said:
I've done the first two days of the workout and I am so ****ing sore, lol. Is it still wise to start the 3rd day when 60% of my body is so sore? Is that the point?
It will pass, trust me – you just need to get past the first week and give your body a chance to get more used to it. Just hang in there and don't give up! If you're still in a lot of pain during the exercises, take it easy but don't stop: modify, modify, modify.


Yonn said:
It will pass, trust me – you just need to get past the first week and give your body a chance to get more used to it. Just hang in there and don't give up! If you're still in a lot of pain during the exercises, take it easy but don't stop: modify, modify, modify.
Okay, I went ahead with it earlier. Thanks dude!


Dechaios said:
I've done the first two days of the workout and I am so ****ing sore, lol. Is it still wise to start the 3rd day when 60% of my body is so sore? Is that the point?

3rd day. Push through. 4th day. Get into Yoga X. 5th day. (almost) good as new.

Most of the pain, should go away with Yoga X. By the time you finish your first Kenpo X, I didn't feel any pain at all except still little tight bicep. 2nd week, depends on person, but I didn't feel much pain at all. And.. I think I'm little addicted to the body pain. If I don't feel little pain on following morning, it just feels wrong now! LOL


My 5th Plyo was toughest so far. I thought I would have gotten a lot better now, but it wasn't the case. I hit my lowest at my 5th (6th week) Plyo. I was little worried about that - but I just went ahead and did yesterday's workout - Biceps and backs - and with little bit of modification, I was able to push through rather well. Did dreaded Ab Ripper X also quite well too. I thought the Plyo was the one of the easier ones for me - but it reversed out of no where.

Only difference between Tuesday and Yesterday... I think it's the calorie intake. I had good breakfast and lunch with some carb (buckwheat noodle) Yesterday - but I barely had any breakfast (just quick protein drink), and lunch (just few pieces of chicken breast and little bit of salad) - I had very light dinner for both nights, but the difference was in the breakfast and lunch. Now I get that in order to "perform" you need your meals.. more calories. I was too pre-occupied with weight loss, I was skimping out the meal plan again. Not eating every 3-4 hours or whatnot... bad me bad...

So I'm consciously trying to eat more today. Well, today's my Yoga day - so I need some endurance power...
I've been thinking about starting this up again. I did it in the morning before work for a week a few months ago but I would be too sore when I went into the office. I've been working with a traditional dumbbell workout for the past couple weeks so my body is probably more acclimated to intense physical activity now.

I think the problem I had with P90X is that I didn't know how to pace myself. For the Chest and Back video, I'd keep pace with all the push ups but then I'd burn myself out and I'd having nothing left in the tank for the 2nd round. I am not as fit as the people in the video so I shouldn't be pumping out 50 push ups per exercise.


Neo Member
Does anybody spike their workout water bottle with a bit of recovery formula on the days that they feel tired? I'm considering doing it, as I didn't have the best sleep last night and I'm going to Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X after having a morning with Cardio X (which exhausted more than usual)


f-castrillo said:
Does anybody spike their workout water bottle with a bit of recovery formula on the days that they feel tired? I'm considering doing it, as I didn't have the best sleep last night and I'm going to Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X after having a morning with Cardio X (which exhausted more than usual)
Sometimes I take a few sips of chocolate milk during workouts if I feel like I might bonk and it does help. I think Tony mentions putting a bit of recovery drink in his water during plyo...


Everyone I know who starts p90x quits. :lol

People who never workout at all need to start with some normal exercise first in my opinion.
jmdajr said:
Everyone I know who starts p90x quits. :lol

People who never workout at all need to start with some normal exercise first in my opinion.

I think the fit test is deceiving. I have an E Honda like physique. Big gut with some decent musculature everywhere else. Right off the couch (with no previous exercise in months), I beat the fit test with flying colors.
Is anyone doing Lean instead of the Classical version? I don't really want to get "jacked", but just form some muscle and whatnot. Also, what do you guys do about missing a work out? I usually want to do the work outs at night before bed, but I had some work to do last night, so when I got up today I did the exercise I missed and am planning to do the normal exercise tonight
jmdajr said:
Everyone I know who starts p90x quits. :lol

People who never workout at all need to start with some normal exercise first in my opinion.

This can be said for any type of workout routine. If you've been inactive for awhile and you suddenly start something strenuous, you'll be in pain. People feel the pain and quit, can't find the time and quit, or they plateau/crash and quit. The p90x workouts are no different then working out in a gym. It only seems brutal if you've never done any training in your life. Luckily for me, I've lifted weights when I was younger, so the pain from p90x was familiar territory.


Neo Member
I'm going to start trying bedtime whey protein shakes instead of doing it in the morning. I use whey (the fastest metabolized protein) because I'm too cheap to buy a tub of casein, but I figure the fat free milk I use has a decent amount of casein (slowest digesting protein), and the casein coagulation will further slow the metabolism of whey, so I can have a "drip" of amino acids throughout the night where I would normally be fasting.

I did Legs & Back for the first time in two weeks, and I was able to push much harder than I had in the past. For one, I was able to do unassisted pullups throughout the entire routine (max was 6-8 reps, minimum was 4). My form is still a little iffy, and I had to resort to doing negative pullups for the wide-grip variety (where you hop up and slowly come down to feel the burn), but I wanted to wean myself off of the chair assist. I wanted to start making those back muscles work like they never have before. I got them sort of primed in Phase 1 (I went from 2 pullups to 6 by the end of week 4), so I figured I should kick it up a notch in Phase 2 and stay off the chair for at least Legs & Back... Back & Biceps pullup routines will take some getting used to lol.

Ab Ripper X continues to change and improve every time. I started to lift my legs higher and straighter in some exercises (fifer scissors, v-up/roll-up combo, mason twist, etc.) while still taking minimal breaks. Mason twist is noticably easier to do, but I still get a massive burn. My nightmare set is still Heels to the Heavens though, I've gotta work on that a little :lol


It feels pretty awesome when you are able to do a few roll up/v ups properly
A true "fuck, my abs are becoming awesome!" moment


Tried Yoga X for first time today, holy shit, it kicked my ass. I was so sore from the first 3 days still, I was only able to get to 45 min before my arms just had no strength left. I'm hoping it's because it's the first time, but damn. I've done beginner's Yoga before, but this one was really tough.
ocadman said:
Tried Yoga X for first time today, holy shit, it kicked my ass. I was so sore from the first 3 days still, I was only able to get to 45 min before my arms just had no strength left. I'm hoping it's because it's the first time, but damn. I've done beginner's Yoga before, but this one was really tough.
I've read that P90X has some pretty advanced postures(sp?) that are hard even for people who had done Yoga before. That said, I didn't feel sore the first time I did it, but the second time hit hard.
When I'm doing push ups (and pull ups) am I supposed to be doing them until I can't do any more (muscle failure)? It says not to burn yourself out but always push yourself, what does that even mean?
Napoleonthechimp said:
When I'm doing push ups (and pull ups) am I supposed to be doing them until I can't do any more (muscle failure)? It says not to burn yourself out but always push yourself, what does that even mean?
It means go at your own pace and you can rest at the top when doing push-ups and always try for a higher number. Don't compete with the guys in the video, I did that and I felt awful, so pacing yourself is crucial for this program.
ocadman said:
Tried Yoga X for first time today, holy shit, it kicked my ass. I was so sore from the first 3 days still, I was only able to get to 45 min before my arms just had no strength left. I'm hoping it's because it's the first time, but damn. I've done beginner's Yoga before, but this one was really tough.

The first 45 minutes are the hardest. Once you clear those warrior poses, it becomes much easier and more relaxing.


Neo Member
Sgt.Pepper said:
I've read that P90X has some pretty advanced postures(sp?) that are hard even for people who had done Yoga before. That said, I didn't feel sore the first time I did it, but the second time hit hard.
Some of the poses in Yoga X are pretty ridiculous, but I've made great strides in it since starting P90X. On day one, I couldn't touch any of my toes, all poses required I use a yoga block, and I fell out of several poses due to either lack of strength or lack of balance. Some of my favorite improvements:

First Yoga X: held for 3 secs total, couldn't get back up after first attempt
6th Yoga X: 20+ seconds first time, 10 seconds second attempt

First Yoga X: only did bridge. Could not even get to wheel without the gf pulling me up :lol
6th Yoga X: Doing bridge mostly, but I hold wheel for 10 secs before my hands slip (yoga mat isn't very grippy)

Two legged hamstring stretch
First Yoga X: touching middle of shins
6th Yoga X: fingers can grab all toes (and pull back on them for more of a stretch). Getting closer to foot grab

Twisting Triangle Pose
First Yoga X: even with a yoga block, you could not call my chest open
6th Yoga X: no longer using the block, I can actually twist and open up the chest

Keep in mind, I also do the optional X Stretch on my off days, so I may get some extra flexiblity exercise over those who opt to do nothing on their off day

Wii said:
No, FN-P90...as in effin' P90 = P90X
Well, after falling off due to incredible muscle soreness in chest, got back on yesterday with plyo and shoulders and arms today.

Maaaaaaaannnn, I almost killed myself with plyo yesterday. I was all like "man this aint too bad sure im tired but i can totally do this" then total exhaustion hit me like a sledgehammer only 30 minutes in. I was like not able to walk straight or even see without colors dancing.

Shoulders wasn't that bad today, but I really need higher weights cause i wasnt challenged at all till the last set.


After falling off a bit during Xmas break, I’ve been more disciplined about doing my second round of P90 since january. Just finished month 2 yesterday and it feels good to be back in the rhythm again.

I started taking pics once a months starting in november and I’m glad I did. While my scale hasn’t been showing a huge drop off in weight since December, The pics show a pretty noticeable difference from Xmas time till now. that was a big motivation boost. I had felt a bit of a change with the way pants and some dress shirts fit but the pics really made the difference clear. stomach fat has shrunk a good deal and shoulders/ arms are more defined.

I still have a ways to go — I’d like to get down to 200 lbs for the end of summer (I’m 6’3”) but it’s great to see results even when the scale doesn’t seem to be reporting them.

also: favorite new Tony-ism (from cardio-x disc): “we got wacky jacks cuz they’re wacky but they’re gorgeous!”

whatever that means, I love it.
LCfiner said:
After falling off a bit during Xmas break, I’ve been more disciplined about dong my second round of P90 since january. Just finished month 2 yesterday and it feels good to be back in the rhythm again.

I started taking pics once a months starting in november and I’m glad I did. While my scale hasn’t been showing a huge drop off in weight since December, The pics show a pretty noticeable difference from Xmas time till now. that was a big motivation boost. I had felt a bit of a change with the way pants and some dress shirts fit but the pics really made the difference clear. stomach fat has shrunk a good deal and shoulders/ arms are more defined.

I still have a ways to go — I’d like to get down to 200 lbs for the end of summer (I’m 6’3”) but it’s great to see results even when the scale doesn’t seem to be reporting them.

also: favorite new Tony-ism (from card-x disc): “we got wacky jacks cuz they’re wacky but they’re gorgeous!”

whatever that means, I love it.

:high five: Tomorrow is phase 3 for me as well. Can't wait to get into it. This rest week has been great and I've seen some amazing improvements. The biggest is the fact that I can do push-ups unassisted now, from start to finish. Huge improvement from week one where I couldn't do 10 without collapsing.
Dechaios said:
Trying yoga for the first time and it's just so tedious, slow, and boring... Exactly how essential is that one?

Yoga helps with flexibility, recovery time, and helps prevent injury. Up to you if you want to skip it, but why would you? The p90x program was designed with yoga in mind. Skipping it would make the entire p90x program pointless.
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