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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Dresden said:
Felt good, although my shoulders and back were sore as fuck. I'm looking forward to plyometrics today.
If your upper body is sore after the first workout, plyo will make your lower half sore as well. Enjoy! :D


Read my post whenever you get the chance, I need suggestions in case if I'm missing some more foods on that list to purchase :lol


after a month of slacking, starting p90x today! Got my diet all worked out and finally got all the equipment, just have to pick up a tub of protein this week :D I am not that out of shape, but put on some extra weight in the stomach area, so im expecting so sleek results by day 90!


Nightz said:
If your upper body is sore after the first workout, plyo will make your lower half sore as well. Enjoy! :D
Feels good though, and I have a high tolerance for pain. :lol Strangely enough, while doing the cardio video I had no trouble with all the kenpo stuff, but it was the yoga and the warrior pose stuff that made me sweat.

Anyways, since slayer posted his food menu, here's what I've been eating for the past week:

--omega 3 eggs

--turkey breast

--chicken breast

--salad with two tablespoons of vinegar/oil

--cheddar cheese

--turkey bacon

--Occasionally, a low-carb tortilla wrap

--lots of almonds


--about two gallons of water a day

Been restricting my diet a bit, and going low-carb and stuff too. Although I indulged myself today by having a turkey wrap for breakfast, then making a egg-turkey bacon-cheddar cheese-green chili breakfast burrito for lunch.


Slayer-33 said:
Read my post whenever you get the chance, I need suggestions in case if I'm missing some more foods on that list to purchase :lol

Why don't you follow the p90x diet?


koam said:
Why don't you follow the p90x diet?

I just wanted some insight from people that have been there already or would know the best amounts of stuff to eat for what I expect my daily caloric intake to be. I like seeing what people with actual results eat, it's always best to copy successful people imo since it should work for you if you follow everything to the letter.

I guess I also wanted help since I work from 12am to 8 am :lol and I'm being lazy in figuring out when I should start my "breakfast meal" and the rest of the food intake intervals :D

Maybe I should just take what I posted and calculate each foods calories and protein and plug in the numbers til I reach the calories number I am looking to intake a day. I just want to make sure that I take the right amount of carbs protein and fats 45, 35, 20 is what I was looking for. I wish someone would help me with it, I definitely want a boring "same thing" every day diet, I don't want to complicate things to be honest.. Not til I learn everything when it comes to good eating habits.

I wanted to have the ratio below for carbs/prot/fats

45 carbs 35 protein 20 fats, maybe it would be the right ratio for me? I want to make sure that the foots that I am eating will be right... Also note that I don't have any veggies on my list lol..



Oh shit, I found an awesome food calculator for protein/fat/carbs woot.. http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_food.php

43% carbs 38% Protein 19% Fats I don't mind this ratio at all


Jesus fuck... How do I make it to 2800 calories considering everything listed so far :lol and also not the fat ratio I was looking for atm at least :lol

RESULTS - GUIDELINE ONLY (To maintain weight, 5 days a week of intense workouts)


2574 Calories/day
Fat Loss:
2060 Calories/day
Extreme Fat Loss:
1545 Calories/day

I am going with the 2350+ ish cals a day for now I guess but I was supposed to do 2700-2800 it seems.. I won't mind losing some weight I guess.

Is that list looking good to you guys?


Slayer-33 said:
I just wanted some insight from people that have been there already or would know the best amounts of stuff to eat for what I expect my daily caloric intake to be. I like seeing what people with actual results eat, it's always best to copy successful people imo since it should work for you if you follow everything to the letter.

I guess I also wanted help since I work from 12am to 8 am :lol and I'm being lazy in figuring out when I should start my "breakfast meal" and the rest of the food intake intervals :D

Maybe I should just take what I posted and calculate each foods calories and protein and plug in the numbers til I reach the calories number I am looking to intake a day. I just want to make sure that I take the right amount of carbs protein and fats 45, 35, 20 is what I was looking for. I wish someone would help me with it, I definitely want a boring "same thing" every day diet, I don't want to complicate things to be honest.. Not til I learn everything when it comes to good eating habits.

I wanted to have the ratio below for carbs/prot/fats

45 carbs 35 protein 20 fats, maybe it would be the right ratio for me? I want to make sure that the foots that I am eating will be right... Also note that I don't have any veggies on my list lol..

I suggest you look at the p90x diet and build yours around that. That's what I did. This time, i'm going to follow it closer.


Just finished Plyometrics.

At first I was like, hey, this isn't too bad.

Thirty minutes later, sweat is dripping down my face and I'm groaning with each jump.

By the time we were on the last five minute stretch, good fucking god. I love it though. It's hard to motivate yourself (at least for me) when I'm doing HIIT or something.
I'm on Day 2 and I also just did Plyo for the first time. Oh god. And it all looks so easy, but once you start doing it for more than 10 seconds, oh god the burn.

I've puked both days immediately after working out so far. :lol


I didn't puke (yet), but goddamn, the pain! :lol

I also took a shower too soon. Still sweating right now, I thought I had coolded down. Fuck.


So, exactly how hard is the first day supposed to be? I just got murdered by the chest and back workout to the point where the following ab stuff was pretty much out of the question. I was probably doing about 1/3 of what they did on the video, but I had to pause a lot of times to stretch.


woweee did my first day. Chest+Back and ab ripper. Goddamn ab ripper was so intense, couldnt even do half the shit :lol. Good work out for sure though.

edit: I couldnt do as much as the video obv, but I felt pretty good doing chest and back. I wasnt 100 percent wasted, but i was pretty fucking tired after that ab ripper was a pain. Pretty tense and a bit sore now, going to be a bitch tomorrow, oh well!


Amory Blaine said:
So, exactly how hard is the first day supposed to be? I just got murdered by the chest and back workout to the point where the following ab stuff was pretty much out of the question. I was probably doing about 1/3 of what they did on the video, but I had to pause a lot of times to stretch.
It is normal not to be able to do all the moves in the beginning. They don't expect you to be able to keep up with them right away. If you were that fit to begin with you wouldn't need the program. The key is to just do your best and write down what you were able to do, that way you know what to try and beat the next week.

And speaking of diet. I had to drive a shit ton for work today and it drove me to eat some Popeyes for lunch. Delicious, but I don't think Tony would approve.
3 more weeks left then im done with the first 90 days :D. WWWWWOOOoooooooo.

first time iv tried doing it was last summer and fucked my hand up on the second month.....second time i tried again around january and got a serious case of bronchitis in february that lasted alittle over a month(breathing and eating was so bad i droped down to 145lbs from 165ibs). once i was healthy enough to work out i immediately jumped back on :D (fuck i was weak)

now im on the last month and back at 160lbs.



So apparently my cousin just told me that my planned diet has WAY too much protein.... I need to remove some shit and add other stuff around now and cut down on the protein :(

Back to the drawing board. :lol

-updated- new list


Now to find a way to fill in an extra 650 cals... How how how.. lol

I think 2 servings of V8 juice a day should do the trick.
Dresden said:
Wow. Just finished Shoulders & Arms, with Ab Ripper X. Goddamn. Third day so far. My arms hurt like hell.
Same here man.

No puking today though! And since I'm pretty out of shape and could barely do Ab ripper on monday, today I decided to take it easy and attempted only 15 reps per exercise. I got through it this time. Gonna add a couple reps each time and work up to 25.


sublime085 said:
Same here man.

No puking today though! And since I'm pretty out of shape and could barely do Ab ripper on monday, today I decided to take it easy and attempted only 15 reps per exercise. I got through it this time. Gonna add a couple reps each time and work up to 25.
We're like on the same schedule dude, which is pretty cool.

I wonder what Yoga will be like tomorrow.


Dresden said:
We're like on the same schedule dude, which is pretty cool.

I wonder what Yoga will be like tomorrow.

Your first time with Yoga will make Plyometrics seem like a cake walk. Be prepared to sweat like crazy for the first hour.


DR2K said:
Your first time with Yoga will make Plyometrics seem like a cake walk. Be prepared to sweat like crazy for the first hour.
I'm excited by the sound of that, but I also dread the incoming pain. :lol


Slayer-33 said:
So apparently my cousin just told me that my planned diet has WAY too much protein.... I need to remove some shit and add other stuff around now and cut down on the protein :(

Back to the drawing board. :lol

-updated- new list

Now to find a way to fill in an extra 650 cals... How how how.. lol

I think 2 servings of V8 juice a day should do the trick.

You said you were just trying to maintain your weight? 285 grams of carbs sounds like a lot to me but I dunno. Maybe someone else can weigh-in on this (no pun intended).


YagizY said:
You said you were just trying to maintain your weight? 285 grams of carbs sounds like a lot to me but I dunno. Maybe someone else can weigh-in on this (no pun intended).

Isn't it the total calories that will keep me at my weight?

1g of protein = 4 calories per, 1g of fat = 9 cals, 1g of carb = 4 cals, they all add up to 23xx'ish

As it is I am under the required amount of calories and would lose weight from 160 down to probably 135 or something.. Which I don't want.

Oh ya keep in mind the carbs in that diet are pretty good ones right? (minus ensure)



Apparently I plugged in the numbers and the current diet I have setup seems extremely appropriate for what I want. I might end up losing a lil bit of weight, I don't mind weighing in 150 ish eventually but I wanted to be at 160-5 mostly muscle tbh.
MidnightRider said:
I've been thinking about starting this...... but figure I need to at least get somewhat into shape before jumping into this.

No you don't, just jump in. The first couple days will fuck you up pretty bad, but you'll live.
sublime085 said:
I'm on Day 2 and I also just did Plyo for the first time. Oh god. And it all looks so easy, but once you start doing it for more than 10 seconds, oh god the burn.

I've puked both days immediately after working out so far. :lol

:lol I puked on pylo my 1st time too. I was like whoa, why is the room spinning?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
came back after a 3 week vacation and picked it up again at day 30 (after getting to day 40)

hate to say it but missed 2 work outs in the first week. Motivation is currently a problem, but i'm mildly rundown just now as well.

gonna get back into it though damnit!


catfish said:
came back after a 3 week vacation and picked it up again at day 30 (after getting to day 40)

hate to say it but missed 2 work outs in the first week. Motivation is currently a problem, but i'm mildly rundown just now as well.

gonna get back into it though damnit!



RTS83 said:
I've been on P90X for about 60 days now. Thought GAF might enjoy my progress :)

This is me in the beginning...



This is me now!


I don't diet all that successfully...but when its time to work out, I get after it and get it done. Hopefully I can inspire someone to make the same choice. Best decision I've ever made.

Damn.. Im starting! (again.. (tomorrow ;)))


Does maths and stuff
Just started phase 2 after a weird rest week (I was on vacation in Bali and tried to do what I could). Feels good, keep going at it everyone.


Clydefrog said:
:lol it's always been the hardest for me. but it has the greatest payoff. i feel sooo relaxed and stretched after it :)
I sweat about twice as much as I did when I did plyometrics. Definitely the hardest for me too, oh god, nightmare. It's the only one I don't like at all, but it does feel satisfying. FFFFF
Dresden said:
I didn't puke (yet), but goddamn, the pain! :lol

I also took a shower too soon. Still sweating right now, I thought I had coolded down. Fuck.

I started day 1 yesterday. Came very close to puking myself. :lol

Let's see how long I can string this together.


koam said:
Had to quit p90x on day 2 during plyo. Seems like the ankle wasn't quite plyo ready yet.

Substitute in Cardio X if you have ankle problems. I find that Plyo tends to bother my knees from all the impact, so I tried out Cardio X this last Tuesday. I managed to get a great workout with a lot less jumping around. There are a few airborne moves, Wacky-Jacks, Heisman, Tires, etc, but they're shorter than in Plyo. Most of Cardio X is Yoga and Kenpo moves.

If you'd rather stick with Plyo, don't forget that you can modify almost all of the moves to be low/no impact.


did pylo yesterday, damn that makes you sweat. Havent sweat that hard for a long time. So sore today, but still going to do shoulders, arms and ab ripper.


Does anyone else have a habit of yawning during the resistance exercises?

It's not like I'm sleepy-tired (I am sweaty-tired obviously) but I tend to yawn a lot during routines like chest & back. It's kind of annoying.

edit: I quickly just looked it up on The Internet. I guess I may not breathing properly/enough.. hmmm


Clydefrog said:
Does anyone else have a habit of yawning during the resistance exercises?

It's not like I'm sleepy-tired (I am sweaty-tired obviously) but I tend to yawn a lot during routines like chest & back. It's kind of annoying.

edit: I quickly just looked it up on The Internet. I guess I may not breathing properly/enough.. hmmm

Yeah I yawn a lot too. It's weird :lol

I just started Insanity. This shit is tough!-
bdizzle said:
Shoulder and Arms is today :D

I <3 Shoulders and Arms!

I no longer <3 shoulders and arms :(

EDIT: Finished shoulders and arms and ARX. Feeling good about myself. Bout to watch some porn, take a shower and go to bed lol.


Clydefrog said:
:lol it's always been the hardest for me. but it has the greatest payoff. i feel sooo relaxed and stretched after it :)

So true! Hated it at first, now it's probably my favorite thing to do. You'll feel amazed at yourself once you realize things you couldn't do at the beginning of the program, you're now doing them relatively easy.


The Everyman
alright, ima do this now.

but if im more concerned with muscle gain over cutness though would i follow this routine while doing less reps-higher weight?


Neo Member
-COOLIO- said:
alright, ima do this now.

but if im more concerned with muscle gain over cutness though would i follow this routine while doing less reps-higher weight?
Yes, heavier weights that cause you to do less reps = bigger muscle gain.
Larger muscles = more capacity for strength
So to effectively train for strength and size, use weights that are heavy enough to help you bulk up a little, to a point where you can accomplish several reps with that weight after several weeks, so that you can take advantage of your newfound muscles' capacity for strength. Once you're doing 15-20+ reps with the weight that used to be heavy, then add more weight and repeat the cycle.

IMO, anyway.


Dresden said:
I sweat about twice as much as I did when I did plyometrics. Definitely the hardest for me too, oh god, nightmare. It's the only one I don't like at all, but it does feel satisfying. FFFFF

It gets easier as you get more flexible, you probably won't notice it at first, but it helps so much in that area.

-COOLIO- said:
alright, ima do this now.

but if im more concerned with muscle gain over cutness though would i follow this routine while doing less reps-higher weight?

If you want more muscle you do a higher weight and less reps(you'll see both options in the program). If you want lean muscles then lower the weight and do more reps.


Dresden said:
I sweat about twice as much as I did when I did plyometrics. Definitely the hardest for me too, oh god, nightmare. It's the only one I don't like at all, but it does feel satisfying. FFFFF

I feel you man. I'm on the 3rd week of the 2nd phase, and when I think back to my 1st week of starting, Yoga comes in my mind nice and fresh. I was seriously like WTF IS THIS SHIT, and how do they do all that crap? Cue me now, and I can hang with most of it. The half moon and one legged balances are still tough, but I've even learned to do the bridge now! Can't stay in it for too long because I have wrist issues, but it just feels good to see the improvement week over week. Stick with it!
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