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What's this P90X workout stuff?


so i've been trolling this thread recently, and I'm really interested in this p90x. I've been off and on heavy fitness bouts for the last 3 years, but I've never really been able to get that nice defined shape I desire. Right now I'm at 185 lbs, and I exercise about 5-6 times a week which includes 1 mile cardio and training 1 or 2 muscle groups. I've noticed however that my progress has slowed a lot and I'm getting a little frustrated. I want to know if jumping into p90x will be a good idea because I've seen that everyone in this thread has a positive view about the p90x and its reliability. Also where can I get the p90x for cheap(est) because I don't know if I have 150 bucks to drop on to the DVDs.


Insaniac said:
so i've been trolling this thread recently, and I'm really interested in this p90x. I've been off and on heavy fitness bouts for the last 3 years, but I've never really been able to get that nice defined shape I desire. Right now I'm at 185 lbs, and I exercise about 5-6 times a week which includes 1 mile cardio and training 1 or 2 muscle groups. I've noticed however that my progress has slowed a lot and I'm getting a little frustrated. I want to know if jumping into p90x will be a good idea because I've seen that everyone in this thread has a positive view about the p90x and its reliability. Also where can I get the p90x for cheap(est) because I don't know if I have 150 bucks to drop on to the DVDs.

For your last question, the cheapest I saw it was on Amazon marketplace for around 90 bucks.

p90x seems to be what you’re looking for since there’s so much variety for all muscle groups but I can’t vouch for any specific results regarding bulk. I’ve been using it mainly as a weight loss/ general fitness routine.


Neo Member
Been doing some hunting on P90XMC2 and P90neXt, this is all I've found so far.


Skip to the 8:30 mark for a mention of P90XMC2: "Muscle Confusion 2". Word on the street is that they're renaming vol. 3 of One on One to "P90XMC2". And these MC2 workouts (formerly Vol 3 One on One) are supposed to be a preview/testing of the P90neXt exercises.

IMO, the rumors sound a bit off. It doesn't make sense to call Vol. 3 of One on One "P90X: MC2", because One on One isn't a 90 day program. My guess is that One on One will keep its current name, and tack on the expected volume 3 subtitle. The volume 3 exercises would serve as a first test of the eventual new workouts (as rumor has it), and the successor to P90X will be built off of some of those volume 3 workouts (which rumors also state), would be called "P90X: MC2". It makes sense if you think about it; P90X focused on the idea of Muscle Confusion, so it only makes sense for the true follow-up to be called "Muscle Confusion 2". "P90neXt" seems to be more of a working codename for "P90X: MC2" if you ask me.

Now back to your regular fitness programming :lol


f-castrillo said:
Been doing some hunting on P90XMC2 and P90neXt, this is all I've found so far.


Skip to the 8:30 mark for a mention of P90XMC2: "Muscle Confusion 2". Word on the street is that they're renaming vol. 3 of One on One to "P90XMC2". And these MC2 workouts (formerly Vol 3 One on One) are supposed to be a preview/testing of the P90neXt exercises.

IMO, the rumors sound a bit off. It doesn't make sense to call Vol. 3 of One on One "P90X: MC2", because One on One isn't a 90 day program. My guess is that One on One will keep its current name, and tack on the expected volume 3 subtitle. The volume 3 exercises would serve as a first test of the eventual new workouts (as rumor has it), and the successor to P90X will be built off of some of those volume 3 workouts (which rumors also state), would be called "P90X: MC2". It makes sense if you think about it; P90X focused on the idea of Muscle Confusion, so it only makes sense for the true follow-up to be called "Muscle Confusion 2". "P90neXt" seems to be more of a working codename for "P90X: MC2" if you ask me.

Now back to your regular fitness programming :lol

Sounds like this should be in gaming-age. Hunting for any news or word of the next release. :lol

Just finished my last set of exercises in phase 3 and am now in my last recovery week!!! :D

So how long of a break should i take before starting another round or possibly doing Insanity?


Just wanted to check in with my results from phase 1, which I finished yesterday:

Starting weight (April 19): 173.7
Weight as of this morning (May 17): 163.6
Weight lost: 10.1 lbs

I also lost about 3% body fat during this phase. I've worked out every single day for the past 28 days (I play basketball/football on rest days) and I've noticed an increase in my stamina, energy, and even my jumping (thanks plyometrics!). My pants are a lot looser and my stomach's gotten smaller, though I still have some fat to shed in the abdominal area. A lot of friends have noticed that I've slimmed down a little, so I feel great!

Pretty excited to get started on phase 2 tonight when I get off work today. Also excited about moving to phase 2 of the diet plan so I can take in a little bit more carbs.

But yeah, if anyone is on the fence about P90X, try it...it definitely works! :D


Neo Member
ocadman said:
Sounds like this should be in gaming-age. Hunting for any news or word of the next release. :lol

Just finished my last set of exercises in phase 3 and am now in my last recovery week!!! :D

So how long of a break should i take before starting another round or possibly doing Insanity?
I started INSANITY after my phase 3 recovery week, but in hindsight, I would wait an extra week or two, and focus on training your aerobic energy system. Both P90X and INSANITY will push you to your anaerobic limits (heart rate skyrocketing to 160BPM and higher), and your aerobic system doesn't get nearly as much training in either program. So I say give your anaerobic energy pathways a break, and build up your aerobic system for a week or two before jumping into round 2

I suspect we will have a Tony Horton-age thread once more solid info on the next P90X rolls around :lol


I just started the recovery week of Phase 2 and I couldn't be happier with my results. When I started I just wanted to slim down and improve my general fitness.

I started at 195 pounds and this morning I tipped the scales at 180 pounds. My stomach is very close to being completely flat (which is what I wanted out of this). I have seen my biggest improvement in the abdominal exercises (I could barely get through Ab Ripper when I started and now I can do about 99% of the moves, though my legs are never as straight as theirs) and pull-ups (I started out doing like 27 over 8 sets and now I can do about 90, though I still can't do the towel ones).

The only setback was I pulled my calf at the start of Phase 2 and took two weeks off plyo. I did it again in the last week of Phase 2 and I was a little disappointed how much I had regressed. I was breezing through Plyo when I got hurt and it felt a little like starting over again. I was hoping the gains would stick with me longer, but maybe that was because of the injury.

Can't wait to finish the last month. Definitely going to continue working out (probably some hybrid where I do P90X routines 3-5 times a week, instead of 6 every week).

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Mistakenly made a new thread, I'll post what I had there here.

So this weekend I grabbed everything needed for P90x, two of my friends have been doing it for 3 weeks and are letting me borrow the videos.

I picked up the pull-up door bar and a set of bands and decided today would be my first day. Now I can't feel my arms.

It so happens the first day is mainly push-ups and pull-ups, the two exercises I am the worst at, on average I can do about a few sets of 15 push-ups and maybe 8 or 9 pull-ups separately, when you have to do varying sets together it killed me.

They say to go at your own pace, so eventually I was doing push-ups on my knees and jump pull-ups. I hear the arm/back day is one of the hardest, is that true? I have watched my friends do the martial art one and that looks a bit easier.

I work out about twice a week normally but do mainly biking and a bit of jogging.

Any words of encouragement? Should I have only been able to do half of what they did the first day?


The first week or two is hell for most people. Look at my post to see how far I came in 2 months. It's a cliche but just do the best you can each week and try to improve on it the next week. After a few weeks it gets a lot easier.

And yes, it is normal to feel like you are going to have a heart attack the first time you try Plyometrics.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Sounds good, I fully expect to feel sore as hell tomorrow. :lol

Luckily had some chocolate milk for my after-drink. Also made egg and turkey bacon sandwiches for dinner. Hit the spot after that workout.


Neo Member
What's up fellow X-ers! Just dropping by to see what's going on in the thread. Nice to see all of you just starting up P90X again!

I'm on day 6 of my recovery week off of my P90X+ / INSANITY hybrid. Simply put, INSANITY will kick the shit out of you :lol. Next week, I go into phase 2 of the hybrid: the X+ workouts are the same, but the INSANITY exercises are now 10-15 minutes longer, and more intense. For the record, even the month 1 INSANITY workouts make Plyo X look like an easy jog.

I dipped under 180 lbs today (179.8, big whoop :lol, but a milestone for me) - I still check my weight every day, but I don't really take lack of change to heart anymore, I just check for data recording's sake. I also use an Accu-Fitness body fat measurement caliper now, which says I'm at 20% body fat.

For the past two months, my calorie goal has been 2500 calories. I'm going to up that goal to 2700, in anticipation of the extra energy I'm going to need in phase 2 of the hybrid. I'm hoping the extra 200 cals will allow me to push through the exercises without adversely affecting my fat loss goals.

Which, I must say, seems to be coming along nicely. I'm starting to see more tone in my body, and while my belly isn't where I want it to be yet, my entire body is coming into form slowly.

Keep pushing play, GAF :D


I actually feel bad today because i didn't get to do the Legs&Back workout today...i'm planning to make it up tomorrow...Chest&Back, Plyo, and Shoulders&Arms all went well this week, despite being a bit under the weather...anywho.....finally down to 210lbs...Monday starts week 3 already and then the recovery week. I really want to go full tilt between now and my own 1 year mark on July 1st. Anywho, quick pic taken today pre-shower



Does maths and stuff
I just started week 3 today and I can attest that the first 10 days or so were the worst.

Also, that fucker Tony Horton is almost double my age, so I use that as some motivation.


I missed 3 days of my phase 2 when I went on a cruise. Should I just add another week of phase 2 or go into recovery? I missed the first 3 exercises, so that would be most of the muscle building ones. I think I'm just going to add a 4th week to phase 2.


Neo Member
Saerk said:
I missed 3 days of my phase 2 when I went on a cruise. Should I just add another week of phase 2 or go into recovery? I missed the first 3 exercises, so that would be most of the muscle building ones. I think I'm just going to add a 4th week to phase 2.
I would just repeat the week, essentially adding a 4th week to phase 2. That, or have an extra long recovery week (you already got a head start on it by having those 3 days off). It really depends on how your body feels. If you think you can hammer out another week of phase 2, go for it, but if you're too tired to bring it for an extra few days, I would just take a recovery week.


I'm done! Final results are 19lbs lost. About 4-5 inches on the waist and just feeling a whole lot better in general. Going to take a week or so break and going to start Insanity in June. Thanks for all the support and advice!

Day 1

Day 90
SO I am starting the P90x program from Monday

But I have a disadvantage as I have a prosthetic joint in my hand so pull ups, and sometimes even some dumbell exercises will be a bit difficult for me to do at all

So what I am going to have to do is strip the program down to bare basics and join it with my normal gym work. So the plan is:

-P90x stripped down, removing some of the weight baring exercises (pullups is the main one, but I'll replace it with pull downs)
-Swimming in the mornings
-Running on the treadmill
-Cross trainer
-Resistance work

The plan is for Monday, Wednesday & Friday = swimming before work, then a P90x DVD I can do at home after work such as Kempo, Yoga, Plyometrics.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday will be the other days I try and fit everything in. I haven't yet got the DVD's so I will see the way I have to plan it all out.

Wish me luck!


ocadman said:
I'm done! Final results are 19lbs lost. About 4-5 inches on the waist and just feeling a whole lot better in general. Going to take a week or so break and going to start Insanity in June. Thanks for all the support and advice!

Day 1

Day 90

Random question for you guys. I lost my last spreadsheet with my personal information on the completion of p90x when my last lap top down. I'm on my second run of 90x (doubles, but cardio x in the mornings isn't for another two or three weeks) and I'm doing chest and back. How do you guys handle the second round from week to week? I was looking at my week one reps/weights and as I did did chest and back for the second week, I added two or three more reps on the first round (IE more push ups and more pull ups) and ended up almost totally trashed for round two.

I'm thinking for week 3, I will keep the amount of reps/weights the same as this week and hope that I'm not as toasted for the second repititon.


So with a little over a week left, i'm forced to give up. I fucked up my ankle today and I probably won't recover in time. It's alright though since i've done more than 90 days anyway (I was repeating certain weeks). Results were awesome and I plan on redoing this in a few weeks when I'm all better.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, I've really been getting into a running training program..

would I kill myself if I started this program and continued running 6-12 miles 3 times a week? Like ran in the morning and then did this when I got home?

My body fat is around 16% so I guess I'm in decent shape, but I'd like to add some definition without getting jacked.

Also, I have resistance bands already and own a pull up bar. Would I need to buy anything other than the DVDs?


Is it ok to split the workouts in half? As in doing half of Chest, Shoulders, Tri like in the mourning then coming back later in the day and finishing up the other half? Or do you have to do it all in one sitting?


MidnightRider said:
I've been thinking about starting this...... but figure I need to at least get somewhat into shape before jumping into this.
As long as you're not EXTREMELY out of shape, I think you should be fine. I was pretty out of shape when I started, heck I couldn't do a lot of stuff on their fitness test, but I stuck with it and I am currently on day 45, halfway done! Tony even says that you may stumble and fall, so don't sweat it if you have a hard time with the moves. Just do your best.


First tragedy, then farce.
So any thoughts on doing this and running 25-30 miles a week at the same time?

Is it a fools errand or could it be done?

I've been running like this and doing starting strength which has been a pain a few days after upping my squat weight or reps, but starting strength obviously isn't tapping into my endurance the way I imagine this will.


Neo Member
koam said:
So with a little over a week left, i'm forced to give up. I fucked up my ankle today and I probably won't recover in time. It's alright though since i've done more than 90 days anyway (I was repeating certain weeks). Results were awesome and I plan on redoing this in a few weeks when I'm all better.
Sorry to hear, koam. But hey like you said you did over 90 days of work already, and you sound like you've got you're next attack plan all lined up, so tell your ankle to hurry up and heal! :D

Lebron said:
Is it ok to split the workouts in half? As in doing half of Chest, Shoulders, Tri like in the mourning then coming back later in the day and finishing up the other half? Or do you have to do it all in one sitting?
I'm thinking you should run through all of it at once. Reason being is that once you finish the workout, your body shifts into a recovery state where it's trying to rebuild damaged muscle tissue and replace exhausted glycogen stores. Splitting the workout would mean that you don't really cause significant muscular microtrauma (which you DO want), and there wouldn't be anything for the body to repair.

No damage = no repair = minimal muscle growth.

StoOgE said:
So any thoughts on doing this and running 25-30 miles a week at the same time?

Is it a fools errand or could it be done?

I've been running like this and doing starting strength which has been a pain a few days after upping my squat weight or reps, but starting strength obviously isn't tapping into my endurance the way I imagine this will.
If you're still going to run, I would remove Plyometrics and Kenpo X and replace them with running. Let your body tell you what's up, but I personally wouldn't run 25-30 miles a week.

I wouldn't run on the strength training days, as it would take away from your ability to push 100% in the workouts. Running is a good cardiovascular workout, but I imagine it can also be hard on your legs, so modify your running intensity/route/distance/etc. if you find that your Legs and Back routine is dying.

I'm now a strong advocate for Yoga X, so I would definitely keep it in there. It provides a nice break from standard cardio and resistance training, but still manages to be hard. And the stretches in the latter half of Yoga X will make you feel good :D


I've been on P90X for about 60 days now. Thought GAF might enjoy my progress :)

This is me in the beginning...



This is me now!


I don't diet all that successfully...but when its time to work out, I get after it and get it done. Hopefully I can inspire someone to make the same choice. Best decision I've ever made.


Neo Member
RTS83 said:
I've been on P90X for about 60 days now. Thought GAF might enjoy my progress :)

This is me in the beginning...



This is me now!


I don't diet all that successfully...but when its time to work out, I get after it and get it done. Hopefully I can inspire someone to make the same choice. Best decision I've ever made.
*bows down* nice work there! And you still have 30 days left!


I'm totally relaxed. One thing I found as I lost more and more fat was that if I sucked in I look weird. My abs don't pop out anymore when I suck them down. If I let my stomach out normally the definition really shows through my skin.

After 14-15 years of sucking in it took some getting used to (you feel like you have a gut until you look in the mirror and realize hey...I don't) but I love being able to wear whatever I want without worrying about holding my breath.

Should add. I went from a 36 waist to a 30-32!
StoOgE said:
So, I've really been getting into a running training program..

would I kill myself if I started this program and continued running 6-12 miles 3 times a week? Like ran in the morning and then did this when I got home??

I added running to my program. I just finished 60 days and have now been running 2 miles in the evening everyday. My workouts haven't suffered and it's nice to have that extra cardio. Here are some recent photos.



I have day 1 pictures, but they're on my desktop. These are from right before Day 60, so far I'm happy with my results, went from around 170 to hovering around 150. I will continue P90x after my 90 days, but modify a little. Can't see myself going back to not working out at all. Just want to tighten my stomach and fill out my chest a bit more.


RTS83 said:
I've been on P90X for about 60 days now. Thought GAF might enjoy my progress :)

This is me in the beginning...



This is me now!


I don't diet all that successfully...but when its time to work out, I get after it and get it done. Hopefully I can inspire someone to make the same choice. Best decision I've ever made.

I hate you :D

Great job!

In other news, i've recently received some disappointing medical news that may or may not have been impeding my progress and results...I dunno...i'll know more after my ultrasonogram which is scheduled for the 14th. In some ways it's depressing, but in another it stokes my stubborness and desire to smash this broken stupid body into something useful in spite of it...anywho, some pics taken on wednesday this week

I liked my vascularity in that last one, especially since i took these pics "cold"


I wish I had taken pictures from the start like you are supposed to...

Everyone who has posted in here has had awesome results. My weight loss seems to have stopped in phase 3, but I am doing so much better in all of the workouts (I already met my weight loss goal, but I was hoping to lose a little more fat around the gut and legs). I am in week 10 and I am proud to say that I was actually able to do 9 of the towel pull ups. When you consider I couldn't even come close to doing one unassisted in week 5 I am very happy with that progress.

If I can do the one hand pushups and plyo pushups as well as Tony I will consider myself to have fully graduated from the program.


Neo Member
bionic77 said:
I wish I had taken pictures from the start like you are supposed to...

Everyone who has posted in here has had awesome results. My weight loss seems to have stopped in phase 3, but I am doing so much better in all of the workouts (I already met my weight loss goal, but I was hoping to lose a little more fat around the gut and legs). I am in week 10 and I am proud to say that I was actually able to do 9 of the towel pull ups. When you consider I couldn't even come close to doing one unassisted in week 5 I am very happy with that progress.

If I can do the one hand pushups and plyo pushups as well as Tony I will consider myself to have fully graduated from the program.
One thing I always forgot to tell myself early on is that generally speaking, the faster you lose weight, the faster you can gain it back. Likewise, the slower you lose weight, the longer you can keep it that way and/or longer it takes to gain it back. Just keep at it, let your muscles do the fat burning, and combined with a decent meal plan, you'll be set! :D


f-castrillo said:
One thing I always forgot to tell myself early on is that generally speaking, the faster you lose weight, the faster you can gain it back. Likewise, the slower you lose weight, the longer you can keep it that way and/or longer it takes to gain it back. Just keep at it, let your muscles do the fat burning, and combined with a decent meal plan, you'll be set! :D
Well I don't have much fat left to lose and overall I feel 100x better than I did when I started the program. In fact the only motivation I have to lose the fat is just so I can at least see the outline of the abs that you build up through thousands of ab exercises through the program.

When I finish I think I will take a week or two off and then start a hybrid program of some kind just so I keep in shape. I don't see myself working out 6 days a week though for awhile after I am done. That is the hardest part of the workout with working and being married.


Just finished week 7...though I don't think I will have results like some of the others I wish I would have taken pictures. I was in pretty good shape before starting, and I am not doing any of the diet side of the program, but I do notice bigger shoulders/arms and increased flexibility...the abs are more defined then they have ever been so all in all good stuff.


First tragedy, then farce.
RTS83 said:
I've been on P90X for about 60 days now. Thought GAF might enjoy my progress :)

This is me in the beginning...



This is me now!


I don't diet all that successfully...but when its time to work out, I get after it and get it done. Hopefully I can inspire someone to make the same choice. Best decision I've ever made.

Just ordered it. Your "before" picture looks a good deal like I do now.

I've decided to continue to keep running and do the P90x. If I do them 8-9 hours apart it should be good enough for my legs to have recovered from running in the AM.


OmniGamer said:

Thanks man! Weirdly enough, maybe this is by their design, but I think post Phase 3 recovery week, I continued to lose some weight, not much, enough though, that I think I actually started looking better than in my day 90 pic. One thing that I really did take away though is that I'm loving Yoga and am doing it a few times a week and even going to the classes at my local gym. The flexibility one gets by doing P90X is awesome.

I think I'm gonna start Insanity tomorrow. So we'll see how that goes. Keep it up everyone! I've seen and read some amazing results in here and it's good motivation to keep pressing play.


StoOgE said:
Just ordered it. Your "before" picture looks a good deal like I do now.

I've decided to continue to keep running and do the P90x. If I do them 8-9 hours apart it should be good enough for my legs to have recovered from running in the AM.

You made my day :)

The response among my friends, especially those that remember me as I was has been outstanding.

I'm a bartender and had let myself enjoy bar food waaaaay too much for a kid in college. I mean its semi-understandable...bar-food was free afterall. But taking shots during my shift? Not as acceptable.

I cut out the drinking. Limit myself on the bar food (although I definitely indulge multiple times per week.) And work out when its time to work out.

For me, that means P90x and stationary biking for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a week. I snack on healthier things and have learned how to say no.

Its easier than it seems. Don't let yourself be a 2-3 week chump. Make a commitment to yourself.


So I stopped P90x with a bit under 2 weeks to go because of an ankle injury (though I did way more than 90 days). I've been off training for 2 weeks and sadly, been eating pretty horribly :lol.

My ankle is good now and I start round 2 tomorrow. I'm so psyched.

I just did my groceries and this time, I'm going to follow the P90X nutrition plan though it cost me a fortune to buy all that stuff (or at least most of it, maybe 90%, i did cut some corners cause i live alone and don't want the food to go to waste).

I did doubles a bit last time but found it to be a waste of time, cardiox simply doesn't cut it for me. Instead, I'll be playing soccer twice weekly and biking an hour a day during all three phases.

My goal for round 1 was to get in shape, this time, it's abs.

And now, i'm off to prepare all these p90x sauces and soups!

Round 1 btw.


Current weight: 158 pounds, size 5'8" Age: 27 Current physical state: Normal body type, some fat on belly, rest of the body is ready for muscle gains. My best area is the lower body since it's above average in muscle definition/firmness mass.

Goal: P90X for 90 days uninterrupted + gain upto 170 pounds (mostly muscle I hope, ripped / or WELL defined look) I need some help GAF, what should I add to my list? And can the dietary pros in here PLEASE make a 5/6 meal daily diet for me with these items listed here? I don't know when would be the optimal time to eat any of these besides the post workout protein shake lol, Also should I be taking in about 2700-2800 calories per day for my set goal? Add anything that needs to be added for the diet and please make me the combination of meals that should be eaten (2 of which will be protein shakes from that whey powder) I need 4 defined meals for the day and I guess for the snacking you can say that I will be eating almonds.

Here is the list of stuff I have planned so far for a daily diet. I am buying a weeks worth of the foods listed here, and will continue to do so. The Whey comes in tonight for me. I already have the Ensure Plus cans available all the time.


CFM Whey Isolate 4 pounds worth, $56.XX shipped

1/3 cup = 1 serving

Options that I took:

Flavor: Vanilla
Sweetener: Splenda (Sucralose)
Aminogen: Yes
Carbogen: Yes
Glutamine Peptides: No
MicroLactin: No
Muscle Cocktail: Creatine & L-Glutamine
Peak ATP: No
Vitamins & Minerals: No

ADD more if you know what you are doing, help me out here :D , this is the first time I will ever eat clean (defined diet) in my entire life.

Oatmeal (not the instant kind) + something mixed with it for the post workout meal

Green Apples


Skinless Chicken Breasts (2 servings a day?)

Canned Tuna (water canned)

Whole wheat bread

Almonds (snack)

Black beans / Lentils

Egg whites

Water water water

+ extra diet modifier available to me (should I add it in to this list?)

Ensure Plus immune balance supplement, maybe one can for the off day? or three cans during the week to replace a meal pre workout? Dunno, I just need help creating the proper diet for what I want lol.

That's all I have for now for ideas, I will check this thread later. I hope that I have this sorted out by tomorrow (since I plan to make the official day one tomorrow for P90X) and yes I will take day 1 pictures and save them til I am done. Also I work 12AM to 8AM so keep this in mind (dietary experts that are willing to help me here) I plan to workout from 8:25AM to 9:30AM ish or however long P90X takes me for the given day and sleep right after til the afternoon.

THANKS GUYS! I will appreciate any help / tips given. I am finally serious about making a serious change in my life when it comes to working out and my eating habits.


Just started P90x yesterday, doing it all seven days. Actually did two days of cardio+x stretch before Sunday, though. I made it through cardio and the stretch sessions just fine, but yesterday, I got my ass kicked by the chest & back session. I was pretty much dead by the time I was doing a second session of diamond push ups. Had to get on my knees for that one as I got to the end, and even then I couldn't do it. And the ab ripper x after that was absolutely killer, especially since I was so tired. I used 35-pounders for the lawnmower and all the other dumbbell exercises, and I might have to look for a fifty pounder soon. It was tough, but I still did all the reps without being too tired. The point is to push yourself, I guess.

No chin up bar yet--hooked the resistance band to a door and did it like that. EXTREMELY unsatisfying. Will go buy one soon.

Felt good, although my shoulders and back were sore as fuck. I'm looking forward to plyometrics today.

Also, about the diet--how do people feel about sparkling water/mineral water? Or sucralose?


I've been slacking off towards the end of phase 2 :(

I need to step up cardio as I don't feel like i'm getting enough burn w/ the regular strength workouts.
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