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What's this P90X workout stuff?


bionic77 said:
You will be amazed at how much you can progress by the end of the program.

I just finished and while I still don't do fifer scissors 100% right (I just can't get my left leg that straight, I can get my right one about 90% of what they do), I can do so much shit I was not able to come close to doing when I first started.

I hope so man ... Because I thought I was "fit" lol... At least enough to not look like
a fool for some of these workouts lol...


Neo Member
Slayer-33 said:
I hope so man ... Because I thought I was "fit" lol... At least enough to not look like
a fool for some of these workouts lol...
I know what you mean, I went into it feeling I could make the first Ab Ripper X decent, and walked away feeling like I've never done any physical work in my life ever :lol

By the end of it all, you will have massive gains in your core strength. You may not be able to see the washboard abs at day 90, depending on your current body fat levels, but you will definitely feel the change.


Been doing this for 2 weeks now. Just using resistance bands and a pullup bar. I have already lost a bit of weight in my core, and it is pretty noticeable in my face according to people. Strictly following the fat shredder diet(not fat, just a little chub). Sucks because my energy is lower, but i have the random sandwich here and there. Good program so far though.


I am 2 weeks from finishing up my second round of Insanity workout.
I started at 200lbs and now I am down to 177lbs and I am almost at my goal weight of 175lbs.
After this round I plan on starting up p90x since I am pretty much done with weight loss.


For those of you doing Insanity, if you thought Tony was getting all touchy with the girls, Shaun T takes it to a whole other level.


Slayer-33 said:
I hope so man ... Because I thought I was "fit" lol... At least enough to not look like
a fool for some of these workouts lol...
I was the same way dude, but in reality my core and back were just not that great. Belly had a little too much jelly and the sports I played did not really build up my back enough.

By the end I was doing as many reps as the guys in most exercises (in the beginning I was just hoping to be able to equal the girls). I wouldn't be surprised if you exceed them if you stick with and really give the effort.

Things I still can't do well or at all after finishing P90X. I am still average at Fifer Scissors (can't get that 90 degree angle in my left leg, can get close with right), can barely do the plyo pushups (I definitely don't get the air that Tony gets), and can't do the crane (not sure if it is fear or weakness that is holding me back).


tass0 said:
Really eager to start working out, can anybody point me to the equipment required to do P90x?


Iron Gym Xtreme pull up bar





TV + DVD player


Willingness to push play every required day and do what they do, or attempt to do what they do to the best of your abilities w/o injuring yourself


And hopefully a proper diet + recovery drink/quality whey powder (proteinfactory.com)

Did I miss anything guys?
Dear God - someone tell me this gets easier.

Only two days in - I'm only doing around half of what the cyborgs on the TV are doing and I feel like I've been beaten with a crowbar. Plyometrics sucked.

Tell me this isn't out of the ordinary. So, so sore.


megashock5 said:
Dear God - someone tell me this gets easier.

Only two days in - I'm only doing around half of what the cyborgs on the TV are doing and I feel like I've been beaten with a crowbar. Plyometrics sucked.

Tell me this isn't out of the ordinary. So, so sore.

it's not out of the ordinary and, yes, it gets easier. (slightly)

first week is always a huge shock to the system. but by the second week, the post workout pain you feel will be diminished.

plyo is always a bitch, though :)
LCfiner said:
it's not out of the ordinary and, yes, it gets easier. (slightly)

first week is always a huge shock to the system. but by the second week, the post workout pain you feel will be diminished.

plyo is always a bitch, though :)

Thanks, that gives me some hope.

I'm not looking forward to tonight, shoulders and arms. My arms still hurt from chest/back on Monday. :lol


megashock5 said:
Thanks, that gives me some hope.

I'm not looking forward to tonight, shoulders and arms. My arms still hurt from chest/back on Monday. :lol
Just wait until you get to Core Synergistics and Chest, Shoulders, Triceps. Your arms will be in pain and it will be glorious. :D

Oh, and German potato soup! :lol


megashock5 said:
Thanks, that gives me some hope.

I'm not looking forward to tonight, shoulders and arms. My arms still hurt from chest/back on Monday. :lol

shoulders and arms is one of the easier workouts if I may say so. it's a bit of a respite before the super tough yoga and legs/back routines coming up


No One Remembers
Slayer-33 said:

Iron Gym Xtreme pull up bar





TV + DVD player


Willingness to push play every required day and do what they do, or attempt to do what they do to the best of your abilities w/o injuring yourself


And hopefully a proper diet + recovery drink/quality whey powder (proteinfactory.com)

Did I miss anything guys?

What size Dumbells? Do I need a couple of different weights?


Entropia said:
What size Dumbells? Do I need a couple of different weights?


if you can't buy multiple weights, get multiple bands.
some stuff is super hard with straight arms and you'll struggle with 8 to 10 pounds.
other stuff for shoulders and back can be too easy if you don't have at least 25 or 30 pounds.

10/15/20/30 is a decent range. you can sub in 25s and add 5s depending on your level of fitness now.


megashock5 said:
Dear God - someone tell me this gets easier.

Only two days in - I'm only doing around half of what the cyborgs on the TV are doing and I feel like I've been beaten with a crowbar. Plyometrics sucked.

Tell me this isn't out of the ordinary. So, so sore.

I'm about to start my p90x day now.. lol and I am hurting all over but fuck it :lol totally worth it.


on the 15th floor
Ill Saint said:
Anyone done P90X+? Considering trying it rather than another round of standard, as variety would be welcome. Does it hit as hard and get as good (or better) results? I'm looking to build on the muscle mass I got from P90X and not really lose fat since I'm fine in that regard.

Coincidentally, I just finished P90X Plus this morning. It's 12 weeks (so 84 days) and I loved it.

It complements P90X very well and gives you the variety you were looking for. Some of the new exercises are harder (like L-chin ups!) while others stress endurance more than strength. It's supposed to be a good 'maintenance' program for P90 grads, but I actually found that I still starting making progress. I lost 5 more pounds and reduced my body fat by 2%. I took my new progress photos today and I'm happy with the results.

The workouts are a bit shorter which is also a nice break.

I modified the program slightly to throw a better mixture of Ab Ripper X into the routine. As designed, Plus opts to do the Abs/Core (a 20 minute ab/core routine) 3 days per week but I chose to switch back and forth between Abs/Core and AbRX - I was too afraid to lose the gains I made on AbRX.

The DVDs:

Upper Plus: A quick but intense upper body workout whereby you do 4 sets of chest, back, shoulder, bicep and triceps (in that order) with 30 seconds of rest between sets.
Total Body Plus: A full body workout, touching everything from your chest, to your core and legs. I freaking love this one. If you work out hard enough you'll feel like passing out by the end.
Kenpo Cardio Plus: Shorter than Kenpo X, but more intense and frankly a much better workout. It assumes you've mastered the basic moves of the first.
Interval X: This is a substitute for Plyometrics and I actually find it more challenging. It too is shorter than Plyo but your heart probably can't take much more than 40 minutes of this anyways.

My only complaint with Plus is that Tony has really shortened the pre and post stretching routines. I've found I need to extend them a few minutes each to make sure I'm limber and avoid injury.

Next up: I'm buying some of the 'One-on-One with Tony Horton' DVDs and building a hybrid P90/Plus/OnO program. First, I need a solid recovery week though. My back is fucking killing me. :)
LCfiner said:
shoulders and arms is one of the easier workouts if I may say so. it's a bit of a respite before the super tough yoga and legs/back routines coming up

You were right about this. Not that it wasn't hard, but I could keep up with the folks on the video a bit better and didn't feel like I was going to die afterward like I did with Plyo.

Yoga X tonight, and my boss said it's the hardest one. Yikes!


megashock5 said:
You were right about this. Not that it wasn't hard, but I could keep up with the folks on the video a bit better and didn't feel like I was going to die afterward like I did with Plyo.

Yoga X tonight, and my boss said it's the hardest one. Yikes!

Yoga is very tough at first, but it's also the most rewarding. By the end of the program, your flexibility improves by leaps and bounds. Keep it up and good luck!


Neo Member
ocadman said:
Yoga is very tough at first, but it's also the most rewarding. By the end of the program, your flexibility improves by leaps and bounds. Keep it up and good luck!
This. I think when I start working and go back to school in the next few months, yoga will be the one thing I'll keep up consistently.
ocadman said:
Yoga is very tough at first, but it's also the most rewarding. By the end of the program, your flexibility improves by leaps and bounds. Keep it up and good luck!

Thanks, first yoga session was last night. I think the hardest thing about it is that, at least for the first hour, it's hard to do a lot of those moves partially - some of them are almost all or nothing and there were a number I couldn't do.

The last half hour was better since more of it was on the floor so I could do the move or pose, just not as tweaked as them.

It did give me hop that they said some of the people on the video couldn't do it when they started. Here's hoping it will get better each time.


on the 15th floor
megashock5 said:
Thanks, first yoga session was last night. I think the hardest thing about it is that, at least for the first hour, it's hard to do a lot of those moves partially - some of them are almost all or nothing and there were a number I couldn't do.

The last half hour was better since more of it was on the floor so I could do the move or pose, just not as tweaked as them.

It did give me hop that they said some of the people on the video couldn't do it when they started. Here's hoping it will get better each time.

It will get easier. Don't be afraid to modify either. The yoga blocks are a huge help. You can buy some for like $10. Worth every penny.

Warrior 3 is the devil.
Datawhore said:
It will get easier. Don't be afraid to modify either. The yoga blocks are a huge help. You can buy some for like $10. Worth every penny.

Warrior 3 is the devil.

Thanks, that's good to hear.

Okay, new question. I just finished the first week and had yesterday off (starting again tonight), and for the last couple of days I've been completely drained. I could literally fall asleep here at work, my energy is just zapped.

Obviously I'm hoping for an energy increase at some point, but I just want to make sure that this isn't out of the ordinary for where I am.


megashock5 said:
Thanks, that's good to hear.

Okay, new question. I just finished the first week and had yesterday off (starting again tonight), and for the last couple of days I've been completely drained. I could literally fall asleep here at work, my energy is just zapped.

Obviously I'm hoping for an energy increase at some point, but I just want to make sure that this isn't out of the ordinary for where I am.

make sure you’re eating enough. p90x demands a relatively high calorie intake. keep healthy snacks around at work and make sure you’re eating food at regular intervals.

speaking from experience, the days that I ate way less where the ones where I felt drained of energy after the workouts

of course the food should be healthy but you’ll be surprised how much food the diet guide recommends.


What do you guys do when you are done the entire program?

I am thinking of working out 2-4 times a week and I think I will continue doing some of the P90X routines, just not 6 days a week. Kenpo is out the window as I always thought that was worthless but I think I would like to continue doing a lot of the other workouts.
LCfiner said:
make sure you’re eating enough. p90x demands a relatively high calorie intake. keep healthy snacks around at work and make sure you’re eating food at regular intervals.

speaking from experience, the days that I ate way less where the ones where I felt drained of energy after the workouts

of course the food should be healthy but you’ll be surprised how much food the diet guide recommends.

That's a good point, I hadn't really thought too much about that. What do you guys usually use for work snacks? Nuts? I figure they'd have protein if nothing else.


megashock5 said:
That's a good point, I hadn't really thought too much about that. What do you guys usually use for work snacks? Nuts? I figure they'd have protein if nothing else.

for me it’s mostly nuts, cheese sticks and yogurt at work.

At home, I have a bit more fruit.


Started a new round of P90x after about 2 months of inactivity.

The warm up and most of the exercises are at the same level or a tad better than when I did the last phase.
But others are way worse than what I could manage after phase 3 the last time. Especially Ab ripper X was really bad...

That feels kinda strange...


Death Prophet
Anybody use some resistance bands that they can recommend? I'm looking on Amazon and I see a lot of reviews about them snapping with just a few uses. I'm a little nervous about ordering some. How much do I have to spend for some quality bands?


Gold Member
I wasn't paying too much attention to my caloric intake until I calculated it tonight and it was somewhere around 1500-2000 calories.

For a 6'2" male at 235lbs my Basic Metabolic Rate was about 2300 calories.

First dumb question: Based on my BMR and doing P90 5 days a week eating about 1500-2000 calories a day, did I just put my body into starvation mode?

Second question: If I kick up my caloric intake to about 2500-2700 should I eventually get out of starvation mode and how long will it take?

Third question: How many calories should I eat if I'm working out and I want to keep my body properly fueled?


Neo Member
I am convinced. I will be sending out for this tomorrow. What is the best deal right now? I know that they advertise it a lot on ESPN 1320, but is it cheaper on Amazon? What about EBay? I hope I can stick with this... I love to cook and eat, and I need to change...

Ill Saint

Fantastical said:
Anybody use some resistance bands that they can recommend? I'm looking on Amazon and I see a lot of reviews about them snapping with just a few uses. I'm a little nervous about ordering some. How much do I have to spend for some quality bands?
I have a blue and purple SPRI, which have been great. I bought a Ripcords Black Sniper that snapped after a month and a bit. They replaced it promptly with no questions asked, which was nice, and for an upgraded model with better handles.
One more question: what are you guys using for recovery drinks?

I've been using Vitamin Water and Powerade Zero, but should I being using something else? What about those protein powders that mix in your water?


Solo said:
What do you guys do after the 90 days?

I did it again, and then a hybrid routine for another ~90 days, and now i'm 2/3rds of the way through another round of P90X...in fact tomorrow, July 1st, will make it one year exactly since first starting P90X. I plan to maintain through the summer, and then maybe try to bulk over the fall/winter. I'm going to take my official "1 year later" 1:1 pics if not exactly tomorrow, then definitely friday or saturday...but anywho, here's some pics from last year, and some taken this sunday and monday.


First 30 days last year




While I love the feeling I get after finishing the workout, my wife will divorce me if I keep doing this 6 days a week all the time.

My idea was to continue to workout at least 2 days a week and hopefully 3-4 days a week if I get the time. Just started playing some tennis again and I am looking forward to playing some hoops after losing so much weight. I hope that is enough to sustain whatever gains I have made.
megashock5 said:
One more question: what are you guys using for recovery drinks?

I've been using Vitamin Water and Powerade Zero, but should I being using something else? What about those protein powders that mix in your water?
I thought recovery drinks were all about carbs > protein.
megashock5 said:
One more question: what are you guys using for recovery drinks?

I've been using Vitamin Water and Powerade Zero, but should I being using something else? What about those protein powders that mix in your water?

Neither of those drinks are "recovery drinks" in any sense of the word. Powerade Zero has zero calories, so that should be the biggest hint that it is nutritionally void. I do love the fact that we live in a world where products like 5-hour Energy exist and tout the fact that they only contain 4 calories........ a unit of energy.

I'd recommend any Optimum Nutrition or Endurox products for recovery. If you're worried about calories then I'd probably go with Accelerade which looks like its aimed for more of that audience type.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Just started week 7 and I can tell I am better at each workout. Still cant really do pull-ups, but Plyo has gotten much better. Ab ripper too, but I still cant do the scissors. I get my legs at about 45 degrees off the ground.

I have seen a small bit of weight loss and know I've gained a bit of muscle. I eat great during the week, and let myself have some good stuff on the weekend so I don't go insane.

Chocolate Milk is my recovery drink of choice. :D


I do have a few questions.

I suck at pull-ups and have been using the bar and a chair, but dont feel like it is doing much. I had been doing the bands but am afraid the bands I got at Target are going to snap off my door and kill me. My arms are tired by the end of a set of pull-ups with the bar/chair so maybe they are working, any hints?

Also what do you guys suggest eating for dinner that is cheap and easy? I do a lot of tuna sandwiches and egg sandwiches, anything else that is healthy, easy, and cheap?
One of my female friends did Back, chest, and tri with me on monday and she was almost in tears :lol. Especially during ARX. The pheifer (sp) scissors kicked her ass. I'm on week 5, but missed a bunch of exercises. Couldn't do my pylo yesterday because I was just too damn tired, but I'm doing back and biceps and want to sqeeze pylo in there somewhere too to make up for missing yesterday.

Old clothes that didn't fit now fit, so it's def working. Still gotta long ways to go, but so far I'm pretty happy with the process thus far.


bionic77 said:
While I love the feeling I get after finishing the workout, my wife will divorce me if I keep doing this 6 days a week all the time.

My idea was to continue to workout at least 2 days a week and hopefully 3-4 days a week if I get the time. Just started playing some tennis again and I am looking forward to playing some hoops after losing so much weight. I hope that is enough to sustain whatever gains I have made.
What I did after P90X: Monday/Wednesday/Friday strength training (e.g. M-chest/back W-arms/shoulders F-legs) and then ran on Tuesdays and Thursdays to satisfy the cardio part of the program.

megashock5 said:
One more question: what are you guys using for recovery drinks?

I've been using Vitamin Water and Powerade Zero, but should I being using something else? What about those protein powders that mix in your water?
Those drinks won't do a thing for you. You should go to your nearest GNC or Vitamin Shoppe and buy whey protein powder or weight gainer powder (if you're looking to bulk up rather than lose weight.) I also recommend mixing with 2% instead of skim milk.

Solo said:
What do you guys do after the 90 days?
That seems to be the general consensus. I started P90X over after 90 days and many do but still others move onto P90X+ or Insanity.


If you are doing the portion approach to the diet, can you split servings? For example, instead of 1 cup of oatmeal or 1 cup of whole grain cereal for my daily carb portion, can I do ½ cup of oatmeal and ½ cup of whole grain cereal? Also, if it is allowed, do I have to eat them in 1 “meal” or can I have the oatmeal for 1 meal and the cereal in another?


Missed 2 days in a row due to work and new pc build :lol , won't fuck around, posting to stay straight with myself.. I need to make up for that shit, I guess Sunday will do (extra workout). I've seen progress already man.. In just a week and a half.. It's crazy

It is not bs! I can tell already that if you eat properly and follow the program YOU will see dramatic results by 90 days.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Any simple alternative I can follow instead of using the food guide thing? I've never really had an issue eating horribly or anything, but I feel like I should put the effort into it anyway. Just not very well informed on how to go about doing so effectively.
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