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What's this P90X workout stuff?


For those of you struggling with P90X try moving to P90 phase 3-4. You will get ripped just the same, but it will take a bit longer.

If you find yourself not able to keep up then moving to phase 3-4 of P90 is a better idea. Getting through an entire workout is better then not.
Had to stop after day 24 because of my work shift change, and have been off the program for about 3 weeks now. I was making great progress and already seeing results, but now it's back to day 1. Taking an hour+ a day to do these exercises was just a bit too demanding at times, but I hope I can finish it this time. Here's hoping.


Death Prophet
I really want to start this. I'll be 18 next month, going off to college, and I'm tired of being really skinny with little muscle.

Is it recommended at all that I use resistance bands? I've seen such mixed things about them, some saying that it would be really hard to gain muscle while others saying it's almost as good as free weights. Has anyone here used resistance bands to gain muscle?

It's just really expensive for free weights.


Done with Kenpo. I don't know, I thought it was a decent workout, but it's so repetitive and boring. Yoga is painful, but at least it's interesting.


Blackface said:
For those of you struggling with P90X try moving to P90 phase 3-4. You will get ripped just the same, but it will take a bit longer.

If you find yourself not able to keep up then moving to phase 3-4 of P90 is a better idea. Getting through an entire workout is better then not.

P90x isn't too difficult. Just modify and take breaks.
Just a quick non P90X related question, but does anybody know any good fore arm workouts to increase muscle there?

I have pretty big biceps but holy shit my forearms are ridiculously skinny. If you saw my forearms by themselves, it looks like I'm being starved or something. I hate it and it's so un-proportional to the rest of my body.

Granted, I always assumed that in between push ups, curls and other workouts that I need my arms for, I thought they'd just naturally become proportional. I never expected them to get brollic but I thought SOMETHING would happen. Instead, the more I'm losing weight, the skinnier they keep getting :|

So yeah, any kind of suggestions would be helpful.


effingvic said:
Just a quick non P90X related question, but does anybody know any good fore arm workouts to increase muscle there?

I have pretty big biceps but holy shit my forearms are ridiculously skinny. If you saw my forearms by themselves, it looks like I'm being starved or something. I hate it and it's so un-proportional to the rest of my body.

Granted, I always assumed that in between push ups, curls and other workouts that I need my arms for, I thought they'd just naturally become proportional. I never expected them to get brollic but I thought SOMETHING would happen. Instead, the more I'm losing weight, the skinnier they keep getting :|

So yeah, any kind of suggestions would be helpful.

Yep. To do these workouts, you'll have to go out of the P90X framework though.

1. Farmer's walks. Grab some heavy dumbbells and walk. By the time you've walked for a few moments, your forearms will feel like they want to explode. Keep on walking. Once you can't hold on any longer, wait a minute then do it again. Do that a couple of times a week.

2. Wrist curls. Grab a barbell, with your forearms resting on your knees. curl your hands up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAGtdY18SGY

3. Wrist roller. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwn0dKVoeVo&feature=related

There are other exercises like deadlifts, pinch grip deadlifts, Captains of Crush, etc which will all increase your grip strength and forearm size, but stick with just those three and you'll do fine.
grumble said:
Yep. To do these workouts, you'll have to go out of the P90X framework though.

1. Farmer's walks. Grab some heavy dumbbells and walk. By the time you've walked for a few moments, your forearms will feel like they want to explode. Keep on walking. Once you can't hold on any longer, wait a minute then do it again. Do that a couple of times a week.

2. Wrist curls. Grab a barbell, with your forearms resting on your knees. curl your hands up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAGtdY18SGY

3. Wrist roller. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwn0dKVoeVo&feature=related

There are other exercises like deadlifts, pinch grip deadlifts, Captains of Crush, etc which will all increase your grip strength and forearm size, but stick with just those three and you'll do fine.

Good looks man, thanks. Yeah, I don't have time/space/equipment to do P90X 100% like I used to so I just pick and choose the work outs depending on what I'm working on for the day.


Started my second week today. Chest & Back with Ab Ripper X. Diamond push ups and dive bombers still kick my ass, but my military push ups actually look respectable now.
effingvic said:
I have pretty big biceps but holy shit my forearms are ridiculously skinny. If you saw my forearms by themselves, it looks like I'm being starved or something. I hate it and it's so un-proportional to the rest of my body.

I thought I was the only one with this problem. My forearms look like they belong on another person's body...like a 12 year old girl's maybe.
After completing the shoulders & arms/ab ripper X combination I have to admit that I really need a complete set of resistance bands. My arms are too weak for dumbbells (and my wallet is too empty) and I can't manage all the workouts with the extreme tension band I have.

Also: My core is shockingly weak. I can barely manage the ab exercises.


Napoleonthechimp said:
After completing the shoulders & arms/ab ripper X combination I have to admit that I really need a complete set of resistance bands. My arms are too weak for dumbbells (and my wallet is too empty) and I can't manage all the workouts with the extreme tension band I have.

Also: My core is shockingly weak. I can barely manage the ab exercises.
This is one of the best parts of P90X. If you stick with the program you are going to see huge gains in your core and back if you are like me. After 3 months though you will be blasting through Ab Ripper like the people on the video. Same with pull ups. At the start of month two you will think that those towel and corn cobs are impossible, but they are very doable by the end of the program and you will be banging out pull ups and push ups like you just got out of Army basic training.


Neo Member
Hey X GAF, just popping in to say what's up :D

I'm finishing month two of my X+ INSANITY hybrid, and I've come down a lot in terms of fat and body weight. I'm down 8 lbs from the end of round 1 of P90X! I feel a lot leaner, and I can see more definition in the mirror now. My body fat caliper also says I'm at approx 18% body fat as of last week :D

However, the slightly worrisome part of all that weight loss is the amount of weight I've lost in the past 10 days. I'm currently towards the end of my recovery week (which consists of yoga, core workouts from X and INSANITY, and a day of easy jogging). During the last 3 weeks of intense exercise, my weight and body fat would hold steady at 180 lbs, + or - a pound. Suddenly I hit the recovery week, and my weight begins to plummet faster than I thought.

June 8 - 180.6
June 11 - 178.8
(recovery week started June 13)
June 16 - 177.0
June 17 - 176.6
June 18 - 176.2

This week is full of easy workouts that get the blood flowing and work the muscles a bit, but not so much that the growth of the muscles are inhibited. This is nothing compared to the past three weeks. So color me surprised when I found out I was LOSING weight (and relatively fast) during this growth/recovery week, instead of holding steady or gaining a little to reflect muscular growth.

My daily calorie goal is 2700 calories a day, even in this easy week, and I'm usually within 200 calories of hitting that goal. P90X originally put me at 2400, but I upped it to match the needs of INSANITY, X+, and my hunger levels. I get at least 120g of protein a day (26g, sometimes 52g depending on the day, coming from a Muscle Milk whey/micellar casein mix), take a One-a-Day Energy multivitamin daily, and am really good about meeting calcium requirements in order to not compromise bone integrity.

My eating habits have also gotten progressively better each month, with this month being the best (healthiest) I've eaten so far. Last Friday (June 11) I was at a party, and while I didn't eat a ton, I'm sure the sodium content was probably way up there. So I'm surprised my weight didn't stay up for much longer. If you noticed, there's dates missing between June 11-16; my weight hovered in decimal places for that duration (178.x)

I only have one real theory as to why I would be losing this much weight suddenly. Maybe the easier workload of this week allowed the muscles to finish the growth process and release excess water from the swelling, resulting in fairly instant weight loss.

Also, if it's significant at all, I've had a mild cold for the past 6 days, although the worst of it didn't last long, and I've been on my way out of it since 2 days ago.

Question to expert GAF: Do I have reason to worry about my situation?

In better news, my resting heart rate is 46 BPM now :lol
I justed doing this on Monday and I'm having crazy trouble finishing workouts (honestly, I haven't finished any but day 1 and 3 and I feel terrible about it). I still feel the burn and the soreness the next day, but I figure I should extend phase 1 a week or two and let this week (and maybe next week) be my warmup weeks. This a good idea or should I just advance to stage 2 after I hit the first 4 weeks done?


The World Cup kind of killed the schedule for me--I've been drinking and neglecting workouts. Anyways, getting back into it on Sunday, goodbye beer. :(


So I started phase 3 this past Monday. My results so far: 19 lbs lost, -6% body fat, down a few pants sizes. The one thing I'm most proud of though...I've stayed on my diet for all but 1 meal. :D


Neo Member
Bpatrol said:
I justed doing this on Monday and I'm having crazy trouble finishing workouts (honestly, I haven't finished any but day 1 and 3 and I feel terrible about it). I still feel the burn and the soreness the next day, but I figure I should extend phase 1 a week or two and let this week (and maybe next week) be my warmup weeks. This a good idea or should I just advance to stage 2 after I hit the first 4 weeks done?
I would repeat the week, and like you said treat it like a "warmup week", until you can finish each workout. Not necessarily at their pace (you won't get close to that until phase 3), but you'll benefit greatly if you finish the videos.

You're feeling the soreness even after a partial workout, so that's good. You're body is obviously adapting to the sudden onset of hard physical work, so you might be ready for a full on run next week. Keep it up!:D


Alright, so I'm (finally) hoping to start P90x this monday. I bought this a couple months ago but didn't want to start it until I had time off so I could judge how much it's going to affect me and how much time I'd need in the morning to get everything done.

The problem is I'm still struggling with the diet. I never really paid attention to nutrition info on food before because I'm someone who can eat almost anything any not gain weight... I'm only 5'7" and a 135lbs. So suddenly jumping it to all this is a little overwhelming.

The book says the recommended breakdown for phase 1 is 50% protein, 30% carb and 20% fat. I'm using Calorie Count to find food to plug into this awesome spreadsheet I found, but it seems like no matter what I select I can't get everything to fit that, or even come close really. The spreadsheet has a ton of P90x food already put in too, so I'm making sure the portions line up right but they just don't fit. Am I over analyzing it? Should I just pick food from the P90x nutrition guide, make sure the portions match, and go with it instead of worrying about how close it is to the exact split of 50/30/20? I realize I probably won't ever hit that exactly, but from the random food I selected it's not even close. I mean, I ended up having more carbs than protein, despite following the guide.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Just finished week 5 (start of Phase 2) and have seen decent results. I can tell I have gained muscle and lost weight, can finally do more than 0 pull-ups too. :D

The pull-ups are difficult to do, I have the door bar but it is just above my head. They use a chair in the video but my bar is much lower so it is an odd angle. Tried the bands instead of pull-ups but I'd rather not use them as one of these times it is going to snap off the door and kill me. :lol


The P90X nutrition guide is useful, but it's not perfect. If you choose to deviate a bit, then you'll probably be okay. The important thing is to get enough food to refuel and grow a little but not enough to get fat (if you're underweight), and to get enough protein in.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Just finished week 5 (start of Phase 2) and have seen decent results. I can tell I have gained muscle and lost weight, can finally do more than 0 pull-ups too. :D

The pull-ups are difficult to do, I have the door bar but it is just above my head. They use a chair in the video but my bar is much lower so it is an odd angle. Tried the bands instead of pull-ups but I'd rather not use them as one of these times it is going to snap off the door and kill me. :lol

I've finally started up again, and this time to try and get pullups down I'm using the bands instead of the chair, and I'm really liking them. I didn't feel any real gains with the chair; I think I was cheating too much (even though I was trying not to). I'm pulling a very heavy band back about 8 feet, and I can really feel it the next day, something I wasn't getting so much with the chair. I think in another week or so I'll be able to do band assisted pull ups with another week or so for real ones.

As far as the snapping goes, it's a worry, but these things are pretty tough; I make sure to check mine before every session for rips and whatnot.


I'm in the second week of P90, (Sculpt1-2 and Sweat 1-2/AbRipper100) and loving it.
I'm reasonably fit, and haven't had too much of a problem keeping up.
Only having problems with the pushups in Sculpt and the Yoga/Downward Dogs in Sweat.

The host is an absolute blast. So funny. It helps a lot. :lol
Boonoo said:
I've finally started up again, and this time to try and get pullups down I'm using the bands instead of the chair, and I'm really liking them. I didn't feel any real gains with the chair; I think I was cheating too much (even though I was trying not to). I'm pulling a very heavy band back about 8 feet, and I can really feel it the next day, something I wasn't getting so much with the chair. I think in another week or so I'll be able to do band assisted pull ups with another week or so for real ones.

As far as the snapping goes, it's a worry, but these things are pretty tough; I make sure to check mine before every session for rips and whatnot.
I used a band for a couple months, then it snapped on me. Since then I've stuck with dumbbells.


opticalmace said:
I used a band for a couple months, then it snapped on me. Since then I've stuck with dumbbells.

Yeah, I'm doing dumbbells for all the weights. Hopefully I can get off the band for pullups soon. Those things can take an eye out.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Boonoo said:
I've finally started up again, and this time to try and get pullups down I'm using the bands instead of the chair, and I'm really liking them. I didn't feel any real gains with the chair; I think I was cheating too much (even though I was trying not to). I'm pulling a very heavy band back about 8 feet, and I can really feel it the next day, something I wasn't getting so much with the chair. I think in another week or so I'll be able to do band assisted pull ups with another week or so for real ones.

As far as the snapping goes, it's a worry, but these things are pretty tough; I make sure to check mine before every session for rips and whatnot.

Where did you get yours? For some reason I don't trust the Target bands I have, i got a 3 pack that come with 1 pair of handles and the bands clip onto them and sometimes the clip will unhook randomly while working out.

Ill Saint

Anyone done P90X+? Considering trying it rather than another round of standard, as variety would be welcome. Does it hit as hard and get as good (or better) results? I'm looking to build on the muscle mass I got from P90X and not really lose fat since I'm fine in that regard.


Unconfirmed Member
I have the P90X myself and was in in phase 2, but had to stop almost a month ago. Tore muscles in my lower back helping a friend build a fence. Stepped in an animal hole and well through my back out and tore muscles trying to keep the wood from falling on me.

I can now say that lower back injuries really suck, just when you think they are healing you turn just a bit and you aggravate it all over again.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Where did you get yours? For some reason I don't trust the Target bands I have, i got a 3 pack that come with 1 pair of handles and the bands clip onto them and sometimes the clip will unhook randomly while working out.

I grabbed this one from amazon. It comes with a nylon strap (the door attachment) that I put my pull up bar through.


I am proud to say that i'm back on p90x for real now, i'm on a proper diet for once in my life.

It will get semi expensive but it wil be totally worth it, I'll be taking my first body shot later today, I started with kenpo x and will do arms and chest tomorrow, I think that I will go jogging/sprinting later today (6/20) as it's the first day off but I would rather speed up my fat loss since I don't have long to go to lose the belly fat that I have, I'll post my current diet and eating schedule later today since I am at work and typing/posting from my new iPod touch 32gb :lol


Well, I decided I'll just go with what I have now. Protein is about right, but the carbs and fat are off, but it's as good as I can seem to get it. I've been unable to find any examples of meals put together with the portion approach that match the 50/30/20 ratio while following the recommended number of portions. At this point I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible. I'll probably end up almost completely ignoring the required portions and just hit my calorie goal and the 50/30/20 ratio and be done with it.

I've been sitting here for hours every day trying to figure a decent meal plan out that fits and I've realized I'll never actually start this thing at this rate. If the results for the first phase end up being horrible I'll just have to start over, hopefully with a better understanding of everything.

Now the only problem is actually finding food in the store that matches the nutrition labels what I've pulled of the various websites.

Ill Saint

Decided to go for a second round P90X classic. Had 3 weeks of inactivity due to work related issues. Thought I could walk back into it, but nope. Chest and back has killed me. I feel nauseous and couldn't complete the the last few exercises, and I struggled like hell through the second half in general. Completely demoralising.


nataku said:
Well, I decided I'll just go with what I have now. Protein is about right, but the carbs and fat are off, but it's as good as I can seem to get it. I've been unable to find any examples of meals put together with the portion approach that match the 50/30/20 ratio while following the recommended number of portions. At this point I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible. I'll probably end up almost completely ignoring the required portions and just hit my calorie goal and the 50/30/20 ratio and be done with it.

I've been sitting here for hours every day trying to figure a decent meal plan out that fits and I've realized I'll never actually start this thing at this rate. If the results for the first phase end up being horrible I'll just have to start over, hopefully with a better understanding of everything.

Now the only problem is actually finding food in the store that matches the nutrition labels what I've pulled of the various websites.

I was having the same trouble as you. So I decided just to do my best with the portions suggested and not worry too much. Starting first exercise today! :)


Neo Member
Ill Saint said:
Anyone done P90X+? Considering trying it rather than another round of standard, as variety would be welcome. Does it hit as hard and get as good (or better) results? I'm looking to build on the muscle mass I got from P90X and not really lose fat since I'm fine in that regard.
X+ may be your ticket. I did 2 months of it along with INSANITY before switching to something else. The workouts are 40 minutes long, but it makes for a good workout if you stick close to the video's pacing (i.e. minimal pausing). My body continued to improve throughout the course of X+, and I think it would've continued with another month of it.

I switched to a different routine just this week to focus on certain body parts for a competition me and some friends are having. Had it not been for that, I would've gladly finished month 3 of X+


So after reading this thread, I've been intereted to check this out and before I get invested in it, I got a few questions.

What happens if you miss a few days? Will it be not as effective? I'm not really sure what goal I want at this point, I was thinking to get muscles but I also want abs, is it possible with this program? What happens if you wanna go drinking for beers a few nights? Not recommended?


ravien56 said:
So after reading this thread, I've been intereted to check this out and before I get invested in it, I got a few questions.

What happens if you miss a few days? Will it be not as effective? I'm not really sure what goal I want at this point, I was thinking to get muscles but I also want abs, is it possible with this program? What happens if you wanna go drinking for beers a few nights? Not recommended?

Don't take breaks (other than during workouts to help you finish them) and cheat once a week minimally imo, don't eat crap every day or even close to every day again once a week have a decent cheat meal, great cheats like a proper burger with no mayo or big amounts of ketchup , add tomato / lettuce

Throw away all that grocery garbage (soda, sugared shit like Oreo's :(, ice creams, candy bullshit, cakes, donuts etc, fuck that shit)

I love pizza and I plan to cheat with 1 slice of PIZZA on my "off day" Sundays and that's it. If you end up doing this, Hit PLAY every day you are scheduled to dude.


While waiting for complex carb MEAL pre-workout 8AM+ Just arriving home

1- 1 Banana + 1 Boar's head premium Turkey Ham and BH Swiss Cheese + Stern's 100% whole wheat bread - Sandwich. 8AM-9AM +12 OZ of filtered WATER

Green Apple 10:30AMish + 5 ALMONDS + 5 DRIED CRANBERRIES + WATER
EAT HOME PRE WORKOUT - COMPLEX CARBS PLANNED MEAL BETWEEN 10:30AMish-1:30PM Brown Rice (boiled) OR Sweet Potato (boiled) (ALTERNATE C.Carbs Meal) + 3 slices of raw tomato, + Sliced Banana Medium + Black beans or Lentils or White beans + 1 Chicken breast sliced in 2, Roasted

Before AND During the scheduled workout, (after waiting 1 hour and 30 minutes from having eaten the Complex Carb + Chicken Breast Protein) 24 OZ OF FILTERED WATER

POST workout drink (Will drink it 15-20 Minutes AFTER the workout) (CFM WHEY ISOLATE from protein factory 1/3cup = 1 serving 4 pounds, 15 servings per pound of powder, driking it with WATER @ $56.xx shipped) (Don't drink WHEY ON Kenpo X or Cardio days save it for lifting days)

ALT to WHEY - 1 Glass Drink 8 OZ of Lactaid 1% fat Chocolate Milk @ $4.69 for half a gallon on cardio/off day (TRY THIS GUYS, it has AWESOME TASTE)




3-4AM Planned meal for work (Oatmeal w/water + OR with Sliced Banana + Strawberry)


^The dietary plan I came up with for my needs ^ 2300ish Calories, 150-160ish G of protein, 54.2 G of fat (vast majority good), 298 G of carbs (great carbs mainly)

28% - 21% - 51% ratio P/F/C - Current weight 158 pounds, Height: 5'8"

I will rinse and repeat, I will work on alternative foods (I haven't bought the sweet potatoes yet, I also have fresh carrots ready to be served/added to that list) for the scheduled times to change things up.

That is what I am doing guys I have all the foods ready (have done 1 day of this already but with Kenpo X) Would like critique since this is the best I came up with schedule and diet wise (I work 12AM to 8AM)

This is the first time that I have done something like this and I expect to see great results, I am taking my first picture for day one (official day one) as I will do the Monday workout.

Good luck to everyone starting with P90X!


f-castrillo said:
X+ may be your ticket. I did 2 months of it along with INSANITY before switching to something else. The workouts are 40 minutes long, but it makes for a good workout if you stick close to the video's pacing (i.e. minimal pausing). My body continued to improve throughout the course of X+, and I think it would've continued with another month of it.

I switched to a different routine just this week to focus on certain body parts for a competition me and some friends are having. Had it not been for that, I would've gladly finished month 3 of X+
Does X+ just replace certain workouts in the regular P90X program? And if so, which ones? I haven't done much research on it, but I have four weeks left in my first round and I'm interested in X+ for round 2.


What website offers the most accurate tracking of your diet breakdown? The spreadsheet I'm using says I'm at 50% protein, but when I plug in the exact same food into fitday.com it says it's only 45%, and myfitnesspal.com gives me yet another different number, saying I needed even more protein to hit 50%. I haven't bother with livestrong.com yet because I can't seem to find a perfect match to the food I'm using as a test, and I see no way to edit in the nutrition info manually.

Which one is right?


Neo Member
Nightz said:
Does X+ just replace certain workouts in the regular P90X program? And if so, which ones? I haven't done much research on it, but I have four weeks left in my first round and I'm interested in X+ for round 2.
Yeah it's sort of integrates over the old X schedule rather than completely replacing it. You still use the old Yoga X and X Stretch, plyo and kenpo x are replaced with X+ versions, and you have Upper Plus and Total Body Plus as your sole resistance workouts.

The default X+ schedule is this
1. Upper Plus, Abs/Core Plus
2. Interval X Plus, Abs/Core Plus
3. Total Body Plus
4. Yoga X
5. Upper Plus, Abs/Core Plus
6. Kenpo Cardio Plus
7. Stretch/rest


I don't use the nutritional guide. I eat what I want and drink a ton of beer and I'm still seeing results. Good nutrition isn't any fun.


f-castrillo said:
Yeah it's sort of integrates over the old X schedule rather than completely replacing it. You still use the old Yoga X and X Stretch, plyo and kenpo x are replaced with X+ versions, and you have Upper Plus and Total Body Plus as your sole resistance workouts.

The default X+ schedule is this
1. Upper Plus, Abs/Core Plus
2. Interval X Plus, Abs/Core Plus
3. Total Body Plus
4. Yoga X
5. Upper Plus, Abs/Core Plus
6. Kenpo Cardio Plus
7. Stretch/rest
Cool, thanks. And you said each workout was 40 minutes? Does that include the Abs/Core workout as well?


Holy shit done today with the first Monday workout... Are you supposed to do Shoulders/Arms + Ab Ripper X back to back? Because I did within 4 minutes.. :lol

Fuck wtf man, Ab Ripper X :( I looked like a fish out of water attempting to do a certain workout and half assed nearly every single workout (for Ab Rip, I did 80% of the reps + proper form on the Shoulders/Arms)... Damn man how embarrassing. :lol

I am officially on board with you bitches! I can't wait to do Plyo since it's my sort of training and Yoga (which I fear along with Ab Ripper for now)

How long did it take you guys to "look" right doing Ab Ripper X?

-edit corrected workout name


Slayer-33 said:
Holy shit done today with the first Monday workout... Are you supposed to do Chest/Back + Ab Ripper X back to back? Because I did within 4 minutes.. :lol

Fuck wtf man, Ab Ripper X :( I looked like a fish out of water attempting to do a certain workout and half assed nearly every single workout... Damn man how embarrassing. :lol

I am officially onboard with you bitches! I can't wait to do Plyo since it's my sort of training and Yoga (which I fear along with Ab Ripper for now)

How long did it take you guys to "look" right doing Ab Ripper X?
Yup, it's best to do them back to back. And no, I will never look right doing Fifer Scissors.


Nightz said:
Yup, it's best to do them back to back. And no, I will never look right doing Fifer Scissors.

:lol :lol good to know, (I looked like a moron doing or attempting to do the one for the love handles :lol) want to know how bad it was? Let me put it this way, I don't even know if I will EVER look like they do as I get more fit.. That's how bad ;(


Nightz said:
Yup, it's best to do them back to back. And no, I will never look right doing Fifer Scissors.
Oh man. How the hell does anyone do fifer scissors right? I barely can figure out HOW to do it.


Neo Member
Nightz said:
Cool, thanks. And you said each workout was 40 minutes? Does that include the Abs/Core workout as well?
Sorry, I kinda forgot about Abs/Core :lol

That workout is 20 minutes, so doing Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus will have you at about an hour if you don't pause the video (which for me is impossible because I have to switch weight plates)


Neo Member
Slayer-33 said:
Holy shit done today with the first Monday workout... Are you supposed to do Shoulders/Arms + Ab Ripper X back to back? Because I did within 4 minutes.. :lol

Fuck wtf man, Ab Ripper X :( I looked like a fish out of water attempting to do a certain workout and half assed nearly every single workout (for Ab Rip, I did 80% of the reps + proper form on the Shoulders/Arms)... Damn man how embarrassing. :lol

I am officially on board with you bitches! I can't wait to do Plyo since it's my sort of training and Yoga (which I fear along with Ab Ripper for now)

How long did it take you guys to "look" right doing Ab Ripper X?

-edit corrected workout name
I've only gotten to a point where I have Ab Ripper X done as well as the people on-screen about a month ago. The one that took the longest to get "right" was...


...fifer scissors. :lol


Slayer-33 said:
:lol :lol good to know, (I looked like a moron doing or attempting to do the one for the love handles :lol) want to know how bad it was? Let me put it this way, I don't even know if I will EVER look like they do as I get more fit.. That's how bad ;(
You will be amazed at how much you can progress by the end of the program.

I just finished and while I still don't do fifer scissors 100% right (I just can't get my left leg that straight, I can get my right one about 90% of what they do), I can do so much shit I was not able to come close to doing when I first started.
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