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What's this P90X workout stuff?


catfish said:
Also, question for the protein shake users, being that this stuff costs a decent amount of $$ are you guys using it also on the cardio days? I found it tasted/felt great after a muscle workout, but is it required on plyo/kenpo/yoga days?
I do drink some on cardio days to keep my protein intake the same everyday.
I'm feeling pretty discouraged today. I changed my diet three weeks ago and I've been working as hard as I can at P90 for two weeks and I haven't lost a single pound. I'm kind of wondering why I'm even bothering and want to have a Coke and eat a huge bag of potato chips since I'm not losing any weight anyway.


ScrabbleDude said:
I'm feeling pretty discouraged today. I changed my diet three weeks ago and I've been working as hard as I can at P90 for two weeks and I haven't lost a single pound. I'm kind of wondering why I'm even bothering and want to have a Coke and eat a huge bag of potato chips since I'm not losing any weight anyway.
Did you take a day one picture? If you did, take a look at it, and then look at yourself in the mirror. There has to be some difference, but three weeks is a short time span.

You might be gaining muscle(weighs more then fat) and not even realize it.


Still on my first week of P90X and just did the legs and back workout.
I was SO sore the last few days, yoga X was such a mess but I powered through (albeit badly).
However today I felt much better. I had no trouble at all doing the legs exercise (even the one legged wall squats!) but I struggle so hard on the pull ups it's ridiculous. I can do 3 tops without the chair and that's at the beginning of the session! I guess I know what I'll have to improve :)

Still got Kenpo X tomorrow and then I think i'll take sunday off because I'm wasted.
FOOTE said:
Did you take a day one picture? If you did, take a look at it, and then look at yourself in the mirror. There has to be some difference, but three weeks is a short time span.

You might be gaining muscle(weighs more then fat) and not even realize it.
I didn't take pictures on day 1. Thought that was a little hokey. I think I'll get some taken tonight.

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ScrabbleDude said:
I didn't take pictures on day 1. Thought that was a little hokey. I think I'll get some taken tonight.

also, you will have gained muscle and lost some fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. You will be in better shape, just keep at it and make it your life, you'll start getting comments from people soon enough. I made it to day 45 before I failed last time around (currently on day 7 again) and people were starting to comment around the day 30 mark. To me the improvements didn't seem to exist or were very mild, but you can't trust yourself on these things. I was feeling stronger as well which I took as inspiration.

Also apparently the large changes you notice in the last 3rd of the program. Just keep at it.

Also, I'm AWEFUL at chinups. As in I can't really do them and have to use the chair. When I quit last time I could get 5 of the biceps ones and 3 wide grip at the start of the workout. I'm back to 0 unassisted again and just try to minimise the work my leg is doing on the chair. That's discouraging.


I agree with catfish. I didn't take pictures at the start of the workout and wished I had when I was finished to see exactly how far I had come.

And guys who are discouraged with the pullups and chinups, just keep at it and you will be amazed at how far you come by the end of the workout! As numerous people have said, the biggest changes come in the last month of the workout.

And for people running out of gas at the end of the workout, make sure not to overdo it at the start. It is always tempting to go all out at the beginning, but you won't have anything left in the last 20% of the workout.


I took beginning pics, they are laughable at this point. I can't believe im in the most fit (even though not that fit yet) point in my life in just 5 weeks.

Got a longggg way to go. Would like to do 2-3 rounds of P90x this year.


catfish said:
got some protein powder, it's called 'whey delicious' and it's WAY DELICIOUS

Just had my first one, can any fitness guys comment on the contents of this per 100gm?

energy - 392kcal
energy - 1666kj
carbs - 9.72g
protein - 81gr
fat - 4.18 gram

Did I get good stuff? It's got loads of amino acids in there as well, but i'm not listing those.

For any dutchies, I grabbed it from here


it's the most sold and very very tasty, it barely tastes like a protein shake.

Also, question for the protein shake users, being that this stuff costs a decent amount of $$ are you guys using it also on the cardio days? I found it tasted/felt great after a muscle workout, but is it required on plyo/kenpo/yoga days?

I'm from the Netherlands and always buy this one:



he's Virgin Tight™
with Insanity nearly over I wanna try p90X....

What exactly do I need aside from the mat? Do I really need a pull-up bar at first?
Question: Is it possible to swap using a pull up bar, for resistance bands?
I have the iron gym pull up bar on my door, but the door itself is quite narrow so the ends of the bar are against the wall, so i can only use the inside grips (can't do wide pull ups)


BlazingDarkness said:
Question: Is it possible to swap using a pull up bar, for resistance bands?
I have the iron gym pull up bar on my door, but the door itself is quite narrow so the ends of the bar are against the wall, so i can only use the inside grips (can't do wide pull ups)
You can use bands, but honestly they are not nearly as good. But still better than nothing.


So I'm a beginner at this - gettin the videos from a friend tonight.

I'm really out iof shape - 250 pounds, 5'9.

Other than the videos what do I need to have day 1?

Please help as I'm trying to start this and help change my life.


Kai said:
So I'm a beginner at this - gettin the videos from a friend tonight.

I'm really out iof shape - 250 pounds, 5'9.

Other than the videos what do I need to have day 1?

Please help as I'm trying to start this and help change my life.
All you need is dumbbells (at least 10-30 lbs, more depending on what you can do), a chin up bar (they sell a few on Amazon that you can just put on a door frame with no tools), a mat, towel and bottle of water.

The first few weeks are really hard, but just do your best and stick with the program. After the 3rd week it starts to get easier and good luck!


Jumped on the bandwagon, YogaX was a bit too much, I know everyone says it's an important part, but are there any substitute workouts? I only got through half of it. I'm not very flexible and have back issues.

Also in general, since I'm on week 1, I'm unable to do even half of what Tony and Co are doing, I feel like I'm dogging it, any tips, how was the first week for y'all?


rkn said:
Jumped on the bandwagon, YogaX was a bit too much, I know everyone says it's an important part, but are there any substitute workouts? I only got through half of it. I'm not very flexible and have back issues.

Also in general, since I'm on week 1, I'm unable to do even half of what Tony and Co are doing, I feel like I'm dogging it, any tips, how was the first week for y'all?
I restarted the program after quitting mid-way through month 2 last year and I plan to substitute the YogaX session with weighttraining at the gym or core synergistic. I just find it to be boring and can't pull myself to finish it.


Kai said:
Thanks for the reply... Is the pull up bar necessary?? Honestly I can't do a pull up right now.
They have modified moves for you until you can do them without any modifications.

I would definitely give it a go. It feels so damn good to be able to do all the moves you couldn't do at the start of the program. You would be amazed at what you could do in 90 days.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
NomarTyme said:
Try negative pull ups. You got to something before you can do one.

comment said:
Guys is it more effective to do negative pull ups, or just assisted pull ups (with a chair a little far from u)? i can do a few pull ups (like 5) but then I'll get more tired so I can't do many reps.. I am doing p90x and I was wondering which way is best for me to get the necessary strength to do pull ups.

I'm wondering this as well. Anyone know?


Does maths and stuff
rkn said:
Jumped on the bandwagon, YogaX was a bit too much, I know everyone says it's an important part, but are there any substitute workouts? I only got through half of it. I'm not very flexible and have back issues.

Also in general, since I'm on week 1, I'm unable to do even half of what Tony and Co are doing, I feel like I'm dogging it, any tips, how was the first week for y'all?

The Yoga is ridiculous, in part due to how damn long it is. I replaced it with my GF's generic 40 minute yoga DVD...I'm sure any will do.


quadriplegicjon said:
I'm wondering this as well. Anyone know?
I had awesome success by first trying to do the pull up, chin up or whatever, unaided and when I could go no more I would try and see how close I could get before switching to the chair.

In the beginning I would go to the chair pretty fast, but by the end I was almost keeping up with Tony and the crew up until the end and ditched the chair.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Alright GAF I'm a small guy 5' 6" 135lbs, I got through my first day and today being my second (Plyometrics), I'm wondering if I should be keep pushing through when I feel like I can't (body shaking/losing form). I seem to do just fine with certain exercises and then crash and burn or do very little with others. Like pullups, also the squats were killing me after a certain point.

Basically, anyone got any tips?
Plywood said:
Alright GAF I'm a small guy 5' 6" 135lbs, I got through my first day and today being my second (Plyometrics), I'm wondering if I should be keep pushing through when I feel like I can't (body shaking/losing form). I seem to do just fine with certain exercises and then crash and burn or do very little with others. Like pullups, also the squats were killing me after a certain point.

Basically, anyone got any tips?

Don't worry, this is normal...you're not supposed to be able to do every move. Your body will adjust very quickly. As the program says..."do your best and forget the rest."


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Gully State said:
Don't worry, this is normal...you're not supposed to be able to do every move. Your body will adjust very quickly. As the program says..."do your best and forget the rest."
Okay I am so very relieved to hear that. Thanks. :D


How do you guys feel about replacing some videos with others? For me, Yoga is just a pain in the ass to do, I much rather do Plyo or Cardio instead of that...


I hate the Yoga too. So far I've been halving the video and just doing the first section but I'm thinking of dropping it completely. I haven't done the Cardio DVD yet since it doesn't feature in the classic plan, so I'm considering trying it out in a Yoga slot, or replacing Yoga with Core Synergistics, which I quite enjoyed but you only get to do on rest weeks.

Just at the end of Week 5 now and I'm largely happy with the way things have gone. Even though I didn't take Day 1 pictures it's pretty obvious to me the improvements I've made in just the past 34 days or so. Most noticably the shoulders and arms. Minor disappointments include the fact that I still suck at pull-ups (about 4 unassisted at beginning dropping to 1-2 from the halfway point of a routine onwards, though I'm pretty good at chin-ups now) and that I haven't shifted that much of the little tyre around my tummy and sides. I'm far from fat but I'd love to be able to see at least the fainstest beginnings of a six pack by the end of the programme.

It's pretty amazing the progress you can make in such a short amount of time. I can't totally match the guys on Ab Ripper X but I'm not far off now. Plyometrics went from being utterly ridiculous to tough but doable. Kenpo X is pretty much too easy now. It's pretty demanding that you have to do an hour a day and for that reason I can't see me doing it again for quite a long time once I finish the 90 days but it's a great way to whip your body into shape quickly.

In my eyes the only real weakness with the program is the chest area. You do lots of push-up variations but no weighted chest moves, so I think the chest will lag behind other body areas in the long run (and I had this confirmed by looking at before and after pics of people who had done the 90 days; in nearly all cases the chest looked a bit puny next to shoulders and arms.) So on Chest day I think I'm gonna do some bench presses before I start the routine.


zazrx said:
How do you guys feel about replacing some videos with others? For me, Yoga is just a pain in the ass to do, I much rather do Plyo or Cardio instead of that...

there is a reason why every vid is in there, i would not replace yoga... gives you flexibility and works on your core so the other workouts have a greater impact


I am following the workouts exactly as they are. Although, I am adding like half of Cardio x each morning too in the morning.(minus the yoga and kenpo parts). Yoga X is an extremely important part of the routine.


just did a workout for the first time in close to a week due to illness, feels like I lost of progress

zazrx said:
How do you guys feel about replacing some videos with others? For me, Yoga is just a pain in the ass to do, I much rather do Plyo or Cardio instead of that...

I've only ever done kempo once, after that I replaced it with plyo or any other vigorous cardio
FOOTE said:
I am following the workouts exactly as they are. Although, I am adding like half of Cardio x each morning too in the morning.(minus the yoga and kenpo parts). Yoga X is an extremely important part of the routine.

Bolded...I hate Yoga with a passion as well but out of all the workouts, it's the one that has done wonders for my balance as well as alleviating my lower back pains.

Just wanted to post that I weighed myself today (with 2 weeks left in the program) and I'm a pound away from my target weight I set at the beginning. While this might not seem impressive, I've gone from 163 lbs. -> 146 lbs (which was my weight when I was working out heavily in college almost 10 years ago). I can't wait to really start playing basketball again..

So yeah... to those of you starting out...don't get discouraged, stick to the diet and just trust the program.
bionic77 said:
You can use bands, but honestly they are not nearly as good. But still better than nothing.
Figure I will use the bands for the first half or so and then find a doorway i can use the pull up bar on in the second half, if the bands aren't doin' much for me
zazrx said:
How do you guys feel about replacing some videos with others? For me, Yoga is just a pain in the ass to do, I much rather do Plyo or Cardio instead of that...

I'd feel safe replacing vids if you're already in good shape. If you feel something is lacking I would plug in as necessary, including trips to the gym to target an area if need be.

If you're just starting out and are out of shape, I'd follow the plan.

In my eyes the only real weakness with the program is the chest area. You do lots of push-up variations but no weighted chest moves, so I think the chest will lag behind other body areas in the long run (and I had this confirmed by looking at before and after pics of people who had done the 90 days; in nearly all cases the chest looked a bit puny next to shoulders and arms.) So on Chest day I think I'm gonna do some bench presses before I start the routine.

Exactly right. Chest is the major weak point of the program.
Well, my second rest day is tomorrow. I found that as the week progressed I got more and more tired. My workout today seemed worse than my workout at the end of the first week.


not licensed in your state
FOOTE said:
Plyo is on the verge of becoming too easy now... I breathe, but definitely not as hard as before.

I agree, I did my 3rd week of Plyo, and I held on for nearly the whole time. It's an awesome feeling to know that un under 3 weeks, you've made moderate to large progress.

makes me smile, makes me happy
BertramCooper said:

People, you absolutely must do yoga. It's an integral part of the program. I know it's long and difficult, but it's worth it. Do not skip it.

Meh. It's too long. While I agree Yoga (flexibility, really) is an important part of the regimen, I feel free to substitute a shorter Yoga session either online or on DVD from another source. An hour is plenty.


Valkyr Junkie said:
Wear a weight vest or put some stuff into a backpack to add weight.
That's a good idea, thanks. I have to watch it on plyo though. I destroyed my knee playing soccer in high school so if I tweak it the wrong way, it's extremely painful. I think a vest would be better as the weight has less of a chance of shifting.

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Unconfirmed Member
burnfout said:
I'm from the Netherlands and always buy this one:


they send it from UK? Normally it's UK that won't send me stuff and .de always does, but the whey thing failed.

Whey delicious is really good though. Comes out to 52 euro for 2 containers delivered (2 kilo)
FOOTE said:
That's a good idea, thanks. I have to watch it on plyo though. I destroyed my knee playing soccer in high school so if I tweak it the wrong way, it's extremely painful. I think a vest would be better as the weight has less of a chance of shifting.

Yeah, I wouldn't go the backpack route unless you have one with waist straps and possibly compartmentalized areas inside to keep stuff from moving around. You only need a few pounds to do to the trick though.


Tomorrow is day 3 and I just noticed that I forgot to do the ab-ripper x workout yesterday. Should I double up on the ab-ripper x workout, add it to my rest day, skip it, or completely restart P90X?

Anyway, I'm going to continue with it and not give up hope because I forgot a workout. My body started aching this morning so I took some Aleve. Moreover, I thought the diet would be killing me, but it isn't really bothering me at all.
Wark said:
Tomorrow is day 3 and I just noticed that I forgot to do the ab-ripper x workout yesterday. Should I double up on the ab-ripper x workout, add it to my rest day, skip it, or completely restart P90X?

Anyway, I'm going to continue with it and not give up hope because I forgot a workout. My body started aching this morning so I took some Aleve. Moreover, I thought the diet would be killing me, but it isn't really bothering me at all.

Don't sweat it. Just add it to your next workout.


FOOTE said:
That's a good idea, thanks. I have to watch it on plyo though. I destroyed my knee playing soccer in high school so if I tweak it the wrong way, it's extremely painful. I think a vest would be better as the weight has less of a chance of shifting.

Don't know if they sell videos individually, but you should try Insanity Plyo. And if that doesn't do it for you, Insanity Plyo MAX is available too. A lot of people do an Insanity/P90X hybrid cause the regular P90X cardio is not enough anymore.
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