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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Im tempted to jump on this bandwagon, but I dislocated my shoulder a few months ago. What potential for disaster is there?

I can do push ups to a certain point but letting my arm go behind my back is scary, so I try to never ever let it go more than parallel to my chest. Are the any exercises which will involve me putting my arm in dodgy dislocating positions?

I have clearance from my Dr to join a gym, as it will help with the injury, but he has warned me to be wary of letting my arm go into awkward positions.
Personally I wouldn't risk it. I'd do something less intensive until you're fully recovered. You'll be doing a lot of exercises that have the potential to put your arm in an awkward position, and a lot of exercises are done until failure, so you likely wouldn't be able to prevent those positions.
bobs99 ... said:
Im tempted to jump on this bandwagon, but I dislocated my shoulder a few months ago. What potential for disaster is there?

I can do push ups to a certain point but letting my arm go behind my back is scary, so I try to never ever let it go more than parallel to my chest. Are the any exercises which will involve me putting my arm in dodgy dislocating positions?

I have clearance from my Dr to join a gym, as it will help with the injury, but he has warned me to be wary of letting my arm go into awkward positions.

The arms workout has some moves for shoulder where you're hanging weight behind your head. There's also plenty of straight arm lifts meant to work shoulders.

Lots of pushups, pullups, and other things which will test that shoulder.

My advice: consult a doctor/physical therapist. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


gregor7777 said:
The arms workout has some moves for shoulder where you're hanging weight behind your head. There's also plenty of straight arm lifts meant to work shoulders.

Lots of pushups, pullups, and other things which will test that shoulder.

My advice: consult a doctor/physical therapist. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

He said the Dr. cleared him for the gym, so he should be ok.

I think the only problems you'll have are doing any exercises that rely on your own weight for resistance like the push-ups and a couple tri exercises (Side tri rise and chair dip come to mind). Other than that, for pull-ups and what not, you should be fine using bands or using a much lower weight than what you can normally handle.
ocadman said:
He said the Dr. cleared him for the gym, so he should be ok.

I think the only problems you'll have are doing any exercises that rely on your own weight for resistance like the push-ups and a couple tri exercises (Side tri rise and chair dip come to mind). Other than that, for pull-ups and what not, you should be fine using bands or using a much lower weight than what you can normally handle.

I would discuss the specific moves (particularly in the Shoulders/Chest and Shoulders/Arms videos) with the Doctor/Therapist to make sure it's safe.
Can you mix things up a little and for example do Chest&Back on the same day you'd normally only have Yoga? P90X has made me give up running every day, and ironically right now it seems like I'm doing less daily activities than before I started P90X.

So, can I make the exercises more intense, or does that defeat the purpose of the program (muscle confusion, close relation between workout-nutrition, ...)?

Also, I can do most of the exercises without much trouble, but for the life of me I cannot do pull-ups. It's plain embarrassing how I can barely get to 1. Haha.


lol, Tony Horton in Plyo X:

"We got two legs, lets take care of the other..."

*Camera pans over to guy with one leg*


ocadman said:
Don't know if they sell videos individually, but you should try Insanity Plyo. And if that doesn't do it for you, Insanity Plyo MAX is available too. A lot of people do an Insanity/P90X hybrid cause the regular P90X cardio is not enough anymore.
I have been thinking about that too. I don't believe they sell the DVDs individually, so the $130 or $140 is a bit of a turn away. I might bite the bullet on Insanity later though.
NYR said:
lol, Tony Horton in Plyo X:

"We got two legs, lets take care of the other..."

*Camera pans over to guy with one leg*

Souldriver said:
Also, I can do most of the exercises without much trouble, but for the life of me I cannot do pull-ups. It's plain embarrassing how I can barely get to 1. Haha.

Started at 0...I'm up to 15 now. I wouldn't worry about that..


Just finished my very first p90x classic day. By the beginning of round 2, I couldn't even do pushups. I was just that tired, so I stopped right there and went on to Ab Ripper X, and did about a third of the exercises.
It shows how really out of shape I am, but I look forward to doing every single rep by the end of this program.
Tomorrow's gonna be plyo, wish me luck.
Anyone else hate that awful BeachBody.com promo at the end of the workouts with all of the annoying people?

"Wanna be energetic and strong?" [flexes bicep] "I'll help you!" [points with a shit-eating grin on his face]

The one with the man and woman on roller blades is pretty bad too.


Yeah, I turn the DVDs off right after the final stretch. Beachbody and it's members are just a bunch of sales people. I don't have any interest in talking with anyone there. Every time Tony talks about going there for questions, I roll my eyes a little.
I got a generic fitness/nutrition question. I recently got my body fat % to about 19.5 percent after about 2 months of working out (down from right around 22%) How quickly can body fat move up and down? Also, is there a lot of daily variation? IE should i measure it at the same time every day?


obijkenobi said:
I got a generic fitness/nutrition question. I recently got my body fat % to about 19.5 percent after about 2 months of working out (down from right around 22%) How quickly can body fat move up and down? Also, is there a lot of daily variation? IE should i measure it at the same time every day?
I personally wont measure my body fat % again until my 90 days are up.


obijkenobi said:
I got a generic fitness/nutrition question. I recently got my body fat % to about 19.5 percent after about 2 months of working out (down from right around 22%) How quickly can body fat move up and down? Also, is there a lot of daily variation? IE should i measure it at the same time every day?

That is still a bit for a normal adult aged male (my bio classes always had it pegged around 12.8%). For you, it should be able to move faster than say 15 to 12 since you still have a percentage that shows you have fat that your body really doesn't need. Percentage of body fat is (in my opinion) a terrible way of judging losing weight. You can really be like 16% and still be more fit than a guy with 12.

And yes, measure it at the same time of day usually around early afternoon. My opinion.

I'm in the second week of P90x. Not as bad as I thought it would be, and when I got plyo's I was like "Eh, I did plyo's all the time in college". I should have realized that I hadn't done it in maybe 1.5 years. Kicked my ass, especially cause I was still sore from doing the leg work out from last week since I didn't take a day off.

Taking a day off today since its frozen outside and the gym is closed. I have bands and a mat at home but I hate doing shoulder/arm stuff with resistance bands. Doesn't feel as exact as I'd like it to.


obijkenobi said:
I got a generic fitness/nutrition question. I recently got my body fat % to about 19.5 percent after about 2 months of working out (down from right around 22%) How quickly can body fat move up and down? Also, is there a lot of daily variation? IE should i measure it at the same time every day?

It depends on how you measure your body fat. Calipers will not vary much day-to-day but obviously is dependent on your caliper technique.

An electronic at-home scale will vary wildly depending on how hydrated you are. That's because of how the scale works. It passes an electric current through your body and measures resistance - on the principle that since muscle is mostly water, current passes through easier than fat. If you drink a whole bunch of water, your measured body fat % will magically drop because of the water in your stomach and kidneys.

If you use an electronic scale, it's best to pick a point of the day (like when you wake up) where you are consistently hydrated with each measurement.


exarkun said:
That is still a bit for a normal adult aged male (my bio classes always had it pegged around 12.8%). For you, it should be able to move faster than say 15 to 12 since you still have a percentage that shows you have fat that your body really doesn't need. Percentage of body fat is (in my opinion) a terrible way of judging losing weight. You can really be like 16% and still be more fit than a guy with 12.

And yes, measure it at the same time of day usually around early afternoon. My opinion.

I'm in the second week of P90x. Not as bad as I thought it would be, and when I got plyo's I was like "Eh, I did plyo's all the time in college". I should have realized that I hadn't done it in maybe 1.5 years. Kicked my ass, especially cause I was still sore from doing the leg work out from last week since I didn't take a day off.

Taking a day off today since its frozen outside and the gym is closed. I have bands and a mat at home but I hate doing shoulder/arm stuff with resistance bands. Doesn't feel as exact as I'd like it to.

This makes no sense

Sure, measuring small changes or using a biometric impedance scale won't do you much good, but some calipers once a month is a great way to monitor what kind of weight you're losing (ie the good kind or the bad kind). No one needs to be 8% BF, but if your goal is to get leaner and in good 'shape', then fat loss isn't a bad (secondary) goal.
gregor7777 said:
The arms workout has some moves for shoulder where you're hanging weight behind your head. There's also plenty of straight arm lifts meant to work shoulders.

Lots of pushups, pullups, and other things which will test that shoulder.

My advice: consult a doctor/physical therapist. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

From yours and the other posts that's a big no for me, im going to avoid working to fatigue as it will hinder my control - thanks guys.


Recovery Week! Done with the 1st phase. I think I've been getting leaner although it's not showing up on the scale. I've also eaten my fair share of crap so I probably shouldn't be expecting too much. In any case, feels good!


ocadman said:
Recovery Week! Done with the 1st phase. I think I've been getting leaner although it's not showing up on the scale. I've also eaten my fair share of crap so I probably shouldn't be expecting too much. In any case, feels good!
Did you take measurements at the start? I'm in my 2nd recovery week and I've actually gained weight, but lost 3 inches in most spots.


ScrabbleDude said:
Weighed myself today and I lost some weight. I think I'm down about 6 pounds over the last week. Pretty happy with that.

6lbs in one week is crazy good! keep it up!

On another note, I completed week 6 today but have to leave for biz trip for 5 days which is gonna mess me up ughhh. No weight room or time on this trip for P90 either. Sigh, gonna have to extend this phase out by another week when I get back.


duk said:
6lbs in one week is crazy good! keep it up!

On another note, I completed week 6 today but have to leave for biz trip for 5 days which is gonna mess me up ughhh. No weight room or time on this trip for P90 either. Sigh, gonna have to extend this phase out by another week when I get back.
Just eat decent, and do some sets of push-ups in the hotel room. You'll be fine for when you start up again.


cubanb said:
Did you take measurements at the start? I'm in my 2nd recovery week and I've actually gained weight, but lost 3 inches in most spots.

I didn't. I didn't take pictures either but I think I noticeably look leaner. I'm either at the same weight as when I started or a little over.

Phase 3 should be really good to you!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'm taking a 2 week vacation right around day 30 of the program. what do people suggest?

my vacation is going to be active (skydiving and hopefully a bit of snowboarding) and I'm going to try jogging while there as well, but coming back, just kick into the day 31?
catfish said:
I'm taking a 2 week vacation right around day 30 of the program. what do people suggest?

my vacation is going to be active (skydiving and hopefully a bit of snowboarding) and I'm going to try jogging while there as well, but coming back, just kick into the day 31?

Yep, pick right up where you left off. Watch your diet and try to stay active. Just general advice, nothing specific to p90x.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
ShadowPampers said:
Gotta be honest, I expected Yoga X to be like the easy day but man it kicked my ass
it's the hardest/longest one....

easy mode is kenpo x.

I find legs/back to be pretty hardcore. Same with chest/back actually but chest delivers the best kind of pain the next 2 days. Something satisfying about the soreness from the chest workout.


chest/back is the hardest for me. I can't really do any pull-ups without the chair (maybe 5 total without a chair) and for some reason this week I struggled to even do standard push-ups and had to drop on my knees...
That and the abs.

The rest is not ultra easy, but I don't struggle as much as I do on the chest/back workout!
Finished Chest/Back+ Ab Ripper X about an hour ago. Today was my first day with P90X...wow, wasn't what I was expecting! From reading this thread and from a few friends, I had thought it was going to be crippling, but I found that it wasn't that bad (don't get me wrong, it was really fucking hard to keep up. Had to take a few breaks during exercises too.)
This was my first 'work out at home in front of your tv' type deal, but I'm pleased to say that I enjoyed it. I thought I'd be hearing buff men yell and explain things poorly, but Mr. Horton thoroughly explained things and he knew how to keep my motivation up. A few questions for you senior P90Xers...

When exactly do you drink your recovery stew? RIGHT after the workout? Should I concoct it before I workout?

I think I know the answer to this, but I must ask anyway: Are the DVDs supposed to be played back to back?


williamsan said:
Finished Chest/Back+ Ab Ripper X about an hour ago. Today was my first day with P90X...wow, wasn't what I was expecting! From reading this thread and from a few friends, I had thought it was going to be crippling, but I found that it wasn't that bad (don't get me wrong, it was really fucking hard to keep up. Had to take a few breaks during exercises too.)
This was my first 'work out at home in front of your tv' type deal, but I'm pleased to say that I enjoyed it. I thought I'd be hearing buff men yell and explain things poorly, but Mr. Horton thoroughly explained things and he knew how to keep my motivation up. A few questions for you senior P90Xers...

When exactly do you drink your recovery stew? RIGHT after the workout? Should I concoct it before I workout?

I think I know the answer to this, but I must ask anyway: Are the DVDs supposed to be played back to back?
Within a 40 minute time span for the recovery drink.

I'm not sure I understand your second question. Do you not have the workout and nutrition booklets? All of the info about what days you do your workouts is in the book.

Edit- so after a two week special project at work where they have me rearranging an entire warehouse of abstract files( all by myself), I looked forward to Kenpo because I needed something to stretch me and work me at the same time. I've been so utterly exhausted by the time I come home, it's been difficult to put the DVDs in. For the first time kenpo actually felt like a workout, and it felt really good. Tomorrow is a stretch/rest day then a recovery week up to my day 60. So close to the end of my first round, it seems like it's flown by.


ok guys iam going to start this tomorrow and have some questions about the nutrition plan

is 1 serving = 1 box in the plan?

if so do i understand it correctly that 6 egg whites are 1 protein-box? And i need to fill 7 boxes :/

And why do protein bars count as snacks and not proteins eaten !?

i don´t get it -_- !?


I finished my 1st week yesterday. Feels good. I'm trying to get in one day of chest workout at the gym (bench press, dumbbells fly, etc..) a week in addition to the P90X workout. For anyone that has done this do you recommend it? The chest workout in P90x is 100% push-ups, iirc so I want to mix it up with some weighttraining to get more mass.


I'm starting a second P90X cycle tomorrow!
I was a little disappointed by the appearance after the first one that I finished 2 months ago(I didn't develop as much muscle mass as I wanted) but I still felt in the best shape of my life and it fixed my sciatic pains!
I've only got two weeks left on my first round. I thought about doing Insanity, but I don't feel like dropping $150 on another workout program.

I think I'll just do Doubles instead. The extra cardio will be nice.


Flek said:
is 1 serving = 1 box in the plan?

Flek said:
if so do i understand it correctly that 6 egg whites are 1 protein-box? And i need to fill 7 boxes :/
Yes, however, that is over the course of an entire day. It is very easy to make it work. 9 oz of chicken is THREE boxes, and I'm sure when you get that amount of chicken in front of you, you think to yourself that it's not enough. So, you have your 6 egg whites, and 9 oz of chicken, that's 4 boxes gone.. for the whole day.

Flek said:
And why do protein bars count as snacks and not proteins eaten !?

i don´t get it -_- !?
That's just how it is, don't think about it too much. A bar shouldn't be thought as part of an actual regular meal like lunch, or dinner anyway.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
bobs99 ... said:
Im tempted to jump on this bandwagon, but I dislocated my shoulder a few months ago. What potential for disaster is there?

I can do push ups to a certain point but letting my arm go behind my back is scary, so I try to never ever let it go more than parallel to my chest. Are the any exercises which will involve me putting my arm in dodgy dislocating positions?

I have clearance from my Dr to join a gym, as it will help with the injury, but he has warned me to be wary of letting my arm go into awkward positions.

Go to a physical therapist to get a baseline of support for your shoulder, as p90x uses it in many ways.


ok thx FOOTE for clearing things up a bit :) Some more questions though:

1 - egg whites. Are you guys just drinking them down "raw" ? I know this might be a stupid questions but i can´t boil a billion eggs a week …

2 - fit test. So i took the fit test today and it says you should be able to do 10 curls with 20 lbs for the bicep curls. But did they mean 20 LBS each or for booth weights (arms) together ? Just did the 20 each because that wasn´t really hard … 


Flek said:
ok thx FOOTE for clearing things up a bit :) Some more questions though:

1 - egg whites. Are you guys just drinking them down "raw" ? I know this might be a stupid questions but i can´t boil a billion eggs a week …

Did you get the nutrition book with the program? There are a few egg white recipes in there. I used to have egg white scramble/omelet every morning for breakfast.


zankara said:
Did you get the nutrition book with the program? There are a few egg white recipes in there. I used to have egg white scramble/omelet every morning for breakfast.

yeha i did. Didn't look at the meal plan though because i wanted to focus on the portion approach but i will check it out


Flek said:
ok thx FOOTE for clearing things up a bit :) Some more questions though:

1 - egg whites. Are you guys just drinking them down "raw" ? I know this might be a stupid questions but i can´t boil a billion eggs a week …

2 - fit test. So i took the fit test today and it says you should be able to do 10 curls with 20 lbs for the bicep curls. But did they mean 20 LBS each or for booth weights (arms) together ? Just did the 20 each because that wasn´t really hard … 
I scramble my whites when I have them.

For the fit test, 20 lbs in your right hand, and 20 in your left. Ten reps per hand, 20 reps total. It might not have been hard, but that's good because when you have to curl you'll have to do a lot of them, and you can up your weight if you need to.


I'm starting week two and I'm loving the workout. I love the sense of accomplishment I feel everytime I finish my daily workout.

The diet isn't really killing me and I can manage fighting off the urges to eat junk food, but I have a question concerning it. I'm pretty skinny; about 5'8"-5'9" and around 130-133 lbs (male). I've been following the phase 1 diet (level I, phase 1) exactly how the nutrition guide plans it out, but I'm noticing that p90x is more for people on the heavier side trying to lose weight. I've done some research and I've read up on suggestions of moving straight to the phase 2 diet -- energy booster.

I kind of want the best of both worlds of gaining mass as well as having a somewhat toned body. Anyone here have any suggestions?

EDIT: Also, maybe it should be noted that I'm small boned and my BMI is ~16% (I used a ruler so it's only an estimation).


Wark said:
I'm starting week two and I'm loving the workout. I love the sense of accomplishment I feel everytime I finish my daily workout.

The diet isn't really killing me and I can manage fighting off the urges to eat junk food, but I have a question concerning it. I'm pretty skinny; about 5'8"-5'9" and around 130-133 lbs (male). I've been following the phase 1 diet (level I, phase 1) exactly how the nutrition guide plans it out, but I'm noticing that p90x is more for people on the heavier side trying to lose weight. I've done some research and I've read up on suggestions of moving straight to the phase 2 diet -- energy booster.

I kind of want the best of both worlds of gaining mass as well as having a somewhat toned body. Anyone here have any suggestions?

EDIT: Also, maybe it should be noted that I'm small boned and my BMI is ~16% (I used a ruler so it's only an estimation).

I am in the same boat where I'm trying to gain mass. I'm 6'0 and started at 185, and now I'm at 145 after two rounds of P90X and one round of Insanity. I'm back on a third round of P90X to try to gain some weight this time, but it's tough. I can suggest to try and estimate an average of how many calories you are taking in daily. If you don't see any gains in a week, add more calories with more protein or complex carbs, but try to keep the fat level low.

Also, I'd suggest to supplement with creatine to see if that helps. I'm still in the process of figuring out the best meal plan to gain weight steadily. Haven't found it yet, as I'm still hovering around 145.


not licensed in your state
Just started week 4 (recovery) yesterday. Is this phase just to "relax", or to shock my muscles into more development next week?


Any suggestions on pull-up bars? Been trying to use amazon reviews to guide me but there doesn't seem to be much of a consensus there. Once I have that figured out I'll be ready to start the program. I just started getting into rock climbing and years of the gym haven't been able to prepare me for the just how much of a physical challenge it really is. I'm doing alright for a beginner but I think p90x would help me improve a lot, and a lot faster.


turnbuckle said:
Any suggestions on pull-up bars? Been trying to use amazon reviews to guide me but there doesn't seem to be much of a consensus there. Once I have that figured out I'll be ready to start the program. I just started getting into rock climbing and years of the gym haven't been able to prepare me for the just how much of a physical challenge it really is. I'm doing alright for a beginner but I think p90x would help me improve a lot, and a lot faster.

This is the one I have. It's worked great for me and I've been using it for about a year now.
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