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What's this P90X workout stuff?


I officially start on 19 Feb, but I've been cheating and having a sneak peak workout on them before my official start, just so i'm not going in cold, and I have the necessary equipment, right weights, etc ready to go.

Ab Ripper X and Shoulders and Arms are ok, but damn, Chest and Back killed me last night. Feeling sore muscle pain where I never knew pain could exist.
Like my karate sensai used to say 'Sore muscles are happy muscles'.

PlyoX tonight. Looking forward to it. Cardio/Legs are my strength at the moment. Bring it on Tony!


end of week 6 update



My god I finally was able to finish Plyo (modified a lot on some moves) and holy shit, after three weeks it feels great to finally finish it!


zazrx said:
My god I finally was able to finish Plyo (modified a lot on some moves) and holy shit, after three weeks it feels great to finally finish it!

you mean finishing it without pressing pause for 200x times ?


Flek said:
you mean finishing it without pressing pause for 200x times ?
I only pressed pause during the breaks so instead of 30 seconds I had like 1:30. That's about it!! XD Previously I would give up by the 30 minute mark!
I just found a brand new blender that my wife had buried in a closet years ago and never used. It's protein shake time!

Can anyone share some whey shake recipes that they really like?

Earlier I tried:
a scoop of chocolate
a cup of skim milk
6 ice cubes
a banana
a tbsp of peanut butter

It was okay.


DaveTheSnake said:
Could you post Day 1, after week 4, and week 6? Congrats by the way!

Sure, I posted week 4 a few pages back.

And thanks for the encouragement guys. This is life changing in the way of being healthy and having confidence. Best of luck to you all as well!


Did PlyoX last night, and after the first round or two, Tony and the models were knackered, but I was cruising. Barely raising a sweat, and not breathing heavily. By half way through though I was starting to feel it, and by the end, I knew I'd had a hard workout. Loved it to bits. I kept up, but damn exhausted by the end.

Just some background: I do run ~5kilometers (~3-4miles), 6 days a week for the last two years, so yeah, my cardio and legs are already pretty good.
Just finished another Legs and Back session. Ugh, this workout is utterly exhausting. It's by far my least favorite aspect of P90X, and I dread it every time. I think of if it almost as a cardio workout because my heart rate is through the roof almost the entire time. But I did more pull ups than ever before, so I'm getting better at it at least.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I find yoga to be the 'hardest'

not because it's the physically hardest, but because it's soo long. Did it last night, and after being a bit of a piece of crap at the start of the program, I'm now in week 3 and can do the pushup after each vinyasa all the way to the end. I was collapsing when trying to do the pressup on the first round.

Also, I feel like a hardass doing plyometrics, I don't have much problems with it at all, but then it comes to anything involving chin-ups or situps and I realise I'm really a big girls blouse. DAMNIT.

I've dropped 2 kilos though and I'm only up to day 18, I stopped drinking all alcohol since 8th January and have been watching what I eat as well as taking protein shakes after workouts. Feels good.


catfish said:
I find yoga to be the 'hardest'

not because it's the physically hardest, but because it's soo long. Did it last night, and after being a bit of a piece of crap at the start of the program, I'm now in week 3 and can do the pushup after each vinyasa all the way to the end. I was collapsing when trying to do the pressup on the first round.

Hardest for me because of the flexibility and balance, I can't even touch the floor much less touch it and twist my chest up into the air. But I have to admit YogaX makes me sweat more than any other of the workouts, and I look forward to it.

Middle of week 3 here, week 2 was feeling pretty good, but I'm finding that week 3 is wearing on me. Just did Plyo the other day and may have kinked my ankle.

Feeling a bit thinner though the scale doesn't show it. Question time: I've been on a diet since last year and dropped 20lbs in that time (w/o exercise). Since starting P90X I've maintained that diet only adding in protein shakes, recovery drink and the occasional protein bar, goal is to lose a bunch of body fat but is eating at a calorie deficit ok during the program. I'm not having any energy issues.


rkn said:
Hardest for me because of the flexibility and balance, I can't even touch the floor much less touch it and twist my chest up into the air. But I have to admit YogaX makes me sweat more than any other of the workouts, and I look forward to it.

Middle of week 3 here, week 2 was feeling pretty good, but I'm finding that week 3 is wearing on me. Just did Plyo the other day and may have kinked my ankle.

Feeling a bit thinner though the scale doesn't show it. Question time: I've been on a diet since last year and dropped 20lbs in that time (w/o exercise). Since starting P90X I've maintained that diet only adding in protein shakes, recovery drink and the occasional protein bar, goal is to lose a bunch of body fat but is eating at a calorie deficit ok during the program. I'm not having any energy issues.

Good ish with the diet side of things. That's half the battle imo. I've replaced all snacks with protein shakes, bars, carrots, non-fat yogurt, string/cottage cheese, etc.

I eat lots of fish and poultry now. Do not have energy problems as well, just soreness problems. hahahaha


rkn said:
Hardest for me because of the flexibility and balance, I can't even touch the floor much less touch it and twist my chest up into the air. But I have to admit YogaX makes me sweat more than any other of the workouts, and I look forward to it.

Middle of week 3 here, week 2 was feeling pretty good, but I'm finding that week 3 is wearing on me. Just did Plyo the other day and may have kinked my ankle.

Feeling a bit thinner though the scale doesn't show it. Question time: I've been on a diet since last year and dropped 20lbs in that time (w/o exercise). Since starting P90X I've maintained that diet only adding in protein shakes, recovery drink and the occasional protein bar, goal is to lose a bunch of body fat but is eating at a calorie deficit ok during the program. I'm not having any energy issues.
You'll cherish the recovery week.

I'm at the end of my second and getting prepared to enter the last phase.
Man I'm so bummed. I got p90x and I'm gonna be starting up this week and I also got the iron gym but of course I put it together and none of the doors fit it. :(

I guess now I have to get those resistance bands but I was really looking forward to doing pullups since I've never been able to ever do one my whole life. :/

Edit: What weight of resistance bands should I get for replacing pull ups?
Luscious LeftFoot said:
10 minutes won't do anything.

And if you're so lazy you can't spend 1hr a day, you really don't want to get into shape.

Made by the P90X guy and I don't think he'd put his name on it if it was totally worthless. You probably don't see real results until you start doing 3 or more sessions a day though.
I decided to replace kenpo with another round of plyo. I did it last night and I think I'll stick with it in the future.

I found it to be significantly tougher than the first day of plyo, probably because it came a day after legs and back. Still, it's clearly a much more effective workout than kenpo.


BertramCooper said:
I decided to replace kenpo with another round of plyo. I did it last night and I think I'll stick with it in the future.

I found it to be significantly tougher than the first day of plyo, probably because it came a day after legs and back. Still, it's clearly a much more effective workout than kenpo.
Perhaps the point is to weave in an easy session now and again.

Intensity can't be ramped continuously, or even held at a high plateau, without something giving...
Fuck trying to do Ab Worker X for 3 weeks now, and been on and off because I can't seem to find any time between school and work, when I do it's either midnight or I am too tired from the long ass day.
Rapping Granny said:
Fuck trying to do Ab Worker X for 3 weeks now, and been on and off because I can't seem to find any time between school and work, when I do it's either midnight or I am too tired from the long ass day.

It's 15 minutes...
Articate said:
Is there any creatine in any of the p90X recovery stuff or something or other? I dunno how to feel about Creatine.

Yes, the guy even says so in the post-workout video. You shouldn't be using their stuff anyways as it's overpriced. What don't you like about creatine? I don't think there's anything wrong with a small dose post-workout as opposed to doing the whole "loading" thing.


Valkyr Junkie said:
Yes, the guy even says so in the post-workout video. You shouldn't be using their stuff anyways as it's overpriced. What don't you like about creatine? I don't think there's anything wrong with a small dose post-workout as opposed to doing the whole "loading" thing.

I'm trying to read up on it. I just feel it's an unnatural supplement and I seem to remember some controversy about it. Still positioning myself for the whole program. Finally found a not insanely overpriced pull-up bar here in the country.
Draft said:
Perhaps the point is to weave in an easy session now and again.

Intensity can't be ramped continuously, or even held at a high plateau, without something giving...
But my rest day is right after, so I don't feel like I'm overtaxing my body by doing plyo instead of kenpo.

Kenpo is actually pretty fun, but it just doesn't get my heart rate going like the other workouts.


Some questions I've come up with so far about P90X:

1) How much space will I need? Seems Kempo X is the one requiring most space?
2) Plyo X - I'm guessing this involves a lot of jumping? Gonna have to check how much that would bother my neighbours
3) Do I need those square pillows for the yoga?
4) What's the point of push-up bars? Do I need them?
5) Do I need a heart-rate monitor?

Valkyr Junkie said:
I don't think there's anything wrong with a small dose post-workout as opposed to doing the whole "loading" thing.

I just read 'usage' and it was like getting a lot of it in over 5 days, then using it after workout? Is that what you refer to? How's that backed up?

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Things like the Manduka Mat, B-line resistance bands, Powerstands cost quite a bit and I'm not sure which of the no-name equivalents are good. Are there cheaper alternatives for the P90X equipment that you guys recommend? Something that can be found on Amazon would be preferable.


BertramCooper said:
I decided to replace kenpo with another round of plyo. I did it last night and I think I'll stick with it in the future.

I found it to be significantly tougher than the first day of plyo, probably because it came a day after legs and back. Still, it's clearly a much more effective workout than kenpo.
I pulled my calf muscle doing the same thing so I would advise against it. It took me about 3 weeks to recover and once I got back into the program I just did CardioX instead of Kenpo.


Articate said:
Some questions I've come up with so far about P90X:

1) How much space will I need? Seems Kempo X is the one requiring most space?
2) Plyo X - I'm guessing this involves a lot of jumping? Gonna have to check how much that would bother my neighbours
3) Do I need those square pillows for the yoga?
4) What's the point of push-up bars? Do I need them?
5) Do I need a heart-rate monitor?

I just read 'usage' and it was like getting a lot of it in over 5 days, then using it after workout? Is that what you refer to? How's that backed up?

1) You don't need that much space for kenpo. I am sort of crammed in where I workout, and just make sure to position my body so I don't kick things over. If you have 6ft by 6ft for kenpo you're good. You may need longer then 6ft to do some of the lunge sequences in other workouts though(I can't remember if they are also in Kenpo).

2)Plyo is jump training, so yes there is a lot of jumping.

3)You don't NEED one, but it will help you greatly if you aren't very flexible for the poses that require you to place one hand on the ground, and the other in the air. They are about $12 on Amazon, you only need one of them if you decide to get it. Otherwise you can reach to the floor with your finger tips. You should be prepared to buy a mat at the very least for yoga.

4) Push=up bars give you more range of motion. They aren't required by any means.

5) You don't need one, even though Tony greatly recommends it. I personally let my body tell me whats up.
bionic77 said:
I pulled my calf muscle doing the same thing so I would advise against it. It took me about 3 weeks to recover and once I got back into the program I just did CardioX instead of Kenpo.
Duly noted.

If I experience any calf strain, I'll stop immediately.
Articate said:
Is there any creatine in any of the p90X recovery stuff or something or other? I dunno how to feel about Creatine.
I don't like creatine. It makes your muscles look larger because they are holding more water, not because there is more muscle tissue there.
I bought Recovery XS from myprotein.co.uk (A UK/Europe based online sport nutrition store). It has a not-so-nice taste and it should only be taken after your work out because it won't sit so well if you're jumping around and exerting yourself.


BertramCooper said:
I decided to replace kenpo with another round of plyo. I did it last night and I think I'll stick with it in the future.

I found it to be significantly tougher than the first day of plyo, probably because it came a day after legs and back. Still, it's clearly a much more effective workout than kenpo.

I've been doing this since week 2 and haven't had any issues, key is just to reduce the strain on the knees by landing softly when you can and making sure you stretch


BertramCooper said:
It's a helluva commitment, but if you do it right, it absolutely works.

It's not Tae Bo or Eight Minute Abs. It's a full workout regimen.

That's all I wanted to know, a lot of these DVD's out there are complete bullshit. If this is the real deal I'll get it, I'm willing to put in the hard work...I just don't want it to be a waste of my time.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
What floor mats are you guys using? I'm looking at Amazon reviews and the Manduka one seems to be the best but it's $80. Everything around the $20-$30 range is getting mixed reviews so it's hard to pick one.


I just got P90x.

This is the biggest I have been my whole life (270). That is 70 lbs more in a year alone. But I had a really bad half year in 2010 and just ate everything, mostly because life was so chaotic. (fast food is the evil)

I got on the scales and it said 270 and I was like hell to the NO! Started walking a mile and jogging a mile everyday again this week. Already lost 2lbs! Will start P90x on Monday so that Sunday is my "rest" day.

The thing is I don't look my weight, but I feel it now. I told my brother that if I ever become one of those people that are so fat that they wobble when they walk, need a scooter, or cane to just get around then I want him to shoot me in the leg or something and just say "what the hell." He said "no problem." I was like 0_o


MercuryLS said:
That's all I wanted to know, a lot of these DVD's out there are complete bullshit. If this is the real deal I'll get it, I'm willing to put in the hard work...I just don't want it to be a waste of my time.

It's working wonders for me. Results showed in just 2 weeks.


Aruarian Reflection said:
What floor mats are you guys using? I'm looking at Amazon reviews and the Manduka one seems to be the best but it's $80. Everything around the $20-$30 range is getting mixed reviews so it's hard to pick one.

Yeah, I'm looking at the 85 inch version because the 71 inch wouldn't be long enough for me to lay on (73 inches tall). But it's $96!

Are there any recommended protein drinks, recovery drinks, protein bars?
I have a couple different protein powders but they were basically blind buys. I have been using the 30g of protein power bars for awhile now, but unsure if there's something I should be taking instead.

I know full well the diet part of the program is going to be the hardest part.I also know that if I don't do it all the way I won't do it at all, so I gotta make sure I'm buying the right stuff. Are there any "shopping lists" posted for what people buy each week to prepare their meals/snacks?


I never was a fan of protein bars. A lot of them have detrimental stuff in it, sugar, and sometimes stuff you just don't want in your body, hiding behind the label 'protein bar' to be an easy sell. I'd definitely be critical if I were to have protein bars. I'm shelving my current protein shake because it has aspartame in it, and apparently traces of soy protein (which prohibits protein uptake) in favour of some brand called 'natural whey'. The way I see it, you'll grow tired of the taste of protein shakes after a while, anyway, and it's rather useless to have artificial sweetners in it, especially when aspartame has been linked to increased appetite (I think I can confirm this one, myself) and sucralose was originally a pestecide.

It's not really like that protein shake costs anything more, anyway. I just don't need articial colouring and sweetners in a health-product. I don't know what that stuff does to my body, but I know it won't make me healthier, so I just stay away from it. "Why not" is the way I feel about it.


Articate said:
I never was a fan of protein bars. A lot of them have detrimental stuff in it, sugar, and sometimes stuff you just don't want in your body, hiding behind the label 'protein bar' to be an easy sell. I'd definitely be critical if I were to have protein bars. I'm shelving my current protein shake because it has aspartame in it, and apparently traces of soy protein (which prohibits protein uptake) in favour of some brand called 'natural whey'. The way I see it, you'll grow tired of the taste of protein shakes after a while, anyway, and it's rather useless to have artificial sweetners in it, especially when aspartame has been linked to increased appetite (I think I can confirm this one, myself) and sucralose was originally a pestecide.

It's not really like that protein shake costs anything more, anyway. I just don't need articial colouring and sweetners in a health-product. I don't know what that stuff does to my body, but I know it won't make me healthier, so I just stay away from it. "Why not" is the way I feel about it.

I get what you're saying. I'll look into natural whey for my shakes but I can't drop the bars from my overall diet. They're not perfect but they're a good alternative to some other quick and easy foods and make it easier for someone like me who could be prone to giving up on the diet if I start getting too concerned with making sure everything I eat doesn't include something artificial.


I officially started my last phase of the program today. I am extremely anxious to finish and compare my first pictures to my last ones. Chest and Back is still a beast of a workout.
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