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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Lionheart1827 said:
Core Synergistics tonight(1st recovery).

Should I be worried? :)

Nah...it's not too bad. Difficulty lies somewhere between Kenpo and Plyo.

Speaking of plyo... did week 9's plyo today, and...man, it just never gets any easier. Well, I can pretty much keep up with them completely now, but I still have to take about 3 extra 30 sec breaks. When I did P90X a year ago, I was able to do all of plyo without taking any extra breaks. I guess I'm just really out of shape now...also a year older, if that makes any difference.


Low moral character
Lionheart1827 said:
Core Synergistics tonight(1st recovery).

Should I be worried? :)

Toughest part of Core for me is the plank exercises. There are two exercises in a row where you are in plank the entire time...I think it is like Plank Run and then on to Walking Pushups. I can never get through Plank Run, then Walking Pushups just kills me.

Other than that little sequence, I can get through everything on the video. Jail Cell Pushups are hard as hell...I get about 10-12 in. I don't know how Adam manages to nail out like 20+.

o DeathCubeK o

Neo Member
It's nothing truly ground breaking at all. Muscle confusion is a load, it's basically switching out your exercises for a new set of exercises that works the same muscles in a different way. On top of that it's just 'X' hours a day of circuit training.

Circuit training consists of X exercises in Y sets...

Long story short, circuit training gives your metabolism an eight hour after burn if you do it correctly and try really hard.

It's just more diet and exercise wrapped up in a nice clean package trying to sell you stuff you already know.

HOWEVER, if it works for you, you can't really complain with the results. For some, like myself, it's probably just the push I need to expand beyond just jogging and doing kettlebell work outs every other day. Results are results no matter what package it comes in.


Low moral character
o DeathCubeK o said:
It's nothing truly ground breaking at all. Muscle confusion is a load, it's basically switching out your exercises for a new set of exercises that works the same muscles in a different way. On top of that it's just 'X' hours a day of circuit training.

Circuit training consists of X exercises in Y sets...

Long story short, circuit training gives your metabolism an eight hour after burn if you do it correctly and try really hard.

It's just more diet and exercise wrapped up in a nice clean package trying to sell you stuff you already know.

HOWEVER, if it works for you, you can't really complain with the results. For some, like myself, it's probably just the push I need to expand beyond just jogging and doing kettlebell work outs every other day. Results are results no matter what package it comes in.

Muscle confusion is a widely accepted theory in the weight lifting community. It isn't necessarily called "muscle confusion" or whatever. That name is probably just a marketing gimmick.

Every good workout entails changing your routine every week or every couple of weeks. If you do the same exact things every day, your body will adapt and your results will slow dramatically. Switching routines, mixing rep counts, and doing both unilateral and bilateral exercises are absolutely necessary.

I started doing P90X because I read a number of books on different weight lifting programs and the same basic ideas kept popping up in each book.

Compound exercises, switching routines frequently, super sets, cross training, mixing rep counts...those theories are the landmark of any good exercise routine. These same ideas form the foundation of P90X. It isn't perfect because it honestly can't be as an at-home system that requires very little equipment. It is a solid system, though.


Confusion or not, I just needed to work out on a regular basis. I think that if I'm going to last the 90 days, I'll probably keep doing it regardless, just because I need the exercise.


On my 2nd day of Phase 2 now. Since work has sent me traveling, I had to do Plyo in the gym with the tiny iPod touch screen. People frequently walked by and looked at me jumping around like a maniac. The week of rest seems to have made Plyo more difficult again. I'm feeling my metabolism has kicked into a higher gear today or something; sitting here at work sweating like crazy even though the AC is keeping the room pretty cold.
Anyone here done Insanity? I'm on my third day and my calves are incredibly sore. I'm not out of shape at all. I've been running 3 miles a day for over 3 years. Is this normal? I figured I'm just working my calves more than they are used to.
Harry Potter said:
Anyone here done Insanity? I'm on my third day and my calves are incredibly sore. I'm not out of shape at all. I've been running 3 miles a day for over 3 years. Is this normal? I figured I'm just working my calves more than they are used to.

You're sore because it's something new. The fact that you've been running 3 miles a day for over 3 years has just made it so that running 3 miles is about as intensive for you as taking a shit. Mixing up your routine and pushing your body in new ways is the whole method behind all of these workouts to get results.


Low moral character
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
Muscle confusion is a widely accepted theory in the weight lifting community. It isn't necessarily called "muscle confusion" or whatever. That name is probably just a marketing gimmick.

Every good workout entails changing your routine every week or every couple of weeks. If you do the same exact things every day, your body will adapt and your results will slow dramatically. Switching routines, mixing rep counts, and doing both unilateral and bilateral exercises are absolutely necessary.

I started doing P90X because I read a number of books on different weight lifting programs and the same basic ideas kept popping up in each book.

Compound exercises, switching routines frequently, super sets, cross training, mixing rep counts...those theories are the landmark of any good exercise routine. These same ideas form the foundation of P90X. It isn't perfect because it honestly can't be as an at-home system that requires very little equipment. It is a solid system, though.

To reply to my own post, it seems muscle confusion might be more of an old wive's tale than anything else. I've been lifting for 6-7 years and I've always been told (from numerous sources) the importance of changing your routine every so often. Research doesn't seem to point to any advantage in doing so in regards to pure muscle confusion.

There is still good research supporting the importance of working in unilateral and bilateral exercises. So, changing your routine is important in some respects, but perhaps not in the "muscle confusion" department.

Regardless, P90X still works in most of the other stuff I mentioned that is supported by scientific research. Lots of compound exercises, a smattering of isolation stuff (especially in regards to biceps), mixing rep counts, etc
Valkyr Junkie said:
You're sore because it's something new. The fact that you've been running 3 miles a day for over 3 years has just made it so that running 3 miles is about as intensive for you as taking a shit. Mixing up your routine and pushing your body in new ways is the whole method behind all of these workouts to get results.
That's what I figured. I just wanted a second opinion. I remember seeing a post in here awhile back about someone getting a serious injury due to a pylometrics workout.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
To reply to my own post, it seems muscle confusion might be more of an old wive's tale than anything else. I've been lifting for 6-7 years and I've always been told (from numerous sources) the importance of changing your routine every so often. Research doesn't seem to point to any advantage in doing so in regards to pure muscle confusion.

There is still good research supporting the importance of working in unilateral and bilateral exercises. So, changing your routine is important in some respects, but perhaps not in the "muscle confusion" department.

Regardless, P90X still works in most of the other stuff I mentioned that is supported by scientific research. Lots of compound exercises, a smattering of isolation stuff (especially in regards to biceps), mixing rep counts, etc
...you're replying to disprove your own post?

Do you have any evidence to support that adaptation is irrelevant? Adaptation and muscle memory are pretty established facts.


Low moral character
Angry Grimace said:
...you're replying to disprove your own post?

Do you have any evidence to support that adaptation is irrelevant? Adaptation and muscle memory are pretty established facts.

Well, I'm replying to possibly disprove part of my post. I did some more reading on muscle confusion last night and it seems to be pretty controversial in terms of results. There doesn't seem to be any real scientific research that proves that muscle confusion is real.

Check these out:


These guys say there is nothing to it. One of them is an author and fitness expert, one is a doctor, and the other I don't know.

This guy here, though, says that there was a study done in Brazil that did scientifically prove that muscle confusion works:


I wasn't able to find the study, though.

This guy says muscle confusion works and cites a study, but the study seems to only examine the boredom level of the people in regards to their routine and not whether changing the routine brings increased results:


A lot of people seem to stress that, in regards to changing workouts, only periodization is important - lifting heavier weights, changing rep counts, and what not.

So...yeah. I don't know what to think about muscle confusion exactly. I tried to find sources from doctors and the like because a lot of those meathead bodybuilders will just say muscle confusion is a myth because they don't like P90X or whatever.
Hello all!

I'm on week 2, although I was doing p90X about 3 days a week for 2 months before that.

I can tell I did good in plyo yesterday when I'm walking up the stairs at work and my legs are still wobbly.


whether it's a gimmick or not doesn't really matter anyways, you're still working out a ton and will get results regardless of what the theory behind it is

just keep pushing playjust keep pushing playjust keep pushing play /tony


Low moral character
X26 said:
whether it's a gimmick or not doesn't really matter anyways, you're still working out a ton and will get results regardless of what the theory behind it is

just keep pushing playjust keep pushing playjust keep pushing play /tony

Yeah, I wasn't trying to diminish the program in any way. I was more interested in finding out whether muscle confusion had anything behind it. I'll say the results are inclusive at the moment.

P90X still hits on most of the points that I have read in a number of books and articles on fitness and weightlifting. I'm not doubting the competence of the program and the results surely speak for themselves.
samus i am said:
I just started Insanity as well. Help!
my buddy is doing p90x and insanity at the same time lol......that fool is in pain haha.
just got our latt machine to use instead of pull ups :). doing too many pull ups(like around 15-20 for lean) instead of 8-10 for size....now i can do more weight.


IGotBillySoSpooked said:
Every good workout entails changing your routine every week or every couple of weeks. If you do the same exact things every day, your body will adapt and your results will slow dramatically. Switching routines, mixing rep counts, and doing both unilateral and bilateral exercises are absolutely necessary.
I can't speak for or against muscle confusion, but I can say that there are many, many good workouts that involve doing the same lifts/reps for weeks if not months at a time with the only variation being additional weight on the bar.


Low moral character
Draft said:
I can't speak for or against muscle confusion, but I can say that there are many, many good workouts that involve doing the same lifts/reps for weeks if not months at a time with the only variation being additional weight on the bar.

Yeah, I believe that. I was probably a bit strong in my wording.

Also, just finished Shoulders & Arms w/ ARX...DIAMONDS OF GOLD!

Dreya completely cheats on those Side-tri Rises, by the way.
I'm having an off-week. Not eating-wise, thankfully, but exercise-wise, I haven't been doing so great.

It's just been a really stressful week. I've been at out-of-the-office meetings several times this week and it's thrown me off quite a bit.

Honestly, I think I was overdue for this kind of week. I've been almost religious about my regimen since the New Year. I was going to have a rough week sooner or later.

I can't wait until the weather gets better and I can start doing some running outside. I love P90X, but I miss getting some fresh air while exercising.


i wanna be fuckin spartacus!!! sighhh


begin week 9, i feel like im platueing


duk said:
i wanna be fuckin spartacus!!! sighhh

begin week 9, i feel like im platueing

Phase 3 is where it's at. Just gotta keep it up. I've hella fallen off the wagon thanks to work and studies. Gonna be hard to get back on, I might as well just start over at this point.


Is it bad that I want to skip the recovery week? I'm about to finish phase two and I am just rocking the shit out of it and want to just get into phase 3. Would that be so bad? And my body feels great.

I promise I'll do the one at the end of phase 3.
duk said:
i wanna be fuckin spartacus!!! sighhh

You could try the 300 Workout. It's what the actors in 300 did to get ripped.

Pullups - 25 reps
Deadlifts with 135 lbs - 50 reps
Pushups - 50 reps
24-inch box jumps - 50 reps
Floor wipers - 50 reps
Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
Pullups - 25 reps


ArachosiA 78 said:
You could try the 300 Workout. It's what the actors in 300 did to get ripped.

Pullups - 25 reps
Deadlifts with 135 lbs - 50 reps
Pushups - 50 reps
24-inch box jumps - 50 reps
Floor wipers - 50 reps
Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
Pullups - 25 reps

interesting, might have to try this regiment after P90x. i've done kettlebell before and love it.


ArachosiA 78 said:
You could try the 300 Workout. It's what the actors in 300 did to get ripped.

Pullups - 25 reps
Deadlifts with 135 lbs - 50 reps
Pushups - 50 reps
24-inch box jumps - 50 reps
Floor wipers - 50 reps
Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
Pullups - 25 reps

yea i've tried it before, by the time i got to floor wipers i have no more energy and was ready to puke


shitting in the alley outside your window
duk said:
interesting, might have to try this regiment after P90x. i've done kettlebell before and love it.
ive gotta get a lighter kettlebell and try to master the clean, it fucks up my arm pretty bad usually. there's a timing thing with the weight and gravity where you push your arm into the weight that i just haven't figured out yet, so i get a lot of impact on my arm when the weight flies over for the press. kettlebell is a fun workout tho
ArachosiA 78 said:
You could try the 300 Workout. It's what the actors in 300 did to get ripped.

Pullups - 25 reps
Deadlifts with 135 lbs - 50 reps
Pushups - 50 reps
24-inch box jumps - 50 reps
Floor wipers - 50 reps
Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
Pullups - 25 reps

I'm assuming they did more than just that to get into shape.

50 Deadlifts, for someone untrained, is just asking to fuck up their back.


I'l ask again...

anyone else skip the recovery week before? I don't know if I should leave it alone for so long.

and I kinda want to keep the ball rolling with all the momentum I have.


Draft said:
I can't speak for or against muscle confusion, but I can say that there are many, many good workouts that involve doing the same lifts/reps for weeks if not months at a time with the only variation being additional weight on the bar.
Adding weight to the bar confuses the shit out of my muscles.

Dr. Malik

I was suppose to start Phase 2 this week but due to midterms and schedule conflicts I havent done a thing. I feel like I have gone back to how I was before I started P90x and with Spring Break coming next week, I should just start over :/
RisingZan said:
Yup. Sticking to a pretty strict diet (which I started in January as preparation). I'm writing everything down, and taking things at my own pace. Much slower than the video, obviously, but knowing that months from now I might be able to hammer out the same number of reps as they do on the video is oddly inspiring. I have to say, I'm more "into it" than I thought I would be.
My wife and I are right there with you!

It's tough, but we just did the triceps, shoulders and biceps last night... We are SUPER sore ugh.

Yoga X tonight though, looking forward to that. Is it tough or is it nice?


Low moral character
exarkun said:
Is it bad that I want to skip the recovery week? I'm about to finish phase two and I am just rocking the shit out of it and want to just get into phase 3. Would that be so bad? And my body feels great.

I promise I'll do the one at the end of phase 3.

There is a lot of research that points to getting greater results if you "unload" every 3-4 weeks when lifting. The recovery week is there for a reason. I wouldn't want to skip the recovery week, then completely crap out during week 11 or 12 because of it.

You could always add workouts to the recovery week. Do Cardio X on the Yoga days for a little extra work, for instance.

It probably wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, if you did skip it. You just have to ask yourself in you'll have enough in the tank to be alternating Phase I and II workouts for the next 4 weeks without burning out. Personally, I'd be afraid that I would burnout and end up taking a week off completely because of overworking it.


Low moral character
Major Williams said:
My wife and I are right there with you!

It's tough, but we just did the triceps, shoulders and biceps last night... We are SUPER sore ugh.

Yoga X tonight though, looking forward to that. Is it tough or is it nice?

If it is your first time, Yoga X will not be nice. It will be hell for the first 50 minutes.

The last 40 minutes or so is all light stretching with some ab work, so don't get discouraged if you fail hard during the first 50. Stick around.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Major Williams said:
My wife and I are right there with you!

It's tough, but we just did the triceps, shoulders and biceps last night... We are SUPER sore ugh.

Yoga X tonight though, looking forward to that. Is it tough or is it nice?
Yoga X is just boring. Regardless of whether you get a workout or not, it's 90 minutes of posing. Boring.


IGotBillySoSpooked said:
There is a lot of research that points to getting greater results if you "unload" every 3-4 weeks when lifting. The recovery week is there for a reason. I wouldn't want to skip the recovery week, then completely crap out during week 11 or 12 because of it.

You could always add workouts to the recovery week. Do Cardio X on the Yoga days for a little extra work, for instance.

It probably wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, if you did skip it. You just have to ask yourself in you'll have enough in the tank to be alternating Phase I and II workouts for the next 4 weeks without burning out. Personally, I'd be afraid that I would burnout and end up taking a week off completely because of overworking it.

I'm not a puss. I do this!

Thanks for the advice man. I'll see how I feel on monday.


Major Williams said:
My wife and I are right there with you!

It's tough, but we just did the triceps, shoulders and biceps last night... We are SUPER sore ugh.

Yoga X tonight though, looking forward to that. Is it tough or is it nice?
It's tough. Very tough for your first time. If you have never completed a yoga tape before, you will be in for a serious ride.


The hardest part of the video is the first 45 or 50minutes, and out of that, the 40 to 50 minute portion is hell when you are first starting out. After that is becomes significantly easier. If you survive the first 45 or 50 minutes, you will have no problem finishing the workout.
FOOTE said:
It's tough. Very tough for your first time. If you have never completed a yoga tape before, you will be in for a serious ride.


The hardest part of the video is the first 45 or 50minutes, and out of that, the 40 to 50 minute portion is hell when you are first starting out. After that is becomes significantly easier. If you survive the first 45 or 50 minutes, you will have no problem finishing the workout.
Well crap. I've done yoga so I hope that will help


Just finished week 3. Rest week starts tomorrow. Kept up with all so far, and it is all getting easier. Really happy with the results so far.
Put me down in the 'yoga is tough' group though. I always dread Yoga day.


Love the inflection in that one on Tony's voice. Always laugh every time.
As someone pointed out earlier in this thread, also the look Adam shoots at Tony when he calls him a hotshot. :lol:
Fuck couldn't do shoulders and arms today. Had to work 12hrs and after that got invited to watch the heat and lakers game. Should I just combine Yoga X and Legs and Back on saturday when I start on shoulders and arms tomorrow or would that be too much????


CherryWoodFuton said:
Fuck couldn't do shoulders and arms today. Had to work 12hrs and after that got invited to watch the heat and lakers game. Should I just combine Yoga X and Legs and Back on saturday when I start on shoulders and arms tomorrow or would that be too much????

Just skip Yoga X. Its real value (I think) comes from the fact that it has a whole day to itself either before or after the leg day.


Low moral character
CherryWoodFuton said:
Fuck couldn't do shoulders and arms today. Had to work 12hrs and after that got invited to watch the heat and lakers game. Should I just combine Yoga X and Legs and Back on saturday when I start on shoulders and arms tomorrow or would that be too much????

Why not just push your whole schedule back a day?

Your rest day was today and you'll hit the rest of the workouts in order starting with S&A tomorrow, Yoga on Saturday, Legs on Sunday and finish up the week with Kenpo on Monday. Roll into your next week on Tuesday with Chest & Back (or whatever exercise is next in your routine).
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