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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Wife and I did yoga tonight. Seriously, screw bicycle pose and samurai pose, those first 45 minutes were killer but they make you do the same dang thing for 50 minutes. That's why it's tough! My wrists began to hurt after awhile but I just pushed through.
Yoga hurt yesterday. Felt like knives stabbing my quads. Next week will be better. I'm just especially sore this week because the recovery week seemed to reset everything.

And I REALLY didn't want to do Legs and Back (by far my least favorite workout) today, but I powered through it anyway. Feels good to have that shit out of the way. Now just 3 more times and I'm done!


CherryWoodFuton said:
Fuck couldn't do shoulders and arms today. Had to work 12hrs and after that got invited to watch the heat and lakers game. Should I just combine Yoga X and Legs and Back on saturday when I start on shoulders and arms tomorrow or would that be too much????

Don't skip Yoga.


Major Williams said:
Wife and I did yoga tonight. Seriously, screw bicycle pose and samurai pose, those first 45 minutes were killer but they make you do the same dang thing for 50 minutes. That's why it's tough! My wrists began to hurt after awhile but I just pushed through.

Yeah I'm ashamed to admit that I've been replacing Yoga with Cardio X, well at least there is some Yoga in the beginning, only up to reverse warrior though. I find that i get bored - and drenched right about that time anyway, I think I'll give Yoga another shot during phase 2 recovery week.

I've been dogging my workouts since life has been kicking my ass lately, would it be appropriate to extend a week, I just started phase 2 week 3, but i really half assed phase 2 week 2.


Neo Member
Major Williams said:
Wife and I did yoga tonight. Seriously, screw bicycle pose and samurai pose, those first 45 minutes were killer but they make you do the same dang thing for 50 minutes. That's why it's tough! My wrists began to hurt after awhile but I just pushed through.

Oh man. I did Yoga last night and I had to skip some of those poses. I could feel my muscles giving out and didn't want to hurt myself. That said, as brutal as some of it was, it felt like a "cheat day" in comparison to plyo.


Yoga is tough. Yesterday was my 2nd time doing it and my left wrist has been killing me. I'm using blocks too and it's definitely the most challenging workout next to Ab Ripper X.


Low moral character
Just finished Legs & Back w/ ARX. It kicked my butt, but I did personal bests on weights and pull-ups. I was dead by the end of it, though. I actually had to pause ARX right before V-Up Roll Ups because I was completely out of gas.

Kenpo X tomorrow to finish up Week 10 exercises. I'm debating on whether to throw in another week of P90X+ exercises for Week 11 or just go straight to the Phase II routines.
Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only one having issues with Yoga. Second time I did it and fifteen minutes in and my right wrist pretty painful. Plus I'm feeling pretty bad overall during the workout. It's probably going to be the hardest exercise to make progress in as far as discomfort is concerned.


shitting in the alley outside your window
well week 3 is done. really thinking about doing doubles when phase 2 starts up. i play hockey twice a week, so im kind of doing doubles already
sefskillz said:
well week 3 is done. really thinking about doing doubles when phase 2 starts up. i play hockey twice a week, so im kind of doing doubles already

If you're playing hockey on top of P90X, you might have to worry about over training if you add in the double's routine.


Low moral character
Looks like Dreya is back for the P90X:MC2 videos that are coming out in the fall:


Looks a little older...I guess that is Tony in the background on his elbows.

EDIT - The video they are filming is called "Total Body X". I guess P90X:MC2 will be somewhat similar to P90X+ in that regard.

In P90X+, you do the same Upper Body video twice a week, then "Total Body Plus" once a week. It kind of stinks because you do Abs on Days 1 and 2 of every week (as opposed to doing it on Day 3 after Total Body), which means doing abs after "Intervals X" which is kind of like a Plyometrics equal (not as much jumping, but it kicks your ass).
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
Looks like Dreya is back for the P90X:MC2 videos that are coming out in the fall:


Looks a little older...I guess that is Tony in the background on his elbows.

Yeah she does look older, but didn't the P90x DVDs first come out in the early 2000s? Nearly 10 years I guess it makes sense.


Low moral character
Lionheart1827 said:
Yeah she does look older, but didn't the P90x DVDs first come out in the early 2000s? Nearly 10 years I guess it makes sense.

Yeah, I think they were filmed in 2002 or 2003.

Tony looks about the same:


He doesn't believe in aging, though...

Fun fact: I used to work out at that same Bally's. Never saw Tony there, though. Of course, that was before I started P90X, so maybe I did and didn't know it was him.


Low moral character
BertramCooper said:
I'm surprised to see anything P90X-related in a gym.

I wouldn't think gyms would be too fond of such a hugely successful home exercise program.

Only know this because I used to live in the area and because Tony said that picture was of the "new QVC crew," but Tony Horton probably stays at the hotel right across the street from that Bally's when he does a QVC taping (which tapes an hour or so outside of Philadelphia).

Bally's actually serves as the "hotel gym" for the hotels in the immediate area (immediate as in 10 yards away). I always used to see a hotel sign-in sheet at the front desk when I would go workout. There is a Marriott and a Crowne Plaza right there, so he probably stays at one of them.

Anyways, I'm sure they use the gym to practice or whatever for the QVC tapings. The woman furthest to the right is actually Tony's sister.

I'm starting to scare myself with how much I know about Tony Horton and the P90X crew. Thanks, Fitbomb and Beachbody message boards...
alejob said:
I start the second phase tomorrow.

I've lost either 10 or 14 pounds so far. Got 2 scales telling me different things.

Yeah I'm also starting up phase 2 tomorrow, I feel that rest week was too much of a rest, oh well.

As for me, I dont think I notice too much weight lose from my own eyes, but the scale is reading a good 7 pounds down so I must have been doing something right this whole month(hopefully).

Definitely have gained a lot more physical strength though. I can definitely tell in pushups and pullups so far.
Week 9 was a struggle for me. I feel like I'm running out of gas. Or maybe I am just losing interest. Also, I gained 3 lbs since yesterday for some inexplicable reason =/
Just started Phase 2 today - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. It was quite tough and about half way the tricep exercises were killing me. I made it through the workout though. I could barely do one of those one arm switch pushups and by the time the clap pushups came I could only do about 2 or 3 before being wiped(also crushed my sack on the floor) :(

Other than that, I actually cant wait until Plyo tomorrow since I know its gonna work my ass off. What was one of the hardest is actually one that I enjoy doing.


Low moral character
Lionheart1827 said:
Just started Phase 2 today - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. It was quite tough and about half way the tricep exercises were killing me. I made it through the workout though. I could barely do one of those one arm switch pushups and by the time the clap pushups came I could only do about 2 or 3 before being wiped(also crushed my sack on the floor) :(

Other than that, I actually cant wait until Plyo tomorrow since I know its gonna work my ass off. What was one of the hardest is actually one that I enjoy doing.

Those one arm pushups are kind of ridiculous. I'd probably get a much better workout by doing some other form of pushups (which I often do instead of doing one armed pushups).

I managed to do 3 real, Jack Palance style one armed push ups on the last week of my first round of the program. I have yet to do that again, even if I try to drop down on my knees. I'll be starting Chest, Shoulders, and Tris in about half an hour, though, so we'll see how I do tonight.

I do always manage to get in 5 or 6 Plyo pushups. Tony really motivates me with his crazy growling. I'M GETTING AIRBORNE!


Low moral character
Off to do Plyo - Week 11.

I did it perfectly last week until the very end during Football Hero. My dog decided to get up and stand right in front of me as I was leaping across the room. Goof ball.

I'm going to fence him into an area tonight.
Just finished off week 5 Plyo. Damn that workout is still freaking grueling, but it definitely makes me feel the best of all of the workouts afterwards imo.

Although the baseball pitch is kind of dumb. I also did what somebody recommended a few pages back about switching the rockstar hops with some more jump knee tucks. Still cant get through this workout without pausing a few times here and there, but I'm getting there.

Took my day 30 photos today, still not confident enough to post em yet, I'd rather wait until day 60 or 90. Although I cant really notice anything, my girlfriend said she can notice a difference, particularly from my posture. I'm hoping to see some much better results by day 60 though.

Day 1 - 187.5 pounds
Day 30 - 181 pounds


Low moral character
A good move to make the baseball pitch more taxing is to get down in a real low squat when you "field the ball." Do your kick and pitch, then drop down low. It takes longer, too, so you have to pop out of the squat and run back to keep up with the video.

However, I do think that the baseball pitch is there to be a low intensity exercise. There are a few of them - military march, gap jumps, and even airborne heisman isn't that bad.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Down 11 pounds now, on the "recovery" week. I don't really like the idea of this week of doing a lot of yoga, though. Yoga just bores me to death.


Low moral character
There is a Tony Horton One on One DVD called Fountain of Youth Yoga that is worth getting, in my opinion.

I did it when I mixed in a round of P90X+. It is around 45 minutes and is a nice injection of variety from the same old 90 minute long Yoga routine.

I really like the Yoga routine, myself, but I like things that allow me to just kind of zone out completely.


Hope P90X:MC2 comes out before the start of summer, that would be a great workout to sweat to in those hot days and nights!!


Did Biceps and Back today. Its getting harder to keep doing this every day, but I must. I haven't been eating very good this week. It's my first week of phase two. I need to lose another ten pounds of fat and what ever I gain back in muscle is fine. But I need to get more of this fat off of me.

I'm getting a little better on pull ups but I still need to use a chair.
Can't wait for the new workouts for the sake of variety.

I did 1.5 rounds of the 1st P90x, One month of P90x+, one month of Insanity, one month of Insanity/P90x doubles each day (got burned out FAST). I let myself go for three months (gf effect), I'm back to doing p90x weight days and Insanity for cardio days.

I guess I need some consistency in my life.
alejob said:
Did Biceps and Back today. Its getting harder to keep doing this every day, but I must. I haven't been eating very good this week. It's my first week of phase two. I need to lose another ten pounds of fat and what ever I gain back in muscle is fine. But I need to get more of this fat off of me.

I'm getting a little better on pull ups but I still need to use a chair.

Did my first back and biceps for phase 2 today as well. Definitely feeling the burn with the weights but I'm hoping to notice more visual results in this phase. I've lost around 7 pounds total so far, just hoping it wasn't muscle. :/


On Week 3, had the last Shoulders, Bi, and Tri's workout for Phase 1 today. I really haven't noticed much physical improvement yet. I'm still fluctuating around 135-140 lbs, but getting noticeably better in Yoga and in Ab Ripper X. I can actually keep up with the exercises in ARX but I still can't do 25 reps on every set yet.

Body Fat % is 17.8 and BMI is 21.6.


shitting in the alley outside your window
did stretch for the first time (recovery phase 1), i actually kinda liked it. i was shocked at the length at first, but it went by pretty fast.

looking forward to getting phase 2 kicked off. i dont feel like im progressing at all during this recovery week. trying to follow the nutrition guide, feels like i should be taking in less calories during this week due to the lighter load


After about 4 days of doing the stretching/yoga I just broke down and started phase 3 early. Stretching got boring and running three miles wasn't all that.

Though, I feel like a new man during this phase. I beasteeeed chest/back. Plyo's I finished, and everything was warm and nice.

Looking forward to arms and shoulder. LES DO IT!
lol...is that what he is saying? I thought that's what I was hearing but I was never quite sure. That's great that he tries so hard to redeem himself and fails completely.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
yoga is tough. it gets easier when that clock hits 42 minutes though.

the bit where you reach under your ass from behind your back and grab your other hand while in crescent pose at the end is M U R D E R.


catfish said:
yoga is tough. it gets easier when that clock hits 42 minutes though.

the bit where you reach under your ass from behind your back and grab your other hand while in crescent pose at the end is M U R D E R.

The one that kills me is when they go to plough and put their legs behind their head for like 2 minutes. I can't even get into plough :lol

Just finished Legs and Back. Tomorrow I'm resting for 10 hours of school and Sunday is Kenpo. Rest Phase begins on Monday with 2x Yoga, nice.
Man my biceps are still freaking sore from Wednesdays Back and Biceps, felt I got a really kickass workout that day.

I haven't really talked much about my experience with ARX. I still cannot do a lot of the ab ripper moves that require you to balance only on your butt though because it puts a ton of pressure on my tailbone. I end up modifying it and/or doing it on a pillow most of the time. The one that feels the best imo is the V situps where you put your legs in a V and reach with your hands to your feet. I end up doing my own ab exercises I used back when I had a trainer to supplement what I simply cannot do in ARX. Seems to get the job done and I usually get a nice burn from it.
catfish said:
yoga is tough. it gets easier when that clock hits 42 minutes though.

the bit where you reach under your ass from behind your back and grab your other hand while in crescent pose at the end is M U R D E R.
I always feel so relieved when Tony says, "They're doing pushups still. That is pretty impressive," because I know the vinyasa phase is almost over.


Day 1 of phase 2, Chest Shoulders and Triceps, and I feel like I've lost strength during the rest week. For example, I should be able to crank out 15 Tri-Wide-Rises each side no problems, but struggled to get 10 out today. Anyone else experienced this?

Tony doing those plyo-push ups. FUUUUUUCKKKKK. I'll never be able to do THAT!


Lionheart1827 said:
I haven't really talked much about my experience with ARX. I still cannot do a lot of the ab ripper moves that require you to balance only on your butt though because it puts a ton of pressure on my tailbone. I end up modifying it and/or doing it on a pillow most of the time. The one that feels the best imo is the V situps where you put your legs in a V and reach with your hands to your feet. I end up doing my own ab exercises I used back when I had a trainer to supplement what I simply cannot do in ARX. Seems to get the job done and I usually get a nice burn from it.

I have lower back issues and those kill me to, can usually only get to 15 reps before the pain starts kicking in. Becoming a fan of the V-up roll ups though, just imagine you have to do a hundred of them, 25 ain't so bad!


Finished Legs and back. By this time of the week I'm pooped, good thing Kempo is not that hard. Wall squat is probably the most difficult exercise for me. I'm starting to notice some muscle gains/definition on my shoulder, specially when I raise my arms.

I too felt like I got a really good work out from biceps and back. My arms were a little sore still today.

I was bad today and had pizza and nachos for lunch, with a can of pepsi. At least I only had 2 slices and didn't eat the crust. I normally would eat 3 or 4 slices. That's another thing I've noticed, I can't eat as much in one sitting like I used to. Good thing, I've got to be better from here on out. I want to get rid of this layer of fat on my stomach.


shitting in the alley outside your window
rest day today at the end of phase 1 recovery week. only dropped 6 pounds overall, but ive put on a lot more muscle and look (and feel) better. i cant help but think a little too much st patty's day action might have put a negative effect on my weigh in too :)

looking forward to phase 2, im going to go the doubles route since i really havent experienced much 'bonking' and my schedule is generally stable enough to pull it off


Neo Member
I just started the program and did Yoga yesterday for the 1st time.
I actually have done yoga in the past and pilates and ashtanga but yesterday was just brutal.
Part of me is afraid to do it again, the other part feels like once I can do that routine easy-peasy, I'll be able to officially claim I'm in good shape.

Legs & back today.

Question - I'm not strictly following the P90X diet (it has a lot of lactose in it which I don't eat) but I am watching my intake - did/do you still lose weight without that?
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