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What's this P90X workout stuff?

So I recently started doing P90x after stepping on a scale and realizing I put on 20 pounds in the last year or so. I started 3.5 weeks ago now, at 5'11 and 220 lbs.

I am on week 4 but extended phase 1 for an extra week so I am not in the recovery week yet. I extended it partly because the first two weeks I was extremely busy and had to skip a few workouts, but also because I felt great at the end of week 3 and was very pleased with the results that I had been seeing. As of today I have lost 18 lbs in the 3.5 weeks. Again, started at 220, today weighed in at 202.6. I haven't been following the diet plan, but have been doing my own low carb, high protein diet, along with taking Oxi Elite Pro (this shit is crazy, I thought my chest was going to explode the first few days taking it).

My goal originally was to get to 190 at the end of the 90 days, I have now revised my goal to somewhere closer to 180. My ultimate, long term goal is to get as close to my high school weight of 155 as possible. I don't think that is necessarily attainable, but I think 165 or 170 would be pretty good for my body type.

So far P90x has lived up to the hype and I'm glad I started it. It was thanks to this thread along with recommendations from my cousin and her husbad who both followed the program and saw excellent results. So thanks guys, I'll be sure and post a few pictures at the end of the program as long as I manage to stick with it, which shouldn't be a problem.


Low moral character
Finish up Week 12 tonight, then on to the rest on Monday.

I'm debating on whether to start another round of P90X after next week or move on to another workout program. I'm going to try a few CrossFit workouts for a week or two to see how that goes. I don't have the shit ton of equipment that CrossFit seems to require, so that experiment might be short lived.


I have my second Core Synergistics tonight. I'm not really crazy about this workout, but Tuesday was my first time so hopefully today's is much better. I also did X Stretch for the first time yesterday. Very relaxing workout (if you want to call it that).
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
Finish up Week 12 tonight, then on to the rest on Monday.

I'm debating on whether to start another round of P90X after next week or move on to another workout program. I'm going to try a few CrossFit workouts for a week or two to see how that goes. I don't have the shit ton of equipment that CrossFit seems to require, so that experiment might be short lived.
I just finished my third week of Insanity. Requires no equipment and I'm already seeing results. Might be something to look into.


Man I've taken like 3 weeks off because of some things that happened and now I'm trying to get back into it where I left off... kind of hard :(


Low moral character
Harry Potter said:
I just finished my third week of Insanity. Requires no equipment and I'm already seeing results. Might be something to look into.

Ah, good suggestion! I forgot about Insanity.

Is Insanity tougher than P90X? It looks like it is harder from a cardio standpoint.

Is it very leg intensive? I need to get my running back up to snuff and it is kind of hard to do with P90X, since you are crushing your legs 3-4 times a week already.


For those looking to shed a few pounds and completely detox yourself before starting P90X .. I recommend the CLEAN program. Started the pre-cleanse period and it really does change the way you look at eating. I'd imagine it will help you keep your diet once getting on P90X.

A couple quick questions, since going through almost two years worth of posts is gonna take a while:

1. I know I am over weight, but I know I can partly blame it on hypothyroidism (my thyroid decided to say fuck you and stop functioning properly) so I gained some weight due to that, as well as having a shitty diet.

So would it be worth it to start with this program, or work on losing some weight first? I'm not exactly sedentary and inactive, I do jog/run/walk as often as I can.

2. How much space does it take up? I know it's probably been answered before, sorry.

3. Besides the dvd's, what else is 'required' for optimal results?
Notrollious said:
A couple quick questions, since going through almost two years worth of posts is gonna take a while:

1. I know I am over weight, but I know I can partly blame it on hypothyroidism (my thyroid decided to say fuck you and stop functioning properly) so I gained some weight due to that, as well as having a shitty diet.

So would it be worth it to start with this program, or work on losing some weight first? I'm not exactly sedentary and inactive, I do jog/run/walk as often as I can.

2. How much space does it take up? I know it's probably been answered before, sorry.

3. Besides the dvd's, what else is 'required' for optimal results?

1) I'm not sure how much hyperthyroidism affects people, but I'm pretty sure any exercise will be good for you regardless, even if you just get out and go for walks.

2) Do you mean time? or literal space in your room? You can always modify but it can be done in a small room. I do mine in my basement though. I think the most space I needed was during Football Hero which is the last move in the Plyometrics DVD. It involves pretending to jump 4 monster truck tires forward, and then jogging backwards 6 steps.

3) Pullup bar that can latch into the door frames where youre living, dumbells or resistance bands( I recommend some dumbells though). Depending on the floor you may need a mat for yoga. Yoga blocks arent needed, you just need something thick and soft covered like a phone book.
Lionheart1827 said:
1) I'm not sure how much hyperthyroidism affects people, but I'm pretty sure any exercise will be good for you regardless, even if you just get out and go for walks.

2) Do you mean time? or literal space in your room? You'll can always modify but it can be done in a small room. I do mine in my basement though. I think the most space I needed was during Football Hero which is the last move in the Plyometrics DVD. It involves pretending to jump 4 monster truck tires forward, and then jogging backwards 6 steps.

3) Pullup bar that can latch into the door frames where youre living, dumbells or resistance bands( I recommend some dumbells though). Depending on the floor you may need a mat for yoga. Yoga blocks arent needed, you just need something thick and soft covered like a phone book.

1. It mainly slows down your metabolism and such from what my dr told me.

2. Well actual space. I'd preferably like to rip the discs to my computer, but my room is super small, so I'm assuming something more than what I have is required. Hmpf.

3. The dumbells vs resistance bands is something I'm still not sure about, I'm assuming dumbells would be better overall?
Notrollious said:
1. It mainly slows down your metabolism and such from what my dr told me.

2. Well actual space. I'd preferably like to rip the discs to my computer, but my room is super small, so I'm assuming something more than what I have is required. Hmpf.

3. The dumbells vs resistance bands is something I'm still not sure about, I'm assuming dumbells would be better overall?

Yeah any exercise "should" improve your metabolism so why not? Although I'd consult your doctor just to make sure.

As for the space issue, I believe in one of the books that comes with your P90x kit when you buy it outlines ALL of the exercises in the correct order for each DVD as well as how many you should do or for how many seconds you should do it for. So if you REALLY wanted to you can bring the book outside with you for plyometrics and just follow it on your own. If anything just watch the dvds first, get an idea for what they do and the pace, and do it on your own. I know some people here cant do some of the workouts in their home so they bring it on an ipod or media player somewhere like a park. Plyo is really the only one you'll need a bit of space for, and its only for a few of the exercises like football hero and MAYBE gap jump.

I would get dumbells since it probably works the best. Resistance bands will work but I've never used them. All the dvds show a modified version of the move with bands so whatever you get, you'll be shown how to do it in the dvds.


shitting in the alley outside your window
week 5 rest day and i feel fucking great. starting to see more and more results. i got a nice deal on a set of bowflex selecttech dumbbells, so im really looking forward to using those next week

ive also developed an odd habit of flipping on the infomercial when i see it on and yelling obscenities at everyone while they're going through some of the tougher moves like plyo pushups etc


sajj316 said:
For those looking to shed a few pounds and completely detox yourself before starting P90X .. I recommend the CLEAN program. Started the pre-cleanse period and it really does change the way you look at eating. I'd imagine it will help you keep your diet once getting on P90X.


While this might be a good idea for those living an americanized fast-food'ed day and diet, cannot get behind recommending it for someone that's remotely healthy. Again, of course, if you are having problems that are rooted to diet, then this might be cool. But studies have shown that, and I'm against, suppliments outside of its 'natural environment' do not work that well. Vitamins are taken up better when they're taken in in the form of an orange. Again, I can see the benefit of 'jump-starting' your body from a poor diet - I was just hoping it was a full "you should eat this to get healthy again" and not give you MORE pills when the first movie on the site laments the amount of pills the guy had to take in the first place.

But now I'm just rambling about my views on a healthy diet. They just don't come in supplementary form, or in the form of a shake.
Notrollious said:
A couple quick questions, since going through almost two years worth of posts is gonna take a while:

1. I know I am over weight, but I know I can partly blame it on hypothyroidism (my thyroid decided to say fuck you and stop functioning properly) so I gained some weight due to that, as well as having a shitty diet.

I had this as well, and I even had a goiter to go with it! (smaller than a baseball, larger than a golfball) I wouldn't have considered myself fat before the doctors sliced it out of me, but I sure as hell wasn't skinny. Barely chubby. But anyway, if you're like me (barely chubby [180 and 5'9 1/2]) then just go ahead and start it. My metabolism hasn't restricted my weight loss so far, but my T3&T4 levels are normal now...sooo....if you're doubting yourself, take the intro test. But I have faith in you.


Neo Member
duk said:
Wow that's you? I saw your video before I got into P90x and I must admit it was one of the most motivational vid on P90x. :)

Yep that's me. P90X has totally changed my life. After I showed my results, there's been a wave of friends, family and co-workers who all started P90X. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's gotta be 50-60 of them.

Of course, the response to my video has been crazy, in 3 months and 250 have joined my team for me to coach them through p90x.

Sorry I didn't respond sooner... I'm subscribed to this thread but it's not emailing me when new messages are posted.

So how are you doing with P90X?

I'm on round 2, this time bulking up - I'm up 12 lbs so far, mostly muscle.


My P90X Round 1 Transformation video


Neo Member
alejob said:
OK, Im a little confused about the diet side of things.

I've lost about 12 pounds so far and I think I need to lose a little more and I'm doing so. The thing is I also really want to bulk up some and have more muscle definition. I wanna see my six pack dang it.

So in order to bulk up you need to eat more calories correct? But I still need to lose some fat.

So the question is, do I keep doing the diet to keep losing weight until my body fat % is where I need it to be for me to see abs/more muscle definition or do I start eating more now so muscles can grow and hope that the bf% goes down enough by the end of the program.

I'm 6'4", 195lbs. and starting week 2 of phase 2.

I guess the plan I have is to keep losing weight til the end of phase 2 and then I'll decide.

It's near impossible to bulk up without gaining fat. A clean bulk is when you gain 2/3rds muscle and 1/3rd fat. To do so, I recommend about a 600 calorie SURPLUS.

One of the benefits of bulking before cutting is that you can use all that extra muscle (which raised your metabolism) to more effectively shred the fat.

However, it's all up to you and what you want. I personally wanted to get down under 10% body fat before I started my bulk. I'm 11 weeks into bulking now and it's tough to see my six pack getting covered up by fat. I'm up 8.5 lbs of muscle and 3 lbs of fat so I'm pretty happy so far.

I don't worry because I know that I'll be able to shred it in a few weeks when I start insanity for round 3.

Here's my round 2 bulking blog if you're interested in my progress so far:


sefskillz said:
week 5 rest day and i feel fucking great. starting to see more and more results. i got a nice deal on a set of bowflex selecttech dumbbells, so im really looking forward to using those next week
Ooh, do tell.

I've been dying to get a pair of these but they're so freaking expensive.


shitting in the alley outside your window
BertramCooper said:
Ooh, do tell.

I've been dying to get a pair of these but they're so freaking expensive.
looks like it expired, but it was 240$ and free shipping. still expensive, but beats 360


got to use them today and love them already. being able to increment the weight you're using by 2.5 pounds instead of in 5 or 10lb increments is great and loving the space it saves. they are kinda long though which is making some moves kinda weird, but so far so good
sefskillz said:
looks like it expired, but it was 240$ and free shipping. still expensive, but beats 360


got to use them today and love them already. being able to increment the weight you're using by 2.5 pounds instead of in 5 or 10lb increments is great and loving the space it saves. they are kinda long though which is making some moves kinda weird, but so far so good
Ahh, damn.

Maybe next time.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
sefskillz said:
looks like it expired, but it was 240$ and free shipping. still expensive, but beats 360


got to use them today and love them already. being able to increment the weight you're using by 2.5 pounds instead of in 5 or 10lb increments is great and loving the space it saves. they are kinda long though which is making some moves kinda weird, but so far so good
The powerblocks dont' "look" like dumbbells the way the Selectechs do, but they are infintely more usable because of the size consideration.


DavidRSM said:
Yep that's me. P90X has totally changed my life. After I showed my results, there's been a wave of friends, family and co-workers who all started P90X. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's gotta be 50-60 of them.

Of course, the response to my video has been crazy, in 3 months and 250 have joined my team for me to coach them through p90x.

Sorry I didn't respond sooner... I'm subscribed to this thread but it's not emailing me when new messages are posted.

So how are you doing with P90X?

I'm on round 2, this time bulking up - I'm up 12 lbs so far, mostly muscle.


My P90X Round 1 Transformation video

ur video is probably one of the best motivational p90x video ever!!
awesome results david...


Neo Member
Totally NarNar said:
Is there a more intense version of p90x out there. So far this hasn't pushed me to the limit.

The sequel to P90X (called MC2) is coming out later this year. It looks awesome - I've done some of the workouts (they released 'beta' versions under the name Tony Horton 1on1). They are definitely more intense and crazy.

In the meantime, they did release P90X+ (4 discs) but I wouldn't say it's more intense than P90X. I'm doing them now (mixed in w/ P90X) for round 2.

If you're looking to lean up (without a lot of weight lifting), it doesn't get anymore intense than Insanity. It's a 60 day program and it's cardio only.

The sequel to Insanity (called the Asylum) is coming out in a few weeks and that's a 30 day program that uses intense cardio, some weights and pull-up bar. It's for P90x graduates and Insanity graduates. It's made for repeating it...

Once I finish my bulk in a few weeks, I'm going to do Insanity and Asylum...



Neo Member
Totally NarNar said:
I'm interested in stamina and strength, without the extra muscle mass you would get from lifting heavy weights.

@Nar: Insanity is the one but just make sure not to under-eat or you'll lose too much weight :) Keep your protein levels up to preserve muscle and you'll gain tons of stamina and strength. It includes squats, push-ups, jacks, etc. It's not an easy run on the treadmill :)

@OAK: You're welcome man. If some father of 3 who sits in front of a computer all day at the office can get fit while going to school in the evenings then you can too!


I've lost another 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks.

I must admit it's getting harder and harder for me to keep this up every day. I will start week 3 of phase 2 tomorrow. With the weather getting better/warmer it's going to be even tougher, I'll want to be outside. I'm thinking of doing the videos in the mornings instead of after work.

It's funny how some days you look in the mirror and you are looking so good and you get so pumped up because of the progress and other days you think you are never going to get to where you want to be. Three more days and I will be half way there, day 45 and if I can keep it going like a have so far I should have pretty good results at the end. Though I don't think I'll be as muscular as I was hoping I would when I started.

Edit: I'm thinking of substituting Kempo X with an hour of swimming on Saturdays. Any thoughts? Is Kempo X there just to burn calories right? I'm sure I burn lots more calories in the pool.


alejob said:
I've lost another 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks.

I must admit it's getting harder and harder for me to keep this up every day. I will start week 3 of phase 2 tomorrow. With the weather getting better/warmer it's going to be even tougher, I'll want to be outside. I'm thinking of doing the videos in the mornings instead of after work.

It's funny how some days you look in the mirror and you are looking so good and you get so pumped up because of the progress and other days you think you are never going to get to where you want to be. Three more days and I will be half way there, day 45 and if I can keep it going like a have so far I should have pretty good results at the end. Though I don't think I'll be as muscular as I was hoping I would when I started.

Edit: I'm thinking of substituting Kempo X with an hour of swimming on Saturdays. Any thoughts? Is Kempo X there just to burn calories right? I'm sure I burn lots more calories in the pool.

yea, i found kenpo x to be quite easy now, and i still have a lot of energy left after im done with the work out. So i'm probably gonna go swim for an hour as well


Last Yoga for Phase 1 finished. Looking forward to starting Phase 2 tomorrow. I haven't noticed much results so far so I hope to start making some gains here outside of getting better at Yoga :lol
alejob said:
Edit: I'm thinking of substituting Kempo X with an hour of swimming on Saturdays. Any thoughts? Is Kempo X there just to burn calories right? I'm sure I burn lots more calories in the pool.

Try using low weights doing most of kenpo x. Just be careful not to over extend. You'll definitely have more of a challenge.


Low moral character
Angry Grimace said:
The powerblocks dont' "look" like dumbbells the way the Selectechs do, but they are infintely more usable because of the size consideration.

I really like the PowerBlocks, too.

I looked into SelectTechs when I was looking for a new dumbbell option (I was using a CAP Dumbbell Set with the screw on things) and they seemed huge when I was playing around with them at Dunham's. My biggest problem with the CAP set, aside from taking forever to change weights, was that I was smacking myself in the head/face and chest and scraping my legs on a bunch of exercises. That metal dumbbell bar does some damage. I didn't think the Selecttechs would solve that problem, in fact they might be even worse since they are so huge.

The PowerBlocks, even at maximum weight (45 lbs) are smaller than my CAP Dumbbell set. At 20 lbs, which was the max of my CAP set, they are MUCH smaller. It makes the overhead presses and bent over row type exercises much easier to. I don't have to worry about shredding the skin off of my face, legs, or chest.

They were also $70 cheaper than the SelectTechs when I bought them and that is always nice.


I did p90x last summer for 6 weeks and had no problems with the exercises. Recently I've been wanting to work on my abs and figured I could start doing just ab ripper and some core exercises but every time I've tried to do ab ripper my pelvic muscles have been sore for the next few days to the point where I cant even walk properly without being hunched over. Has anyone else had that problem?

Guess I will just stick to doing crunches and planks...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
alejob said:
I've lost another 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks.

I must admit it's getting harder and harder for me to keep this up every day. I will start week 3 of phase 2 tomorrow. With the weather getting better/warmer it's going to be even tougher, I'll want to be outside. I'm thinking of doing the videos in the mornings instead of after work.

It's funny how some days you look in the mirror and you are looking so good and you get so pumped up because of the progress and other days you think you are never going to get to where you want to be. Three more days and I will be half way there, day 45 and if I can keep it going like a have so far I should have pretty good results at the end. Though I don't think I'll be as muscular as I was hoping I would when I started.

Edit: I'm thinking of substituting Kempo X with an hour of swimming on Saturdays. Any thoughts? Is Kempo X there just to burn calories right? I'm sure I burn lots more calories in the pool.
I tend to do Kenpo X with my wife, and then do 30m of something else. It really is just kind of a lazy workout unless you really throw crazy punches; in that case you're going to strain a ligament or joint (I have before).
Week 12 begins today. Ugh...this program just never seems to end. Don't get me wrong. I love P90X, but damn...90 days feels like an eternity.

My weight was stuck at 198 for almost a month, and then in the past three days it has dropped 1 lb every day to 195. Weird.


Week 6 starting today. I'm doing pretty good. Here's my list of pro's and cons:

+ Feeling better, more flexible.
+ Easier to get up, I have more energy during the day.
+ Changed my diet, nothing major but I'm eating healthier.
+ Getting Stronger.

- I'm really hating Yoga X.
- It's hard to motivate myself to do the 6th workout on a saturday or sunday.
- I like doing cardio (plyo / kempo / cardio x) way better than the other workouts.

I'm not really keeping an eye on my weight. Last time I checked (around week 4) I had lost about 10lbs, so that was nice. My goal is to feel better about myself, and there is no way to measure that. As things are going, I really like having a steady workout that I can do at home. P90x is great because it is only an hour, or sometimes a bit longer (with Ab Ripper X) but I don't lose any time going to the Gym or talking to people. I don't see any reason why I would stop after day 90 right now, but I do want to be able to change things up a bit. Maybe I'll try running instead of some of the P90x workouts when the temperature outside goes up a bit.

In the end; I think P90x is changing the way I plan my day, workout is becoming part of my daily routine instead of something I do on occasion (or not at all for the past 3 years). But then I can't see myself doing any more Yoga X after the first 3 months are over :p
Apologies in advance for not searching this thread for answers to this question (which I'm sure are in here somewhere ...)

I just would like to know how people have fared on the program, using only resistance bands as equipment?

For reasons of size, weight and cost they seem like the most practical option.

However I worry that sitting on the floor with a set of bands would give me too much mental abstraction to overcome in the course of trying to do a physical exercise ...

Hard to explain, but it seems like it isn't a 'natural' exercise - compared to a chin-up, which your body either can or can't do. It's quite simple and is something you can just 'go do'.


I'm also sceptical about ease of measurement. For instance with the fake chin-up, doesn't so much depend on how far back you're sitting? And therefore make it hard to track performance consistently?

Basically please just tell me it works fine so I can go buy the damn bands and get on with this MF.

Ill Saint

Yeah, bands work well once you get used to them. A lot of people really hate them, but I've had significant results using them and find they are easy and efficient to work with.


Low moral character
Angry Grimace said:
I tend to do Kenpo X with my wife, and then do 30m of something else. It really is just kind of a lazy workout unless you really throw crazy punches; in that case you're going to strain a ligament or joint (I have before).

I find that the first two sections of Kenpo X are pretty solid routines. The Jab-Cross Switch and Hook-Uppercut Switch are easily the hardest exercises, in my opinion.

After that, the breaks are actually more draining than the actual routines. Especially the blocking series. My heart rate is down to about rest rate at the end of that blocking section.

Dr. Malik

Been sick the last couple of days, havent had the energy to do anything and havent moved away from Phase 1 for the last 5/6 weeks. At this point I feel like I should wait till the semester ends and start again in the summer.


Yeeeha! I finally kept up with those guys on Ab Ripper X! I've been taking breaks when I got to the fifer scissors and V-up roll-ups. Not today. Feels good man!


shitting in the alley outside your window
alejob said:
Yeeeha! I finally kept up with those guys on Ab Ripper X! I've been taking breaks when I got to the fifer scissors and V-up roll-ups. Not today. Feels good man!
finishing fifer scissors still feels like a distant dream for me, that one kills me everytime. i am lovin the progress ive made on the vups though, they were my most hated when i started
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
I find that the first two sections of Kenpo X are pretty solid routines. The Jab-Cross Switch and Hook-Uppercut Switch are easily the hardest exercises, in my opinion.

After that, the breaks are actually more draining than the actual routines. Especially the blocking series. My heart rate is down to about rest rate at the end of that blocking section.

Agreed. After the first 2 sections it's all downhill. A way I found to make the blocks more intense is to just go at full speed the entire time. And skip the star blocks (they are worthless and no matter how intensely you do them they won't increase your heart rate). Skipping the star blocks allows you to get to the X-style jumping jacks quicker, which should help to keep your heart rate elevated. I have found that if I do all the blosk at full speed the entire time, I am able to keep my heart rate elevated.


DavidRSM said:
The sequel to P90X (called MC2) is coming out later this year. It looks awesome - I've done some of the workouts (they released 'beta' versions under the name Tony Horton 1on1). They are definitely more intense and crazy.

In the meantime, they did release P90X+ (4 discs) but I wouldn't say it's more intense than P90X. I'm doing them now (mixed in w/ P90X) for round 2.

If you're looking to lean up (without a lot of weight lifting), it doesn't get anymore intense than Insanity. It's a 60 day program and it's cardio only.

The sequel to Insanity (called the Asylum) is coming out in a few weeks and that's a 30 day program that uses intense cardio, some weights and pull-up bar. It's for P90x graduates and Insanity graduates. It's made for repeating it...

Once I finish my bulk in a few weeks, I'm going to do Insanity and Asylum...


Some of the MC2 workouts were crazy. I thought the Legs & Back and Yoga 2 were definitely harder.

You know exactly when Asylum is coming out? I just started Insanity, but if this is coming out soon, I may just try that. I've already done Insanity, so would be up for something new.


alejob said:
Yeeeha! I finally kept up with those guys on Ab Ripper X! I've been taking breaks when I got to the fifer scissors and V-up roll-ups. Not today. Feels good man!

Awesome! Especially the scissors kill me like nothing else.
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