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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
B-B-Bomba! said:
Apologies in advance for not searching this thread for answers to this question (which I'm sure are in here somewhere ...)

I just would like to know how people have fared on the program, using only resistance bands as equipment?

For reasons of size, weight and cost they seem like the most practical option.

However I worry that sitting on the floor with a set of bands would give me too much mental abstraction to overcome in the course of trying to do a physical exercise ...

Hard to explain, but it seems like it isn't a 'natural' exercise - compared to a chin-up, which your body either can or can't do. It's quite simple and is something you can just 'go do'.


I'm also sceptical about ease of measurement. For instance with the fake chin-up, doesn't so much depend on how far back you're sitting? And therefore make it hard to track performance consistently?

Basically please just tell me it works fine so I can go buy the damn bands and get on with this MF.
The resistance bands work pretty well, particularly if you dont' have a lot of weights (i.e. a single adjustable dumbell). They aren't as natural of a motion, but bands also provide even resistance along their lift path; on certain exercises I prefer them. For example, there' a couple of shoulder presses that are harder to do with the bands because it gets harder to lift the longer the band stretches near the top of the movement rather than easier like it is with weights.

Plus it's easier to adjust if you aren't sure how much weight/resistance you need or if Tony calls for a drop set (I believe he only calls a single drop set in all of P90X though, at the end of Back & Biceps)


Well yesterday I conquered ARX and today I did the same on plyo X. Went through it with out hitting the pause button for the first time. :)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I just ate a fat Sprinkles cupcake. Tony's probably going to come to my house and hit me, particularly because I think there was dairy in it.

I hate the fact that programs like this make me actually feel guilty for eating something tasty.
I've been off a bit lately. Work has been uber crazy and to a lesser extent, I think I'm getting somewhat tired of the P90X routine. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love it and what it's done for my body - but like any routine, it gets a bit old after a while.

I'm thinking of trying Insanity. I've still got a good amount of bellyfat I want to lose and I think a serious increase in cardio would be a good idea. At the same time, I want to mix in a bit of P90X to keep some of the muscle that I've built up.

Has anyone been able to successfully combine P90X and Insanity without totally killing themselves?
Woohoo! Completed Plyometrics for the last time! I nearly talked myself out of doing it (I have a tendency to quit right before I complete something). But I did it. ANd now I never have to do plyo ever again.

Or at least until I inevitably start another round of P90X...


I did my first Shoulders, Chest, and Tris work out last night. It was pretty intense and I enjoyed it. Tonight was Plyo. I wish they offered up a different Plyo workout for Phase 2 because it's starting to get old after a month in.
BertramCooper said:
I've been off a bit lately. Work has been uber crazy and to a lesser extent, I think I'm getting somewhat tired of the P90X routine. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love it and what it's done for my body - but like any routine, it gets a bit old after a while.

I'm thinking of trying Insanity. I've still got a good amount of bellyfat I want to lose and I think a serious increase in cardio would be a good idea. At the same time, I want to mix in a bit of P90X to keep some of the muscle that I've built up.

Has anyone been able to successfully combine P90X and Insanity without totally killing themselves?
I'm doing this right now, 2nd week.

I'm doing:

Monday - Chest&Back
Tuesday - Insanity Plyo
Wed - Shoulders n Arms
Thurs - YogaX
Fri - Legs&Back
Sat - Insanity cardio ot power/resistance

I'll go through the normal rotations for each program. So far is not so bad. There are some pushups in Insanity Plyo, so that gets tough after Monday, but the real killer will be any insanity leg work on Saturday after Friday. THAT might be overkill.

I'll let you know when I get burned out. I did go crazy once and got through 4 weeks of Insanity/p90x back to back each day. Don't know what the hell I was thinking.


Neo Member
ocadman said:
Some of the MC2 workouts were crazy. I thought the Legs & Back and Yoga 2 were definitely harder.

You know exactly when Asylum is coming out? I just started Insanity, but if this is coming out soon, I may just try that. I've already done Insanity, so would be up for something new.

It comes out in April.. so should be very soon. I have a signed copy being sent to me. I'm some a little Insanity mixed in with my P90x to prepare for it. It's hardcore... no joke!

Sanky Panky said:
I'm doing this right now, 2nd week.

I'm doing:

Monday - Chest&Back
Tuesday - Insanity Plyo
Wed - Shoulders n Arms
Thurs - YogaX
Fri - Legs&Back
Sat - Insanity cardio ot power/resistance

I'll go through the normal rotations for each program. So far is not so bad. There are some pushups in Insanity Plyo, so that gets tough after Monday, but the real killer will be any insanity leg work on Saturday after Friday. THAT might be overkill.

I'll let you know when I get burned out. I did go crazy once and got through 4 weeks of Insanity/p90x back to back each day. Don't know what the hell I was thinking.
Thanks for that. I might give it a whirl.

I'd like to have some room to change up my routine a bit, so I very much like the idea of combining the two programs.


Damn, my home won't allow me to fit a pull up bar, so for the past 8 weeks I've been using bands with a door anchor with ~90 lbs of resistance.

I can usually put in 12-15 reps in the minute or so they give you, but I just tried doing an actual pull up at my buddies place. Nomg - could only do 3-4 before i died (I weight about 175-180). Sucks! I just went and bought a 90 lb band, should put me at ~150 lbs of resistance now. Feels bad man.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
rkn said:
Damn, my home won't allow me to fit a pull up bar, so for the past 8 weeks I've been using bands with a door anchor with ~90 lbs of resistance.

I can usually put in 12-15 reps in the minute or so they give you, but I just tried doing an actual pull up at my buddies place. Nomg - could only do 3-4 before i died (I weight about 175-180). Sucks! I just went and bought a 90 lb band, should put me at ~150 lbs of resistance now. Feels bad man.
With a pull up bar, it's not realistic to expect to do what the models are doing. Just get a chair and bring it closer and closer the more you struggle.


Low moral character
Pull-ups were easily the slowest to progress. On my first go around through P90X, I think I started at like 3-5 pull-ups on Day 1 and I could manage maybe 5-7 by the end.

On my second go around, I am able to do at least 10 pull-ups every time. I find that doing max reps, then taking a small 10 second break before going max reps again really helps improve my pull-up ability. During my first go around, I would do what I could, then just stop and rest for the remaining time.


I can get wide pull ups at 13-14 now, just regular. But I...moved some of the exercises around now towards the end in the actual vids to conform to a more weight lifting type thing. That said, p90x is pretty awesome and I would recommend to friends (though not out in the open). Seeing as how most of my collegiate bros on the teams I was on workout hardcore, they might laugh at the suggestion. *shrug*

So I skipped plyos last week cause I was on a crunch for time and I got back into it this week...and it sucked. Dunno what happened, been scratching my head at that. Anyone had that happen?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Am I the only person that can't stand Katie from the Back & Biceps routine? I hate how she thinks we want to hear her annoying voice all the time and just talks constantly.


Low moral character
Angry Grimace said:
Am I the only person that can't stand Katie from the Back & Biceps routine? I hate how she thinks we want to hear her annoying voice all the time and just talks constantly.

I don't mind her, but, yeah, she is a little annoying.

It seems like Tony is annoyed by her at times, too. At the beginning, when Tony is talking to her, she says something like, "How are you doing, Tony?" and Horton is like taken aback or something. It looks like he wants to say, "You're not being paid to talk, asshole!"

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
IGotBillySoSpooked said:
I don't mind her, but, yeah, she is a little annoying.

It seems like Tony is annoyed by her at times, too. At the beginning, when Tony is talking to her, she says something like, "How are you doing, Tony?" and Horton is like taken aback or something. It looks like he wants to say, "You're not being paid to talk, asshole!"
exarkun said:
the dentist or whomever woman, I think in back and legs, is pretty hot.
Sophia the dentist :lol


duk said:
they're working hard, haha I KNOW YOU AREEEEEE

I dunno how many you're doing - we're doing 40. And we might do some extra ;))

(ps, I hate you fiffer scissors.)

About the pullups thing:
I had this phase a year ago that I did a lot of pullups. That was when I was at my leanest, so I had less weight than I do now. I just did like 3 sets of reverse and normal pullups (not wide or narrow) every day. I started at probably 2-3 and ended up at 12-15 in shorter time and intensity than p90x. Mind you, I was just walking around at home, and I passed my stairs and I was like "ok, let's do another set". No recovery drink afterwards or anything. That approach might give better results in reps of pullups, but I think P90X gives better results in visible muscle-growth and such

EDIT: btw, is anyone else annoyed by the fact that Tony goes "We're already halfway there, man!" in Ab Ripper X when you're only 1/3 done? :(


I've found that Chest & Back is the hardest day to do Ab Ripper X on. Last week when I did it after other progams I thought I had made so much progress. Then came monday and I was barely able to lift my legs at fiffer scissors. Today again, I had to take a few breaks (of course - second week :p), but it went a lot better than monday.

I was not prepared, food-wise, today. I think I need some carbs in a meal some hours before workout, because I had a salad for lunch and then a protein bar before workout and I was so dead during the workout. Bye bye fat, though!

Oh, and I found out that Shoulders & Arms also contains Ab Ripper X. That eases down the disk-swapping!
Articate said:
I've found that Chest & Back is the hardest day to do Ab Ripper X on. Last week when I did it after other progams I thought I had made so much progress. Then came monday and I was barely able to lift my legs at fiffer scissors. Today again, I had to take a few breaks (of course - second week :p), but it went a lot better than monday.

Oh, and I found out that Shoulders & Arms also contains Ab Ripper X. That eases down the disk-swapping!

Yeah it took me 3 weeks to notice that. I think all of the workouts that have AB ripper X on those days have it included on the DVD.

I'm going into my 2nd recovery week next week. Little worried since I'm still unsure if I'm gaining any visual results still. I know I'm getting stronger, but I'm not actually "seeing" it. Most of my "chunkness" is right in my belly and love handle area and I feel like its not kicking its ass enough. I might end up starting to do jogs/runs just burn off the fat faster.


Lionheart1827 said:
I might end up starting to do jogs/runs just burn off the fat faster.

You might not want to jog. Well, maybe if you're out to burn fat at the expense of muscles, but that catabolic state when jogging for more than 15 minutes goes both for muscle and fat. If you want to get just the fat I would recommend HIIT. I would recommend it for everyone. It's the most efficient way of getting better cardio (I think half an hour HIIT is about the same as 2.5 hours of jogging), it gets into afterburner and stays away from catabolism, which means you burn fat while leaving the muscles be. Afterburner means that your body will mainly be burning the fat after you're done with the exercise. With HIIT I think the effect can be around for as long as 36 hours, but with exponential fall-off. First 8 hours is where it's at.

I love it. It's hard as hell, and I don't have to jog for hours, which I find pretty boring. My knees and muscles also thank me for it.


TOM f'N CRUISE said:
first day of BACK & BICEPS.....i forgot how much that shit hurt :)

I did that for the first time yesterday. That workout is no joke. I'm really liking the Phase 2 Workouts more than Phase 1.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Articate said:
I've found that Chest & Back is the hardest day to do Ab Ripper X on. Last week when I did it after other progams I thought I had made so much progress. Then came monday and I was barely able to lift my legs at fiffer scissors. Today again, I had to take a few breaks (of course - second week :p), but it went a lot better than monday.

I was not prepared, food-wise, today. I think I need some carbs in a meal some hours before workout, because I had a salad for lunch and then a protein bar before workout and I was so dead during the workout. Bye bye fat, though!

Oh, and I found out that Shoulders & Arms also contains Ab Ripper X. That eases down the disk-swapping!
All of the weight training discs have Ab Ripper X on them.


DavidRSM said:
It comes out in April.. so should be very soon. I have a signed copy being sent to me. I'm some a little Insanity mixed in with my P90x to prepare for it. It's hardcore... no joke!


Just saw the trailer for Asylum and if the trailer is any indication, I'm disappointed they are using equipment. That was one of the main selling points of Insanity is not having to own any stuff to do it.

TwiztidElf said:
Can you please recommend some HIIT videos or programs?

Since this is a beachbody thread basically, I'd say start with Insanity.

SirFodderton said:
When would you incorporate HIIT with p90x? Is it pretty much like the p90x doubles schedule but instead of cardio x do a HIIT routine?

Just replace any cardio day/exercise routine with an HIIT routine. So Plyo and Kenpo X and anytime you'd do Cardio X would be replaced.


Neo Member
hey, I'm thinking about starting p90x.
I don't need to lose weight, in fact I'm underweight, I am 185cm tall and weight 65 k. but I really need to exercise and I can't go to gym. I'm not fit at all and I was wondering if I should start right away or should I take a week or two to do some of the trainings and become familiar with them, and I know that I won't be able to do the number they say, so what should I do?


Keyvan said:
hey, I'm thinking about starting p90x.
I don't need to lose weight, in fact I'm underweight, I am 185cm tall and weight 65 k. but I really need to exercise and I can't go to gym. I'm not fit at all and I was wondering if I should start right away or should I take a week or two to do some of the trainings and become familiar with them, and I know that I won't be able to do the number they say, so what should I do?

You could start straight on the thrid phase of the diet plan. You need a lot of carbs and a lot of protein in your diet, so that you have the energy to work out with (the carbs) and the blocks to build muscle (protein). It would be awesome being you. You know how much I'd give to be able to have subs and bread for lunch? :D

If you just stay generally healthy with your dietary goals, as in getting all the vitamins, minerals and such, you can eat pretty much whatever you want as long as you also get the alloted amount of protein, especially if you're looking to gaining some weight at the same time.

As for if you should start right away or not.. Well, the point of the program is muscle confusion, so it sounds detrimental to do the same things for too long. But you have some alternatives. You can do the entire P90X twice or:

P90X consists of three training blocks. Instead of prolonging your block 1, you continue into block 2, and when you come to block 3 you rearrange it to make it some weeks longer.
So... I got a new book called Body By Science which says that cardio work is pointless and if you do it right you only need 12 minutes of resistance exercise per week. That is if you do it to the point of exhaustion and eat a Paleolithic-style diet.


TwiztidElf said:
Can you please recommend some HIIT videos or programs?

HIIT is pretty easy to do by yourself. The Wikipedia article is an excellent primer. To me it's pretty much just about sprinting for X amount of seconds then jog/walking for X amount, and just making sure that those two are in a good ratio. 15 minutes of that is all it takes. Combine that with something like a 15 hard jog first, and it should cover all bases.

SirFodderton said:
When would you incorporate HIIT with p90x? Is it pretty much like the p90x doubles schedule but instead of cardio x do a HIIT routine?

You could do it like that, but as already pointed out, you can pretty much swap all cardio days with HIIT. Just keep it interesting for yourself :) I'd keep on doing Yoga X, even though I know we all LOVE IT!


I3rand0 said:
I did that for the first time yesterday. That workout is no joke. I'm really liking the Phase 2 Workouts more than Phase 1.
I can't wait to try the phase 1 workouts again! Kinda miss them, phase 2 felt so long.

On another note, just took my day 60 pics, been a hell of a ride the last few weeks, terrible diet, missing work outs. But I still managed to make some progress, not as great as day 1-30, but still somewhat motivating. I've noticed that phase 3 seems to be where people show the most progress, I don't think I'll get there, but here is to hoping.


Yoga X was a lot better the second time. I stuck with them all the way through to last vinyasa. I was sweating like a crazy man. But boy, it felt good.



I have a bad knee, got it scoped 2 or 3 years ago. It gives me fits once in a while. Everything was going great til yesterday. I took a step just walking and I don't know what wrong but it got jammed or something. It's a little swollen, I can't put much pressure on it. Didn't do yoga yesterday and I'm definitely not doing legs today. I might do some pull ups though.

I'm going to the pool tomorrow and getting a workout in that way. The only good news is that its recovery week next week. I hope I can do the yoga by then. I hope I'm ready to go the week after that. I think P90X is turning into P97X for me.


Neo Member
Articate said:
You could start straight on the thrid phase of the diet plan. You need a lot of carbs and a lot of protein in your diet, so that you have the energy to work out with (the carbs) and the blocks to build muscle (protein). It would be awesome being you. You know how much I'd give to be able to have subs and bread for lunch? :D

If you just stay generally healthy with your dietary goals, as in getting all the vitamins, minerals and such, you can eat pretty much whatever you want as long as you also get the alloted amount of protein, especially if you're looking to gaining some weight at the same time.

As for if you should start right away or not.. Well, the point of the program is muscle confusion, so it sounds detrimental to do the same things for too long. But you have some alternatives. You can do the entire P90X twice or:

P90X consists of three training blocks. Instead of prolonging your block 1, you continue into block 2, and when you come to block 3 you rearrange it to make it some weeks longer.

thanks a lot :D
what's some good resistance bands? my door frame is old and will break lol. and i was thinking of dumbbells but the cost would be a bit much for various sizes.

or shold i just go with dumbbells? and what weights do i need? right now i have 25lbs and 5lbs. and 10lbs (maybe idk)


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
quick questions

1. if i buy p90x from craigslist, will i miss out on something?

2. how long is the longest/shortest workout?

3. if weights are needed, is 20 - 25 pounds ok?
DR3AM said:
quick questions

1. if i buy p90x from craigslist, will i miss out on something?

2. how long is the longest/shortest workout?

3. if weights are needed, is 20 - 25 pounds ok?

1) Depends on if it comes with the complete package of all the dvds. If you order through beachbody theres like a special offer for a resistance band or something but thats really it.

2) Yoga is the longest single workout clocking in at about an hour and a half. The mon/wed/fri workouts add ab ripper x and they usually stay around 50-70 minutes total depending on which one.

3) Depends, you're gonna be working quite hard on lift days(lots of pushups and pullups, get ready for that), and depending on how strong you are you may or may not tire yourself out. 20-25 would be good to start, but you may end up growing out of it.
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