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When do you think the NCAA will finally allow player names in games?


Honestly, now. How many years do we have to play college sports games with "QB #16" instead of the name of our favorite characters?

The NCAA is holding onto an old standard that discludes any use of player names...which definitely shouldn't include videogames (covers being a bit different story).

Man oh man, what a difference it woulda been in past years... :-\

Musashi Wins!

For however long the NCAA wants to pretend that college football players are amateur athletes who are rewarded for their efforts by getting a "degree".


Drunky McMurder
The players would have to agree to have their name and likeness included in the game. In the NFL, the NFLPA agrees and gets paid the fee for using the names.

If the NCAA had a similar agreement, the players wouldn't see any of the money. Therefore, the players wouldn't agree with having their name put in. And the NCAA doesn't like the idea of giving up money that it could be greedying up itself.


when the ncaa has a players union, i.e. never

what SHOULD be done though is having a union for retired sports players. That way they could get all-time teams names in the games.

Without a union, there is no way to put names in games, as there is no way to compensate the players for using their names. It would seem like a decent way to help support players from by-gone eras, paying them for the rights to their names/likenesses.

I'd love to have classic teams with the real names, one day it may happen. It will happen a hell of a lot sooner than having college teams with names. They can't even put a current college player on the box.


No love for my idea of a retired players union? I seriously think it's brilliant, and if no one does it soon I may.

Who doesn't want Marino and Montana on their classic rosters w/o having to enter names for everyone?


I dunno about a retired players' union, but I'd rather the NCAA become more like a union than just a governing body for college sports.


It will never happen because amateur athletes don't get paid. You'll never see a high school basketball game either, for many more reasons :) I would love a retired players union, there seems to be a governing body for baseball, i haven't seen football or basketball though. It would be nice. I would love to see a fantasy sports league series, players in their prime put into a pool and a fantasy draft and play out a season/franchise with the all time great players at their all time best.

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