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Which console RPG of the past year or so has the best story?


I'm a story whore, and I compare most RPGs' stories to Xenogears as far as greatness and awe goes. I know some of you may not think Xenogears is all that, so pick a game that'd live up to an RPG's story you like, and give me the title's (or titles') name(s).

Hell...any console game could work, but preferrably an RPG. I'm just in the mood to feel the awe I felt with Xenogears again without replaying it.
Paper Mario 2, for my money.

But if you really do want to relive the Xenogears experience again, skip this year's crop of games altogether and just hit yourself in the head with a ball peen hammer, twice.


well not really...yet
Theyve all pretty much been shit. I guess Nocturne would a get mention (and thats a stretch) but not much else.

Id give a special mention to Star Ocean 3, not for its plot but for how deeply they planned the actual universe with some genuinly interesting science fiction concepts like the UP3 for example....


Everyone saying Paper Mario 2 needs to play more rpgs.

Good DIALOGUE does not equal Good STORY.

Paper Mario 2 had almost no story besides go to each area and walk through a dungeon to get a star. What it did have was enjoyable funny dialogue.

SO3 had an interesting idea for a story that didn't end up as a good story in execution.

Xenosaga ep2's story was just plain pathetic and short.

Phantom Brave had a nice story but was hurt by pacing.

SH2 had an enjoyable story though not the most original.

ToS gets the same thing although less original and interesting than SH2.

Front Mission 4 had a story that was a breath of fresh air from the fantasy genre. But it was also pretty simple.

Baten Kaitos has a old-school style simple story but with a strong twist. Still the overall plot wasn't it's strongest part.

Suikoden IV's story is ok at best but short and lacking depth just like Suikoden I.

DDS is a good story, though it's less interesting than SMT3 and less happens since it's part 1 of a 2 part game.

SMT3 probably is the best of the bunch with it's interesting story that's free from most cliche'.


Bebpo said:
SO3 had an interesting idea for a story that didn't end up as a good story in execution.
don't know if it's me, or the english version, or what -- but i think the story is reasonably strong here. maybe B-.

Bebpo said:
SH2 had an enjoyable story though not the most original.
this game's story is a lot of fun, and the dialogue is hilarious and the serious bits work excellently too. B+ i'd say.

ToS gets the same thing although less original and interesting than SH2.
from cliche to ripoff to overly-ambitious kitchen sink action, i'd give this one a C- on story.

SMT3 probably is the best of the bunch with it's interesting story that's free from most cliche'.
shin megami tensei: nocturne (if you haven't been paying to the abbreviation festival around here.) the story is fascinating, but if you like tons and tons of complex interwoven craziness ala xenogears, you aren't necessarily going to like this. it's sparse, that's for sure. but very different, as promised.


Shadow Hearts 2 gets my vote so far. Very well executed and the game falls into place alongside the original Shadow Hearts perfectly. While it's nothing new in terms of what's being presented, it doesn't have overwrought drama or badly paced arcs. Character interaction is my only complaint.


Another vote for SH2.
Not the MOST creative story every, but the payoff was way worth it.

SO3 was really interesting. But it feels underdevelop and some of the cutscenes fell flat cuz they lack a cinematic touch. Could've been great, but it was just good.


I'll vote for the story in Front Mission 4. Nothing else I've played this year comes close so far (15 hours in). Might change once I get my hands on SMT: Nocturne. We'll see.
callous said:
I'll vote for the story in Front Mission 4. Nothing else I've played this year comes close so far (15 hours in). Might change once I get my hands on SMT: Nocturne. We'll see.

I've logged 100+ hours on FM4, and while the story is respectably written (no glaring weirdness) it's short and has these really bizarre "let's ponder" type poems that try to make the story sound more important than it is. As an FM3 fan, it's also pretty clear how much weaker FM4's storyline is by comparison. FM4's gameplay really makes it work, though, so don't even think of giving up. ;)

I'd reckon SMT3 or Shadow Hearts 2 would have the best story so far this year, although I need to get in more than a couple of hours on either before I can say for certain.


Yeah, I've already become firmly aware that this is no Front Mission 3, but I'm enjoying it a lot anyway. I especially like how intricate I can see the link system becoming and how necessary it will be to fully utilize it, however stupid and outrageously unrealistic the system seems when I think about it. Like, character X can use his 6 remaining AP to shoot again if his linked partner triggers that action. Otherwise, character X will find the 6 points much better spent scratching his ass instead of taking a non-linked shot. Still, makes things interesting :)

The story itself is just cool so far. I'm thoroughly enjoying the mystery in Europe and the precarious situation in South America. Both have more of my interest than most other RPG storylines. Can't wait to see how they meet up.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Knights of the Old Republic by a very very LONG shot. No other RPG this gen even comes close.


Unconfirmed Member
ferricide said:
shin megami tensei: nocturne (if you haven't been paying to the abbreviation festival around here.) the story is fascinating, but if you like tons and tons of complex interwoven craziness ala xenogears, you aren't necessarily going to like this. it's sparse, that's for sure. but very different, as promised.
I agree. It's amusing that a game which is supposed to be (and really is) so much more focused on gameplay instead of story has one of the coolest plots in a long time.

Also, KOTOR might be a tad on the oldish side (i.e. it's more than a year old), but it's really well done and very well written. Even if you only like Star Wars just a little bit, you have to like KOTOR's plot. Honestly, seeing BioWare tell such a good SW story in a game makes the prequel movies all the more disappointing.

Musashi Wins!

I'd vote for KOTOR overall if we're reaching beyond this year, but SH and SMT are both extremely awesome games even when I'm not engaged plotwise. Superb entries one and all.


GTA: SA (Yeah, this old debate again)

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

Star Ocean 3 would have a good story if it weren't for the 30 hour long cutscenes of characters saying "okay, let's go" to each other 50 times


If we're accepting a bit more than a year, gotta be KotOR. Second best game this gen in general let alone the best story of one. For a Star Wars fan, it's a dream come true.
If we're talking well written then Paper Mario 2. Sure it doesn't have the deepest story ever (far from it, really), but I'll be damned if I wasn't hooked on the witty writing. It was like reading Harry Potter for me, where the writing is witty and intelligent enough that it drives me to keep going.


Heh, good suggestions thus far, except KotoR. The game is horrible, I got halfway through it and became more than frustrated. I have no idea why it got Game of the Year by companies. It's shit. I don't give a damn about choosing light or dark. It's a dumb game, crappy mechanics, shitty controls, and I'll dare say...and I've never, ever, EVER been so disappointed in a game in my life. It was the king of uncoolery. This game is overhyped crap...and put simply, it isn't all that, in my opinion. Won't ever play it again.

Worst. Purchase. Ever.

I'm debating on Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne or Star Ocean 3. Paper Mario doesn't seem all that epic, even though I highly enjoyed the demo (which includes one of my favorite moments in gaming ever: flying over a hole as paper airplane for the first time :lol :lol). I'm also debating Shadow Hearts 2, maybe, and maybe I could find an outline of the first game somewhere since I haven't heard many good things about the first game. I'm also looking forward to Baten Kaitos. I also wonder how Tales of Symphonia went.

But...I need something grandiose, if possible. Star Ocean 3 and SMTN seem the most likeliest of candidates, however. Keep 'em coming, please :). I don't want to get in the store and make a dumbass decision, heh heh heh...like KotoR.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Haven't played SMT3 yet...

TOS = Extremely cliche, by the books RPG... uses every plot twist from the last 10 years. Good if you're still new to RPGs (my girlfriend loved the plot and was taken completely off guard by the plot twist, for instance).

Star Ocean 3 = Unique plot twists, cool setting, a bit different from standard RPG stories. Some of the cut scenes are a bit long though, but not as bad as like Xenosaga.

Shadow Hearts 2 = Some great cinematics, though the overall story is pretty much typical RPG cliches grafted onto real world settings (which makes it kinda cool). Points for the setting. Hilarious dialogue.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Shadow Hearts 2 would get my vote. It isn't particularly amazing or anything, but it was an enjoyable (well presented) ride. It handles both humor and seriousness beautifully as well...

Star Ocean 3 had a decent story, but the excution was just flat out awful. I still managed to enjoy that aspect, but the presentation just didn't do anything for me.


being watched
Any that didn't feature some ancient evil that was sealed away with seeds of mana/gia energy long ago...and now some evil seer/wizard has resurrected said evil which can only be destroyed with the long-lost sword of the original champion.


Gold Member
Catalyst said:
Heh, good suggestions thus far, except KotoR. The game is horrible, I got halfway through it and became more than frustrated. I have no idea why it got Game of the Year by companies. It's shit. I don't give a damn about choosing light or dark. It's a dumb game, crappy mechanics, shitty controls, and I'll dare say...and I've never, ever, EVER been so disappointed in a game in my life. It was the king of uncoolery. This game is overhyped crap...and put simply, it isn't all that, in my opinion. Won't ever play it again.

Worst. Purchase. Ever.

Worst. Post. Ever.

I also recommend SMT3.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Prime Directive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UP3.

Paper Mario 2 (surprisingly) wins this one easily so far.

Though, I have yet to play through SMT3, or Baten Kaitos.


ManaByte said:
Worst. Post. Ever.

I also recommend SMT3.
Worst. Understanding. Thought. Process. Ever.

I think I'm going to skip GTA:SA for a while, so if you guys still recommend it, it's cool, but I'm not looking for a gangromp, playa-hatin', gangsta-killin', pill-poppin', gang-bangin', cop-killin', run-over-da-old-lady, da-cops-set-mah-self-uuyup and kill'd mah mami and now I be MAD CRAZY DAWG, lone, bastard gangsta-wit-an-attitude-yo game. I know it's big and all, and very fun, as I can imagine...and I have both previous games on PS2 AND the double pack on the Xbox...I'm lookin' for somethin' grandiose, something I can say "wow" to.

I remember saying "wow" to the following: Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy VIII. Xenogears. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Halo. Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Chrono Cross. Chrono Trigger. Xenosaga. Lunar: Silver Star Story. Final Fantasy VI. Ico (discreet story, however, it and the game's content made it spectacular). Starcraft. Shadowman. Silent Hill 1-3, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 0, Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile, Shenmue, Shenmue II, Grandia II...that's all I can remember off the top of my head. A few even drew a tear or two. Some epic mother fuckers. Pillars of greatness.

JasoNsider said:
If we're talking well written then Paper Mario 2. Sure it doesn't have the deepest story ever (far from it, really), but I'll be damned if I wasn't hooked on the witty writing. It was like reading Harry Potter for me, where the writing is witty and intelligent enough that it drives me to keep going.

I guess that explains why I hate the writing in Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi so much. The only time I laugh is from the pantomine (Which thankfully the NOA writers can't butcher). But I guess its writing is aimed at a certain demographic that I'm not a part of.

KOTOR is the greatest RPG (story or otherwise) of this generation.


Paper Mario? ROFL okay I finally will likely bend on next deal I see for it. But if my gut instinct is right and its just some extreme light humorous story only 11 year old or extreme ninbots would love, someone will pay!!! hahahaha... Now get that sexy body away from me!


Star Ocean 3's story started off good, but then turned crappy IMO. But I loved everything else about the game, so I overlooked it (i'm actually still playing bonus dungeons in the game).

Loved Final Fantasy X's story, but I'm not fond of sad endings.

I'm one who also couldn't get into KOTOR. I could recognize it's quality, and i'm a big Star Wars fan, but something just didn't "hook" me into it.

I think Fable should get a nod here. The story was a bit basic, but you could learn some interesting things by reading books, or exploring (the whole Lady Grey storyline had a dark twist).

Catalyst said:
I remember saying "wow" to the following: Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy VIII. Xenogears. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Halo. Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Chrono Cross. Chrono Trigger. Xenosaga. Lunar: Silver Star Story. Final Fantasy VI. Ico (discreet story, however, it and the game's content made it spectacular). Starcraft. Shadowman. Silent Hill 1-3, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 0, Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile, Shenmue, Shenmue II, Grandia II...that's all I can remember off the top of my head. A few even drew a tear or two. Some epic mother fuckers. Pillars of greatness.


Wow, we have almost the exact same taste in games :D


Everyone saying Paper Mario 2 needs to play more rpgs.

Good DIALOGUE does not equal Good STORY.

Good story is purely subjective.

How do you define a "good story"? One that doesn't have many cliches? One that is comparable in quality to a movie or anime?

There is no clear or concise definition for what a "good story" is, that's why I think it's ridiculous that people judge RPGs based on how pretty their cut-scenes are. People voting for Paper Mario 2 probably do so because it's just a good game.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Pellham said:
There is no clear or concise definition for what a "good story" is, that's why I think it's ridiculous that people judge RPGs based on how pretty their cut-scenes are. People voting for Paper Mario 2 probably do so because it's just a good game.

Not that you disagree, but I will say that Paper Mario 2 has a good story because the gameplay and the story work together to form an entertaining experience. Key events are set up in the early parts of the game, and only come to fruition much later on. Unlike many other current RPGs, there is a consistent story tying together all of the game's characters and aspects. Even the side quests tie directly into the main story arch.


Unconfirmed Member
Catalyst said:
I remember saying "wow" to the following: Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy VIII. Xenogears. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Halo. Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Chrono Cross. Chrono Trigger. Xenosaga. Lunar: Silver Star Story. Final Fantasy VI. Ico (discreet story, however, it and the game's content made it spectacular). Starcraft. Shadowman. Silent Hill 1-3, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 0, Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile, Shenmue, Shenmue II, Grandia II...that's all I can remember off the top of my head. A few even drew a tear or two. Some epic mother fuckers. Pillars of greatness.

Yeah...Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Different kind of "wow" really, but it really does have that sort of "special" feeling to it.


Hmm....definition of a "good story"...

It doesn't matter if it's cliche or not. What matters is the atmosphere, the characters and their dialogue, story progression, the subject of the story, and what it means to you.

Xenogears is the best example I can think of. It was very well-written, had a hell of a lot of character development, the story progressed fantastically, had the few plot twists here and there (
Grahf not only being a piece of Fei, but Fei's father! O_O
), it had the basic rules of English literature, and more importantly, told a great story. It was very, very detailed to an exponential power.

I'm a tragedy or a save-the-world type of guy. I love heroism ('tis why I loved Final Fantasy VIII and Xenogears so much...Fei and Squall >>> all, and you can hate me for it, because I know how some of you guys and gals feel on the game :)...and I also admire Master Chief a lot, he's the fucking man). So I suppose there hasn't been anything out that's up to my expectation level.

I have Final Fantasy X. It's up there with the horrendousness of IX, almost. Reason being is that it really wasn't much of Tidus' story in the first place, more like Yuna's and Auron's, and the story telling wasn't very well-done. And Tidus was a pussy. Great ending, though. It actually drew a tear to my eye when Yuna said "I love you." I'm a sucker for romances, too. Something Final Fantasy VIII and Xenogears had, big time.

The Silent Hill 4 demo kind of wowed me, though. Might pick that up sometime too :).


For those of you saying Paper Mario I doubt it. I don't know but I can't imagine Nintendo creating a great story. Do you mean great story like some were saying Mario Sunshine had a good story cause of Browser's son appearance (or something like that, I don't really remember the game)? Note that I have never played Paper Mario I'm just assuming.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
LMAO at all the paper mario 2 mentions!
I mean geeze, yes the game does have some cute dialog, but the story is fairly lame.

So far Star Ocean is my favorite for completly owning me
Che said:
For those of you saying Paper Mario I doubt it. I don't know but I can't imagine Nintendo creating a great story. Do you mean great story like some were saying Mario Sunshine had a good story cause of Browser's son appearance (or something like that, I don't really remember the game)? Note that I have never played Paper Mario I'm just assuming.

It's not that the story is epic. It's your typical Mario... But the dialogue is fucking funny as hell. No matter how simple the story is, it's entertaining as hell. I make sure I talk to every single NPC in the game. And I'm always laughing my ass off! Paper Mario is beyond awesome.
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