lmao I always loved this scene, Padmé dressed in a skin-tight dress with a choker telling Anakin they can't be together after they've had dinner together by the fire. She was just as messed up as he was lol.
Attack of the Clones was worse for me. it was so bad that it made me lose complete interest in the next film, Revenge of the Sith ...which i still haven't seen, and still don't care to.
(i did see the 'Noooooooo' clip, tho ...which was about as cringeworthy as it gets)
I recommend you watch it because there are a handful of decent scenes (well maybe a few). And the score is amazing. It's easily the best prequel film and had there been even overall semi-decent writing/direction, could have been a good movie.
Let's agree to disagree on that.
I think the The Revenge of the Sith is probably the worst of the prequels. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, other than that it's the last one.
Before I clicked into this thread, I was sure AotC was the better movie. Now I'm not so sure. You fuckers are really going to make me watch the prequels again.
I actually rewatched TPM recently and I gotta say... the movie is fucking dreadful. Almost nothing happens and the acting is godawful. Kid Anakin is by far the best thing about it, his clumsy enthusiasm is a breath of fresh air compared to the zombie-like 'acting' by everyone else. Like, Natalie Portman sounds exactly the same regardless of whether she's talking to the senate, giving orders under fire or having pleasant conversation with an 8-year old. McGregor seems barely alive and I'm convinced Liam Neeson was asleep for at least half of his lines. Even the fight at the end, which I fondly remembered, was boring as fuck. I didn't care for any of the main characters and Maul had barely been on screen before then. Plus, what little excitement there was got sucked out by the 'comedic' shenanigans of Jar Jar vs the droids and little Ani's first dogfight. Watching TPM again was downright painful so of course I'm going to watch ATOC and Revenge too. I don't remember much about 'em but they need to be pretty fucking bad to have any chance of beating TPM. I didn't much care for The Force Awakens but it's fucking Citizen Kane compared to TPM.
How is this even a question? Phantom Menace had dat racing part that led to my favorite Star Wars game ever. It had Darth Maul. It had Liam fucking Neeson. It didn't have Hayden Christensen. Attack of the Clones is just a big fucking joke.
I did kind of enjoy Revenge of the Sith though. It was goofy as fuck but at least it was kind of fun.
May the Force be with you.. you're gunna need it.
Though I disagree with you. I think Jar Jar is tied with Young Anakin for worst components of TPM.
Nah, you misread... Kid Ani is the best part of the movie. That's what really surprised me. I expected to hate him on my rewatch just like most people do but I didn't. Yeah the kid isn't the best actor but at least he's trying. At least he acts and sounds human. All the other actors sound more robotic than the droids. Hell, Jar Jar is nothing compared to how incredibly dull Portman, Neeson and McGregor are. All great actors but they suck so hard in TPM. I'm actually curious about the acting in AOTC and Revenge because TPM was genuinely shocking. I did not remember the acting being this bad. I do know that even as a kid I hated Hayden Christensen so maybe the next two will be even more painful than TPM but I have a hard time imagining worse acting to be honest.
McGregor seems barely alive and I'm convinced Liam Neeson was asleep for at least half of his lines.
I'm not talking about cloning, just simple genetic engineering.
Thor 2
If there's anything to trust about JJ Abrams it's that he always pays off on the ideas that he throws into the opening acts of his shows/films
This is fantastic! Extra points for the superior dark theme.
Transformers 1 is better than Attack of the Clones. I'm serious and I say that as a Star Wars fan.
I can't wait to see which sci-fi franchise Portman fucks up next.
This is all I need to take from this thread to realise that reason has eagerly succumbed to hyperbole.
This is all I need to take from this thread to realise that reason has eagerly succumbed to hyperbole.
Transformers was meant to be a big, loud spectacle starring giant robots that can turn into other shit. It succeeded at that. Shit blew up real good and the human characters were there to react to those explosions. Story was meant to be secondary (unless you believe Michael Bay was really hoping to win an Oscar for this turd).
HuckleberryHound said:What I always have been wondering is how it is possible that if Annakin was conceived by the Force, why he has been born is such a bad setting.
How is it possible that the chosen one was born on a dessert planet, as a slave, and was to old when he was finally was discovered. This is the perfect storm for a Jedi to wander off to the dark side.
If he was conceived by the Force, wouldn't he been born in a much more secure place, where he was easier to discover?
I therefore still think he wasn't conceived by the Force but he was the product of a Dark Force user (beeing either Palpatine or Plagueis). Or that Lucal never thought this true.
What are you thoughts about this?
Personally, I will never endorse a movie which straight up insults my intelligence, no matter how supposedly modest its artistic aspirations are.
I was actually kinda depressed after watching Transformers, realising as I did that blockbuster filmmaking had established a new fathom of shit, and that people not only thought it was ok, but actually liked it.
Well I was just talking about immersion breaking. I have far bigger problems with TFA, mostly pertaining to continuity and suspension of disbelief as a result of the film being absolutely terrified of branching out from the OT in any significant way, and sweeping its politics under the rug in shame rather than spending time to explain them.
On a lesser note, I felt the vehicle design was extremely poor compared to I-VI, and found the First Order to be an underwhelming, uninspired repeat of the Empire.
I really liked Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo Ren after he's unmasked, the first act (30-40mins) is fantastic, and it ends strongly, but overall it's lacking compared to Lucas' movies imo.
It's a total rehash. I've spoken to very few people who can't or won't see that
The force has a will and it was the forces will for the Jedi to find Anakin, in some way or another. There are no accidents, just the force.
The Sith creation theory also involves the force conceiving Anakin. Darth Plagues, with the help of Sidious, created Anakin in such a perverted and unnatural way. He was intended on becoming a Sith super weapon. However, the force intervened and created the chosen one to destroy the Sith; unbeknownst to them. The Force knows perfectly what is was doing. The reason that Anakin was born in the Outer Rim world is to shape is mind. To make him a good person. To make him form an attachment with his mom, Shmi. To make him too old for the Jedi order to initially accept him. To corrupt his mind, deep down. To make the factor that, in the end, was exploited by Sidious. To make him to work for the Jedi, to eliminate the major amount of darkness. To place him close to the sole survivor of the Sith. To turn him to be a Sith, so he would wipe out the Jedi. And to finally turn him against his master, Sidious, so that the last Sith Lord is eliminated. To finally, truly, bring the balance to the Force.
The most offensive thing about AotC is that despite all the feedback about TPM, Lucas still went ahead and made a film which was just as worse.
The biggest and worse thing is by far Anakin Skywalker. He is written so poorly it beggars belief. If you want to see how Anakin should be then go head and watch the 3D Clone Wars animation.
From the very start of the movie he's written as a bad apple, arguing with Obi Wan constantly, being creepy around Padme and killing women & children. It was so bad that they only added that scene of Anakin and Obi Wan laughing in the lift up to Padme's apartment after re-shoots when someone pointed out to George that all they did was hate each other throughout the entire movie.
The tragedy of Anakin Skywalker should have been that he was a great, kind & loving Jedi who succumbed to the dark side of the force. Not someone who you were like 'well, we all saw it coming right from the start tbf!'.
They absolutely nail him in Clone Wars and he's my favourite character in the whole series. So dissapointing that Lucas was unable to replicate it on the big screen.
I actually rewatched TPM recently and I gotta say... the movie is fucking dreadful. Almost nothing happens and the acting is godawful. Kid Anakin is by far the best thing about it, his clumsy enthusiasm is a breath of fresh air compared to the zombie-like 'acting' by everyone else. Like, Natalie Portman sounds exactly the same regardless of whether she's talking to the senate, giving orders under fire or having pleasant conversation with an 8-year old. McGregor seems barely alive and I'm convinced Liam Neeson was asleep for at least half of his lines. Even the fight at the end, which I fondly remembered, was boring as fuck. I didn't care for any of the main characters and Maul had barely been on screen before then. Plus, what little excitement there was got sucked out by the 'comedic' shenanigans of Jar Jar vs the droids and little Ani's first dogfight. Watching TPM again was downright painful so of course I'm going to watch ATOC and Revenge too. I don't remember much about 'em but they need to be pretty fucking bad to have any chance of beating TPM. I didn't much care for The Force Awakens but it's fucking Citizen Kane compared to TPM.
Hmm, you have me very intrigued about this Cone Wars series. Curious as I've never heard about it. Is it a fairly new series? What channel does it or did it air on? Is it considered a good series by SW fans? I want to watch something good that develops the Anakin character.
phantom menace is prolly the only prequel film i can tolerate now.
I didn't like either, the whole prequel trilogy is awful.
I will give the edge to Attack of the Clones though because that movie did give me what would become one of my favourite Star Wars related things:
Star Wars: Clone Wars, the good one by Genndy Tartakovsky, look it up.
Fuck yeah.