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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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quadriplegicjon said:
wait. what? not fact checking Rush.. and reporting his own statements as facts.. is slander and shows a left-leaning slant?


Rush Limbaugh was quoted by CNN, as well as other news outlets, as saying things like "slavery had its merits" during his time as part of a group attempting to buy the Rams. The quotes were completely fabricated, but they were published as fact.

I personally believe (and it's hard to deny) that they were so eager to paint Limbaugh as a raging racist that the facts really didn't matter so long as the quotes were juicy and destructive to his goals. This presents a leftward slant.

He's also probably going to sue for slander and defamation of character. And that man can afford some damn good attorneys.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
XCell9200 said:
Rush Limbaugh was quoted by CNN, as well as other news outlets, as saying things like "slavery had its merits" during his time as part of a group attempting to buy the Rams. The quotes were completely fabricated, but they were published as fact.

I personally believe (and it's hard to deny) that they were so eager to paint Limbaugh as a raging racist that the facts really didn't matter so long as the quotes were juicy and destructive to his goals. This presents a leftward slant.

He's also probably going to sue for slander and defamation of character. And that man can afford some damn good attorneys.

do you have any links with what CNN said.. and with what Rush actually said?
quadriplegicjon said:
do you have any links with what CNN said.. and with what Rush actually said?

It's been two weeks and nobody's been able to find actual evidence that Rush said "slavery has it's merits". The only place the quote can be sourced is from a book entitled "101 People Who are Screwing America" written by Jack Huberman and Wikipedia.

I can't find a vid of it being used. But here's a vid of Rich Sanchez apologizing for it.


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ALeperMessiah said:
It's been two weeks and nobody's been able to find actual evidence that Rush said "slavery has it's merits". The only place the quote can be sourced is from a book entitled "101 People Who are Screwing America" written by Jack Huberman and Wikipedia.

I can't find a vid of it being used. But here's a vid of Rich Sanchez apologizing for it.


Yeah. I guess CNN jumped on that without checking their sources. At least they apologized....................................... .... ..

can't say the same for Fox News. I think that sort of illustrates some of the differences people have been talking about in this thread.
ALeperMessiah said:
It's been two weeks and nobody's been able to find actual evidence that Rush said "slavery has it's merits". The only place the quote can be sourced is from a book entitled "101 People Who are Screwing America" written by Jack Huberman and Wikipedia.

I can't find a vid of it being used. But here's a vid of Rich Sanchez apologizing for it.


So what you're saying is that CNN acknowledged and apologized for something it said that it later realized lacked empirical support? Do you have similar examples of such integrity and fidelity to empiricism from Fox News you'd like to share?


Hitokage said:
It's not as if you needed the slavery quote to illustrate Limbaugh's racial insensitivity though.
Exactly. It is pretty pathetic they had to resort to making shit up to try and discredit him. All they needed was to listen to his show one random afternoon and pull some quotes.
quadriplegicjon said:
Yeah. I guess CNN jumped on that without checking their sources. At least they apologized....................................... .... ..

can't say the same for Fox News. I think that sort of illustrates some of the differences people have been talking about in this thread.

Yeah, Sanchez is all about responsibility, unless it involves him taking responsibility for vehicular manslaughter.

Really, I think it had more to do with the slander lawsuit that could be coming his way, but hey, if that makes you feel better...

devilhawk said:
Exactly. It is pretty pathetic they had to resort to making shit up to try and discredit him. All they needed was to listen to his show one random afternoon and pull some quotes.

I know rite. So why didn't they? I mean, if he is such a gigantic racist, why'd they use fake quotes?

Kind of makes you wonder.


Setec Astronomer
ALeperMessiah said:
I know rite. So why didn't they? I mean, if he is such a gigantic racist, why'd they use fake quotes?

Kind of makes you wonder.
Prosaic answer: It wasn't surprising enough for them to feel the need to check deeper. You know, like Dan Quayle quotes attributed to Bush.


ALeperMessiah said:
I know rite. So why didn't they? I mean, if he is such a gigantic racist, why'd they use fake quotes?

Kind of makes you wonder.
I don't think he is racist. He does say a lot of stupid shit though.
quadriplegicjon said:
how is that at all related?

and your link says he returned to the scene.. i assume.. to take responsibility.

I don't consider pleading down to a DUI when you paralyze a man, put him in a coma, and he eventually dies from his injuries, taking responsibility, but yeah, more of a highlight into Rich Sanchez the man, not the reporter.
devilhawk said:
I don't think he is racist. He does say a lot of stupid shit though.

I'm not saying he's a racist. I just think he has repeatedly shown a deep-seated hatred for black people or the black culture. I'm not saying he doesn't like black people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.
quadriplegicjon said:
speaking of checking your sources..

oh. look at the comments section:


Interesting. Did Sanchez ever receive a ticket or any other form of citation?


Not that I could find evidence of.

awesome source!

in fact.. every single link i find in google seems to source the same place.. http://www.bartcop.com/rick-sanchez-dwi.htm

not sure how legit that is.

Check the miami herald archives, you'll find plenty of opening paragraphs related to it, but you need a login to get full stories. Otherwise I would have sourced there.

Here's a link: http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we...eld_advanced-0=&p_text_advanced-0=(Smuzinick)

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ALeperMessiah said:
Check the miami herald archives, you'll find plenty of opening paragraphs related to it, but you need a login to get full stories. Otherwise I would have sourced there.

regardless.. it's completely irrelevant.

in fact, you have completely steered this conversation towards a straw-man. congrats.

anyway, back to the actual topic.

You basically proved the differences between Fox News and CNN. CNN actually apologizes when they realize they have possibly spread false information. Thanks for the proof.


ALeperMessiah said:
It's been two weeks and nobody's been able to find actual evidence that Rush said "slavery has it's merits". The only place the quote can be sourced is from a book entitled "101 People Who are Screwing America" written by Jack Huberman and Wikipedia.

I can't find a vid of it being used. But here's a vid of Rich Sanchez apologizing for it.


WTF, why all this fuss over one quote? So many people belieevd it because he's said WORSE things that ARE on record!!!!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ALeperMessiah said:
Again, what are these worse things, and why weren't they used instead?

It doesn't matter. You are trying to steer the conversation towards things that are completely irrelevant. Fact is. CNN used a quote from a book.. Book never provided actual sources. CNN later apologized for quoting without proper sourcing (shown by the video you posted). How does that compare with Fox News making up blatant lies.. and never apologizing for them. These aren't random occurrences either.


sex vacation in Guam
ALeperMessiah said:
Again, what are these worse things, and why weren't they used instead?
Go to media matters and look for Rush's videos on MMTV section. You will find plenty of stuff against women, blacks, latinos you name it... Of course nothing blatant but some offensive comments nonetheless.

Also the quotes from CNN were grabbed from a book that quotes Rush. They didn't make it up like fox news and they even apologize after not being able to find where that author got his reference. I would say its an honest mistake considering new outlets sometimes take information from Twitter :) but at least they fix their mistake ... FOX like Rush is complete 100% republican propaganda with no apologies or clarifications... complete garbage not just 5-10%.


Cyan said:
Good Lord.

This entire thread is, like, one enormous tu quoque fallacy.
I had to look that up. Got this:


fucking highlander hypocrites


empty vessel said:
It pays to be a propagandist for business interests, no?
Yep, although looking forward to when being a propagandist for the government pays just as well, we're probably not far off now. Better finish up my degree because I hear they get good retirement in the government.

Joking aside I wanted to clarify that I don't think the networks are really slanted to the left. I know I defended Fox a bit in this thread and I never really clarified this. I do not think they all lean to the left, Fox is just too far to the right.

I still think our media is better off with Fox but the reason is probably not why some would think. Of what people would call the "liberal" press the only time I see anything meaningful from them is when they're disappointed that the administration didn't go far enough. So the only actual meaningful press in this country from my perspective are the extreme sides that are willing to break actions down and say why they think they suck. Most of the media doesn't really seem to care and instead focuses on how much or how little support something has, who's for or against and I guess that's great for some but it's not really educational. At this point in time I would keep Fox and I'd keep MSNBC and get rid of every other network because they're just useless. If all the networks were rampant liberal progressives in on the conspiracy they'd all be bitching like fucking hell right now, the lack of real bitching from all the other networks actually, in my opinion shows how center they are.

Edit: Regarding Rush, fuck him.


Someone mentioned that journalists were "liberal", don't remember who; but...


Here's the report from which I got it, it's actually a full analysis on the "liberal media" claim. Its findings are summarized as:

  • On select issues from corporate power and trade to Social Security and Medicare to health care and taxes, journalists are actually more conservative than the general public.
  • Journalists are mostly centrist in their political orientation.
  • The minority of journalists who do not identify with the "center" are more likely to identify with the "right" when it comes to economic issues and to identify with the "left" when it comes to social issues.
  • Journalists report that "business-oriented news outlets" and "major daily newspapers" provide the highest quality coverage of economic policy issues, while "broadcast network TV news" and "cable news services" provide the worst.
I <3 Memes said:
I'm not saying he's a racist. I just think he has repeatedly shown a deep-seated hatred for black people or the black culture. I'm not saying he doesn't like black people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.

The first and last sentence conflict with each other.


BrandNew said:
Not to mention the whole Donovan McNabb thing.

I never really did see how those comments were racist. Quarterbacks in the NFL are overwhelmingly white despite the league being mostly black. It's probably wrong to assume the media wants a black quarterback to succeed simply because he's black, but it would make a good news story.

I dunno. I didn't think it was racist.

EDIT: Plus Donovan McNabb is overrated. :D

Lost Fragment said:
Unfortunately, to many on the far right, "liberal" means "anyone who doesn't agree with me."

Even more unfortunate is that, to many on the far left, "conservative" means "fundamentalist redneck who probably can't read, and has a framed picture of George W. Bush hanging over his gun rack"


Kills Photobucket
BrandNew said:
Not to mention the whole Donovan McNabb thing.

Limbaugh deserves credit for his ability to push people's buttons. I don't think he's a racist, he just knows how to energize his listeners and enrage his critics, he's very good at it.

The McNabb thing came off to me as him just saying he's overrated and seemed more of a dig at the media than him.
**Arguing during the 2008 campaign that no one is permitted to criticize Barack Obama: "You can't criticize the little black man-child. You just can't do it, 'cause it's just not right. It's not fair. He's such a victim." (Radio, 8/20/08; audio available at Media Matters, 8/20/08)

** "We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles, bend over forward, backward, whichever, because his father was black, because this is the first black president." (Hannity, 1/21/09, archived on Nexis; video available at Media Matters, 1/22/09)

** Reacting to a report of black students assaulting a white student on a bus (an incident that police determined was not racially motivated), Limbaugh brought in Barack Obama: "In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, 'Right on, right on, right on.'" (Media Matters, 9/15/09)

** On learning from a caller to his show that St. Louis was extending a light rail system into East St. Louis--a community of some 40,000 residents, almost all of whom are black (radio, 6/27/94): "They got a light rail system to East St. Louis where nobody goes?"

** "Look it, let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it." Limbaugh (10/14/09) admitted making this remark, but claimed it was a response to the actions of one player who was penalized for taunting an opponent. Limbaugh admitted that his language "makes it look racial, the way I chose to describe it. I could have perhaps chosen a different term."

** Limbaugh praised former segregationist Sen. Strom Thurmond for calling a gay soldier "not normal": "He's not encumbered by being politically correct.... If you want to know what America used to be--and a lot of people wish it still were--then you listen to Strom Thurmond." (TV show, 9/1/93, transcript archived on Nexis) In the America that "used to be," Thurmond was one of the country's leading racists, running for president in 1948 on the Dixiecrat ticket, with a platform that opposed federal anti-lynching laws and boasted the slogan, "Segregation Forever!"

** In 1992, on his now-defunct TV show, Limbaugh expressed his ire when Spike Lee urged that black schoolchildren get off from school to see his film Malcolm X: "Spike, if you're going to do that, let's complete the education experience. You should tell them that they should loot the theater, and then blow it up on their way out." (TV show, 10/29/92; transcript archived on Nexis)

** Limbaugh admitted to Newsday's Richard Gehr (10/8/90) that as a DJ in Pittsburgh in the 1970s he had once dismissed a black caller by saying, "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."

** "Have you ever noticed how all newspaper composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?" (Newsday, 10/8/90)

** Discussing a Chicago inner-city schoolteacher punished for using a math question that focused on the price of prostitution and cocaine habits, Limbaugh suggested that the teacher should be credited for "understanding the culture these kids come from." The math question began: "Rufus is pimping three girls." (TV show, 5/24/94; transcript archived on Nexis)

It is worse for Rush to do this cynically which is likely the case.

And getting worked up about the fake quote being invented by people at a news station, which is wasn't. It was made up by someone but not CNN or MSNBC who did air a retraction. And the slavery thing would be much more explainable than the stuff on tape which is obviously just tearing people down even if it is meant as somewhat humorous.


Limbaugh may be a neo-con idiot appealing to his mostly white (and male) audience, but he's smart enough not to say anything overtly racist. Instead, he'll use code words that are easy to back away from....and easy for his mostly white audience to defend.

It's kinda like how Bush41 loved to use words like "Welfare Queen" when describing his opposition. Racial code words easy to back away from and defend.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DrForester said:
Limbaugh deserves credit for his ability to push people's buttons. I don't think he's a racist, he just knows how to energize his listeners and enrage his critics, he's very good at it.

The McNabb thing came off to me as him just saying he's overrated and seemed more of a dig at the media than him.

It was NOT him just stating that he was overrated though. Question. Why pick McNabb out of all the QBs in the league? Why him specifically?

And McNabb wsan't even close to being overrated. That's the bad thing from ESPN's perspective. Limbaugh was just factually incorrect. But to say that he's overrated because he one of a very few black QBs in the game makes it sound like Limbaugh was hating on the fact that some black guy is doing good at one of the few positions in football that's still dominated by white guys.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
ALeperMessiah said:
It's been two weeks and nobody's been able to find actual evidence that Rush said "slavery has it's merits". The only place the quote can be sourced is from a book entitled "101 People Who are Screwing America" written by Jack Huberman and Wikipedia.

I can't find a vid of it being used. But here's a vid of Rich Sanchez apologizing for it.

Another correlation that conservatives draw is that Rush was left out on the NFL deal because he said that one falsely attributed thing. He was going to be left out of that deal anyway. In a free market, a business owner can reject someone divisive and polarizing from joining a deal and possibly hurting their brand - he of all people should know this.


Setec Astronomer
XCell9200 said:
Even more unfortunate is that, to many on the far left, "conservative" means "fundamentalist redneck who probably can't read, and has a framed picture of George W. Bush hanging over his gun rack"
Then tell fundamentalist rednecks to stop insisting they are the only true conservatives and step off the podium for adults to have their turn. All of us will be better off.
X-Ninji said:
Someone mentioned that journalists were "liberal", don't remember who; but...


Here's the report from which I got it, it's actually a full analysis on the "liberal media" claim.

And that is within the American political spectrum, which places them even further to right on any objective political spectrum. Mainstream American journalists are very conservative on economic and business interests. One reason for this is the nature of the corporate, for-profit media industry itself. Such media's clients are corporations. The media makes money by selling advertising, which makes corporations its customers (not viewers). The desire to please these customers, and to not antagonize them, is therefore built right into the structure of the industry. Any journalism that undermines corporate interests also undermines the financial well-being of the parent media organization, which, nowadays, are themselves corporations who have other enterprises outside media, e.g., General Electric, which owns NBC and MSNBC and is a military contractor and therefore has financial interests in war itself (and which boycotted Air America). Journalists who play by the rules that do not offend business interests in their reporting tend to rise to the top, because they are safe for the media corporation. Social issues necessarily have much less impact on American corporations, and journalists are given much more leeway here.


Professional Schmuck
Wait a sec, how did this morph into whether or not Rush is a racist? Is that really up for debate? Does it matter? Even if he isn't racist, he SAYS racist things.

On the subject of FOXNEWS, is their defense really that everything after 3PM is "only opinion?" Have they ever watched their own ticker?


Hitokage said:
Then tell fundamentalist rednecks to stop insisting they are the only true conservatives and step off the podium for adults to have their turn. All of us will be better off.

Just a sec. Let me call a press conference.


PantherLotus said:
Wait a sec, how did this morph into whether or not Rush is a racist? Is that really up for debate? Does it matter? Even if he isn't racist, he SAYS racist things.

On the subject of FOXNEWS, is their defense really that everything after 3PM is "only opinion?" Have they ever watched their own ticker?
Does Fox need a defense really?

I mean, honestly, the White House is pissed because they've rightfully asserted that there's a network fully against them. Big fucking whoop. It's one thing to maybe not give them as much access but to actively fight them and tell other media to not be like them, well that's some 1983 shit, yes 1983, because it's like the year before 1984 when everything took place.
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