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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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Professional Schmuck
PhoenixDark said:
On race, Rush is sort of like that Jesse Helms ad - but he's certainly not Jesse Helms. That's probably the best description for him imo. He race baits and champions a White Persecution Complex but ultimately I don't see him as a racist, denying black people rights or (as a radio personality) suggesting they shouldn't have rights, be treated equally, making purely racist comments, etc.

I put him and Lou Dobbs in the same boat. They are probably racist, but it doesn't matter if they are or admit it. The causes they champion are inherently racist. Just because he doesn't want to deny Black people or other people of color their rights doesn't mean he isn't harming the overall level of discussion, or worse, convincing some small sect of Americans that his view is correct (and non-racist).
140.85 said:
Again, you guys are toying around with the notion that perception of someone as a racist is sufficient grounds to brand them as such - regardless of intent.

Can't you see that policy or laws or culture based on such a notion is incompatible with a free society?

Who cares about intent? Limbaugh says racist things. And what do you mean by "policy laws or culture based on such a notion"? We're specifically talking about Limbaugh.
PantherLotus said:
I think you're attempting to say that dissent and mccarthyism are the same thing. I think that's a mistake.

So wait, you're ok with calling someone a racist based on innuendo and perception and I'm the one confusing dissent with mccarthyism? lol ok.


ALeperMessiah said:
Why is that sad? Poligaf is an 'progressive' echo-chamber. Anyone who opposes would just be wasting there time. That's what's sad.

Anyone else remember when dissent was the highest form of patriotism. It wasn't that long ago.

And that is pretty much the truth, why express our views when there is so much Liberalism rampart here, that you all refuse to hear us out anyway. You want my stance, I thought that voting in Obama would be one of the worst mistakes in US history and that he would do zero to better our country, so far I have been 100% correct. All I have seen is campaign promise after promise go to the wayside, some of the worst debt in US history, and more political dissent than we have seen since 1776, good job Obama.


Black Canada Mafia
140.85 said:
Again, you guys are toying around with the notion that perception of someone as a racist is sufficient grounds to brand them as such - regardless of intent, facts or evidence.

Can't you see that policy or laws or culture based on such a notion is incompatible with a free society?

If someone calls me a bitch, I am going to assume they meant to offend/upset me - not compliment me on my bravery, loyalty, and strong parental tendencies.

Zero Hero

ALeperMessiah said:
I'm glad you know what's best for the leadership of the conservatives in America, maybe you should get a job in DC and get paid to dispense this wisdom.

Really though, I'd be interested to hear who you think should be leading conservatives.



FleckSplat said:
Who cares about intent? Limbaugh says racist things. And what do you mean by "policy laws or culture based on such a notion"? We're specifically talking about Limbaugh.

so me these racist things that he says.


Setec Astronomer
ALeperMessiah said:
Really though, I'd be interested to hear who you think should be leading conservatives.
Somebody who isn't anti-intellectual. Any way to bring Bill Buckley back from the dead?


methos75 said:
And that is pretty much the truth, why express our views when there is so much Liberalism rampart here, that you all refuse to hear us out anyway. You want my stance, I thought that voting in Obama would be one of the worst mistakes in US history and that he would do zero to better our country, so far I have been 100% correct. All I have seen is campaign promise after promise go to the wayside, some of the worst debt in US history, and more political dissent than we have seen since 1776, good job Obama.
What puts these ideas into your head? The guy is trying. You act like he just was going to waltz in and make EVERYTHING BETTER INSTANTLY.
140.85 said:
Again, you guys are toying around with the notion that perception of someone as a racist is sufficient grounds to brand them as such - regardless of intent, facts or evidence.

Can't you see that policy or laws or culture based on such a notion is incompatible with a free society?

I'm not the fucking government, I can brand somebody racist when he consistently acts in a racist manner. I don't see where policy or laws come into it at all.

I similarly have no problem labelling race-baiters who happen to be black with the same label.

Now, let's turn this around and look how easily Rush has labelled various black figures as racist with even less evidence. Check some of those quotes at that very same link-- Rush seems to be willing to label Obama and others racist on even less evidence and completely assumed motives.


Raxus said:
What puts these ideas into your head? The guy is trying. You act like he just was going to waltz in and make EVERYTHING BETTER INSTANTLY.

no I thought he was going to walk in and do zip, and so far he has. You can say what you want, it is nearing an year in Office and he has let to do anything, how much slack are you libs going to give this guy, before you all realize you voted in a nit twit.


Professional Schmuck
methos75 said:
And that is pretty much the truth, why express our views when there is so much Liberalism rampart here, that you all refuse to hear us out anyway. You want my stance, I thought that voting in Obama would be one of the worst mistakes in US history and that he would do zero to better our country, so far I have been 100% correct. All I have seen is campaign promise after promise go to the wayside, some of the worst debt in US history, and more political dissent than we have seen since 1776, good job Obama.

AAAAaaaand this is the reason FOXNEWS is not a news organization. This post, right here, is it. They simply can't be trusted to deliver the poor idiots that trust them with accurate information. The most dissent since 1776? :lol

I feel bad for you man.

Dude Abides

140.85 said:
Again, you guys are toying around with the notion that perception of someone as a racist is sufficient grounds to brand them as such - regardless of intent, facts or evidence.

Can't you see that policy or laws or culture based on such a notion is incompatible with a free society?

Nah, since we can't read Limbaugh's mind, we have to infer intent. And racist intent is easily inferred from Limbaugh's statements.


Initiating the closing of gitmo, keeping the stimulus package going and possibly saving a sinking ship, and pushing the HELL out of health care reform is far from doing zip.
PantherLotus said:
I put him and Lou Dobbs in the same boat. They are probably racist, but it doesn't matter if they are or admit it. The causes they champion are inherently racist. Just because he doesn't want to deny Black people or other people of color their rights doesn't mean he isn't harming the overall level of discussion, or worse, convincing some small sect of Americans that his view is correct (and non-racist).

To me, Dodds is worse. Dobbs is someone who demeans a race on a daily basis and even allies himself with groups of questionable racial character (Minutemen).

What causes does Rush champion which are racist towards blacks?


PantherLotus said:
AAAAaaaand this is the reason FOXNEWS is not a news organization. This post, right here, is it. They simply can't be trusted to deliver the poor idiots that trust them with accurate information. The most dissent since 1776? :lol

I feel bad for you man.

Too bad I build my opinion upon what I am actually seeing happen in our country with my own eyes, hell I haven't watched in News Channel in probably 2 years. Coming here and listening to you guys is enough to tell me we are all headed down the crapper and that this country has lost its way.

Dude Abides

methos75 said:
more political dissent than we have seen since 1776, good job Obama.

There was a lot of political dissent around 1861-1865 and the period before and after. You might have read about it.


methos75 said:
And that is pretty much the truth, why express our views when there is so much Liberalism rampart here, that you all refuse to hear us out anyway.

From what I've seen in the PoliGAF threads, the exact opposite is true. Nearly every time a conservative tries to express his opinion or bring up some facts, they end up backtracking, ignoring counter points, and misreading graphs.


methos75 said:
Too bad I build my opinion upon what I am actually seeing happen in our country with my own eyes, hell I haven't watched in News Channel in probably 2 years. Coming here and listening to you guys is enough to tell me we are all headed down the crapper and that this country has lost its way.
You know it would help if you used facts to support your tinfoil hat accusations.

Also @ the bold :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Raxus said:
Initiating the closing of gitmo, keeping the stimulus package going and possibly saving a sinking ship, and pushing the HELL out of health care reform is far from doing zip.

Gitmo is no where near closing, hell we have people in my squadron that just got orders there so yeah it isn't closing anytime soon. I personally think the Stimulus packages are BS, why give money to failing companies, that makes no damn sense to me at all, and yeah the Health Care reform. nothing quite says stupid, like pushing reform before you even know how your truly going to finance it.


PoliGAF would have much more conservatives Libertarians in it if they didn't resort to drive-by insult posts and/or regurgitating the RNC's talking points.

They actually have to defend their party's position & actions in PoliGAF, rather than just be on full-on attack Dem mode all the time.


Professional Schmuck
methos75 said:
no I thought he was going to walk in and do zip, and so far he has. You can say what you want, it is nearing an year in Office and he has let to do anything, how much slack are you libs going to give this guy, before you all realize you voted in a nit twit.

::::::::ECONOMY:::::::::::::::::HEALTH CARE:::::::::::::::::NEW ENERGY:::::::::::::::::EDUCATION:::::::::::


Balance of Power | Constitutional Issues | Undoing Bush
[X] Reversal of Bush's Preemption of States
[X] Reenergize Freedom of Information Act | New Era of Transparency
[X] Reverse ban of foreign aid to countries with Abortions (The Mexico City Policy)
[X] Ease the requirements for filing employment discrimination lawsuits | Lilly Ledbetter Act
[X] Selected Supreme Court replacement Sonia Sotomayor

Economy | Jobs
[X] Lower Class Tax Cuts/Upper Class Tax Hikes (repealing the Bush Tax cuts for the rich)
[X] Help American Auto Industry Survive Depression
[X] Credit card reform gets passed, signed into law
[X] Signed additional mortgage fraud protections into law
[X] American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (stimulus package)

Environment | New Energy
[X] New mileage and emissions standards set, with industry, labor, environmental and state approval
[ ] Regulate Power Plants, Factories, Oil Refineries to curb greenhouse gasses
[ ] 1 Million Plug-In Hybrids vehicles by 2015.http://www.autobloggreen.com/2008/08/04/obama-1-million-plug-in-hybrid-vehicles-by-2015/
[ ] Green Energy Bill

Health Care
[X] Reauthorize State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
[X] Reverse Bush policy that prevents federal tax dollars from use in embryonic stem cell research
[ ] Health Care Overhaul - Public Option with Opt-Out Plan
[ ] Health Care (insurance for every American)

Defense | Foreign Relations | Diplomacy | Iraq/Afghanistan
[X] Weapons procurement gets overhaul
[X] Make diplomatic efforts at engaging Islamic Middle Eastern Countries in dialogue
[X] Scrap plans for Missile Defense Sites in Eastern Europe
[X] Win Nobel Peace Prize in first year of Presidency
[ ] Closing Guatanamo Bay
[ ] Torture Commision - Full Disclosure and Accounting
[ ] War in Iraq Draw-down and Resolution
[ ] War in Afghanistan Resolution



BowieZ said:
I'm not an extreme libertarian, dude, I'm a skeptic of anyone with great and secretive powers. If Ron Paul were President, I'd be playing Devil's Advocate for the Republocrats. Vote him in and I'll prove it.
Never said you. Notice how my post include the union of two sets

the set "you" which only has one member (which is you) and libertarians which has an uncertain size.

learn to read :-/

EDIT: And I would like to add, you pay Devil's Advocate very poorly. Usually people who play Devil's Advocate try to do it in an intelligent way (of course, if you do it the other way, you more or less set up a strawman for the side you're portraying, which is pretty much what you do.)
Raxus said:
Initiating the closing of gitmo, keeping the stimulus package going and possibly saving a sinking ship, and pushing the HELL out of health care reform is far from doing zip.

Way to move the goalposts. He was supposed to fundamentally change America, and all you have is an executive order, an 800 billion dollar money pit that hasn't lived up to the goals set for it by the administration, and a health-care package that he can't get passed even though his party has near supermajorities in both houses.

Yeah, he's been on a roll.
Dude Abides said:
There was a lot of political dissent around 1861-1865 and the period before and after. You might have read about it.


methos, I'd like to know what you see with your own eyes. The worst things I see/experience directly are a result of the econimic meltdown that started over a year ago, and I see Obama's policies and reactions to that pretty darned strong considering that a year ago we were talking about a return to the Great Depression.


Ignatz Mouse said:

methos, I'd like to know what you see with your own eyes. The worst things I see/experience directly are a result of the econimic meltdown that started over a year ago, and I see Obama's policies and reactions to that pretty darned strong considering that a year ago we were talking about a return to the Great Depression.

I like to know how you think Obama's policies are the key to the Economic recovery when most experts say it was market shifts that he had no hand in.


Setec Astronomer
methos75 said:
Gitmo is no where near closing, hell we have people in my squadron that just got orders there so yeah it isn't closing anytime soon. I personally think the Stimulus packages are BS, why give money to failing companies, that makes no damn sense to me at all, and yeah the Health Care reform. nothing quite says stupid, like pushing reform before you even know how your truly going to finance it.
Stimulus != TARP.
methos75 said:
I like to know how you think Obama's policies are the key to the Economic recovery when most experts say it was market shifts that he had no hand in.
Actually, Obama's policies are only part of the response to the recent financial crisis. Henry Paulson(remember him?) and Ben Bernanke had much more to do with the immediate response.


PantherLotus said:
::::::::ECONOMY:::::::::::::::::HEALTH CARE:::::::::::::::::NEW ENERGY:::::::::::::::::EDUCATION:::::::::::


Balance of Power | Constitutional Issues | Undoing Bush
[X] Reversal of Bush's Preemption of States
[X] Reenergize Freedom of Information Act | New Era of Transparency
[X] Reverse ban of foreign aid to countries with Abortions (The Mexico City Policy)
[X] Ease the requirements for filing employment discrimination lawsuits | Lilly Ledbetter Act
[X] Selected Supreme Court replacement Sonia Sotomayor

Economy | Jobs
[X] Lower Class Tax Cuts/Upper Class Tax Hikes (repealing the Bush Tax cuts for the rich)
[X] Help American Auto Industry Survive Depression
[X] Credit card reform gets passed, signed into law
[X] Signed additional mortgage fraud protections into law
[X] American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (stimulus package)

Environment | New Energy
[X] New mileage and emissions standards set, with industry, labor, environmental and state approval
[ ] Regulate Power Plants, Factories, Oil Refineries to curb greenhouse gasses
[ ] 1 Million Plug-In Hybrids vehicles by 2015.http://www.autobloggreen.com/2008/08/04/obama-1-million-plug-in-hybrid-vehicles-by-2015/
[ ] Green Energy Bill

Health Care
[X] Reauthorize State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
[X] Reverse Bush policy that prevents federal tax dollars from use in embryonic stem cell research
[ ] Health Care Overhaul - Public Option with Opt-Out Plan
[ ] Health Care (insurance for every American)

Defense | Foreign Relations | Diplomacy | Iraq/Afghanistan
[X] Weapons procurement gets overhaul
[X] Make diplomatic efforts at engaging Islamic Middle Eastern Countries in dialogue
[X] Scrap plans for Missile Defense Sites in Eastern Europe
[X] Win Nobel Peace Prize in first year of Presidency
[ ] Closing Guatanamo Bay
[ ] Torture Commision - Full Disclosure and Accounting
[ ] War in Iraq Draw-down and Resolution
[ ] War in Afghanistan Resolution

and do not count the public option out just yet. The senate and house still get to see the bill now that it is out of committee.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
Never said he represents the average white person's views. And I'd argue those views extend beyond average poor whites but that's a discussion for another day.

edit: give me Rush over those three any day of the week.

NFL players are more concerned about money than any other team sports players in the US. It's the most physically demanding sport and puts players in the most danger, to the point where every play could result in huge injuries. There's a reason why guaranteed money is so coveted in the league.

Now, show me some examples of modern players taking political stands and turning down money. There are no Mohamed Alis or Jim Browns to be found today. I'm sure they'd complain but as long as the money was there, they'd be content.

Why would you rather have Rush instead of Jerry Jones? Rush thought D. Mcnabb was overrated. By that statement alone it shows he doesn't know shit about football.

So PD you think it's impossible to envision an NFL free agent from signing a contract to the St. Louis freaking Rams?! Why? They suck. It's not like Rush was trying to buy the Steelers or Patriots. You do know that NFL players turn down contract offers all the time right for reasons not pretaining to money?
methos75 said:
no I thought he was going to walk in and do zip, and so far he has. You can say what you want, it is nearing an year in Office and he has let to do anything, how much slack are you libs going to give this guy, before you all realize you voted in a nit twit.



Professional Schmuck
Nah I think PD is right on that part, at least. I can't imagine a player saying no to money because of the owner. In truth, they have little choice in the matter--assuming they've already worked 5-10 years to get in a position to support their families with that skillset (with no comment on them choosing that as their only option).


Professional Schmuck
methos75 said:
TARP is fucking BS also, what waste of funds.

You completely ignore logical inconsistencies in your silly, uninformed comments, and then when pointed out, you say, "yeah, that too!" :lol

methos75 said:
I like to know how you think Obama's policies are the key to the Economic recovery when most experts say it was market shifts that he had no hand in.

Cite these "most economists" please. Stimulus has directly bolstered consumer spending during a time of low confidence would could have made things far worse if more of the retail sector collapsed. TARP's goal was to specifically loosen the overnight credit crunch which could have had extreme effects (like a lot more bankrupt businesses) is it had not been passed and maintained.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
methos75 said:
no I thought he was going to walk in and do zip, and so far he has. You can say what you want, it is nearing an year in Office and he has let to do anything, how much slack are you libs going to give this guy, before you all realize you voted in a nit twit.

:lol :lol :lol

So if he hasn't done anything then what are conservatives so mad about?


Setec Astronomer
The problem with episodes of financial crisis is that markets no longer work as they normally do, as fear feeds into itself and begins a downward spiral. Measures taken by government, however flawed, removed panic from the situation and can be credited with averting depression.
mckmas8808 said:
Why would you rather have Rush instead of Jerry Jones? Rush thought D. Mcnabb was overrated. By that statement alone it shows he doesn't know shit about football.

So PD you think it's impossible to envision an NFL free agent from signing a contract to the St. Louis freaking Rams?! Why? They suck. It's not like Rush was trying to buy the Steelers or Patriots. You do know that NFL players turn down contract offers all the time right for reasons not pretaining to money?

Yes, I know that - but it doesn't change the fact that guaranteed money/contracts rule the NFL. The Rams suck and will struggle to find players with or without Rush. Same with my Lions. That being sad, bad teams with cap space and lots of cash to throw around do pretty well signing free agents.

Still waiting for examples of modern US professional sports players making political stands and declining cash on the table.


Dude Abides said:
There was a lot of political dissent around 1861-1865 and the period before and after. You might have read about it.
Glenn Beck discussed this time period. The Liberals were angry that the South wanted to free the slaves, so mighty Republican Abraham Lincoln strode across the Mason-Dixon Line with one step and declared "Let my people go!" He was later killed by a homosexual.


mckmas8808 said:
:lol :lol :lol

So if he hasn't done anything then what are conservatives so mad about?

Being an conservative doesn't mean that I some how want to see Obama fail, if he can fix issues then more power to him, the issue is that he isn't fixing things and there fore giving conservatives ammo. If he was actually a productive president, you would see conservative backlash weaken.


PantherLotus said:
Nah I think PD is right on that part, at least. I can't imagine a player saying no to money because of the owner. In truth, they have little choice in the matter--assuming they've already worked 5-10 years to get in a position to support their families with that skillset (with no comment on them choosing that as their only option).

I have to agree with PD as well.

Considering the fact the average NFL career is about 4 seasons (<--Clicky), it's all about TEH MONIEZ for them. I'd be very surprised if any NFL player would not sign with the Rams if they were the highest bidder just because of Limbaugh's covert racism.
FOr those listening, re PoliGAF and the left-echo-chamber:

1) By sheer numbers, it does get unfair when things get heated. Some of my fellow posters and I disagree on this. It's also getting better. Aslo, bad posting behavior is more accepted from left-leaning posters and doesn't always get called out.

2) Methos is a perfect example of the kind of bad poster that gets shot down, take notes on how not to argue on PoliGAF. If that's your idea of reasoned debate, you're in for a self-fulfilling prophecy if you post in PoliGAF.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ALeperMessiah said:
Way to move the goalposts. He was supposed to fundamentally change America, and all you have is an executive order, an 800 billion dollar money pit that hasn't lived up to the goals set for it by the administration, and a health-care package that he can't get passed even though his party has near supermajorities in both houses.

Yeah, he's been on a roll.

So he was only voted to run America for 9 months?


dave is ok said:
So you think Bush was a shitty do nothing president too?

I have issues with Bush, for starters Iraq is a huge sticking point with me simply because it directly impacted my life and all the false reasons to go there aside, his need to be there and mishandling of the troops on the ground lead to the break-up of my marriage. no wife likes the fact that during a 5 year stretch, they only saw their husband for maybe a year fragmented up.
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