Don't get me wrong I don't want us to withdraw from NAFTA. It's a net positive for us and it keeps stability in Mexico.
As far as your quote goes I'm
Not sure I follow.
My "back of the napkin" math:
A tax cut to 15% would put an extra 1.2 trillion in the economy each year.
NAFTA adds about 120 billion each year.
Deficit is another story. Any tax cut will have a proportional impact on revenue/deficit unless there is a corresponding spending cut.
Assuming you mean USD1.2trillion will be new money going into the economy....I can tell you today it categorically will not do so.
It will funnelled into other financial transactions. It will not go into more investment into the US in any large scale. It will be paid out as dividends or used for as share buy-backs and eventually a lot of is likely to be encumbered in financial products of dubious value and form the basis for zero-sum side-bets. The money is effectively lost from the system.
What I've said also assumes that this is actually new money into the system. The government has the 1.2trillion already. The government already spends this money, the vast majority of it in the US. It is already IN the economy, being used to either pay people or for investment. It is already in circulation. Functioning. Working.
This policy is incredibly dangerous. There is no virtuous circle of investment and growth this will promote. All it will do further down the line is cripple the government budget so crises can be manufactured around social benefit programmes that are state and government run.
It is an incredibly stupid thing to do.