Fresh Prince
This is true.Cloudy said:On a somewhat related topic (or not :lol). Is it just me or are interracial chicks hot like 85% of the time?![]()
Also blondes do nothing for me.
This is true.Cloudy said:On a somewhat related topic (or not :lol). Is it just me or are interracial chicks hot like 85% of the time?![]()
Alex Anderson said:lol @ Dominique Wilkins
demon said:I'm sure if a study were done, there would be significantly more physical feature differences found between white people than black people. Everyone thinks their own 'race' is special, but just go outside and walk many different colors of hair do you see black people with? How many different hair styles do you see black guys with? How many different eye colors do you see black people with? What about skin tone difference?
There's simply more physical feature variance, particularly color related, between white people than there is between black people. If you're black and all white people look alike, you need to get out more. Same for da crackas.
Tommie Hu$tle said:As do I. I'm like that dude isn't even famous anymore.
Here's a pic of me and my nephew this was taken on Sunday.
here is a close up of my face.
Don't say that olimario will get jealous!Loki said:Tom, your nephew is ADORABLE-- he should be in commercials.![]()
Loki said:Tom, your nephew is ADORABLE-- he should be in commercials.![]()
I really didn't need to see your nose hairs in that close-up, though.
Tommie Hu$tle said:As do I. I'm like that dude isn't even famous anymore.
Here's a pic of me and my nephew this was taken on Sunday.
here is a close up of my face.
The Take Out Bandit said:I think my best Stupid Fucking White Man moment was when I was talking to one of my friends about dating and sex. Convenient to this discussion, he's black. Somehow we got on the subject of penetration, where, how, why. And I asked him, "So are black chicks big on anal?", or something to that effect.
And he just gives me this horrified look.
Apparently it's a gripping aparatus.
And here all these years I thought colored folks were all about fudge packin'. :/
Then there was the time at my one job.
My co-workers, coincidentally black, and I got on really well. One day, they're like; "Bandit, you're our white nigga!"
To which I reply, "You mean like Eminem?"
"We gotta party sometime!"
And that was that.
Anyhow, I'm always glad to be of service to black folks. Particularly the nice looking young womens. Just don't scream bloody murder when I slip up and try ye olde FHUTA, I plead the Mix-A-Lot.
And I loooooove sweet potato pie. Mmmm mmmm good! :q
Tommie Hu$tle said:I won't disagree that I have a Denzel demenor (as far as the movies go and all that). But as far as me looking like him no. I think what people are seeing is that I come off as a fine upstanding gentleman and a professional. Figuring that they don't have anything else to base it on they come up with the only blacks they can think of which are actors playing a role.
Cloudy said:I am black but I don't like enormous asses *runs*
I like moderation in T&A![]()
mac said:The appeal of white women is totally lost on me too. Only once have I dated a white girl and she actually turned out to be half hispanic.
XS+ said:Statements like this are so ignorant. So, you're telling me you can't walk outside and find a single white female that you find attractive? I find that impossible to stomach, frankly.
IAWTP. However people do and they for the most part have no reservation saying it. Indian, vietnamese, polish etc have all said words to the effect of this.XS+ said:That's not what he said. Though, had that been the implication of his statement, I would add that such a judgement is even MORE ignorant than what I originally took from his post. You can't see yourself spending the rest of your life with a white woman? WTF? You're judging an entire race. Were a white guy to say that about a black female, he'd be labeled a "racist" by any number of blacks.
Fresh Prince said:IAWTP. However people do and they for the most part have no reservation saying it. Indian, vietnamese, polish etc have all said words to the effect of this.
Also you forget that minorities have a thing for not marrying outside their race....
XS+ said:That's not what he said. Though, had that been the implication of his statement, I would add that such a judgement is even MORE ignorant than what I originally took from his post. You can't see yourself spending the rest of your life with a white woman? WTF? You're judging an entire race. Were a white guy to say that about a black female, he'd be labeled a "racist" by any number of blacks.
As an Indian I would tend to agree to a certain extent, however there are people who refer to themselves as 'Anglo-Indians'(Indian Servants who mixed with English Cooks etc). The other part are verment Nationalistic Hindu's who strictly practice their faith and political ideals ie. keep the race pure. Also simply dissmiss African Americans as not having a similar 'policy'(for lack of better term) of keeping the race pure is a bit ludacris- I've listened to enough Hip-Hop to know thatTommie Hu$tle said:Not by I. Reality check, race matters and this goes far beyond just white/black this works within all races. I would say Asians and Indians (with a slow nod to Mexicans) are the biggest groups that work actively at preventing race mixing today. Working and socializing is one thing but there is entirely different element when it comes to being with someone of another race for the rest of your life. I think it would be a real challenge and it is not one that I'm up to facing. I don't see that as a problem it is racial but, I see it more as cultural than anything else. Like tends to stick with like. If people want to step outside of that I have no problem with it and I applaud it. I just know it's not for me personally.
XS+ said:I agree with Fresh. I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, whatever -- if you're concerned with keeping your race pure, you shouldn't be involved with anyone, much less breeding.
We live in the 21st century, people, an age where homosexuals are well on their way to being accepted in our society. That people are still hung up on something as anachronistic as RACE is pathetic. Life is short. If I come across a purple female that tickles my fancy, I'm going to date her. Please, Tommie, don't tell me you're one of those that believe white females can't "relate" to the black man's struggle. Come on.
"So are black chicks big on anal?",
Lead to?Mac said:The appeal of white women is totally lost on me too. Only once have I dated a white girl and she actually turned out to be half hispanic.
EX+ said:Yeah, a lot of people hail from families that adhere to these outmoded customs. I don't understand it. People are people. I can't relate to people who're hung up on race, black or white.
I think it was aimed towards Tommymac said:How does
Lead to?
Just to clarify, becasue I think I've been labeled as living under the rule of tryranical parents who follow some archiac notions of marrige and have raised me as a seedsmen to fear other races.
Before this thread degenerates any further I think we can all agree we find some races more preferencial then others and its akin to liking brunettes over bondes.
etiolate said:Tommy, please then explain why you have white pussy in your avatar?
mac said:How does
Lead to?
Just to clarify, becasue I think I've been labeled as living under the rule of tryranical parents who follow some archiac notions of marrige and have raised me as a seedsmen to fear other races.
Before this thread degenerates any further I think we can all agree we find some races more preferencial then others and its akin to liking brunettes over bondes.
You have some sort of mental deficiency that I just don't get. This is the third time in under 24 hours that you've made a remarkably poor argument, however well it seems to be thought out.XS+ said:While you can agree to that, I can't. That's silly. Some of you are placing too much of an emphasis on race. That's not how we're programmed. We're attracted to people that pique our interest, irrespective of their race. That is how life works. You can sit there and deny you're attracted to a certain race -- but if Beyonce, Zhang Ziyi, Salma Hayek, or whomever represents the race you find undesirable, were to express an interest in you, I guarantee that you would be more than receptive.
How fucking admirable. Jesus Christ I am so turned on right now by how wonderful you are. Please tell me you don't discriminate against men either because I want you so badlyXS+ said:I date females from various races, never discriminating over something that petty. I just want a girl with a cute smile, pleasant personality, tight ass, and honest heart.
Socreges said:I think it's perfectly natural to have preferences between races. In fact, I think anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves. I happen to find less black women attractive than whites or Asians. Sort of like, as mac stated, how I often find brunettes attractive more often than blondes. It's just my nature. There's nothing wrong with that.