People in here defending a mandatory decade long prison sentence for broken windows scare the crap out of me.
Lots of folks are viewing these events through the lens of today's escalation where just weeks ago we had the fascist group Antifa throwing M80s and Mortars into crowds if left, middle and right protesters.
If you don't know what a mortar firework is - it's those gigantic colorful bursts you see in the air at firework shows that twinkle, burn and can kill people. Just shy of 30 were thrown into groups in a single day and thank fuck nobody was killed.
If you support that kind of escalation, killing of people with ideological differences, you're part of the problem. The idiots that perpetrated the violence on Inauguration day are the same groups out to kill people today who dress like terrorists and start violence, beat people with bike locks, glass bottles and now have escalated to throwing explosives.
That's a problem that people need to recognize. Surely you aren't OK with the left doing those things, right? Because that's what it has escalated to.
I'm not suggesting attempted murder and breaking windows are the same thing but it's part of the same group of people who get more violent as time passes.
You don't assoaiate yourself with these terrorists and if you do and get caught by police running with that crowd, boo fucking hoo. We don't need wannabe murderer fascist groups running around not caring about who or what gets caught in their path.
There's a time and a place for violence but SPECIFIC types of violence. This shit isn't one of them.
A decade is harsh for destroying some property but you need to see how far that violence was stretched to now encompass throwing fucking explosives into crowds to murder people.
Something is going to give and this is just the start.