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Why are there no more charismatic black superstars in Hollywood?


The old days of having super famous actors are over. It’s all about bowing down to the feminist propaganda, embracing the crazy LGBTQ freaks and ofcourse who wears the coolest spandex.

Has nothing to do with the color of the actors skin, embrace the new age of entertainment 🤣


Hollywood has changed. It used to be that Hollywood relies heavily on A-list actors to carry a movie, but now a brand or IP can carry the movie instead. It's also why the industry has become so inundated with sequels and remakes. Studios are much more cautious when it comes to funding big budget original IPs.


Gold Member
If you actually take a step back you'll notice that there has not been a new crazy superstar in Hollywood of any race or gender in quite a while. I mean you still have the names that you've always heard like Leo, Brad Pitt, and you have a handful of other young actors and actresses that have come kind of close to being a thing but then they only end up being a thing for maybe a year or so. Everyone else that comes to mind has been an established name for a while.

I can't think of a single actor or actress under the age of 30 that has been popular or at the top end of the highest paid or most "in demand" longer than maybe just a few years outside of the MCU.

Not sure what that says about Hollywood or the quality of the latest batch of the actors but it is kind of weird to me that after having consecutive decades of having some kind of star or Stars rising to the top and then staying there is weird to feel like we haven't really had one here recently.
I agree.

Probably because hollywood (and that includes TV) is being pushed aside for social media and internet folks. Hollywood actors can only promote themselves so often with movies, award shows and tv show interviews. Online personalities are there 24/7 and a million other fun things to do. Back then, newspapers had big Entertainment sections, everyone would watch Entertainment Tonight and stay up late to see what movie they were plugging on talk shows. I dont know anyone who does that anymore. I bet most people would rather play Candy Crush than watch Tom Hanks in a movie plugging interview like its 1995.

Also, a good chunk of the movies that make big coin are animation and super hero movies. Not exactly the types of movies people remember awesome acting or even care about great acting skills.

Another point. I think the general population now (older people and young people) can see through the BS of hollywood, taking political sides, fake pandering and whatever junk they say on their twitter account. It wasnt like this before since there was no social media. So people (like me) just see them as phoneys shilling for whatever next dollar they can grab.
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