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Why aren't evangelical Christians openly blamed for Trump?

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Across the internet I continually read statements that "white people" voted for Trump and fucked things up. As a white male that voted for Hillary Clinton, I am completely fine with pointing out that white people largely voted for Trump, that these people are either blind to or in favor of Trump's racist rhetoric, and that it makes sense for racial minorities to be angry about it.

However, while a little over 60% of white people voted for Donald Trump, a little over 80% of Christians voted for him:


These people largely consider science - AKA human knowledge - as an enemy to be destroyed. Many of them think the world will end soon. Bannon, who is loathed throughout this website, is a militant evangelical Christian himself. They want religion in schools. They think everything that doesn't agree with them is a war against them. They would be overjoyed by a theocratic state. They are ecstatic about a Muslim ban.

I want to be really clear that I am only talking about evangelical Christians. Christians of other denominations typically voted in a much more responsible way, are comfortable with science in the public sphere, have a love of democracy, and so on. This is not an "anti-Christian" post, this is a post calling out a group of dangerous fanatics that are taking control of our country. Read up on the history of Islam, and you will find that Muslim countries were once centers for science and inquiry, but it was all destroyed when fundamentalist Muslims gained control. We need to recognize that there is more than one enemy to modernity. Like ISIS, evangelical Christians would plunge this world into the Dark Ages if they were given the chance (and they have been).

Why aren't we openly discussing the glaring fact that evangelical Christians are the most dangerous group of significant size in the United States?


I thought everyone knew this?

They always get blamed, and rightfully so, when a terrible GOP candidate is elected. They're not some shadowy force.


Evangelical Christians overwhelmingly voted for a guy who's had three wives and bragged about sexual assault. Dem traditional morals.
I've told this to my father and step mother. He is an evangelical, but he came to this country in the eighties and doesn't really have a good understanding of it's history (mine isn't much better imo, but a US education and internet access helps), so it kinda flies over his head. A lot of religious minorities (not to mention white people) have no clue how poisonous religious fundamentalism can be in the USA or how much damage it has done to the political process in this country.
I mean, it's white evangelicals who should be blamed since black evangelicals didn't really go all out for this guy.

But yes, white evangelicals are one of the two core bases of Trump's support along with white supremacists who are non-evangelical.


I do this all of the time. I blame uneducated white people and evangelical Christians. My uneducated Christian friends hate me.


Evangelical Christians overwhelmingly voted for a guy who's had three wives and bragged about sexual assault. Dem traditional morals.

They hypocrisy is infuriating.

"We got our anti abortion Supreme Court justice, fuck EVERYTHING else"
Should we lynch them or something. What would you have us do to them?

At the very least? Shame, mock, insult, dehumanise, write countless news articles placing the blame on them like media does to black people?

Instead we get articles on "unity", "the silent minority", "empathise", and all manner of coddlization.

If people have time to write think pieces on why 8% of the black vote voted for Trump and what that means, then they have more than enough time to write about these folks


It is weird. GAF spends a lot of time talking about Gamergate and Twitter supporters, but the reality is there just aren't that many of those people. Trump's election is overwhelmingly due to turnout from evangelicals, who are much more numerous, but get ignored because they're not new.


Blaming christianity is the fastest way to get ignorant people to hate you no matter how incredibly guilty it is. I loathe organized religion in general and sorely wish it were completely excised from American politics, but it feels like a lost cause for now.

I wish it were more popular to tear them down though. They voted for what is, by their own religious morals, a horrifically evil person.

Would have thought Roe V Wade would reduce their influence in politics but nope, they just pretend they'll somehow repeal it.


It is weird. GAF spends a lot of time talking about Gamergate and Twitter supporters, but the reality is there just aren't that many of those people. Trump's election is overwhelmingly due to turnout from evangelicals, who are much more numerous, but get ignored because they're not new.
I would argue that it's ignored because evangelical Christians don't engage in social media nor do they rally begins the man whispering in Trumps in and pulling the strings.
They hypocrisy is infuriating.

"We got our anti abortion Supreme Court justice, fuck EVERYTHING else"

I think most white evangelicals care more about Islam than abortion, but this defense of white evangelicals from the media that "voting for abortion supporting candidates violates their morals!" directly implies that voting for white supremacy does not violate their morals... These people kind of give the game away.
The reason evangelicals specifically don't get called out is because doing anything anti-Christian in the US is still largely political suicide. So no one is going to touch that without a great deal of care and thought.
I've seen plenty of people blaming them, and rightfully so. As a Christian who happily voted against Trump, I'm really ashamed of many of my friends and family who voted for him. Especially after stuff like this:



Blaming christianity is the fastest way to get ignorant people to hate you no matter how incredibly guilty it is. I loathe organized religion in general and sorely wish it were completely excised from American politics, but it feels like a lost cause for now.

I wish it were more popular to tear them down though. They voted for what is, by their own religious morals, a horrifically evil person.

Not all evangelical Christians voted for Trump and not all evangelical Christians are actually Christians.

Fucking situation is depressing
Because at some point Democrats gotta stop with "Blame" and figure out how to get more people over to their brand, their way of thinking, their side. And just being angry and wagging a finger accusing people does fuck all to that end.

My mother's an evangelical. Sister too. They didn't vote for Trump. Their shitty church told them to. And they didn't like it. So they didn't vote that way. My wife's mother left the same church cause they do that crap.


These people don't give a fuck about logic or reason. It's impossible to call them hypocrites when they're voting for Trump as they imagine him to be in their delusional fantasy brains. Facts are essentially gibberish to these people.


Not all evangelical Christians voted for Trump and not all evangelical Christians are actually Christians.

Fucking situation is depressing

There's always a minority, but it's 100% undeniable that specific christian religious beliefs are largely responsible for the success of the republican party in general. No amount of ifs or buts will ever change that.

Because at some point Democrats gotta stop with "Blame" and figure out how to get more people over to their brand, their way of thinking, their side. And just being angry and wagging a finger accusing people does fuck all to that end.

That's what worked for Trump, right? No blaming, finger pointing. Polite words. Both sides. Real friendly dude. Hatred definitely did not get people screaming things like "lock her up" at every one of his events. Peaceful.

Funky Papa

Evangelical Christians overwhelmingly voted for a guy who's had three wives and bragged about sexual assault. Dem traditional morals.

As pointed before, many of them believe that God will do his work through him.

"He may not be a good Christian, but if you read the Bible you'll know that the work of God is sometimes done by people like Trump" was more or less the phrase (and feeling) I began to come across a few months before the election, specially on Facebook and (yes) comments sections. Meanwhile, plenty of outlets were talking about how un-evangelical Trump was and how outraged parishioners were at his antics. As if.

This whole "Trump will do God's work" thing began to stew right when Trump became the front runner. It should have been a huge wake up call, but nobody outside the Evangelical circle paid attention because some churches were for taking refugees in.
It's all about abortion and lowering taxes with evangelicals. No way were they voting Hillary even if the nominee is an atheist moron.


I think it should be pointed out that whilst a majority of Christians voted for trump, only 80% of evangelicals voted for Trump. To be completely honest, they don't give a fuck about Christian values or family, they just want to stop abortions and shit on gay people, and use religion as an excuse.

Yep. Ironic that evangelicals elected our first atheist president.
Please. Trunp is clearly non-religious, but he's certainly not the first athiest/agnostic elected. Even back in the 1700's there were presidents that would be considered pretty non religious even by today's standard. Whether they beleive or not, presidents are required to pretend they beleive in god, because otherwise they're committing campaign suicide.


Evangelical Christians are overwhelmingly single issue voters.

Pro choice = Satan

Every time. Even when Bannon openly praised darkness and Satan, pro life will negate all other policies for a lot of these people.

Edit: The gays too, don't forget that one scripture about the gays.
The people that voted for Trump aren't ashamed about it or hiding.

Calling them out and blaming them for Trump isn't going to solve anything. They literally wanted this to happen.


Yep. Ironic that evangelicals elected our first atheist president.

And his anti-semetic sidekick.

But, you know.... It's all about those babies, gays, and keeping out the illegals. They welcome the downfal of the world if it means seeing their bearded sky old man sooner.


Almost literally every evangelical I've talked to cannot give straight answers to the nose they just cut off their faces. And whenever I. Ring he Bible into the equation, the contortions they do to justify their stance on an otherwise concrete interpretation of verse, are astounding.

It's no wonder I've been steadily shifting towards atheism.


I am always curious, how do they come up with statistics on articles like this? Obviously they did not ask every single person who voted what their religion is and who they voted for...so how can this even be remotely correct?

I have never once been asked for my religion and what candidate I voted for.
It'll be interesting to see just how quickly the "values voters" go back to caring about presidential candidates' morals once Trump is out.
Evangelicals vote for Republicans

Are liberals ever going to stop looking for other groups to blame for their own fuckup?

I mean, it would be nice at least for the media to be willing to say "white evangelicals voted for a man who will attempt to bring white supremacy so that they can get more dead Muslims and fewer abortions."

The media coddles white evangelicals so much that it's irritating.

They're a lost cause so this isn't really a strategy thing, it's just irritating how little they get blamed for destroying U.S. hegemony considering that they are the main force behind it.
And his anti-semetic sidekick.

But, you know.... It's all about those babies, gays, and keeping out the illegals. They welcome the downfal of the world if it means seeing their bearded sky old man sooner.

You really shouldn't make the mistake of thinking Evangelical Christians as a block necessarily like Jews or Israel. They need them, for their own take on the end times, which is an entirely different thing.


Evangelicals vote for Republicans

Are liberals ever going to stop looking for other groups to blame for their own fuckup?
Are you ever going to stop shitposting about the DNC in a thread that has little to do with them, and talk about the issue at hand? If you want to make a thread about DNC fuckups, feel free. God knows there were plenty. God knows I and other liberals certaibly played a part in the loss, and I have looked at the way I and others acted, and how to remedy that in future elections.

But this isn't the thread for this. So stop, and make a new thread if you want a discussion on that issue.


Evangelical Christians overwhelmingly voted for a guy who's had three wives and bragged about sexual assault. Dem traditional morals.
this election was seen as an existential one, basically vote Trump or say goodbye, the actions in the last 8 years were perceived* as a direct attack on Christianity and their way of life and many thought that it's going to get much worse for christians under Hillary
in face of this, it's really not surprising usual standards go out of the window

*I'm not saying they are, I'm saying what they were perceived as
At the very least? Shame, mock, insult, dehumanise, write countless news articles placing the blame on them like media does to black people?

Instead we get articles on "unity", "the silent minority", "empathise", and all manner of coddlization.

You want to "shame, insult, mock, and dehumanize" one specific religious group for voting?

That seems like a very classy way of doing it, and not at all dissimilar to the "democracies" that intimidate/bully voters.
I think most people know this already. Evangelicals like to be told what to do while looking down on others, so Trump is perfect for them

Funky Papa

It is weird. GAF spends a lot of time talking about Gamergate and Twitter supporters, but the reality is there just aren't that many of those people. Trump's election is overwhelmingly due to turnout from evangelicals, who are much more numerous, but get ignored because they're not new.

Many people fail to realise that the alt-right is a minuscule movement because they are so damn noisy and outrageous.

That said, their impact shouldn't be casually dismissed. They may be a tiny group, but those were the folks firing up the Internet hate machine and bringing fake news into the mainstream through delicious memes and Facebook storming.


The people that voted for Trump aren't ashamed about it or hiding.

Calling them out and blaming them for Trump isn't going to solve anything. They literally wanted this to happen.

Exactly. My father voted for Trump, he is agrees with everything he is doing. My mother, husband and I voted Hillary. I hate what Trump is doing. My father and I get along great but every time I say something about Trump he shakes his head and agrees with Trump, telling me how great he is doing and how he is keeping us safe.

I don't understand why my father likes Trump or what he's doing but he does.
The election is over so blaming people isn't really going to do anything. 48% of the voting population voted for him, and I can guarantee you that a lot of them aren't evangelical christians.


As pointed before, many of them believe that God will do his work through him.

"He may not be a good Christian, but if you read the Bible you'll know that the work of God is sometimes done by people like Trump" was more or less the phrase (and feeling) I began to come across a few months before the election, specially on Facebook and (yes) comments sections. Meanwhile, plenty of outlets were talking about how un-evangelical Trump was and how outraged parishioners were at his antics. As if.

This whole "Trump will do God's work" thing began to stew right when Trump became the front runner. It should have been a huge wake up call, but nobody outside the Evangelical circle paid attention because some churches were for taking refugees in.

Which doesn't make sense to me because Clinton is Christian too. The good Lord could have done his work through her. But no let's go with the man that is on record saying he grabs the pussies of random women and has spent his entire life avoiding giving any money back to those poorer than he is.


Fair point, evangelicals are more likely to intermix their religious beliefs with government than any other prevalent faith (and not be especially thoughtful about the inconsistencies). I'm not sure why we don't pick on them a bit more. And maybe I'm wrong since this is a qualitative generalization but you probably don't even need to specifically call out the white ones, I'd imagine evangelicals of other races are more likely to agree with Trump as well.
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