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Why did SMT get a M rating? Oh....that's why.


Damn, I thought the game got mature for all the demon crap... but now I got smack talking monsters. He's fucking charmed and he's telling me this shit.




Great now I got a gay shop keeper hitting on me and giving me presents, and a kid telling me that I blow

aoi tsuki

Guileless said:
We need a Christian review of this game.
No, we really don't. i think actually going through the time to write a review on a game that's not baed on Christianity is a waste. It would be better to just put it on the "do not play" list, and give short description as to why - "Strong profanity, random violence, sexuality".

And why does this justify an M rating?


Edit: i completely missed the demon cock above. i wish i continued to miss it. OTOH, you could get a lot of work done with that thing.


whoa I totally forgot this one was out yet, I'll get it at Toys R uS if they have it tomorrow instead of ssomething else. :D

aoi tsuki

kaching said:
Probably just because of the whole angels in bondage gear thing...and yet, still listed as "Divine" ;)
That's truly sad, because that is so hot. More people should go to leather shows.


Damn, I thought the game got mature for all the demon crap... but now I got smack talking monsters. He's fucking charmed and he's telling me this shit.

Actually, that particular language is still within the realm of a "T" rating, but sheer volume may make a difference. However, the erect member on the other monster is more of the kind of thing that will definitely warrant an "M".


Unconfirmed Member
Eric-GCA said:
Lol, I'd look into this game, but I'm not so hot on the whole "angsty/goth" look of the main character.
Dude, he glows in the dark! How much more awesome could you possibly want him to be? :D


Hey, I like anime and all, but I mean, come on, that character design, is pretty much the penultimate "J-pop" anime character and that turns me off (just like how I couldn't play FFX because of Tidus).

Which sucks, cause it sounds like this game has a lot of hentai overtones.


Eric-GCA said:
Hey, I like anime and all, but I mean, come on, that character design, is pretty much the penultimate "J-pop" anime character and that turns me off (just like how I couldn't play FFX because of Tidus).
i don't get it ...

Which sucks, cause it sounds like this game has a lot of hentai overtones.
i don't. get. it.

(a) it does?
(b) that's good?

seriously, what's jpop about this character design? i definitely see it with tidus, but i just don't see it with SMT.

also, in GMR, kaneko (character designer) said the biggest influence on the character design was the red hot chili peppers' video for give it away. and, uh, i see that a hell of a lot more than i see the jpop thing.

also, this is cool:


ferricide said:

Since I love the artwork in Nippon Ichi's games, I was more interested in the interview with Harada but that idea for a series of features is really, really cool and very illuminating. Shame we didnt get more about La Pucelle's characters since the one with Kaneko went back as far as Persona (which my opinion of has been posted with some frequency on GAF in the past).


Meier said:
Shame we didnt get more about La Pucelle's characters since the one with Kaneko went back as far as Persona (which my opinion of has been posted with some frequency on GAF in the past).

IIRC La Pucelle was a different character designer.


Buy it you smucks!

I was fusing two lvl 9's trying to get a lvl 14 thing. I took forever trying to make sure it had the skills I want then boom...... the fusing went wrong and I got a lvl 20 fire elemental.
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