I'm a craft beer aficionado but I'll drink Pabst Blue Ribbon anytime.
Blue Ribbon isn't readily available here, but a few places have started doing it on tap and it's my go to if it's available otherwise Hop House 13 is my standard because, being made by Guinness, it's available anywhere Guinness is available.
Anyway, light beer... I'm not sure why light beer is such a big thing in the US, Coors Light is really the only one that really sells here. I think our tastes here are very much, generally, larger and stout - Guinness, Tennents and Harp are pretty much go to anywhere, Carlsberg sells pretty well, Heineken is pretty much standard fare in our main concert venue... cider like Strongbow and Kopparberg are also a big deal.
Northern Ireland also has like 30 different breweries. I'm big into Yardsman IPA if it's about.