Ugg, I get into this debate all the time with my stupid Republican coworkers. They allways tell me and the other liberal I work with (a lesbian) that homosexuality is a choice. I want to choke them every time and say "SO FUCKING WHAT?"
I mean, I dont see anything wrong with homosexuality at all, so why does it matter if someone chose to be gay or if they were born that way? I just dont get the argument, its not like its being a choice makes it wrong by default.. you have to actually prove there is something wrong with being gay before it being a choice would ever matter, but most of them seem happy to think that it being a choice is enough to make it wrong (nevermind that they would have to choose to be strait in this scenario).
FWIW, I dont think its a choice, but moreover I dont see why it matters. Which is what puzzles me because alot of liberals and gay people alike try to argue that it isnt a choice, that they were born this way. Why bother? Just look them in the eye, say that two consenting adults of the same sex decided to have intercourse, and ask them what the problem is with that exactly... it undercuts about 50% of their arguements against it (the other 50% being it just isnt natural and Jesus hates homos)/
I mean, I dont see anything wrong with homosexuality at all, so why does it matter if someone chose to be gay or if they were born that way? I just dont get the argument, its not like its being a choice makes it wrong by default.. you have to actually prove there is something wrong with being gay before it being a choice would ever matter, but most of them seem happy to think that it being a choice is enough to make it wrong (nevermind that they would have to choose to be strait in this scenario).
FWIW, I dont think its a choice, but moreover I dont see why it matters. Which is what puzzles me because alot of liberals and gay people alike try to argue that it isnt a choice, that they were born this way. Why bother? Just look them in the eye, say that two consenting adults of the same sex decided to have intercourse, and ask them what the problem is with that exactly... it undercuts about 50% of their arguements against it (the other 50% being it just isnt natural and Jesus hates homos)/