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Why do people hate EA?


Is it because:

Everyone hates number one?
They failed to help Sega?
They're not Japanese?
You don't like sports?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't hate EA, but there is something about most of their non-sports games that bothers me. Its hard to explain, but its almost like they don't have a soul...EA Big fixed that though, NBA Street and SSX 3 rock me sooooooo hard. Maybe it is because they aren't Japanese


Because almost everytime a customer comes into my store saying that a game they bought is defective because it freezes or something like that, it's almost always a EA game...... coiincidentally......


ea has a nasty habit of buying unprofitable, but very talented developers, then slowly squeezing them until they disappear.

personally, i don't care either way. i'm getting burnout 3 on xbox live. nothing else matters.


hyperbolically metafictive
because their popularity is in grotesque disproportion to the quality of their games.

that's not to say i dislike everything they do; i happen to enjoy the ssx games. but i can't think of a single ea game that doesn't seem the dispiritingly slick product of focus groups and pointed discussions of marketing trends. i don't understand why anyone likes them - even when competent, i can't see how their games inspire any affection or enthusiasm.

Kon Tiki

drohne said:
because their popularity is in grotesque disproportion to the quality of their games.

That would be my answer. Frankly I am suprised that is not Matlock's number one answer.


One reason is because they can release average games that sell very well. And when I say average, I mean that there are better games in it's class. Ie.Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 vs. Underground...EA's NHL games vs. SEGA's.
neptunes said:
well, I know some people who hated EA just because they didn't support XBL.
(with the whole BF1942 fiasco)

Interesting choice of words. What fiasco might that be?

And in the spirit of openness, I might as well state that I work at EA.


needs to show more effort.
I don't hate them, but I don't like sports games and I don't like licensed games.... so whats there to like?


I think a large part of the hate is that EA represents the painful side of the consolidation of the industry. EA has gobbled up lots of talent and has left a lot of dead bodies during the process.

Other than that, there is a lot of little things that contribute. Some people will hate the top dog/most commericial regardless. Their product is top heavy with licensed properties--there are some gamers that don't care for games based on the latest movies and what not. Then there's the quality issue (I wouldn't know too much about that because I generally avoid EA games because of the last point I mentioned).

All fucking gone

+ Crappy rehashes year after year that only help to streamline and destroy creativity in the industry


Ferrarisimo, keep in mind that I never hated EA.

I used to hang around the official xbox boards around the time BF1942 was announced and many people "thought" that it would have online gameplay but EA cut it and canned the whole game altogther. ( I guess that made some people angry :()

but yeah, the EA hate on most xbox boards were high and XBL was the reason for most of the hatred)


Fafracer forever
Is it because:
Well I know 'some' people that hate them because they had the (dis)pleasure of working for them. On the other hand I know some love them for the same reason too... :p
I don't hate EA persay, but I do hate their complete overrelliance on licensed properties that, with the exception of LOTR, make for woefully average games.
Matlock said:
Another common complaint. What's wrong with some licensed music in your games?

Nothing is wrong with carefully selected licensed music that actually reflects the style and mood of a particular game. JSRF and Crazy Taxi come to mind. What's wrong with EA Trax is this:

"Steve Schnur: We work with independent labels (Vagrant, TVT, Kinetic, etc.) but what is key is not whether the label is major or independent but if the artist that we are helping to promote and market has the ability to break on a major scale. We want to make sure that the gamer has the option to go and buy the album anywhere once he or she has heard it in an EA game and that the gamer can become a fan of what will potentially become a future superstar act."

(read the full interview here)

What is "key" should be whether the music compliments the game, which in the case of EA Trax it absolutely never does. In short, it's a total fucking sell-out.


Matlock said:
Another common complaint. What's wrong with some licensed music in your games?
The thing I hate about EA Trax is that it's just awful music. Listening to those songs over and over in Madden made me want to puke. After a while, I tried turning it off, but the ambience kills you. Damn you, EA Trax!


bobbyconover said:
What is "key" should be whether the music compliments the game, which in the case of EA Trax it absolutely never does. In short, it's a total fucking sell-out.

I really hate to hijack the thread with a defense, but this one time it has to stand.

SSX3 and Def Jam Vendetta respectfully disagree with you.


Them re-hashing their sports games and making millions every year off of casual fanboy gamers annoys me. That and I love Sega. :) Sega helped EA become what they are and then turned their backs on them.


EA packages are like PAL copies: multilingual text all over the place.

EA is the very definition of mainstream and business over games company.

EA = Walmart


I do hate the "if it's in the game...it's in the game" slogan.

Since when did an actual NHL game turn off the arena lights and pop on a spotlight on a player when he's on a breakaway?



People, as a whole, don't hate EA. Moslty it's just gamers who do. For most of the reasons mentioned above. They killed talented developers, Sega fans hate them (still a relatively large part of the gaming community) and then there are the games as art folks who hate them because everything they do is for profit and isn't an end in and of itself. Mostly it's peope who populate forums such as this that really dislike EA and I'm one of 'em. Though I will buy good games no matter who makes them (SSX3).


Matlock said:
Is it because:

Everyone hates number one?
They failed to help Sega?
They're not Japanese?
You don't like sports?

Neither. It's bacause they release the same games every year with a different title (don't think something special they just replace the "2003" with the "2004") and kind of improved graphics (nothing special here too -don't expect any breakthroughs from EA) and the fucking casuals still buy them. I wanna strungle all these stupid kids I see at the stores buying that monstrosity called FIFA 200x when right next to it there is THE game called Pro Evolution Soccer (Winning Eleven).


drohne said:
because their popularity is in grotesque disproportion to the quality of their games.

that's not to say i dislike everything they do; i happen to enjoy the ssx games. but i can't think of a single ea game that doesn't seem the dispiritingly slick product of focus groups and pointed discussions of marketing trends. i don't understand why anyone likes them - even when competent, i can't see how their games inspire any affection or enthusiasm.



drohne said:
because their popularity is in grotesque disproportion to the quality of their games.

that's not to say i dislike everything they do; i happen to enjoy the ssx games. but i can't think of a single ea game that doesn't seem the dispiritingly slick product of focus groups and pointed discussions of marketing trends. i don't understand why anyone likes them - even when competent, i can't see how their games inspire any affection or enthusiasm.

I was going say something similar in my list but I was worried that I would get a lot of rolleyes from saying it. The idea of games having soul behind them seems just as sticky as the art direction arguments that are coming up more frequently. However, I do agree there is a certain something missing from their games that leaves them without charm, regardless of technical or design brilliance.


They used to be the coolest devs back in the early '90. They ate the other cool devs and became crap


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I don't have a problem with them but they should make sure Battlefield 2 is way, way better than BFV before they put it on store shelves. BF Vietnam is still my pick for most dissapointing game of the year.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
First, I don't like sports games. So their one real strength doesn't go for me.

Second, too many of their games rely on liscenses and are always rushed for delivery and typically turn out crappy (Harry Potter, 007).

They did a decent job with LOTR. But I think if they spent another year on each game, they'd be AAA games.
epmode said:
ea has a nasty habit of buying unprofitable, but very talented developers, then slowly squeezing them until they disappear.

drohne said:
because their popularity is in grotesque disproportion to the quality of their games.

ge-man said:
I think a large part of the hate is that EA represents the painful side of the consolidation of the industry. EA has gobbled up lots of talent and has left a lot of dead bodies during the process.

All pretty damn good reasons. I hope that answers the question.

Apologists like to dismiss any "hate" as being bitter sega fans or complaining about the number one publisher. It has nothing to do with it. It's because EA swallows up small developers that have real talent and then destroys them. People get disgusted with Microsoft and other "monopolistic" companies all the time and yet it's ok to turn a blind eye to EA, even though they've hurt the industry more than anything else.

MrPing1000 said:

All fucking gone

+ Crappy rehashes year after year that only help to streamline and destroy creativity in the industry

It's far more than that. Supposedly they had a hand in destroying Looking Glass Studios as well.


MrPing1000 said:

All fucking gone

+ Crappy rehashes year after year that only help to streamline and destroy creativity in the industry

Nothing more is to be said :p


MrPing1000 said:

All fucking gone

+ Crappy rehashes year after year that only help to streamline and destroy creativity in the industry

Exactly. I mean what is the difference between Madden year after year, besides changing a few of the players who switched teams? Wow, Kurt Warner is in a Giants uniform now ;D

P.S. I know that online will be a new addition to the Xbox version. So, what will EA Sports come up with for Madden 2006?


MrPing1000 said:

All fucking gone

+ Crappy rehashes year after year that only help to streamline and destroy creativity in the industry


Culex said:
They destroyed my precious Westwood Studios. I have to hate them.

Couldn't said it better. :(

Witnessing Ultima Online 2 getting butt-raped not once, but fucking TWICE, sometimes I think it's better to let them go just so they won't be getting skull fucked again.


Kudie said:
Exactly. I mean what is the difference between Madden year after year, besides changing a few of the players who switched teams? Wow, Kurt Warner is in a Giants uniform now ;D
*double sigh*

(and i don't even play football games)
Culex said:
They destroyed my precious Westwood Studios. I have to hate them.

From EA's perspective, Westwood Studios developed one late and mediocre game too many, starting with Tiberian Sun and ending with Earth & Beyond, and spanning the likes of Firestorm, Lands of Lore III, Pirate, and Renegade in between. EA poured millions of dollars into these projects even as they slipped months and sometimes years and sold below expectations. As someone running a business, what would you have done?

Besides, many of the talent from Westwood ended up in EA's LA studio (and some at Redwood Shores).
I enjoy their games. My only complaint is what they have done to Ultima. However Richard Garriott is as much to blame as anyone. He sold them the company and pitched taking his baby online to the EA brass.
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