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Why do people hate EA?

MrPing1000 said:

All fucking gone

+ Crappy rehashes year after year that only help to streamline and destroy creativity in the industry

Cannot be repeated enought.


I don't know, I think part of it has to do with EA destroying a lot of smaller studios, and in general finding something successful and bleeding it dry for all it's worth. There are tons of other companies that do this (like Capcom, Konami, Square-Enix and so on) but EA is the biggest one. And they've stepped on a lot of the smaller companies' toes. Maybe they just seem more crass.

I personally haven't bought an EA game in a long time, not because of any dislike of the company, but just because I haven't really found one I've wanted to buy. But I'm probably gonna buy Madden 2k5 for xbox. I do have to say that if what I heard about them holding on to the System Shock license even now is true, that'd be something I wouldn't like about them (just because as long as they hang on to that license, we'll never see a System Shock 3 from the LGS people).

I think another reason why people don't like EA is that they always get huge sales, but to a lot of people they don't refine their games a whole lot to make them worth the continued success. Sometimes it feels like they just update things a tiny little bit for the next game in the series (or next game running on the engine) and don't put the kind of effort smaller companies put into their sequels/updated versions when they release a breakout successful game.

Musashi Wins!

F*ck some of this shit. It seems silly when people hate on them so much and I loved the Dreamcast very, very much. I like Madden and NBA Street and SSX3 is right up there with Tony Hawk 2 for the best extreme sports game I've ever played. I wish people bought/respected Sega's sports games more because their better in every other category except football but that's the way of the world. It seems that a lot of what they release while not shite is at least decent if uninspired. Nintendo barely updates many of their franchises and look how committed their fans are.

I suppose if I cared about PC gaming more I'd be angrier.
I hate them for what they did to Ultima, but with games like Medal of Honor, C&C Generals, The Sims and Battlefield they have my sympathy.

They may be the Walmart of games, but cmon, at least they're not Atari.


fenekku-gitsune said:
System Shock and SS2 never sold very well, despite being godly games.



Looking for Pants
They've produced how many Bonds games and haven't even approached the level of quality that Goldeneye had?


epmode said:
ea has a nasty habit of buying unprofitable, but very talented developers, then slowly squeezing them until they disappear.

personally, i don't care either way. i'm getting burnout 3 on xbox live. nothing else matters.

That's exactly why I don't care for them much.


I think it is a problem with Western Publishers in general , I mean who here is cheering on Atari, Microsoft, Eidos, Take Two, or Akklaim. Not that there is a total Hate on for them but I find people develop loyalties to development houses (for obvious reaons). In Japan this does not seem to be the case, publishers are the ones people are loyal too ( or am I misreading this?).
They're dicks -

There was the incident of them putting up a billboard right outside a dev-shop whose talent they wanted to acquire, proclaiming that the devs could be making far more money at EA*.

Many a time, when they're acting as publisher, they won't give the dev studio ANY recognition on the box or on with a splash screen. Not sure if this is a more recent practice, as I know they've given props to Dice... but they also refered to Dice as a "special exception."

Also I've heard that when companies did not want to be bought out, EA would selectively hire key team members out from under the shop by paying obscene salaries, just so they could put the company in a position where it would no longer function. This last bit is pure developer gossip, but I believe it because I have teh bias.

Then again, SSX rocks.

* Actually, I'm trying to verify this with google, but am not having any luck... that was EA, right?


max_cool said:
People, as a whole, don't hate EA. Moslty it's just gamers who do. For most of the reasons mentioned above. They killed talented developers, Sega fans hate them (still a relatively large part of the gaming community) and then there are the games as art folks who hate them because everything they do is for profit and isn't an end in and of itself. Mostly it's peope who populate forums such as this that really dislike EA and I'm one of 'em. Though I will buy good games no matter who makes them (SSX3).

IAWTP... however, I will say I personally try not to look beyond the title itself - if a game's a good game, if EA made Halo for example, I'd buy it on the game's strengths rather than avoid it just because I hate the developer/publisher.

I think a lot of companies/people are very envious of EA, but the fact of the matter is that if EA didn't "do this" (i.e. become mainstream and sell what we might view as crap rehashes) someone else would.

You can't also blame casual gamers as they don't know any better themselves... if you want to blame anyone for EA's dominance, blame other developers and publishers for not being able to build up a brand and market as successfully.

PS. EA suck. :p


As already mentioned EA has destroyed my favorite game studios i.e. Bullfrog
Westwood, Origin, Looking Glass. Most EA games nowadays are not fun to play. Their sports games espeically are nothing more than yearly updates with minor graphical improvements. Their sports games also feature a notorious cheating AI that ruins gameplay. Need I say more?

You can't also blame casual gamers as they don't know any better themselves... if you want to blame anyone for EA's dominance, blame other developers and publishers for not being able to build up a brand and market as successfully.

Yes I can. Yes casual gamers don't know any better. That's how EA makes their money. EA built their brand through corporate takeovers, not quality of games.


Banstick Emeritus
Banjo Tango said:
They're dicks -

There was the incident of them putting up a billboard right outside a dev-shop whose talent they wanted to acquire, proclaiming that the devs could be making far more money at EA*.

* Actually, I'm trying to verify this with google, but am not having any luck... that was EA, right?
You're absolutely correct.

The company in question is Radical Entertainment, here in Vancouver - they've worked on The Hulk, the Simpsons-GTA among others lately. EA rented a billboard that's directly beside their building, elevated to the same height of the SkyTrain that rumbles past. The ad was written in code, so only a programmer would be able to read it, basically saying COME ON DOWN TO EA CANADA THE WATER'S FINE. It's been changed now to read like any other recruiting billboard, but the machine code version was up for over a year. I saw it every day going in to work.

It's rather amusing, but then again I'm detached from the whole situation having left EA years ago and having no ties to Radical. It is typical of EA's methods, however - doing whatever it takes, underhanded or not, to get what they want. Luckily for me everyone at my software shop detests EA Canada with a passion - screwing people over regularly will do that to a company's reputation.
The Shadow said:
It's far more than that. Supposedly they had a hand in destroying Looking Glass Studios as well.

If this is true, i may just have to go postal on EA. All the others were BAD but destroying my dear beloved Looking Glass Studios..... I'M GOING TO KILL U MUTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!!!!!

CrimsonSkies said:
I enjoy their games. My only complaint is what they have done to Ultima. However Richard Garriott is as much to blame as anyone. He sold them the company and pitched taking his baby online to the EA brass.

He had no choice, they're games were not selling enough, U7 (might have been part2) Virtually bankrupt the company, it was either sell to ea or liquidate Origin. I guess it was at first a good deal, we did get UO after all and up until Trammel it was brilliant.


I think EA is a fantastic developer and they make great games, but, as a big company they tend to take apart beloved developers and people resent that. I tend to base my opinion of games on the uhhhh games.

SSX 3 and Everything or nothing, kick ass!!



Setec Astronomer
I think EA is a fantastic developer and they make great games, but, as a big company they tend to take apart beloved developers and people resent that. I tend to base my opinion of games on the uhhhh games.
Just why do you think those "beloved developers" are so beloved?! :p


According to an interview I read with Warren Spector, EA was more to blame for the death of Looking Glass than Eidos.


Anyone who says their sports games are nothing but minor graphical upgrades each year needs to be kicked in the nuts. :D
Ramirez said:
Anyone who says their sports games are nothing but minor graphical upgrades each year needs to be kicked in the nuts. :D


They obviously have not played the franchise/dynasty modes.


Hitokage said:
Just why do you think those "beloved developers" are so beloved?! :p

Yeah, I understand, but at the same time I gave up worshipping and resenting certain developers a while back. I could care less who makes the game and what system it comes out on, as long as it's a good game.

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