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Why do they keep tempting me to buy an HDTV with these low prices, argh!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Every fucking week i swear, there's always a ~46 inch projection TV thats in rebate and around ~1600$ cnd *bites lips* I've been itching to buy one since ages but the price was always a problem and now the problem is i dont know when the new technologies like LCOS and CNT will come, at what price they will be and if they'll make projection TVs obsolete.

I've been looking at the situation for a while, even made numerous mesurements of my apartment to see where i could fit such a TV.

Someone tell me if LCOS and CNT will make it worth the wait and if they'll be in the price range i can afford (2000$ cnd), what are they going to offer that projection TVs cant? I want to know

Else, i think i'll buy this baby.. its been haunting me for weeks.



So damn sexy, would be a big departure from my 20" sanyo that has such a big spherical surface and is missing almost a whole inch of picture on each sides (very annoying for games or anime subtitles).

So tempting :(


GameFan Alumnus
If you watch DVD's as well, buy it. I bought a 57" projection for $1900 (US) and I love it. I was thinking of waiting for plasmas to go down in price, but since we don't know when that will happen exactly, I didn't wait. It's been worth every penny. Whenever prices go down on the others, I'll pick up another TV and move this bad boy to another room... or something. :)

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I watch lots of DVDs. I think i'll go at the store today and see it with my own eyes, i wont buy it today though, unless..

I dont want it with the base though, i've got a great tv desk already that is large and deep enough for the 47inch.

btw, whats this about "professional" calibrations to get the best image quality? Some peoples actually pay someone to adjust image settings?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
What's the lowest price anybody has seen in the US on a DLP? Next size up from 47 as we already have a regular 47 in the living room. We're looking to replace the old projection TV in the family room. I have no idea how big it is... but the thing is huge... 55 or 60 probably(whatever the measurements are for that size).


dariena, they are phasing out samsungs hln models and any other model that has come out after the hlpXX63's line. right now is probally the cheapest you'll find any dlp tv.


yeah the older samsungs are dipping down to the 3k range. my friend just got the mitsu 52525... mvp baseball in 720p is pretty damn sick

Ranger X

I know it's a good price for this kind of stuff but i still think we are screwed. 2000$ is too much for any fucking TV of this world. 2000$ for me is more like 2-3 years of gaming, one year of clothing or again a used car. Do you think a TV (just a freaking TV) is worth all this??? ...

Ok, enough politics now. **return in his locker

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I went to the store, looked at the panasonic and the hitachi.. ok, they look fine, though the sun reflecting on the surface was a bit annoying. Then i ask the guy to turn up a sony grand vvega 42inch LCL rear projection, my jaw drops, i look at the price, then at the financing, and say, why the hell not.

TV is reserved, should be getting it sometime this week.

Bye bye money, was nice knowing you.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Its this model


Sony KF-42WE610 42" grand wega

Come to daddy :)

The image quality on that thing was insane, my jaw litterally dropped when the dvd started, cant wait to see for the FIRST time my games on componment aswell, will be a major change from composite, heck, i've never played my games on s-video. Ninja gaiden in widescreen, oh boy :eek:~


GameFan Alumnus
Enjoy. It should be money well spent. The jump from composite to component should be pretty drastic. I don't think you'll regret the purchase.
Buggy Loop said:
The image quality on that thing was insane, my jaw litterally dropped when the dvd started, cant wait to see for the FIRST time my games on componment aswell, will be a major change from composite, heck, i've never played my games on s-video. Ninja gaiden in widescreen, oh boy :eek:~

I've heard some surprisingly good things about the latest Grand Wega's - it sounds like they have a lot of the latency issues under control. Since it's LCD, you've got no worries in the burn-in department either.

I'm sure NG will look nice, but if you really want to wet your pants you need to get a GC component cable and play F-Zero GX in full 480p widescreen.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Crazymoogle said:
I've heard some surprisingly good things about the latest Grand Wega's - it sounds like they have a lot of the latency issues under control. Since it's LCD, you've got no worries in the burn-in department either

Latest as in which models? I know there's a newer model that will be in store in a week, which is one of the reason why the one i purchased was 600$ under standard price and its the last unit they had, but when i checked the difference, its the same damn thing, except that the sides rather than being dark gray are silver like the rest of the TV, for 300$ more.. I dont know about latency issues though, care to explain more about it?
Buggy Loop said:
Its this model


Sony KF-42WE610 42" grand wega

Come to daddy :)

The image quality on that thing was insane, my jaw litterally dropped when the dvd started, cant wait to see for the FIRST time my games on componment aswell, will be a major change from composite, heck, i've never played my games on s-video. Ninja gaiden in widescreen, oh boy :eek:~

You basterd :( I want one of these, only I want the 70", but still, have fun man!!!

~Black Deatha
Buggy Loop said:
Latest as in which models?

The buzz on that model specifically:
+Great, more natural image on 480i/480p than equivalent DLP sets
+Only 80lbs
=No latency complaints yet
=LCD panel means 720p is your resolution sweetspot. 1080i is probably usable but it just gets converted to 788p anyway.
-If you notice green discoloration in a corner, the lamp bulb is shot and needs to be replaced. (All projection sets are built for lamp replacement every 6-10k hours anyway, but be sure to flaunt your warranty if you have to).

I dont know about latency issues though, care to explain more about it?

LCD Projection more or less has the same faults and advantages as standard LCD desktop displays. The projection LCD panel is smaller (less likely to run into dead pixels), and the projection tends to blur out most of the screen-door effect you would see otherwise, but basically LCDP = LCD.

The problem with desktop LCD is ghosting - basically the LCD pixels can't update fast enough, so everything looks kind of blurry and moving elements tend to 'smear'. Most desktop LCD panels have latency values of 25ms or higher, which means you can never expect to see past 40fps. I see plenty of 40ms panels on the bargain markets, and those are even worse.

Once you get past 18ms, the issue really becomes a matter of eyesight. If you're the kind of guy who needs to run your monitor at 85hz to avoid headaches, LCD latency is going to be a far bigger issue than for somebody who can use 60hz or 75hz all the time.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I've seen the other day, a 30" CRT HDTV set (that's still the only type of the TV I'd buy) that had an option to switch between progressive and interlaced! I had no idea they are making such option into TVs to begin with. The TV was $1600CDN, made by Sony, no idea what model, but the picture quality was amazing. I figured such TV would be perfect for me because of all the games that I play that don't support progressive scan (and probably look like an ass in that mode)

I tried one cheaper Toshiba model with the simillar screen, but that one didn't have the prog/interlaced option in it's menu :\

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I'll have final confirmation from the store tomorow, cause at the time i came today they were starting to close and didnt have time to fax the papers to visa. If its accepted (and why shouldnt it?) i'll have my TV right after work tomorow, yeeeeeehaaaaaa! :D




I can safely say that, i'll never go back to my sanyo 20inch stereo.

Btw, what are the best componment cables for xbox? For gamecube i'll get the official ones. What about PS2? Official sony ones or 3rd party?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Everything was delivered today at around 6pm. First impression: "oh my freaking god the box is HUGE!" *opens bos* "oh my freaking god the screen is freaking HUGE!" *big grin on face*

Took a couple of hours to move stuffs around to fit that TV somewhere and plug all the cables, thats my third impression, there's so many fucking cables for the speakers, dvd, all 3 consoles and satellite. I wish everything was wireless and just had power cables, meh.. maybe in 5 to 10 years from now. My satellite and consoles are on composite right now so i didnt bother to judge the quality too much, i did boot up Jin-Roh dvd on componment and wow, 16:9 :D 5.1 sound :D image quality :D

Sucks that i have to go sleep :(
The next big thing...

Sony switches on eight flat-screen HDTVs
Robert Jaques, 08.24.04, 11:18 AM ET

Sony is to introduce eight high-definition (HD) flat-screen televisions in Japan by the end of the year, claiming that the latest models "drastically elevate" picture clarity, audio fidelity and ease of use.

The HDTVs are the first production models to feature the electronics giant's TRILUMINOS technology, which it boasts is the world's first 1" LED back-light system to boost colour reproduction.

In addition, the devices integrate Sony's WEGA Engine HD digital high-definition system for Hi-Vision, which includes the DRC-MFv2 Digital Reality Creation video processing controller chip to display digital Hi-Vision signals and create a sharper video signal with less 'noise'.

According to Sony, this integrated digital high-definition system makes it possible to accurately display a full HD signal (1,920 x 1,080 pixels), and to render Hi-Vision signals.

Improved sound for some of the models comes courtesy of the S-Master sound engine, with its floor-trembling 100W output full digital amplifier.

The newly unveiled TVs also incorporate the xross media bar (XMB) user interface system, designed to allow viewers to access content from various devices, switch channels via easy-to-recognise icons and to select their favourite programmes and inputs from DVD or digital video camera quickly.

First introduced in the PSX computer entertainment systems, XMB operates via the high-speed processing of CPU EmotionEngine and a drawing processor Graphics Synthesizer.

To see more of VNUNet go to http://www.vnunet.com
Nothing wrong with a cool direct-view CRT...except the weight and size.

LCOS suffered a setback this month when Intel announced they would not reach their year end target, but that new Sony news is interesting - especially the full 1080i support, since all rear projection sets (save for LCOS) can't get that far.
The main thing I dont like about projection is the bulb replacement thing. I'm too used to leaving the TV on all the time with a game on pause. Dont want to start having to worry about my bulb hours.
seismologist said:
The main thing I dont like about projection is the bulb replacement thing. I'm too used to leaving the TV on all the time with a game on pause. Dont want to start having to worry about my bulb hours.
I didn't realize people still actually did this... I'm too worried about the system overheating or something more than the tv problems, but just do what i do, and what i thought most people did when they leave something on pause for a while, TURN THE TV OFF... No burn in problems, and especially no wasted bulb life.
haha no. My TV's on pause right now playing Morrowind. I like listening to the music. It's been like that for the past 4 hours or so :)
seismologist said:
haha no. My TV's on pause right now playing Morrowind. I like listening to the music. It's been like that for the past 4 hours or so :)

Get a better setup so you can still turn the TV off =) Everything is piped through my receiver which means I can still listen to audio with the tv off.


they call me "Man Gravy".
ImNotLikeThem said:
I didn't realize people still actually did this... I'm too worried about the system overheating or something more than the tv problems, but just do what i do, and what i thought most people did when they leave something on pause for a while, TURN THE TV OFF... No burn in problems, and especially no wasted bulb life.

But we're so used to just being able to leave it on. Seriously. I think most TVs need some auto power-saving mode like computer moniters have. I know it's not really an issue, but for us videogamers it would be nice.

I actually went with the Hitachi 60v500 instead of the Sony. Incredible picture, but mine formed a pretty annoying big stuck pixel after only a little more than a week. I will be able to exchange it later for another one though.
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