... Masks, at least the way the average person uses them, don't really do anything, it's an illusion of safety.
This needs a lot more emphasis, masks are all but useless. I have been saying this since the start of the pandemic and it is because people are gross without even realizing, all the righteous preachy people included. Almost everybody subconsciously wipes their nose with their fingers while queueing at a till several times, let alone how many times throughout the day they do it, or lick their fingers to separate notes/bags/pages, or bites their nails and not a
single soul washes their hands afterwards, neither do they ever realize they pulled their mask down to do it in the first place. I used to point this out to many customers and ask them to wash their hands but they all become absolutely riled and instantly abusive while claiming they never performed such actions, call me a liar and make a complaint.
I wish I was able and allowed to record what my eyes see of every person in a supermarket and upload it for all to see. Not even including all those people that wore a mask under their nose or chin, most people remove the mask when they cough, sneeze or talk/sign in on the phone, then put the mask back on like nothing happened, so what's the point?
I have very little belief that they work no matter how many people claim that they haven't caught a cold since this began - perhaps you guys aren't in close proximity to many people then. I've had 4 colds while wearing a mask, gloves and social distancing as much as possible, so they haven't helped me. I've never had so many colds in such a short period before in my lifetime, so it's had me thinking that people fiddling with their dirty masks so fucking much may actually be spreading germs around more than usual in some situations.
I detest this smug arse attitude so many people have adopted with both mask wearing and getting the vaccine, I don't fucking care because I just watched you do all of this in the space of 3 minutes while waiting to be served and you don't even know that you're doing it, you aren't saving anybody, you are still spreading as many germs as everyone else: