I enjoy cooking very much, but only cook for family and friends. Kinda approach it like a science project.
However, when I'm by myself, I don't really cook often to treat only myself. Mostly stick to very basic food - like oatmeal, salad and lean protein. (trying to lower my LDL)
So - that's about half the time. 50/50 custody - and my child has nut allergy and doesn't like going out and eat - so I cook everything, and try to mix up different cuisine every meal. Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Italian, French, American etc - mostly stick to the Asian cuisine for weekdays - and western ones on weekends.
But that's just about me - I'm sure everyone has different approach when it comes to consuming food... and most of folks on this board are young with high metabolism, they may not even think much about eating what types of junk food.
However, these days, It seems like the whole eating-out scene has become more of "entertainment", or "stimulant" - especially around the city - rather than consuming right food for the body.
I don't think our bodies are really built for the food from most restaurants, where they use so much fat, salt and sugar.
Once in a while, maybe - but you are going to ruin your body if you keep eating that stuff. And all that money too, especially these days.