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Why hasnt there been a new Aerobiz or one ported to GBA?


The economy/business sim genre isn't exactly a booming one on consoles these days.

Meanwhile on the PC we've now got a million "Tycoon" games.


All Koei has to do is milk their Warriors series a little more and they could offset any costs for a new Aerobiz GBA title with that. :(


Milk it even more? Is that even possible? :D
I kid, I kid.

But I think any money they could make on more $genre Warriors games they blow by localizing Rot3K games. Do enough people buy those to make it worthwhile?


Aerobiz Supersonic is one of my favorite games ever. They really should think about releasing an update.


For $19.99, I'd settle for a port of the Super NES version of SimCity with more presents and more events -- but without that extra, overly complex shit that plagued the later versions of the game on PC.


This actually would be a decent game for the DS... maybe they could put the world map on the top screen or something so you could be reminded of your routes quickly.
Uncharted Waters, too! Ports of the earlier games (or a new game in the style) would be great for a handheld, as would be a new one on a console. Yeah, I know Uncharted Waters Online is in the works, but who knows if it'll ever come to PS2 (or the US).

Sea Trader: Rise of Taipan (GBA) is hardly sufficient.


There are a few classic Koei classic i would like to play today.

Anyone play Gemfire? it was different from typical Koei title.

I feel like playing aerobiz now....but I don't have my genesis at my home :(


Meier said:
This actually would be a decent game for the DS... maybe they could put the world map on the top screen or something so you could be reminded of your routes quickly.

I already gave you a cookie! Stop it with the good ideas!
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