I've got nothing against a high school kid having a job, but honestly, hasn't technology advanced to the point where we could bypass this particular profession? Let's take some human error out of the drive thru food equation and really advance society here. How many times have you been caught in the rain, your window down, while the guy on the other end of the squawk-box keeps telling you "be with you in a minute". How many times have you specified the way you want your order only to get THE EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE of it? "Meat, cheese, and mayo only? Fuck you, you're getting NO cheese, NO mayo, and a garden on that bitch!" How nice would it be to just tap what you want to order on a LCD touchscreen, to toggle how you'd like to 'accessorize' your particular order via a simple check box instead of having to yell out your order four times to the response of a surly "WHAT?". You enter your order, swipe your debit card, and pick up your properly prepared cuisine. No pissed off looks from the guy who overheard you go "what a fucking moron" to your buddy, no screwed up order. Plus implementing such a system would save the place money in the long run by not needing the worker to fill its spot. Where am I wrong here? WHERE?