Ive never eaten Arbys in my life. Am I missing anything?
I havent seen an Arby's in my area for ages. They all disappeared.
As for Arby's when I ate it here and there way back (it seems they were in shopping mall food courts when they were around my area), it's a good diversion from typical burger and fries. But not something you'd eat all the time. More like one of those food court choices that's "maybe twice a year tops". You could get a roast beef sandwich with curly fries. You get sauce packets which had weird sweet BBQ sauce which made it taste more like candy. So I'd skip the sauce. It'd be better if the sauce was more like au jus or brown gravy you get with real oven baked roast beef. The buns were always soggy as they probably microwaved them and then shoved your sandwich in a foil wrapper which just makes the steam make the bun soggier.
If you're itching for a roast beef sandwich, find a place that serves Philly cheesesteaks. Much better. The one good thing about Arby's is when i had it long time ago they'd have deals for cheap sandwiches (kind of like McDonalds value pricing). So if you were going for bang for you buck, you could get two basic shitty roast beef sandwiches for $5 or $6 at the time.