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Why is it I cant remember...

Names of people, ways to get to places, numbers, but I can recall the bubble bobble song, contra code, phantasy star online music, that inane rambo nes music.


Well, it's because you touched yourself too much as a little kid, and now that you're an adult, in recollect, you were a pedophile.


MrAngryFace said:
Names of people, ways to get to places, numbers, but I can recall the bubble bobble song, contra code, phantasy star online music, that inane rambo nes music.

Its a proven fact that we have an easier time remembering things we enjoy. Sound and motion is more easily remembered then text and information. Plus these songs are fun for you and We place value upon things, and the higher the value the eaier it is to remember.

Stress affects memory too. If you are in a stressful state or nervous and are trying to remember or store information on a name or directions its going to be difficult, if not impossible.


Eh, it's not just you - I think there was some study a long time ago that said more people knew the theme song to Gilligan's Island than they did The Star-Spangled Banner.
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