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Widow wins $23.6 Billion in a Cigarette Lawsuit

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What's the point in getting this kind of money unless you're going to spend it educating the country about abusing tobacco, donating to cancer research, or simply helping people quit smoking?

No amount of money is going to bring her husband back.

Cancer Inc gets enough money as it is.


haha at 23 billion

you can't put a price on sparks human life


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
for legal gaf, are these kinds of judgements more about sending a message? I mean clearly she isn't getting several billion in damages when the dust settles.
This award is unconstitutionally disproportionate to the actual damages awarded. The trial judge will reduce the award (called remittitur) before its even appealed. Of course, the cigarette company will probably still appeal the reduced amount.

So, yes, this is all about sending a message.
Yes because they force people to buy and use their products. Obviously.

You do know that the dangers of smoking warnings were plastered on labels before he even started, right?
I'd assume the people who do heroin know that they shouldn't do heroin beforehand too. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try and get people to stop doing heroin.
That is an astronomical amount for this kind of lawsuit.

The amount is going to get thrown out in an instant.

She'll be luck to get anything after the appeals are done with the case.
If the Jury wanted her to get something, they should have awarded her something like a few 100 grand. Something that the company wouldn't fight.


I saw the headline on MSN.com

locked homepage at work??

Go to Asia and you'll see that's not the case.

Like where in Asia?

In Hong Kong you can't smoke anywhere except in unmarked street portions. Other public area/bars/etc, no way.

In Japan it becomes more and more difficult to even smoke in the street, and many restaurants don't allow smoking anymore since the recent years.

Singapore also follows the trend.

And China slowly ban cigarettes in public areas big cities.


Federal and State government make a ton of money off cigarette and alcohol taxes. They love "sin" taxes. Imagine them having to scramble to find a way to replace the lost tax money if smoking was banned. Of course it would help healthcare costs in the long term but it wouldn't really help the immediate loss of revenue. Plus some people would just purchase cigarettes illegally on the black market.

Virginia(tobacco state) the state tax is lowest in country I believe at 30 cents a pack. Compared with $4.35 in New York which is the most expensive. Damn, a $4 difference.
In Virginia you can still get a pack of Marlboro for about $4.50 to $5.25 depending on the store.


( ≖‿≖)
At the current price I buy Hope cigarettes in Japan I could buy over 9 billion packs with that much money. Jacknod.

Also yeah getting harder to smoke everywhere I think. Smoking on most major public streets in Tokyo is a nono.
The dude died in 1996, after smoking for more than 20 years (so, since before 1976).

As if it matters, you do not need nor did you ever need someone telling you it was bad for your health. If you have ever smoked before you would know this. A pack a day habit for a while will leave you waking up in the morning with a nice cough/etc.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Why is there such vitriol for tobacco companies but not for alcohol ones?
This award is unconstitutionally disproportionate to the actual damages awarded. The trial judge will reduce the award (called remittitur) before its even appealed. Of course, the cigarette company will probably still appeal the reduced amount.

So, yes, this is all about sending a message.
thanks, i was wondering about how this sort of thing plays out.


I view that as punishment I guess. vices are often tied in with poverty and addiction and taxing them doesn't stop the behavior it just is regressive taxation. I don't also think your as harmed (or at least you should be as harmed if the government ran fiscal and health policy as it should). as you are portraying.

I really don't think about it too much but its just something I have a hard time justifying.

Right but these people will eventually qualify for Medicare. Which our taxes will have to pay for. The people who self-inflict higher health-care costs on themselves ought to pay for said higher costs.


I stopped smoking but this is idiotic. When you do smoke it is in your hands to either stop or not. It's your choice but this holy shit...
Why does this jury think they should send a message to tobacco companies? I'm pretty sure no one from the company held a gun to the mans head and said "smoke these cigarette or be shot", the man chose to smoke.People have known since the late 80s/early 90s tobacco is bad for you. This lawsuit would be like me shooting myself in the head and my family suing Smith and Wesson for not putting a label on the gun saying "this can call you".

I apologize if this offends some people but this type of abuse of out legal system angers me.
I've heard laws banning sale of cigarettes to people born after the 2000.

Would support.

Whatever this woman gains from this case, she has a moral responsibility to give most of it towards cancer treatment and other legal cases against Tobacco cartels.


There is actually... a Tobacco Company Defence Force on GAF?


Cigarettes cause death, those who sell these should be punished, those who manufacture these should have to stop.

This is my naïve point of view regarding cigarettes.
Your choices cost me money. My healthcare premiums and my taxes are necessarily more because of your freedom. If you want to be libertarian about it, I might want to be libertarian and say pay for your own disease.

I wouldn't say that, of course, and I favor universal healthcare, but smoking should be taxed into oblivion.
We should tax fast food too. Hell, let's tax everything that's cheap and unhealthy, regressive taxation is great for society and the economy!


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
thanks, i was wondering about how this sort of thing plays out.
Your welcome. As an added layer of strategy, once the judge has reduced the obviously unconstitutional punitive damages award (say to around an award of ~$100m total), the plaintiff's attorney will probably call up defense counsel and say, "Look, I realize you're going to appeal this. Even if you win on appeal, you're still going to be on the hook for a ton of money. If a new trial is ordered, we're just going to win again at trial, because jurors really, really hate your company. Let's save your client a bunch of money in legal fees and deal."

If RJ Reynolds is simply looking to get out of the news, they'll probably be able to negotiate this down to $25-$50m. If they have some sort of strategic reasons for appealing it, say if there are a bunch of these cases teed up and ready for trial and they want to set good precedent on appeal, then they may fight it to the bitter end.

The Adder

Shouldn't get anything. No justification in this day in age to sue a cigarette company arguing you didn't know the dangers.

He started smoking when he was 13 and died in 1996 when he was 36. Meaning he started smoking in '73. That's not "this day and age." You could at least pretend to read the first post.


Everything is moe to me
That's on the idiot with the habit/addiction but the real problem is that it's harmful to others.
considering the time the man lived, second hand smoke was a lot more harmful to him than it is to people today. smoke free public places were the exception and not the rule.

Funny how that list differentiates between poor diet and overweight/obesity.
why is that funny? would you lump a mineral deficiency in with obesity? they're pretty different things.
I hope the company really has to pay that much money. I hope she doesn't get that much. Sure she deserves some money, maybe a couple mills but this is insane. The money should be used for a good purpose instead.
Shouldn't get anything. No justification in this day in age to sue a cigarette company arguing you didn't know the dangers.

I'd agree not in this day and age, but this case is regarding a death in '96 of someone who had been smoking for 20 years, i.e. since '76. Maybe they were misleading about health effects back then?

But yeah, I'm going to join in the chorus of other Gaffers saying that there's no way she actually gets this much money. That would be insane.
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