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Widow wins $23.6 Billion in a Cigarette Lawsuit

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Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
But yeah, I'm going to join in the chorus of other Gaffers saying that there's no way she actually gets this much money. That would be insane.
And unconstitutional, with that being the primary reason why she won't receive 23.6 billion in damages.


What's the point in getting this kind of money unless you're going to spend it educating the country about abusing tobacco, donating to cancer research, or simply helping people quit smoking?

No amount of money is going to bring her husband back.

What's the point in tobacco companies being able to keep money they made off of lying and concealing health risks that they knew about?
Wait, cigarettes are bad for you?! Who knew?

Not that guy. That's why she'll be a billionaire.


“When they first read the verdict, I know I heard ‘million,’ and I got so excited,” Ms. Robinson said in a phone interview Saturday. “Then the attorney informed me that was a ‘B’ — billion. It was just unbelievable.”

Yeah, my husband is dead but I'M GETTIN' A BOATLOAD OF MONEY! YAY!
I don't smoke never have. My mom suffers greatly from her smoking addiction and my step dads death was in part due to his smoking and drinking. I still find these lawsuits just stupid. People in 1976 knew the risk. People knew far before the official warnings that these things caused illness. People do things that have fatal consequences daily. People are responsible for their addictions. Sorry about her husband but It was the choices he made.
He started smoking when he was 13 and died in 1996 when he was 36. Meaning he started smoking in '73. That's not "this day and age." You could at least pretend to read the first post.

No. Meaning he started in 1976 and the first label had already been on the package for 6 years. No excuse.


There is actually... a Tobacco Company Defence Force on GAF?


Cigarettes cause death, those who sell these should be punished, those who manufacture these should have to stop.

This is my naïve point of view regarding cigarettes.

Ive seen everything under the sun have a defense force on here, whether its genuine or just people playing devils advocate but its not all that surprising with a community of this size. Topic on hand, fully support anything that will further damage tobacco companies.


Things like vices are where my libertarian side comes out. People make choices. I don't think we should penalize choices people make of their own free will if the cost borne by society is only monetary (AKA not drunk driving where you kill people or second hand smoke).
I'm pretty much a Marxist, but I'm in full agreement.

I enjoy a some or two when I'm at the bar, and have never bought a pack or felt like I just had to have a cigarette. You can smoke in moderation, but some people just have addictive personalities in their core.
Can I sue Coca-Cola for decaying my teeth?


im pretty sure Coca-Colas CEO would admit that too much sugar is bad for your health.

tobacco companies purposefully hid the truth for a loooong time and literally let people die while making gigantic profits. they are some of the biggest and vilest crooks in world history. their operations should have been shut down decades ago.

the amount of fires careless tobacco users cause is enough for me to ban the whole product. not to mention how many people slack off at work when they need a 10min cigarette break every goddamn hour.. etc etc. it's just all so outrageously stupid.

i have nothing against individual smokers though, my dad has smoked for 40-50 years or so, so it doesn't bother me at all in normal day-to-day life. it's the larger societal impact that infuriates me..


Florida is so ridiculous it's not even funny

I'm not for tobacco companies AT ALL. But this is on a whole other level of ass backwards.
I've heard laws banning sale of cigarettes to people born after the 2000.

Would support.

Whatever this woman gains from this case, she has a moral responsibility to give most of it towards cancer treatment and other legal cases against Tobacco cartels.

Then they'd just have someone born before 2000 buy them and/or open the door for the black market. Only way to end smoking is for people to choose to not smoke. Last I checked the number of cigarette smokers is declining.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I've heard laws banning sale of cigarettes to people born after the 2000.

Would support.

Whatever this woman gains from this case, she has a moral responsibility to give most of it towards cancer treatment and other legal cases against Tobacco cartels.


Yes because they force people to buy and use their products. Obviously.

You do know that the dangers of smoking warnings were plastered on labels before he even started, right?

you cant be that daft? Tobacco companies used their power long ago to hid information regarding the dangers of tobacco before they were forced to display information.


What's the point in getting this kind of money unless you're going to spend it educating the country about abusing tobacco, donating to cancer research, or simply helping people quit smoking?

No amount of money is going to bring her husband back.

Wow. Green eye monster got you man.


23 billion?

That will certially look good on teh lawyers CV. "WE'VE WON BILLIONS FOR OUR CLIENTS"

Too Bad she wont be getting that much.
you cant be that daft? Tobacco companies used their power long ago to hid information regarding the dangers of tobacco before they were forced to display information.

And for those who started smoking AFTER the warning was put on the package don't have any excuse. Those who were ALREADY smoking and addicted do have a valid reason to sue.


Yeah, my husband is dead but I'M GETTIN' A BOATLOAD OF MONEY! YAY!

Ugh this is disgusting. Reminds me of this girl I used to work with. She was in a car accident with her friend and the friend died. Like a week later she comes Into work all happy and excited that she was getting $$ out of it


Ugh this is disgusting. Reminds me of this girl I used to work with. She was in a car accident with her friend and the friend died. Like a week later she comes Into work all happy and excited that she was getting $$ out of it

I guess the difference would be that this woman's husband died nearly 20 years ago.


They will end up paying little to nothing. But the fact that a jury awarded 23 billion just is dumb. Despite the tobacco industries sketchy path. He did it in his own free will, and even back them some of the health concerns were fairly public knowledge.


I'm not for tabacco companies either but $23 Billion is insane, especially for the reason "the company hid the dangers", it should be common sense that smoking always has been bad for you - even way back then.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
And for those who started smoking AFTER the warning was put on the package don't have any excuse. Those who were ALREADY smoking and addicted do have a valid reason to sue.
From Jan. 1, 1966, through Oct. 31, 1970, the warning on cigarette packages read: "CAUTION: CIGARETTE SMOKING MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH."


Finally, in October 1985, the cigarette companies were required to explicitly state that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema.

Do you see the difference between the pre-Oct. 12,1985 warnings and this later one? Evidence which came out at trial showed that the cigarette companies knew that smoking caused lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema prior to October 12, 1985, yet did their damnedest to suppress that information.
I'm not for tabacco companies either but $23 Billion is insane, especially for the reason "the company hid the dangers", it should be common sense that smoking always has been bad for you - even way back then.
There is a huge, huge difference in an individual's ability to knowingly assume the risk of a using a product when they are told that it is "dangerous to your health" rather than it "CAUSES CANCER." What does "dangerous to your health" even mean? I know what "causes cancer" means. That's concrete language. "Dangerous to your health" is so abstract as to be a meaningless warning. I mean, fuck: https://www.google.com/search?q=dan...5.3299j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8


Why is there such vitriol for tobacco companies but not for alcohol ones?

Even a little bit of stray secondhand smoke gets me feeling pretty miserable so whatever it takes. Don't really have that problem with alcohol. There are also at least some objective benefits to wine, can't really say the same about cigs.
I have zero sympathy for companies that bald-faced lied in the face of public regarding health issues.

Big Tobacco deserves even more legendary smackdowns, but I'd rather see more of the decision makers take a personal fall than for the companies to face purely monetary damages.




I don't think a punitive award of ~1400x the compensatory damages is going to survive any manner of judicial scrutiny.

Still, one wonders what the hell the tobacco lawyers did to piss off that jury. Or did they just not show up for voir dire?
I have zero sympathy for companies that bald-faced lied in the face of public regarding health issues.

Big Tobacco deserves even more legendary smackdowns, but I'd rather see more of the decision makers take a personal fall than for the companies to face purely monetary damages.

Im not american, but isnt it (and hasnt it always been) common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health and can lead to lung cancer etc.?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Im not american, but isnt it (and hasnt it always been) common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health and can lead to lung cancer etc.?
"Bad for your health"? Yes. Causes cancer, no. And the cigarette companies fought to prevent that warning as well.
From Jan. 1, 1966, through Oct. 31, 1970, the warning on cigarette packages read: "CAUTION: CIGARETTE SMOKING MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH."


Finally, in October 1985, the cigarette companies were required to explicitly state that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema.

Do you see the difference between the pre-Oct. 12,1985 warnings and this later one? Evidence which came out at trial showed that the cigarette companies knew that smoking caused lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema prior to October 12, 1985, yet did their damnedest to suppress that information.

There is a huge, huge difference in an individual's ability to knowingly assume the risk of a using a product when they are told that it is "dangerous to your health" rather than it "CAUSES CANCER." What does "dangerous to your health" even mean? I know what "causes cancer" means. That's concrete language. "Dangerous to your health" is so abstract as to be a meaningless warning. I mean, fuck: https://www.google.com/search?q=dan...5.3299j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8
Why is there such vitriol for tobacco companies but not for alcohol ones?

Because second hand smoke can also kill people.

It's also freaking annoying when I go to a place where all you breath and see is cigarette smoke (which smells disgusting btw). I practically have to cover my mouth and nose just to get by most of the time. All because I could die with those annoying pricks smoking in my general direction. While alcohol only affects the person drinking it.

I've had way too many family members that have died from lung cancer smoking those death sticks. The fact that Weed is illegal (slowly becoming legal state by state though thank goodness) which not only doesn't kill you but can help several people, while tobacco does the exact opposite.


She's going to get nothing. This is about eliminating cigarette companies. Corporate song and dance.

The amount is going to get thrown out in an instant.

She'll be luck to get anything after the appeals are done with the case.
If the Jury wanted her to get something, they should have awarded her something like a few 100 grand. Something that the company wouldn't fight.
"Bad for your health"? Yes. Causes cancer, no. And the cigarette companies fought to prevent that warning as well.

So this guy spent years smoking cigarettes that said right on the box they are hazardous to your health, and another 11 years smoking them after they updated it to say flat out that they caused cancer and other respiratory problems, and somehow that's the tobacco companies fault?

As I recall, tobacco companies have already paid out billions over the years for misrepresenting information, it's 2014 not 1966., and this guy started smoking years after it was revealed cigarette smoke is dangerous to your health, and continued for over a decade after it was destablished it increased your risk of cancer substantially.

The Adder

So this guy spent years smoking cigarettes that said right on the box they are hazardous to your health, and another 11 years smoking them after they updated it to say flat out that they caused cancer and other respiratory problems, and somehow that's the tobacco companies fault?

He started smoking when he was 13 and smoking is a fucking addiction.

So yes. Very yes. Do you not eat fried food because it's "dangerous to your health"? And that shit isn't even an addiction.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Things like vices are where my libertarian side comes out. People make choices. I don't think we should penalize choices people make of their own free will if the cost borne by society is only monetary (AKA not drunk driving where you kill people or second hand smoke).
If we weren't discussing chemical addiction I might agree with you. Free will becomes tricky when drug dependencies get involved.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
No one has calmed down the defense force here? No one understands how a trial process works and what a judgement means? Do you guys know what an appeals process is and how appellate courts work?

These kinds of trials always go into an appellate state. This type of jury is called a runaway jury, a jury that just wants to vote against the bad guy without any care, so they can get the fuck out of their duties. The trial then goes into the appellate process where usually the entire jury is reversed or a settlement of cash + fees is rewarded.

At most, she'll get a few million. 1-2 million, maybe a little more. But that's about it.
I'm listening if you can name me examples besides the one obvious one (alcohol).

Drugs? All of them. Anytime a substance is banned it makes any problems it presented about a million times worse.

Because second hand smoke can also kill people.

It's also freaking annoying when I go to a place where all you breath and see is cigarette smoke (which smells disgusting btw). I practically have to cover my mouth and nose just to get by most of the time. All because I could die with those annoying pricks smoking in my general direction. While alcohol only affects the person drinking it.

You misunderstand second hand smoke. Breathing in second hand smoke ocassionally has almost no adverse health effects, you're sensationalizing the issue. Prolonged second hand smoke on the other hand can have adverse health effects, but it requires daily exposure for several years That means people who have parents that smoke a pack a day inside their house are probably at risk, but those who walk by someone with a lit cigarette every so often have nothing to worry about.
Drugs? All of them. Anytime a substance is banned it makes any problems it presented about a million times worse.

You misunderstand second hand smoke. Breathing in second hand smoke ocassionally has almost no adverse health effects, you're sensationalizing the issue. Prolonged second hand smoke on the other hand can have adverse health effects, but it requires daily exposure for several years That means people who have parents that smoke a pack a day inside their house are probably at risk, but those who walk by someone with a lit cigarette every so often have nothing to worry about.

All of them? Can you give me an example how? Because it sounds like your suggesting that we should just legalize all drugs lol.

At bold, winner winner chicken dinner.

Also this:

Facts About Secondhand Smoke
-During 2007-2008, an estimated 88 million nonsmokers in the United States breathed other peoples' tobacco smoke.14

-Each year, about 34,000 nonsmokers in the United States die from heart disease caused by secondhand smoke.1

-Secondhand smoke exposure causes an estimated 7,300 lung cancer deaths annually among adult nonsmokers in the United States.1

-Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work increase their lung cancer risk by 20–30%.15

-Secondhand smoke exposure is higher among persons with low incomes. For example, 60.5% of persons living below the poverty level in the United States were exposed to secondhand smoke in 2007–2008, compared with 36.9% of persons living at or above the poverty level.15


I don't think I'm sensationalizing anything. XD
All of them? Can you give me an example how? Because it sounds like your suggesting that we should just legalize all drugs lol.

Why not? In Portugal they decriminalized all drugs and started treating drug abuse as a health problem and not a criminal offense. Guess the result. Drug abuse fell substantially as did outlying effects such as disease transmission. The idea that prohibition works hasn't been valid for about 100 years.

I don't think I'm sensationalizing anything. XD

I doubt those statistics. But I'll humor you. Non-smokers getting heart disease from second hand smoke? How do they verify that as the cause? If someone is severely overweight but has a spouse that smokes how do they know which one caused their condition? I would say poor diet and a lack of physical actitivity are a lot more threatening to American's, which is something that also disproportionately affects lower income people.

As for cancer deaths, approximately 153,000 people are expected to die from Lung Cancer in 2014 (down from 2007 figures I should add), 7,300 is within the standard deviation. I also would love to know how they determined 7,300 of the cases were specifically from second hand smoke. It once again sounds like a bit of a leap to explain lung cancer in a non-smoker--which does happen.
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