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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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I guess I won't have to stay up late tomorrow night... who am I kidding, I'll be up at that time anyways.
Can't wait to actually see the thing come E3!


Can someone explain this "FK" meme to me? I've seen this everywhere.

Somehow find a way to experience the masterpiece known as Deadly Premonition.
TekkenMaster said:
there's no way Skyward Sword won't be in HD on Cafe. No one will care about Wii games this E3 now that we know Wii 2 will be playable.

When was the last time Skyward Sword was shown? I'd suspect the HD upgrade has been long underway unless this will be the Wii's last hurrah.


needs 2 extra inches
Poor NGP will be ignored this E3. It never had a chance lol. Sony should hold a conference next month and deal all its cards else no one would care.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
It's hilarious to me that, yet again, Zelda will probably be pushed back to the new console.


Professional Schmuck
Yeah I'd say after seeing those pics for the 20th time tonight, it's time for bed. I was holding out for one more translation, but meh. See you pyschos tomorrow.

Remember: lower your expectations!

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Net_Wrecker said:
When was the last time Skyward Sword was shown? I'd suspect the HD upgrade has been long underway unless this will be the Wii's last hurrah.

Controls. Can't happen.


"Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012."

Is it just me or does this quote make it sound like they will be releasing the console prior to the end of the fiscal year like they did the 3ds? Because why else point out that the sales forecast for the new system isn't included in the term ending March 2012? If it wasn't going to be out by then that would be obvious, but if it is going to be out by then, then it sounds like they might make a forecast after revealing its details?


force push the doodoo rock
Rez said:
It's hilarious to me that, yet again, Zelda will probably be pushed back to the new console.

My hope is that this doesn't happen and I can just play a beautiful hi-res version on the POWER WII ala Dolphin.


artwalknoon said:
"Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012."

Is it just me or does this quote make it sound like they will be releasing the console prior to the end of the fiscal year like they did the 3ds? Because why else point out that the sales forecast for the new system isn't included in the term ending March 2012? If it wasn't going to be out by then that would be obvious, but if it is going to be out by then, then it sounds like they might make a forecast after revealing its details?

late 2011/early 2012 confirmed.
Drkirby said:
They really skirted around a release date. All it says it does not include the projections in the current 2012 fiscal reports, it could still come out this year.

Is "Plans to release in 2012" really that vague? Sure, it could come out this FISCAL year, but they're pretty clearly saying release in 2012, no chance for 2011. And even the way it's phrased makes it seem like fiscal 2012 is unlikely.

edit: you changed your post :p


Corporate Apologist
artwalknoon said:
"Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012."

Is it just me or does this quote make it sound like they will be releasing the console prior to the end of the fiscal year like they did the 3ds? Because why else point out that the sales forecast for the new system isn't included in the term ending March 2012? If it wasn't going to be out by then that would be obvious, but if it is going to be out by then, then it sounds like they might make a forecast after revealing its details?
That is what I am thinking. I am even going to be bold enough that just saying a 2012 release may mean fiscal 2012.


Drkirby said:
They really skirted around a release date. All it says it does not include the projections in the current 2012 fiscal reports, it could still come out anytime in 2012.

You are right they do leave it very open ended really. I think if they can get the units produced quick enough they would try this fall. IGN may very well be right with them hearing mass production will be a factor in launch time.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Net_Wrecker said:
When was the last time Skyward Sword was shown? I'd suspect the HD upgrade has been long underway unless this will be the Wii's last hurrah.

With Wii 2 being 2012, you can rule out HD Zelda which was never that likely in the first place.

Unless Wii 2 re-renders existing games in HD, but that would be a nice surprise rather than something to expect.


artwalknoon said:
"Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012."

Is it just me or does this quote make it sound like they will be releasing the console prior to the end of the fiscal year like they did the 3ds? Because why else point out that the sales forecast for the new system isn't included in the term ending March 2012? If it wasn't going to be out by then that would be obvious, but if it is going to be out by then, then it sounds like they might make a forecast after revealing its details?
They mention it because they aren't expecting to launch it within the fiscal year.


Please help me with my bad english
With the Wii sales deflating to such a low-level, they might aim to release the new console in early next year.


artwalknoon said:
"Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012."

Is it just me or does this quote make it sound like they will be releasing the console prior to the end of the fiscal year like they did the 3ds? Because why else point out that the sales forecast for the new system isn't included in the term ending March 2012? If it wasn't going to be out by then that would be obvious, but if it is going to be out by then, then it sounds like they might make a forecast after revealing its details?

It sounds like they don't want to give away the name or anything too early. Including it in the forecast would mean they'd have to provide some details. Maybe E3 will give them a way to see what demand is gonna be like in order to make an appropriate prediction.
Nice to see i'm STILL hyped for E3 at my age (and still excited for Nintendo.. considering how they played me like a little bitch the past 5 years)


Nirolak said:
Let me just post this here as well since people seem to be missing it.


It very unambiguously states 2012.

That could be any time in 2012. I doubt it'll be launched this year, but my bet is on early next year.


If Nintendo is going to try to get this thing on the market quickly, like around march of 2012, they better not put together another crappy launch line up like the 3ds. Even after being delayed from holiday 2011 the 3ds launch felt rushed and incomplete.
So will they be abandoning the wiimote? I can't see this supporting both motion controls and their streaming control.

Brilliant Idea by Nintendo though. I can already see kinds on their couch streaming netflix and wiiware titles while the parents watch tv. Brilliant bastards.


artwalknoon said:
If Nintendo is going to try to get this thing on the market quickly, like around march of 2012, they better not put together another crappy launch line up like the 3ds. Even after being delayed from holiday 2011 the 3ds launch felt rushed and incomplete.

Well, im guessing Skyward Sword will get the Twilight Princess treatment, as in being available for the two consoles. That could help.

ARXIN said:
So will they be abandoning the wiimote?

This is the weirdest part of the whole thing to me, and i think that's the piece that we are missing. No way in hell they're moving away from motion controls.


Instro said:
Are people that surprised its playable at E3? I mean the system is launching next year.
The Wii wasn't playable at E3 2005, and it was released a year later.


I can't believe this shit is only supposed to be a graphically capable of PS3. 2012 release and not significantly better? I fucking hope this is not true.


So this is just similar to when rumors were building about the 3DS, that Nintendo decided to release an abrupt official statement to head off some speculation?


EDarkness said:
That could be any time in 2012. I doubt it'll be launched this year, but my bet is on early next year.

If sales aren't included in their projection for the fiscal year, then we can assume it'll be out sometime after March 2012.


artwalknoon said:
"Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012."

Is it just me or does this quote make it sound like they will be releasing the console prior to the end of the fiscal year like they did the 3ds? Because why else point out that the sales forecast for the new system isn't included in the term ending March 2012? If it wasn't going to be out by then that would be obvious, but if it is going to be out by then, then it sounds like they might make a forecast after revealing its details?

perhaps they're giving themselves a little wiggle room just in case they need to push it into the next fiscal year, but i think it means they really are releasing it sometime next fiscal year.


ant1532 said:
I can't believe this shit is only supposed to be a graphically capable of PS3. 2012 release and not significantly better? I fucking hope this is not true.

It would be bad i guess if we knew that a PS4/Next-Box was coming out in the following years.


Please help me with my bad english
EDarkness said:
That could be any time in 2012. I doubt it'll be launched this year, but my bet is on early next year.
Since they'll want to positively influence their 2011 financial result, it's probably coming within this fiscal year, in other words before the end of March 2012.
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