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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Soulscribe said:
yeah, but that would make it a pretty superfluous feature I'd think.

Not for me. I live with my girlfriend and mother in the same house. We have 2 HD tv's. My mother likes to watch Turkish programs and my girlfriend like Dutch channels. The house is too small to buy a third TV. More often then not, I have to fight for console gaming time. Thats why I like to play handhelds. If these rumors are true, Nintendo just solved my problems with console gaming.


brochiller said:
I wouldn't expect the PC/smartphone integration. Nintendo has to get its online service up to par with its gaming platforms before it can start to think about expanding.
They already did PC integration with Global Link and Flipnote Hatena, you know?


Teknoman said:
It would be awesome for spectator mode in certain games.
It would also be way too expensive. this is definitely NOT what nintendo is doing. Look, if you had to stream a video from your console to other people, your internet connection would have to handle multiple streams to others. for each spectator, you'd have to send one stream of the video, and a video is not a small amount of data, especially HD video. if they did do something like this, i'd imagine it would be similar to SSFIV3D's spectator mode where an online match can be viewed by friends. this would reduce the amount of data because the only thing that would happen would be the spectator receiving the same "game state" data that is being transmitted between the players, not actual video.


defferoo said:
It would also be way too expensive. this is definitely NOT what nintendo is doing. Look, if you had to stream a video from your console to other people, your internet connection would have to handle multiple streams to others. for each spectator, you'd have to send one stream of the video, and a video is not a small amount of data, especially HD video. if they did do something like this, i'd imagine it would be similar to SSFIV3D's spectator mode where an online match can be viewed by friends. this would reduce the amount of data because the only thing that would happen would be the spectator receiving the same "game state" data that is being transmitted between the players, not actual video.
Uuuh multiplayer gaming is essentially transfering this 'game state data'. What would the difference with spectator mode be?

Hint; there is no difference.
Instro said:
Yeah they did. All sites are reporting the same thing with regards to the gpu line, which is why I dont understand 01net's position. Perhaps when they say "notch" it is more than we are assuming it to mean. Its a pretty vague term tbh.

Regardless Im more inclined to believe IGN at this point, who havent waffled on the power of the system at all, and apparently confirmed it with multiple sources.

Yea, it sounds like even IGN had doubts and went back to their sources just cement a clarification. I'm taking the word significant to mean significant and not just a notch.


Instro said:
Yeah they did. All sites are reporting the same thing with regards to the gpu line, which is why I dont understand 01net's position. Perhaps when they say "notch" it is more than we are assuming it to mean. Its a pretty vague term tbh.

Regardless Im more inclined to believe IGN at this point, who havent waffled on the power of the system at all, and apparently confirmed it with multiple sources.

01net's source is probably Ubisoft, who is less than trustworthy with respect to the power of Wii hardware.

Instro said:
With Nintendo's over protectiveness when it comes to children, theres no way that would happen sadly.

The internet is a lot different than it was in 2006. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube have made the internet more comfortable and familiar to parents, whereas in 2006 the belief was that only geeks, kids, and pedos roamed the internet.

With regards to online connectivity, I believe that Nintendo sees the trend of social gaming, but as always thinks that everyone else is doing it wrong, where they have some insane-sounding but awesome all the same vision of the right way to do it.


Skiesofwonder said:
Nintendo never took online gaming seriously. They have always cited that local-gaming is better, more fun, and more practical (at this point). But if Nintendo has found some way to create an online experience that they believe truly rivals local multi-player, then I have complete faith it will be revolutionary and awesome.

Like someone mentioned before, could you imagine playing against three people around the world in the New Super Smash on your big screen with all your opponent's faces, voices, and reactions being streamed onto your controller? It would be awesome. The rumored controller has a TON of potential for not only gameplay, but also social aspects, menus, online, etc.

I also really believe there is a lot to Iwata's "We thought we could do it on our own, but we were wrong. I can talk more about that at E3" comment. I expect a major partnership from Nintendo at this E3, and I expect it has something to do with this.

I'm starting to believe GAF.
Well, they look at social gaming from a different perspective that isn't just shoehorned into online MP. I think they could definitely shine if they can tap into the broader social aspects of gaming (that includes single player gaming), allowing players to share their experiences and progress with each other. They currently have a limited framework set up with time logging and user ratings on the Wii, but it's limited to sharing that information between yourself and the server. They could work on that to allow users to actually share that seamlessly with friends or other networks and add a lot of additional functionality.

They should definitely look at social sites such as facebook to see how they can apply their solutions to their online infrastructure, because it will be huge if they do it. The next generation of online gaming should step away from just between friends or between the online community as a whole and look at it from the viewpoint of social circles, and accommodate their needs. For example, social gaming is also about online and offline group events -- they could incorporate that.


My mockup, taking Wii Classic Controller as base

DragonKnight said:
Yea, it sounds like even IGN had doubts and went back to their sources just cement a clarification. I'm taking the word significant to mean significant and not just a notch.

Has 01net reiterated the "notch" part since the first time they mentioned it?


Holy Order Sol said:
Has 01net reiterated the "notch" part since the first time they mentioned it?
No and since then they have moved to reporting that its based on a similar architecture to the 360 rather than power. Which if they use a 09-10 Model Tri Core for instance would be similar architecture.

Power is all in the eyes of the beholder anyways. If you go in expecting a 15x increase and only get a 4-5x increase the person is likely to be underwhelmed


evangd007 said:
The internet is a lot different than it was in 2006. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube have made the internet more comfortable and familiar to parents, whereas in 2006 the belief was that only geeks, kids, and pedos roamed the internet.

And yet the 3DS is out and we still have friend codes.


Kennedy's post about streaming other people playing to your console makes so much sense. It's like being in an arcade and passing by someone playing something cool, so you stay and watch. Nintendo could be bringing arcades back, except in your house.


Get Inside Her!
Someone needs to explain to me why the HELL everyone keeps photoshopping analog sliders into their mockups. EVERY SINGLE MOCKUP uses sliders. What do you people have against analog sticks? This Classic Controller one is the worst by far, it required effort to REMOVE the sticks already on that controller!


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
evangd007 said:
Kennedy's post about streaming other people playing to your console makes so much sense. It's like being in an arcade and passing by someone playing something cool, so you stay and watch. Nintendo could be bringing arcades back, except in your house.
Onlive have been doing this for a while on PC. I wonder if there is any chance that Onlive are involved, I kinda hope so, because say what you want about the lag and the compression when actually playing games, but their presentation and usability is awesome.
Tathanen said:
Someone needs to explain to me why the HELL everyone keeps photoshopping analog sliders into their mockups. EVERY SINGLE MOCKUP uses sliders. What do you people have against analog sticks? This Classic Controller one is the worst by far, it required effort to REMOVE the sticks already on that controller!

Yeah the sliders are nice for a handheld, but I still want my analog sticks on my console controllers.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
KevinCow said:
And yet the 3DS is out and we still have friend codes.

Again, ONE friend code. That's it. For each friend, it takes less than a minute to put it into your system and it's done. You're nitpicking.


erotic butter maelstrom
brochiller said:
Yeah the sliders are nice for a handheld, but I still want my analog sticks on my console controllers.

Agreed, nubs can suck it. That's really the only thing I care about if they're going to be developing a more traditional controller (compared to the 'mote at least), I want two regular ass analog sticks. I could deal with a little sickly right stick like the Cube controller, as long as I have a 2nd one for camera control I'm happy.

I'm very curious to see what their plans are for the Wiimote. I can't imagine them dropping it.
antonz said:
No and since then they have moved to reporting that its based on a similar architecture to the 360 rather than power. Which if they use a 09-10 Model Tri Core for instance would be similar architecture.

Power is all in the eyes of the beholder anyways. If you go in expecting a 15x increase and only get a 4-5x increase the person is likely to be underwhelmed

So I guess I wasn't reading too much into it when I was under the impression that they had aligned themselves with IGN in a later article...
Plinko said:
Again, ONE friend code. That's it. For each friend, it takes less than a minute to put it into your system and it's done. You're nitpicking.

That is a step forward, but has Nintendo made it possible for you to add people you meet in game as friends? I know they didn't allow it with Wii, and it is something very simple that as far as I know, they've still yet to implement.


Plinko said:
Again, ONE friend code. That's it. For each friend, it takes less than a minute to put it into your system and it's done. You're nitpicking.
Friend code aside, the online functionality is still barebones. There's very little information that you can share with one another, very little to do between friends in the OS interface at the moment.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Plinko said:
Again, ONE friend code. That's it. For each friend, it takes less than a minute to put it into your system and it's done. You're nitpicking.
People have it stuck in their heads that friend codes are ridiculously stupid and terrible, and that every Wii game requires you to input a friend code for everyone you will ever play against online.
If you could create multiple friend codes for your system and you could use as many letters or number as you wanted in each friend code, people would still be complaining.


brochiller said:
Yeah the sliders are nice for a handheld, but I still want my analog sticks on my console controllers.
I think it's just cause the sliders look nicer. You start sticking a bunch of protruding sticks and buttons on/near a screen it kind of uglies up the whole thing. I guess you can get away with it if you're going for a steam punk look, but everything else tends to look janky and undisciplined.


Holy Order Sol said:
So I guess I wasn't reading too much into it when I was under the impression that they had aligned themselves with IGN in a later article...
They have mostly aligned themselves on expected hardware. New Custom Tri-Core PowerPC CPU, R700 series GPU.

The issue is I think like I said perspective. 4-5x the power of current HD consoles is not enough to alot of people even around here.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
A lot of these mock ups fail to scale how big a 6" screen is. That black table controller was perfect with the grooves in the back for the bumpers. That would be a scaled controller for that type of screen.

Big One

I like the CC mock up but we don't need nubs, even though the one on the 3DS is surprisingly comfortable, it isn't really good for console games. Also I think the D-pad should be above the analog stick like what Sony products do. Way more comfortable to me considering I use the D-pad more than the analog stick.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
rpmurphy said:
Friend code aside, the online functionality is still barebones. There's very little information that you can share with one another, very little to do between friends in the OS interface at the moment.

This I agree with. It's a step forward.

The positive thing with this system is we have a developer supposedly saying "They're doing it right this time" in terms of online functionality.
bidaum said:
I think it's just cause the sliders look nicer. You start sticking a bunch of protruding sticks and buttons on/near a screen it kind of uglies up the whole thing. I guess you can get away with it if you're going for a steam punk look, but everything else tends to look janky and undisciplined.

I don't care what my controller looks like, it's not like I ever look at it.

Oh... wait.... never mind.
Honestly the only reason you don't see me rage over friend codes is because I don't think I've added more than 20 codes since the DS launched. If I had needed to enter as many sequences of numbers as I have added people on XBL to play SSFIV... hell I don't even think I would have bothered.


Plinko said:
Again, ONE friend code. That's it. For each friend, it takes less than a minute to put it into your system and it's done. You're nitpicking.

I prefer the screen name and code system anyhow, which Starcraft 2 also uses. That way I can use the handle of AgentG without worrying about it being taken and having to use xAgentGx or AgentG1728.

The Steam system is the best though, with separate account names and handles.
Plinko said:
Again, ONE friend code. That's it. For each friend, it takes less than a minute to put it into your system and it's done. You're nitpicking.

If that were the only substantive limitation, I could forgive it, but 3DS also currently has no invites, no proper messaging system, a ridiculous character limit for status updates, and even lacks any means of organizing your friends list by who's online. And as far as I know, no improvements to the system have been confirmed yet for future firmware updates.
Fernando Rocker said:
OK... I will play the game...


It looks nice, but I don't think something like this would be very comfortable to hold. It would definitely need handles or something, and even then it would be top heavy. Something like this would be ideal if you didn't have to hold it in your hands for extended periods of time.


For reference, can we expect the GPU + CPU to be around or slightly above the performance of a modern rig with a decent CPU and 6970?

Also for reference, running 4 controllers at those resolutions (was 800x500 confirmed or was that still posulation?), what kind of performance can we expect? are we looking at some fucking awesome next gen smash bros or what?
Andrex said:
OK now this is my favorite. Hrm, maybe if it had the CC Pro handles and triggers.

I made one with handles that you might have missed -

radioheadrule83 said:
I had a little go at this mockup business...

This is the Aino V8000HDW media player, compared with a PSP. It has a 6" 16:9 screen...


Here it is in someones hands


and here is a mockup made to the same scale


Bit cramped but you get the idea. If the 01net story is right, it'll be a bit more tablet like, but I couldn't really think of a way to reconcile that with the idea of two triggers on each side, so I added Classic Controller Pro handles.
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