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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Maxrpg said:
haptics is when you press on a part of a screen and instead of a "click" button feel to it, you feel a vibration letting you know you pressed the button.

I suspected it was that. Hmm, reall buttons please :|
Frencherman said:
I am remaining very sceptical with those controller rumors. It is a very dangerous path of Nintendo to go back to a more classic approach with this input device. This is no expanded audience concept anymore and I am not really convinced that nintendo is able to go back to the old red ocean and compete sucessfully.

Even if the Wii-Mote is fully compatible, the fact that is won't be part of package means that it is no standard and will just be a "possible" feature. I am failing to see relevance for a classic controller with a screen which is probably cannibalizing their new handheld device to some extend.

Interesting to see that most of GAF seems to be fine with this and does not see the big risk nintendo is taking here.

I agree with you completely. Wii, despite its significant failings, had several years of phenomenal success, and throwing out the feature responsible for that success doesn't exactly sound like the smartest way of addressing those failings.
Not to add another mockup, but here's my take:



Jade Knight 08 said:

Ewwww.... camel toe on my console. Do not want! :p

The hell is dat
Varnished floor boards reflect everything but Project Café.....TECHNOLOGY.

ElectricBlanketFire said:
Not to add another mockup, but here's my take:

You should shop in that dickwad from Bethesda giving it a thumbs up
ElectricBlanketFire said:
Not to add another mockup, but here's my take:


your mock up isn't white so no one is gonna believe it's legit.
Plinko said:
Not seeing the "big risk." If anything, going back to a traditional-esque controller scheme will do much more for them when it comes to getting back gamers they lost this generation.

And then competing with Sony and Microsoft like in the GameCube era where Nintendo was close to irrelevance? Nintendo had and will always have a consumer perceiption that isn't really compatible to the expectations and requirements of the core audience that aren't part of the traditional nintendo fanbase.

Nintendo should know that the Wii hasn't failed (failed is definately the wrong word) to be a console for everyone because of the wii-mote, but more because of the lacking horepower that positioned it mostly as a PlanB console.

You need differentiation to be successful and I am failing to see differentiation here that could motivate people to buy this thing.
With the exception of the Wii line, which the audience has shown no issue in buying with accompanying accessories, most of the top selling Wii games were basically normal controller games with an added motion control flair.

The expanded audience might not care, really! NSMB Stream will probably be a very similar game to NSMB Wii. Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns will probably be very similar to NeoGAF user Stephen Colbert's failure of the year 2010. Assuming the stuff about the gyroscopes in the controller are true, what's going to be the difference between Mario Kart's steering on Wii and Stream?

The other games that do use the Wii Remote can be packaged with things like the Wii remote.
Seriously, making that many fakes is an awful lot of work.

Plus they are all coming out over such a short time span.

There seems to be no real benefit, it's not like these are being leaked to a specific website to get hits.

And lastly, they pointed out "Screen Stream" before IGN reported that the name of the console is currently "Stream"

I think there's a decent chance these are the real deal, either the dev kit or the actual console.


Stephen Colbert said:
Seriously, making that many fakes is an awful lot of work.

Plus they are all coming out over such a short time span.

There seems to be no real benefit, it's not like these are being leaked to a specific website to get hits.

And lastly, they pointed out "Screen Stream" before IGN reported that the name of the console is currently "Stream"

I think there's a decent chance these are the real deal, either the dev kit or the actual console.

yep. The Kotaku mockup looks very similar to the 'fake' controller image too.


Frencherman said:
I am remaining very sceptical with those controller rumors. It is a very dangerous path of Nintendo to go back to a more classic approach with this input device. This is no expanded audience concept anymore and I am not really convinced that nintendo is able to go back to the old red ocean and compete sucessfully.

Even if the Wii-Mote is fully compatible, the fact that is won't be part of package means that it is no standard and will just be a "possible" feature. I am failing to see relevance for a classic controller with a screen which is probably cannibalizing their new handheld device to some extend.

Interesting to see that most of GAF seems to be fine with this and does not see the big risk nintendo is taking here.

I was thinking about some of this and a simple answer hit me. Why not just have a controller configuration screen pop up at the push of a button. That way third parties won't have to worry about putting in different configurations for different controllers anymore because you can do it yourself. Want to use the Wiimote? No problem.

You might say "That's all fine and dandy, but what if there aren't enough inputs on the Wiimote to use it for a certain game?" and to that I say it's motion control. Remember this video from a few years back?


That was Ailive for the Wiimote. Something like that built in to the Cafe would solve all controller compatibility issues when using a WiiMotion Plus instead of the packed in controller and take the responsibility of creating different configurations out of a licensee's hands.
Stephen Colbert said:
Seriously, making that many fakes is an awful lot of work.

Plus they are all coming out over such a short time span.

There seems to be no real benefit, it's not like these are being leaked to a specific website to get hits.

And lastly, they pointed out "Screen Stream" before IGN reported that the name of the console is currently "Stream"

I think there's a decent chance these are the real deal, either the dev kit or the actual console.

It's a painted Windows OS box.


You people and your buttons at the bottom. I swear, if Nintendo is daffy enough to actually do that on a console controller, I won't buy the system. HAND CRAMPS! HAND CRAMPS, people. It's one thing to have to put them on a fold out DS, but you're doing it for no good reason.
So, was Sam's little article posted yet?

The system will also be backward compatible with Wii games -- dare I speculate (or at least dream) that it will also up-res them to full HD? You know, like the Wii emulator for PC that made such games as Super Mario Galaxy look mindblowingly awesome?

But here's where things get potentially even cooler. Imagine seeing your friend's game in one of the screens. You click on it, and -- provided you have the game too -- you then seamlessly join his or her game. No waiting until the next match and no buffering to sync up consoles. Just a seamless online experience, exactly as Nintendo would want it. And the beauty of this is that the concept extends to not only new games, but potentially Nintendo's back catalog of classics. Got a friend racing the AI in Super Mario Kart? What if the game was retrofitted so that you could hop right in at any given moment? That, my friends, may well be the promise of Project Cafe.

And then there's the whole aspect of content sharing. Sony kicked things off nicely with LittleBigPlanet, but there's obviously so much more that could be done with a console designed around social gaming. One of the features I remember Nintendo touting in the early days of the Wii that never really materialized was the ability to push content to the console since it's always on. Sure, we ended up with emails telling us what we played and what not, but the concept was supposed to be so much more -- you were supposed to be able to check your machine each day and have new things waiting for you. So now, imagine checking your Project Cafe each morning and seeing new creations from your friends or even Nintendo. New levels for games, new characters or items to use, new demos for games you're interested in -- there could be all sorts of new things to see and do each time you open your console. I'm telling you, whether Nintendo pulls this off or not, there's a console experience here that's far more enticing than the one we're used to today.

So when Stream or whatever it's eventually called is finally released and not everything is exactly as I hypothesized here, don't be shocked or disappointed. I just wanted to give you a taste of some of the rumblings I've heard, if only to paint a picture of what could be, regardless of how it ultimately takes shape. But I can at least assure you of two things: 1. This is absolutely the direction Nintendo is headed with its next console, and 2. Regardless of whether this all materializes in Project Cafe or in some console or handheld later, the future of social gaming as envisioned by Nintendo is sounding pretty darn exciting.
PantherLotus said:

...this looks SO DAMN GOOD.

In fact, it looks so good I'll be somewhat shocked if it isn't a near replica of the real thing.

Nintendo would be crazy to adopt the gamecube design to their new console...


Stephen Colbert said:
Looks awesome. That's exactly how the NGP Go, Xperia Play 2 or Sony's gaming tablet should look.

Except you aren't going to want to reach over analog sticks to hit buttons or the dpad
AceBandage said:
So, was Sam's little article posted yet?

It was, but some of those features sounds absolutely amazing. I can really see Nintendo bringing some of those features to their console, and I really hope they do it with Cafe. Reading this article really started to make the controller screen make more sense with me.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
AceBandage said:
So, was Sam's little article posted yet?

But here's where things get potentially even cooler. Imagine seeing your friend's game in one of the screens. You click on it, and -- provided you have the game too -- you then seamlessly join his or her game. No waiting until the next match and no buffering to sync up consoles. Just a seamless online experience, exactly as Nintendo would want it. And the beauty of this is that the concept extends to not only new games, but potentially Nintendo's back catalog of classics. Got a friend racing the AI in Super Mario Kart? What if the game was retrofitted so that you could hop right in at any given moment? That, my friends, may well be the promise of Project Cafe.

This is so pie in the sky I can't help but think he wrote this article so that he could write another one when it's revealed on how it sucks for not "capitalizing on its potential."
ShockingAlberto said:
With the exception of the Wii line, which the audience has shown no issue in buying with accompanying accessories, most of the top selling Wii games were basically normal controller games with an added motion control flair.

The expanded audience might not care, really! NSMB Stream will probably be a very similar game to NSMB Wii. Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns will probably be very similar to NeoGAF user Stephen Colbert's failure of the year 2010. Assuming the stuff about the gyroscopes in the controller are true, what's going to be the difference between Mario Kart's steering on Wii and Stream?

The other games that do use the Wii Remote can be packaged with things like the Wii remote.

I don't think this accounts for the design of the Wii Remote itself. I honestly doubt that NSMB, for instance, would have had the same mass-market appeal had it required a more conventional, complex controller.
Andrex said:
This is so pie in the sky I can't help but think he wrote this article so that he could write another one when it's revealed on how it sucks for not "capitalizing on its potential."

It being retroactive certainly sounds crazy, but I can see the instant joining feature be implemented.

Stephen Colbert said:
I kind of like this one myself...



That's sexy.
Black it is!


Frencherman said:
I am remaining very sceptical with those controller rumors. It is a very dangerous path of Nintendo to go back to a more classic approach with this input device. This is no expanded audience concept anymore and I am not really convinced that nintendo is able to go back to the old red ocean and compete sucessfully.

Even if the Wii-Mote is fully compatible, the fact that is won't be part of package means that it is no standard and will just be a "possible" feature. I am failing to see relevance for a classic controller with a screen which is probably cannibalizing their new handheld device to some extend.

Interesting to see that most of GAF seems to be fine with this and does not see the big risk nintendo is taking here.

It's more a question of where can they go...

trying to get casuals to buy an expensive HD wii could be an even bigger risk, especially since MS and Sony now have fairly viable motion based alternatives that are selling well.

Waiting and doing nothing might also be very dangerous because the wii is getting older every day, and selling worse. 3rd parties have totally abandoned it, and consumers seem to be getting less excited as well.


PantherLotus said:

...this looks SO DAMN GOOD.

In fact, it looks so good I'll be somewhat shocked if it isn't a near replica of the real thing.
As good as it looks, the shape of the "handles" are confusing. when have game controllers ever featured handles that go in.. every modern game controller has handles that go out so that your wrists aren't twisted into some awkward position while playing.
Stephen Colbert said:
I kind of like this one myself...



This one is really good but I now see why the right analog might have to be above the buttons, you could accidently hit the slider with your palm while trying to push the face buttons.


Andrex said:
This is so pie in the sky I can't help but think he wrote this article so that he could write another one when it's revealed on how it sucks for not "capitalizing on its potential."

The immense amount of effort Nintendo put into adding features to their back catalog for the VC and the sea of new play control games support Kennedy.


ShockingAlberto said:
With the exception of the Wii line, which the audience has shown no issue in buying with accompanying accessories, most of the top selling Wii games were basically normal controller games with an added motion control flair.

The expanded audience might not care, really! NSMB Stream will probably be a very similar game to NSMB Wii. Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns will probably be very similar to NeoGAF user Stephen Colbert's failure of the year 2010. Assuming the stuff about the gyroscopes in the controller are true, what's going to be the difference between Mario Kart's steering on Wii and Stream?

The other games that do use the Wii Remote can be packaged with things like the Wii remote.
The same thing just came to me a couple of minutes ago. Instead of making motion controls the focus of the whole system Nintendo will develop multiple projects around quirky ideas requiring specific accessories, kind of like WiiFit. This way they are not limited by any established core ideal of the platform. This way they might please every segment of gaming population.


Stephen Colbert said:
I kind of like this one myself...



These flatter tablet designs look good from the front, but I don't like them as much as the traditional controller grips for holding.
jacksrb said:
These flatter tablet designs look good from the front, but I don't like them as much as the traditional controller grips for holding.

it comes down to how they handle the back in terms of ergonomics, it definitely wouldn't be flat like a 3ds imo cause they supposedly have triggers along with bumpers. i wish people would take the time to do more than the front view.


jacksrb said:
These flatter tablet designs look good from the front, but I don't like them as much as the traditional controller grips for holding.

Ideally instead of the two sides being completley joined to the screen, they would be handles instead.
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