Looks like it does indeed start when you first boot. Which is good.
But I have a far more serious question now. My Routine seems to have suffered a serious downgrade (and I'm not talking about forcing me through demos of the exercises on first try with this software, which Wii Fit Plus never did if I'd already done it in Wii Fit! I'm also not talking about the trainer's look, but seriously, ugh.)
After each exercise I'm now scored and have to tap A through the trainer's dialogue. In Wii Fit Plus, if I was using My Routine, exercises would move from one to the other with no interaction whatsoever. Dialogs (like "don't fall and break your neck doing this pose!") would dismiss themselves automatically after a few seconds. It all worked very well and I feel like I've taken a huge step backward here.
Someone please tell me this goes away. Otherwise, I think I'm gonna have to bail on U
I'd be fine with scoring (and that'd actually be nice to see) as long as it dismisses itself.