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Wii U Community Thread

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The game's single player really wont be worth jack shit to anybody who hasn't already gone through the PC/X360 and even PS3 builds. On the plus side, the multiplayer is a lot of fun, and has had several free updates.

Why? It can be played standalone AFAIK. I haven't played 1 or 2 and to be honest am unlikely to do so but I'm interested in the 3. If it's going to be a waste of time, that leaves one worthy Wii U title (Zombi U) :(


ME1 was a 360 exclusive, wasnt it?
I think MS owns some legal rights to ME1, which means we'd never see it on a non-Microsoft console.

And I'm not jumping into the middle of the story.

And on a related theme, THQ should consider a quick cash-in with Darksiders 1 on the Wii U. It'd be a no-brainer.
Why? It can be played standalone AFAIK. I haven't played 1 or 2 and to be honest am unlikely to do so but I'm interested in the 3. If it's going to be a waste of time, that leaves one worthy Wii U title (Zombi U) :(

Being serious here. If you haven't played through 1 or 2 of a pretty heavy story based series it is really pointless to play 3. The gameplay isn't anything special. The series was always driven by the universe which falls flat if you go into it with no background knowledge. You'll just be watching random stuff happen with no context. This is all made worse by the fact that the story 3 is the worst one anyway. It would be like watching the Matrix revolutions without seeing the first two.


ME3 Wii U is a cash grab by EA. I fully expect it to be the most half arsed of ports, and the only reason it's being ported is because the game already exists and EA seem to be doing everything they can to turn the series into the next forty billion dollar monster (which it will never be).

I wonder if it's really a "cash grab," or more Nintendo begging EA for some kind of decent support (outside of EA Sports). It likely will be a lazy port, though, for whatever the reason it's coming to the Wii U.

That said, I won't be buying it. Too many other games have my interest, like NSMBU, Pikmin, ZombiU, ACIII, Aliens, etc.
I wonder if it's really a "cash grab," or more Nintendo begging EA for some kind of decent support (outside of EA Sports). It likely will be a lazy port, though, for whatever the reason it's coming to the Wii U.

That said, I won't be buying it. Too many other games have my interest, like NSMBU, Pikmin, ZombiU, ACIII, Aliens, etc.

The port is apparently running in 60FPS which is already as massive improvement. I doubt Nintendo went begging EA for support either. If they really wanted to they could secure some much better support than that, but Iwata said Nintendo isn't going to be competing for exclusive titles.
Yeah, exactly.

Though, last we heard PS4 was going to be ~10x more powerful than the PS3, according to bg & a few others, or so I thought.

If Wii U only ends up ~2-3x more powerful than current gen HD (which I am expecting) than the Ps4 would still only be about 3-4x more powerful than Wii U which still supports your point. No where near the difference of Wii vs PS360. But 3-4x the power can still be a lot of power for some games.

I think next gen will both overwhelm and underwhelm at the same time; those expecting a huge quantum jump as we have been accustomed to are going to be underwhelmed...

..but those expecting it to simply be the best of high end PC games today and "that's it" are going to be surprised that the games will look noticeably better. Let's not kid ourselves about that. There is going to be a notable difference from PS3 -> PS4. UE4 is going to be ~ what we should expect from those systems.

That's apparently Sony's claim. And I'm of the belief that includes gains in efficiency to reach that number.
I think MS owns some legal rights to ME1, which means we'd never see it on a non-Microsoft console.

And I'm not jumping into the middle of the story.

And on a related theme, THQ should consider a quick cash-in with Darksiders 1 on the Wii U. It'd be a no-brainer.

I've never seen games as a source of good storylines, wouldn't bother me in the slightest jumping in at 3.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Why? It can be played standalone AFAIK. I haven't played 1 or 2 and to be honest am unlikely to do so but I'm interested in the 3. If it's going to be a waste of time, that leaves one worthy Wii U title (Zombi U) :(

The most significant reason people are attached to the Mass Effect franchise is because it's a trilogy. A trilogy with reoccurring themes, characters, call backs, and relationship. The majority of people who bought Mass Effect 3 had played the series. Mass Effect 3 isn't a stand alone story, it is the final chapter in a three part story arc. You see several series long plot thread resolved, on the scale of entire civilisations, right down to the fates of individuals.

Put it this way: imagine just watching/reading Return of the King without having experienced Fellowship or Two Towers. Why should you care about the plights of men and elves? What of Frodo, and why is this task so great for Hobbits? What does it matter who Aragorn is and his relationship with Arwen? Hell, what is the ring and why does everybody care?

Mass Effect 3 is kind of like that. It is fun to play, but very story heavy, and without having experienced the first two chapters the impact and understanding of events will severely lessen.

There's also the matter of Commander Shepard, who has always been an avatar to vicariously live through. She/he has been the protagonist for all three games. And even though it's usually gimmicky, the frequent call backs and references to decisions we've made in past games is a massive reason people play. In Mass Effect 3 I got to confront a villain I had let go in DLC for the original Mass Effect. It was short, brief, and gimmicky. But damn did it feel good to see him turn up, unexpected, remembering everything that had happened.

I don't think it's entirely futile for people to play ME3 first, but if you're doing so I do believe there's absolutely no way you can have anything other than a less involved, emotional and interesting experience to those who have played the trilogy for what it is. And if you're going to play it first, for the love of all things unholy do some thorough research into what happened over the last two games.

Maybe it's a move to try and install a foundation on the U for ME4.[/I]

It is. EA seems to believe the franchise is destined to be bigger than it is, and I'm confident in that EA isn't happy with the scope of the franchise just yet. They'd want ME4, if it happens, to be everywhere.

I think MS owns some legal rights to ME1, which means we'd never see it on a non-Microsoft console.

And I'm not jumping into the middle of the story.

The legal rights to ME1 is a bit muddy. I'm not sure where it stands. It was exclusive to the Xbox 360, but later released for PC and published via EA. I suspect EA owns full rights to all the games at this point, so they could in theory re-release ME1. They won't though, as it's a bit janky and less flashy than ME2/3.

The issue with Mass Effect's story isn't that ME3 is the "middle" of a story. It's literally the end.

I've never seen games as a source of good storylines, wouldn't bother me in the slightest jumping in at 3.

Even as someone who is a massive fan of the series, I really don't think they're worth playing unless you're invested in the story. The gameplay is fun but I don't know if it's that fun. Multiplayer in ME3 is great though. I wish they'd just release it as a F2P client.


I think MS owns some legal rights to ME1, which means we'd never see it on a non-Microsoft console.

And I'm not jumping into the middle of the story.

And on a related theme, THQ should consider a quick cash-in with Darksiders 1 on the Wii U. It'd be a no-brainer.

I really hope they don't use ME3 as an example of Wii U's demographic. I mean check out what people said about what they are planning to buy for the Wii U a couple of pages back, and try to spot how many people are even mildly interested in ME3. But I'm pretty sure they will.


I think MS owns some legal rights to ME1, which means we'd never see it on a non-Microsoft console.

I wonder if Microsoft owns more rights to ME1 than Nintendo owned of the Banjo-Kazooie games. Of course, we saw BK get re-released for XBLA, regardless of Nintendo's involvement in the game(s). So, I'm curious if the same thing might happen to ME1 and Microsoft's exclusivity will expire.


The port is apparently running in 60FPS which is already as massive improvement. I doubt Nintendo went begging EA for support either. If they really wanted to they could secure some much better support than that, but Iwata said Nintendo isn't going to be competing for exclusive titles.

You're right, Nintendo doesn't moneyhat for exclusive titles, but ME3 isn't exclusive. Undoubtedly Nintendo does seek out support for their consoles. I've always thought that MGS: Snake Eater 3D is an example of this, and ME3 doesn't look too different.

Now, something like Aliens: Colonial Marines isn't the same. Look at the devs of Gearbox—they sound legitimately excited about the Wii U and this version of their game. Because of that, I'm probably going to buy it if it appeals to me and is good.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I do wonder if Mass Effect 3 Wii U will be just a reprinting, or if they'll include the existing DLC on disk.

If not, people best be prepared for a bit of a download. The multiplayer launched with six maps and eighteen classes.

The next update comes out in a couple of days, and once it does the total DLC additions will be seven maps and twelve classes. Plus several weapons, equipment bonuses and other goods. That's on top of the existing six maps and eighteen classes.

It would be nice to have that on the disk, for those buying, and not have to download a bunch of crap right on boot-up.


Random thought, am I the only person here that legitimately likes the white Wii U over the black? :p I don't have any idea why. So, if they manufacture only the goodness that is the white Wii U initially, I won't be sad in the slightest bit.

Watch them make only the black at first, haha.


The most significant reason people are attached to the Mass Effect franchise is because it's a trilogy. A trilogy with reoccurring themes, characters, call backs, and relationship. The majority of people who bought Mass Effect 3 had played the series. Mass Effect 3 isn't a stand alone story, it is the final chapter in a three part story arc. You see several series long plot thread resolved, on the scale of entire civilisations, right down to the fates of individuals.

Put it this way: imagine just watching/reading Return of the King without having experienced Fellowship or Two Towers. Why should you care about the plights of men and elves? What of Frodo, and why is this task so great for Hobbits? What does it matter who Aragorn is and his relationship with Arwen? Hell, what is the ring and why does everybody care?

Mass Effect 3 is kind of like that. It is fun to play, but very story heavy, and without having experienced the first two chapters the impact and understanding of events will severely lessen.

There's also the matter of Commander Shepard, who has always been an avatar to vicariously live through. She/he has been the protagonist for all three games. And even though it's usually gimmicky, the frequent call backs and references to decisions we've made in past games is a massive reason people play. In Mass Effect 3 I got to confront a villain I had let go in DLC for the original Mass Effect. It was short, brief, and gimmicky. But damn did it feel good to see him turn up, unexpected, remembering everything that had happened.

I don't think it's entirely futile for people to play ME3 first, but if you're doing so I do believe there's absolutely no way you can have anything other than a less involved, emotional and interesting experience to those who have played the trilogy for what it is. And if you're going to play it first, for the love of all things unholy do some thorough research into what happened over the last two games.

It is. EA seems to believe the franchise is destined to be bigger than it is, and I'm confident in that EA isn't happy with the scope of the franchise just yet. They'd want ME4, if it happens, to be everywhere.

The legal rights to ME1 is a bit muddy. I'm not sure where it stands. It was exclusive to the Xbox 360, but later released for PC and published via EA. I suspect EA owns full rights to all the games at this point, so they could in theory re-release ME1. They won't though, as it's a bit janky and less flashy than ME2/3.

The issue with Mass Effect's story isn't that ME3 is the "middle" of a story. It's literally the end.

Even as someone who is a massive fan of the series, I really don't think they're worth playing unless you're invested in the story. The gameplay is fun but I don't know if it's that fun. Multiplayer in ME3 is great though. I wish they'd just release it as a F2P client.

Being serious here. If you haven't played through 1 or 2 of a pretty heavy story based series it is really pointless to play 3. The gameplay isn't anything special. The series was always driven by the universe which falls flat if you go into it with no background knowledge. You'll just be watching random stuff happen with no context. This is all made worse by the fact that the story 3 is the worst one anyway. It would be like watching the Matrix revolutions without seeing the first two.

Well that puts a bit of a dampener on the whole thing. What's worse is that ME1 is a 360 exclusive. That didn't seem to bother most people on PS3, but I can understand getting 2/3 of a story is better than 1/3 :)
Random thought, am I the only person here that legitimately likes the white Wii U over the black? :p I don't have any idea why. So, if they manufacture only the goodness that is the white Wii U initially, I won't be sad in the slightest bit.

Watch them make only the black at first, haha.

White > Black in every way.


Random thought, am I the only person here that legitimately likes the white Wii U over the black? :p I don't have any idea why. So, if they manufacture only the goodness that is the white Wii U initially, I won't be sad in the slightest bit.

Watch them make only the black at first, haha.

Shiny black is a fingerprint nightmare. One reason why I'm going white.


Gold Member
Shiny black is a fingerprint nightmare. One reason why I'm going white.
If Nintendo will let us.....Whos to say they have both colors available at launch.

It would be wise for EA to include another interactive comic that covers both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 within the Mass Effect 3 Wii U edition.
It's a requirement IMHO, I'd like some of the ME2 loyalty-quests in those comics too since it has consequences in ME3.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Well that puts a bit of a dampener on the whole thing. What's worse is that ME1 is a 360 exclusive. That didn't seem to bother most people on PS3, but I can understand getting 2/3 of a story is better than 1/3 :)

Easing into ME2 PS3 as a first time player wouldn't have been too bad, not just because (as you say) coming in at second entry is better than the last, but because EA/BioWare prepared the game with an interactive digital comic book retelling the first game's story.

It didn't cover side quests and all that junk, but it retold the main plot thread. It covered most of the important lore, let you pick between male/female Shepard at the start, and even included the major 'choices' from the main mission.

That way PS3 players could easily fill themselves in, and create a 'Commander Shepard' with the name and gender of their liking, as well as make several key choices from the first game that would carry across to the second (and eventually third).

It would be wise for EA to include another interactive comic that covers both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 within the Mass Effect 3 Wii U edition.


Random thought, am I the only person here that legitimately likes the white Wii U over the black? :p I don't have any idea why. So, if they manufacture only the goodness that is the white Wii U initially, I won't be sad in the slightest bit.

Watch them make only the black at first, haha.

Black is sexy, the black Wii really does bring a whole new view on the system.

But white is the only way to go for Wii consoles... it just makes more sense. :p


ND may have some of the best cinematic set pieces , but their stories are... well, easily bested, lets say that.

I think that Naughty Dog has great story-telling skills, but they lack in gameplay. Doesn't make them too bad of games, though. But the whole thing is subjective, so whatever. Personally, I'm not a fan of the Uncharted series.


Personally I prefer the black console. Something sleek about the design.

Was actually hoping they would just bundle ME2 and 3 for Wii U but thats a pipe dream in all honesty...


I'll be going for black, day one. But if they pull a spice-orange on me after a year or so, then so help me.... *shakes fist towards Japan*
Personally I prefer the black console. Something sleek about the design.
If given choice I always prefer black.
Flipper trivia: Flipper renders at 6 bytes-per-pixel (sans AA), whether that's RGB888 + Z24 or RGBA6666 + Z24. When doing AA, those 6 bytes become 12 bytes, and in there Flipper stores 3 sub-samples, RGB565 + Z16 each. Thus, you need two tiles to do AA + progressive, whereas AA + interlaced does not need tiling.

Dithering was most often a result of games using destination-alpha fb formats (RGBA6666). As per using fb mem for textures - Flipper was physically unable to do that, IIRC.
I see; it was pretty much stuck on 24 bit color then?

If not 18-bit color.
Easing into ME2 PS3 as a first time player wouldn't have been too bad, not just because (as you say) coming in at second entry is better than the last, but because EA/BioWare prepared the game with an interactive digital comic book retelling the first game's story.

It didn't cover side quests and all that junk, but it retold the main plot thread. It covered most of the important lore, let you pick between male/female Shepard at the start, and even included the major 'choices' from the main mission.

That way PS3 players could easily fill themselves in, and create a 'Commander Shepard' with the name and gender of their liking, as well as make several key choices from the first game that would carry across to the second (and eventually third).

It would be wise for EA to include another interactive comic that covers both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 within the Mass Effect 3 Wii U edition.

Or just do a dual pack thing. Release a WiiU port of 2&3 for $50 or less. With the DLC from both.

I'd probably buy it because I am a whore. And then put too many hours into the series again.
What EA should do is hire some student ac-tors and get them to surmise ME1 ME2 stories in a short film, via the medium of slap-stick comedy. Um... colour me interested!

Personally I prefer the black console. Something sleek about the design.

Was actually hoping they would just bundle ME2 and 3 for Wii U but thats a pipe dream in all honesty...

I normally preference white: Wii, DS, 3DS, iPod etc, etc... But the black U shall be mine this time. Looks serious.


Or just do a dual pack thing. Release a WiiU port of 2&3 for $50 or less. With the DLC from both.

I'd probably buy it because I am a whore. And then put too many hours into the series again.

See thats what I was thinking too. Theyre undoubtedly not going to make that many sales by selling ME3 by itself. But by selling it as a bundle, they can increase incentive to buy from consumers. They can go ahead and sell it for 50 or 60 and make more profit than if they were just selling them individually


Shiny black is a fingerprint nightmare. One reason why I'm going white.

That might be why I like the white. I have a black phone, 3DS, Wiimote, etc. and the fingerprints are atrocious. I cringe whenever I show someone my 3DS and they touch the black part that surrounds the top screen, heh.


What EA should do is hire some student ac-tors and get them to surmise ME1 ME2 stories in a short film, via the medium of slap-stick comedy. Um... colour me interested!

I normally preference white: Wii, DS, 3DS, iPod etc, etc... But the black U shall be mine this time. Looks serious.

Something about those devices do look better in white, except the white 3ds in my opinion, dont understand why the top screen is still black.
Something about those devices do look better in white, except the white 3ds in my opinion, dont understand why the top screen is still black.

Nah, white is still the Don of the 3DS', or was, until Midnight Purple. Purple is my colour; it balances my extreme masculinity perfectly. I don't know what it is, because I'd normally get white, but there's just something about the black UPad that's talking to me - looks sleek.


Nah, white is still the Don of the 3DS', or was, until Midnight Purple. Purple is my colour; it balances my extreme masculinity perfectly. I don't know what it is, because I'd normally get white, but there's just something about the black UPad that's talking to me - looks sleek.

Gotta agree with the purple part! I guess kings didnt wear it for no reason, it looks good on the 3ds. Ive been wanting to update my aqua 3ds, but I got ambassador, and im not really sure if that would transfer to a new 3ds.

The black gamepad is what I like more so than the black console itself I think. It just looks good. If Im going to spend a good portion of my game looking down at a controller the least it can do it be appealing, which I think the black controller accomplishes quite successfully.


If EA got the complete trilogy on Wii U I'd jump in. As of now I have no way to play it the whole way through (I have a Wii and a PS3). Porting just ME3 is pointless for people like me. I have no interest in playing a story-focused series from its end.


Junior Member
Easing into ME2 PS3 as a first time player wouldn't have been too bad, not just because (as you say) coming in at second entry is better than the last, but because EA/BioWare prepared the game with an interactive digital comic book retelling the first game's story.

It didn't cover side quests and all that junk, but it retold the main plot thread. It covered most of the important lore, let you pick between male/female Shepard at the start, and even included the major 'choices' from the main mission.

That way PS3 players could easily fill themselves in, and create a 'Commander Shepard' with the name and gender of their liking, as well as make several key choices from the first game that would carry across to the second (and eventually third).

It would be wise for EA to include another interactive comic that covers both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 within the Mass Effect 3 Wii U edition.

Did they not do this for people who just decided to start with ME3 on one of the other platforms? That ME1 visual novel was eventually added into the 360 and PC versions of ME2.

If EA got the complete trilogy on Wii U I'd jump in. As of now I have no way to play it the whole way through (I have a Wii and a PS3). Porting just ME3 is pointless for people like me. I have no interest in playing a story-focused series from its end.

Microsoft still has publishing rights over ME1, which is probably why it never even came out on PS3.
Microsoft still has publishing rights over ME1, which is probably why it never even came out on PS3.

Thats what I thought but EA published Mass Effect 1 PC. Unless they just didn't want to bring it over, which was a poor decision considering how story heavy the series is.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Did they not do this for people who just decided to start with ME3 on one of the other platforms? That ME1 visual novel was eventually added into the 360 and PC versions of ME2.

Yeah, the ME1 interactive comic became DLC for 360/PC, but ME3 had nothing. No comic for either game.
What if Nintendo offered 2 options for the Wii U at launch:

The Family Edition - A white Wii U bundled with a Wii remote and Nintendo Land


The Pro Edition - A black Wii U bundled with a Pro Controller and some credits to spend in the eShop

Though I have a horrible feeling it'll launch in white only, with the black version coming a few months later. And all the early adopters, the more hardcore fans, will be stuck with the white version.


What if Nintendo offered 2 options for the Wii U at launch:

The Family Edition - A white Wii U bundled with a Wii remote and Nintendo Land


The Pro Edition - A black Wii U bundled with a Pro Controller and some credits to spend in the eShop

Though I have a horrible feeling it'll launch in white only, with the black version coming a few months later. And all the early adopters, the more hardcore fans, will be stuck with the white version.

....but i want the black console with Nintendoland....


I'm referring to something I (we) heard that Li Mu Bai confirmed.


middleware is nothing special, it's still software and though nintendo may used test builds for their dev unit development however unlikely.

They don't posses any of the source code or right to modify it, they aren't optimizing anything that's from 3rd parties, to say that "nintendo is optimizing UE4 and middle wares and testing them" that's completely wrong, that's not nintendo's job, how good the 3rd parties make their engines that's how good it will run. That was taken out of context completely, if one of the middleware companies optimized their own software to make it faster that doesn't mean nintendo did anything. Nintendo can either make a spec bump or an API optimization which will benefit EVERYONE, i want to point this out just because people percieved it as a single-case thing, no, whatever nintendo does beneifts everyone, every game, every "app", every freaking software that get's on wiiu either playable or not, whatever middleware 3rd-party companies do benefits only the licnesees of those middleware (which are mostly for mainstream, hardcore devs make their own tools, so middleware is irrelevant to guys like id Software, except havok physics i believe) If some games run poorly it's worth checking what if any middleware they use, and when the SDK is polished out, it's all up to the developer, and if their game doesn't work as well as others it's their fault.

Still, nobody's dependant on API, so the rumors and theories don't provide enough information to determine what the heck really happend that caused the slight performance increase, some heavily distorted info right there, because middleware is a bonus thing, it has nothing to do with the console it self.


Just in case anyone forgot....

We have EA's upcoming event to look forward to this week.

At the very least, we should get to see Madden on Wii U, and how it compares to other versions. I doubt EA is going to sit by and let Ubisoft take all the shine, so hopefully they'll reveal at least one surprise game along with stuff we expect.


Random thought, am I the only person here that legitimately likes the white Wii U over the black? :p I don't have any idea why. So, if they manufacture only the goodness that is the white Wii U initially, I won't be sad in the slightest bit.

Watch them make only the black at first, haha.

Black always looks better in promotional shots.

But in real life... fingerprints, scratches and dust EVERYWHERE. I'm going with white.


My Black 3DS looks fantastic and pristine, but I take way too much care of it :p

I'd probably end up doing the same with WiiU so if I have the choice, it will be black
I don't like the fingerprints. On the other hand, I don't want my Control Stick to turn yellow.

I'll probably go with black. I'll tuck the console someplace, wipe it down, and never touch it again. At least only the top half of the GamePad is made of that glossy material.
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