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Wii U Community Thread

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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
THQ isn't the same company anymore, atleast not the same philosophy. All AAA titles have retained their staff and will be focused greately on quality, can't wait for COH2.

It's indeed great news that THQ was failing, that forced the old boss out of the company, I wish that will sooner or later happen to Zynga.

Great games =/= financial success unfortunately, that part of THQ's problem. I'm not entirely confident in inSANE's future, just as I am not confident in THQ's.


Great games =/= financial success unfortunately, that part of THQ's problem. I'm not entirely confident in inSANE's future, just as I am not confident in THQ's.
I don't understand your equation of great games =/= financial success.

Edit: Did you mean to use the inequal symbol where a slash goes through the equal sign? Cuz there are some awful games that are financially successful and vice versa


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't understand your equation of great games =/= financial success. Did you mean =?

Making great games does not equal financial success.
I recently had an exchange with Craig Harris, formerly of IGN and now of Sega. I mentioned to him that a lot of Nintendo fans such as myself were really happy with the Wiimote/nunchuck set up for FPS games ,which was perfected in games like MP3, Conduit, Red Steel 2 etc. He said that this current set up hadn't been thought about yet for Aliens, which disappointed me, as I'm someone who has never been into the dual analogue form of control.

To be fair, he did say they were focusing on getting the actual game completed before they even thought about adding a control option such as this, but I was saddened though when he said he thought the market would only be very small for people who would want this control scheme implemented.

I'd suggested a control scheme where a player could use the Wiimote/nunchuck to play and have a Wii Pad on the table with the tracking device displayed on the screen. We know this can be done, since Pikmin 3 displayed this exact set up at E3.

I'd love to see it.
Disappointing if that's true about Aliens. But thanks asking about it. Hopefully at least a few developers realize that the wii- nunchuck combo is loved by many for fps.
I looked at some of that guy's other vids from Comic Con and I don't know if it's because his videos are sharper and more colorful than others, but check this out:


NSMBU looks fantastic to me now! I was kind of ho-hum on it before. It looks super colorful, but I'm also noticing some things I didn't in the E3 videos, like the character models and the blocks and objects looking a little more 3D? I don't know. And the lighting seems better, too. Look at how the light from those big rotating stars lights up Mario's model. That's cool.

But maybe I'm imagining things. Either way, I'm a lot more excited for NSMBU now :)



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Pikmin 3 is now running in 1080p.

Prove me wrong.

Well, you're kinda both right and wrong. I think actually running at 1440p downsampled to 1080p.
Pikmin 3 is now running in 1080p.

Prove me wrong.



My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Here are screen grabs of the two builds, Comic-Con on top, E3 bottom:



I don't know if the forest section was improved, I saw no difference in the level contrary to the boss part when it's obvious, the boss especially his belly, fluorescent, crack and textures of the floor and stronger colors.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
One thing that has me concerned about Pikmin 3 is that I am not hearing any orchestrated tracks in the demo. I sure hope Nintendo doesn't settle for midi quality for this game's music production.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
It looks identical.


One thing that has me concerned about Pikmin 3 is that I am not hearing any orchestrated tracks in the demo. I sure hope Nintendo doesn't settle for midi quality for this game's music production.

Nintendo Land has the better first-party soundtrack before Super Mario Bros. U and Pikmin 3. Either some Nintendo Land tracks are redbook, or they are just really really well done.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
EC, now is not the time to joke about these things. Are you really being serious about what you said? And if so, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I'm not being serious :p. If Pikmin 3 was downsampling to 1080p from 1440p it would be the most impressive rendering ever accomplished on a console game. And it would be a very good thing, as supersampling is the greatest form of anti aliasing.


It looks identical.

Yeah, I'm looking at the off screen footage and it looks the same to me. If they've added anything like AA its impossible to tell without some direct feed shots, but I'm guessing that this is the exact same build/demo from E3 because they probably would have made a bigger point about releasing some new shots if anything was different.


I'm not being serious :p. If Pikmin 3 was downsampling to 1080p from 1440p it would be the most impressive rendering ever accomplished on a console game. And it would be a very good thing, as supersampling is the greatest form of anti aliasing.

I should have known. Anyway the game does look better in those screens, but from the actual off screen videos they still look pretty much the same as E3. And really Off screen is just not the way to go for any comparisons.

Finally, I don't think Pikmin 3 really needs orchestrated soundtracks but hey, I've said that about Zelda too and I know how wrong I was about that.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Does Microsoft orchestrate all of their games?


Question: Was EA happy with the Mass Effect 2 PS3 sales?...

I wondering since it was a year old port with almost no advertising, since Mass Effect 3 is coming to the Wii U less than a year from the PC/X360/PS3 release and will most likely get a lot of advertising since it is a launch game it will hopefully sale good on the Wii U.


Yeah, I'm looking at the off screen footage and it looks the same to me. If they've added anything like AA its impossible to tell without some direct feed shots, but I'm guessing that this is the exact same build/demo from E3 because they probably would have made a bigger point about releasing some new shots if anything was different.

Its not the same build, parts of it are improved AFAICS. I think EC's talking about those screens posted on the previous page. Which don't show any noticable improvement, they aren't good comparison pics though.
Its not the same build, parts of it are improved AFAICS. I think EC's talking about those screens posted on the previous page. Which don't show any noticable improvement, they aren't good comparison pics though.

Someone do a side-by-side comparison or something, maybe I'm not looking hard enough but there's no difference.


Sega announces November is the Wii U release month?


Not shocking at all, everyone expected it...

Or this could mean the Wii U releases before November :O

I hate when sites uses those headlines, lol we know the WiiU is gonna be out by Nov. so why would they say Sega is giving away the WiiU launch date just cuz one of their WiiU games is coming out in Nov.? That is so dumb, now if they said Oct or Sept it would be news since most think WiiU wont be out that early.
The only game that looks like it improved from E3 is Zombi U with DOF, AA and improved lighting.

I doubt that Ubisoft will up the polygon count since they would have to redo a lot of the models, but all the effects could continue to be polished up until launch.


To me, Pikmin looks the same from E3 to ComicCon build. Maybe better ground textures but its hard to tell looking on a laptop of something that is supposed to be on a large widescreen TV downsized taken from a camera and put on youtube

ZombiU seems to be the only thing I have seen noticeably improved *under the aforementioned parameters

Pikmin 3 still looks great though. I truly do not have any issues with it graphically. I think it looks fine.
To me, Pikmin looks the same from E3 to ComicCon build. Maybe better ground textures but its hard to tell looking on a laptop of something that is supposed to be on a large widescreen TV downsized taken from a camera and put on youtube

ZombiU seems to be the only thing I have seen noticeably improved *under the aforementioned parameters

Pikmin 3 still looks great though. I truly do not have any issues with it graphically. I think it looks fine.

Yeah Pikmin 3 is the same.....do they really need to improve the graphics on that one? I mean the ground textures don't look that bad, and besides I wouldn't want too much clutter anyway so no Pikmin gets lost visually in all the foliage/grass.


I like that the Wii U games look very polished. I haven't seen a single bad texture (aside from Pikmin 3, but it started as a Wii game) for example.

I think that current games don't look bad by any means, but they lack (also because of their style/genre) some cinematic showcases like Star Wars 1313.

If you ask me, something like the Zelda demo..



...doesn't need to hide from games like Star Wars 1313. The latter has some more things going on, anyway.

The term "polish" is usually used for software quality and performance rather than visual effects.

Because if you're talking about visuals the term "polish" indicates a certain property on the textures.
I'm starting to get curious about Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U. The Wii U Gamepad would be perfect for those mini-games from Mass Effect 2, do you think Bioware/EA will put them back into the Wii U version?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm starting to get curious about Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U. The Wii U Gamepad would be perfect for those mini-games from Mass Effect 2, do you think Bioware/EA will put them back into the Wii U version?

No. ME3 has no mini games.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
About Mass Effect 3, can someone answer my question?.


They never really spoke of it.

ME3 Wii U is a cash grab by EA. I fully expect it to be the most half arsed of ports, and the only reason it's being ported is because the game already exists and EA seem to be doing everything they can to turn the series into the next forty billion dollar monster (which it will never be).

The game's single player really wont be worth jack shit to anybody who hasn't already gone through the PC/X360 and even PS3 builds. On the plus side, the multiplayer is a lot of fun, and has had several free updates.


They never really spoke of it.

ME3 Wii U is a cash grab by EA. I fully expect it to be the most half arsed of ports, and the only reason it's being ported is because the game already exists and EA seem to be doing everything they can to turn the series into the next forty billion dollar monster (which it will never be).

The game's single player really wont be worth jack shit to anybody who hasn't already gone through the PC/X360 and even PS3 builds. On the plus side, the multiplayer is a lot of fun, and has had several free updates.

Ahh, I just want Mass Effect 3 to sale well on the Wii U so we hopefully get Mass Effect 4 if that ever gets made and Dead Space, etc.


Re: PCs being limited by consoles, they're limited by low end hardware on their end too...I vaguely remember reading Intel having the most graphic hardware out there a while back for example (which is why their recent strides in graphics are a big deal, Haswell next year is supposed to be a huge jump too). If they want to reach the most users they have to be able to scale down either way.
I recently had an exchange with Craig Harris, formerly of IGN and now of Sega. I mentioned to him that a lot of Nintendo fans such as myself were really happy with the Wiimote/nunchuck set up for FPS games ,which was perfected in games like MP3, Conduit, Red Steel 2 etc. He said that this current set up hadn't been thought about yet for Aliens, which disappointed me, as I'm someone who has never been into the dual analogue form of control.

To be fair, he did say they were focusing on getting the actual game completed before they even thought about adding a control option such as this, but I was saddened though when he said he thought the market would only be very small for people who would want this control scheme implemented.

I'd suggested a control scheme where a player could use the Wiimote/nunchuck to play and have a Wii Pad on the table with the tracking device displayed on the screen. We know this can be done, since Pikmin 3 displayed this exact set up at E3.

I'd love to see it.
If the zapper comes back as seen in some of the early videos it could probably be put together in a bundle, and would probably be beneficial for both of them buzz wise. The thing has an IR camera so putting in support for that would be similar to having to put in a remote/nunchuck scheme (if not the same).


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Gamecube and Wii had 3 MB 1T-SRAM embedded, 2 MB framebuffer and a 1 MB texture buffer. The framebuffer was pretty short as is hence the dreadful amounts of dithering we had to deal with (rendering 640x480 with Z-buffer takes 2.3 MB per frame) that's one of the reasons Anti-Aliasing on the GC/Wii wasn't widespread at all. No sane developer would take that 2 MB pool and use it for textures.
Flipper trivia: Flipper renders at 6 bytes-per-pixel (sans AA), whether that's RGB888 + Z24 or RGBA6666 + Z24. When doing AA, those 6 bytes become 12 bytes, and in there Flipper stores 3 sub-samples, RGB565 + Z16 each. Thus, you need two tiles to do AA + progressive, whereas AA + interlaced does not need tiling.

Dithering was most often a result of games using destination-alpha fb formats (RGBA6666). As per using fb mem for textures - Flipper was physically unable to do that, IIRC.
They never really spoke of it.

ME3 Wii U is a cash grab by EA. I fully expect it to be the most half arsed of ports, and the only reason it's being ported is because the game already exists and EA seem to be doing everything they can to turn the series into the next forty billion dollar monster (which it will never be).

The game's single player really wont be worth jack shit to anybody who hasn't already gone through the PC/X360 and even PS3 builds. On the plus side, the multiplayer is a lot of fun, and has had several free updates.

Maybe it's a move to try and install a foundation on the U for ME4. Who knows, might even be a market for ME1&2 ports on U as DDs... even more money for EA. At a stretch maybe even included on the disc???


It would have nullified 90% of the trolling it's had I think. ZU ComCon footage has helped take some of the edge off it for now, but good move for the long run? I can't see the benefit of showing more impressive graphics off closer to/in launch window opposed to e3 2012. Had they been able to and did show impressive step in graphics at e3, then I feel that would have been the most beneficial to get hype rolling.

I don't know, they've still got time to do it and I'm not in marketing, so maybe general public wise, hype building would be better nearer to launch date.


This is what I have been thinking.
Also, they may want to steal some of Halo's thunder with game announcements.

But most of all, there are a lot of people considering buying games that probably wouldn't have been on their radar if Nintendo showed off their heavy hitters during E3.
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