Shin Johnpv
Why are you guys being so negative?, Nintendo has to prove to them that third party's will sell well on a Nintendo system, if those games sell well we will get more third party support, don't start jumping to conclusions.
The audience and it's attentiveness to 3rd or 1st party titles is developed in the first year of the system. If 3rd parties only drop test games or half ass games, and no quality in that first year, while Nintendo releases they're usual high quality titles, then you'll have the same results as the Wii. It's not Nintendo's fault that 3rd parties had a hard time on the Wii, it's their own. The general public learned really quickly on the Wii not to trust 3rd parties because of shitty cash ins.
It's like anything else you can't build a market base, or a fan base on test games, and b/c teams. It doesn't work that way. You would think people who do this shit for a living would understand this.
Release quality AAA games from the start and the market base to buy them will be there from the start. Don't do that, and good luck building it up 2 years later. You have to be there as the foundation is being set.