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Wii U Community Thread

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Just saying, but "HD gaming" isn't a revolutionary thing. It's an increase in screen resolution, something that happens nearly every generation. And every generation it results in "some of the most realistic looking games and lots of technical marvels". I'll grant you online gaming as a thing that totally upended (and made less fun for me) console gaming, though it wasn't something really new to gaming, since it was pretty popular in the computer realm for a decade prior.

TV screens increased in resolution every gen? Really?


Membero Americo
Potential Megaton if true?

The return of Banjo and Kazooie to their rightful home


"According to the tipster, Nintendo is in direct negotiations with Microsoft to buy RARE, though the purpose of buying them seems to be all based around getting the rights to Banjo and Kazooie. Of course, we can't forget the other key franchises Nintendo gets with the acquisition. Conker's Bad Fur Day may have been shunned by Nintendo, but a sequel to that game should be embraced by the Nintendo brass if they want the Wii U to really be for everyone. Of course, this rumor doesn't stop there - it goes as far as to suggest that Retro Studios is actually deep into development on a Banjo and Kazooie title, and that the talks with Microsoft have been ongoing for some time."

Stopped reading at Zelda Informer.

Never ever EVER believe any rumors Zelda Informer puts up on their website. EVER! Emily Rogers is more convincing.


TV screens increased in resolution every gen? Really?

I think you and I both know that he means console resolutions.

NES: 256x240
SNES 512x448
Playstation: 640x480
Xbox: 1280x720
Xbox 360/Playstation 3: 1920x1080

So yes, while TVs have largely remained the same until the last few years, every generation has seen a resolution bump.



That scene cracks me up every time.

How about a new Jet Force Gemini?
I think you and I both know that he means console resolutions.

NES: 256x240
SNES 512x448
Playstation: 640x480
Xbox: 1280x720
Xbox 360/Playstation 3: 1920x1080

So yes, while TVs have largely remained the same until the last few years, every generation has seen a resolution bump.
To my knowledge no PSone game pulled 640x480.
The resolutions I mentioned are what the systems are theoretically capable of, not necessarily always output. I'm looking at you Gen 7 1080p. *scowl*
I see.

well, I think each generation should be measured by what it actually pulled/was common.

Google tells me PSone apparently pushed 640x480 in one game, this one:

-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amsXXHgxQwk

Other than that, just some menu's (Chrono Cross and Gran Turismo 2 car selection)


Hmm how does a Retro developed Perfect Dark sound to all of you?

I'm cool. To be honest, as much as I loved the Metroid series, I really didn't care for DKCR. Then again I really was turned off by the motion controls, that's not to say the quality wasn't there. Joanna Dark can, as far as I'm concerned... *shades* Stay in the dark. YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH


I'm not excited or even caring if Banjo hit a Nintendo platform, was never a fan. But a Killer Instinct or a new Perfect Dark with Nintendo behind it would be something that could interest me.

I've always been kind of baffled how these "rumors" never seem to tap into what would blow people away. Most of the time it's lame throwaway.

Zelda being developed by Platinum and EAD, would be a fun go around for forum discussion, however 100% fake it might be. It would at least get the juices flowing, unlike Banjo.
Nintendo buying Rare and its IPs would be worth it even if they only thing Nintendo did with them was to make a Diddy Kong Racing sequel with all of the characters from the first game.
Exactly what I'm trying to say, architecture matters a great deal more than power levels, I'd say something about all the next gen consoles being super saiyans, unlike this generation where you had Krillian, SSJ Goku and Freiza.


Hey now, here's an article from Feb, 2010 describing a 120 Mhz DSP. Might be relevant, in that this post from a supposed insider on Beyond3D mentions that Nintendo might use an ARM-based solution for their audio DSP...

What? The company was also giving away free 3DS units?




A JFG remake or sequel would be excellent, but I be most "New/HardCorez" would write it off as some sort of Lost Planet game without actually knowing about the first.

Anyway, I think the RARE rumour is false, since; as others have said, Nintendo doesn't really need another platformer, although I can't see it hurting, they'll need to bring the Quality staff to RARE to develop the games, which will cost a lot of money on top of buying the company.
Now JFG in the hands of Retro would be cool.

For one thing... it might end up with an actually good art style. And mechanically I can't see Retro getting into anywhere close the mess that Rare did.


I see.

well, I think each generation should be measured by what it actually pulled/was common.

Google tells me PSone apparently pushed 640x480 in one game, this one:

-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amsXXHgxQwk

Other than that, just some menu's (Chrono Cross and Gran Turismo 2 car selection)
N64 did 640x480!

...I'm not sure anything other than NFL QB Club did it though.
Hmm how does a Retro developed Perfect Dark sound to all of you?
It'd just give them baggage from the 360 game.

Now what they didn't run into the ground, Blast Corps! Everyone likes to perform wanton mass destruction of civilian property with [x]* to save the world from weapons of mass destruction.

*Off the top of my head, construction vehicles, muscle cars, A*Team van, rocket launching cycle, giant mechs, and pretty sure I'm still forgetting a bunch.
So what exactly happened with the EA conference?
Did it actually happen, was it behind closed doors?
The only things I could find were Fight Night devs working on UFC, something about a soccer team partnership, and a basketball one with the Spurs. And I don't even know if they were all from the event. I'm guessing there was more than that stuff announced considering it was two days, but if there was it looks like it's not public.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Since we're on the subject of 'What do you want Retro to do?', a proper version of GranTurismo 5 would be nice.
Since we're on the subject of 'What do you want Retro to do?', a proper version of GranTurismo 5 would be nice.

While I would love to see a new huge console driving Sim, I highly doubt that Retro would be the team to pull it off.

They could probably build a second team like Naughty Dog did with The Last of Us, but I don't see it happen.

What I would want from them is a 3rd or 1st person adventure game with a focus on exploration and puzzle solving. Maybe even make it a coop story driven adventure with actual coop design instead of just having multiple players in the stages.

Take the map design from Metroid, the traversal of Assassins Creed/Prince of Persia, and maybe focus on sword combat with some projectile weapons.

A personal favorite of mine would also be a Zelda version of Little big Planet. Build your own dungeons, towns, adventures, etc, modify weapons, enemies, puzzles and traps. Share them with friends and play them together.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Explain yourself. :D
This is a pretty random combination - I'm interested in learning more about it.
Oh, I just applied basic gaf logic. Retro - a deus-ex-machina developer, GT - a damsel-in-distress iconic franchise, so I just put 2 and 2 together.


So what exactly happened with the EA conference?
Did it actually happen, was it behind closed doors?

Yeah, at this I'm assuming it was a behind closed doors thing. Possibly embargoed. So who knows when we'll find anything out..

N64 did 640x480!

...I'm not sure anything other than NFL QB Club did it though.

Not true, many games did it, especially when using the expansion pack.

Couldn't find a list anywhere in a quick search, but all the Acclaim sports games did it, and others like Perfect Dark and Rogue Squadron did it (but only with the expansion pak). I know there were many more.


Oh, I just applied basic gaf logic. Retro - a deus-ex-machina developer, GT - a damsel-in-distress iconic franchise, so I just put 2 and 2 together.


I'd love to see some sort of car/racing sim on Nintendo platforms. I love Gran Turismo and Forza.

I'd love to see some sort of car/racing sim on Nintendo platforms. I love Gran Turismo and Forza.

So do I, and I would be curious what Nintendo could bring to the Racing Genre. GT is doing it's best to have massive content and insane light simulation, Forza is King when it comes to social features...could Nintendo actually go a step further in letting players create tracks?

But then again, if they would make a racing Sim, we would've caught wind of it allready. Too many licenses, tests, expenses and planning go into this genre to not go unnoticed.
The amount of manpower and financial investments needed for Nintendo to compete with GT and Forza would be surreal. Especially when both GT and Forza can build off of years of experience and partnerships with car manufacturers.


Mine is in the purely hypothetical realm.

Like thinking "How cool would an open world Mach Rider be in the hands of Avalanche studios?"

JFG by Retro would make the original look like the amateurish attempt it was.

But, the original makes the orginal look like the amateurish attempt it was, surely?

(I secretly agree with you, they should totally do it)


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
So do I, and I would be curious what Nintendo could bring to the Racing Genre. GT is doing it's best to have massive content and insane light simulation, Forza is King when it comes to social features...could Nintendo actually go a step further in letting players create tracks?

But then again, if they would make a racing Sim, we would've caught wind of it allready. Too many licenses, tests, expenses and planning go into this genre to not go unnoticed.
The amount of manpower and financial investments needed for Nintendo to compete with GT and Forza would be surreal. Especially when both GT and Forza can build off of years of experience and partnerships with car manufacturers.
Screw licensed vehicles and pit babes, I just want 'something like CARS' (read: CARS), and 'something like Trackmania2' (read: Trackmania2) on the wiiU. Hear me, SMS and Firebrand?


Nintendo lets Microsoft buy Rare, they proceed to totally wreck their reputation and turn the company name into complete obseletion, now Nintendo finally shows an interest and wants to buy em back? Nohoo. Please tell me yall aint buying this
I think you and I both know that he means console resolutions.

NES: 256x240
SNES 512x448
Playstation: 640x480
Xbox: 1280x720
Xbox 360/Playstation 3: 1920x1080

So yes, while TVs have largely remained the same until the last few years, every generation has seen a resolution bump.

Thanks for handling the education on this one. Out of everything I posted yesterday, resolution bumping in gens has got to be the last one I thought would be refuted. I'm just happy that Nintendo brought us out of the low resolution ghetto with the NES. I mean, 160x192 seemed great at the time, but the Atari 2600 was obviously crap in retrospect.

Also, "genesishighdefinitiongraphics.jpeg"

edit: It just occurred to me that the Atari 2600 has roughly the same resolution as the Pebble smartwatch.

How about no. No more FPS's please. I really want a new action/adventure IP from them.

I'm agreeing with this. Retro is a developer seemingly fully capable of handling genres that they haven't worked on before. This is a strength which needs to be exercised. No more first person run&gun, no more side scrolling platforming. Let's see some of that third-person exploration or behind-the-thruster rail shooting. Maybe a puzzle game or a brawler or an MMO or a stealth game or a sim or a fourecks. Just not something they've already done but with a different skin on.

Also, every time I hit the wikipedia entry for the company, I keep reading the founder's name as "Jeff Splorgenborg".

edit: Retro Actraiser


Holy smokes. It's amazing how the non-Nintendo gaming thread asks, "If you don't like Nintendo games, what do you play?" but people perceived it as "If you hate Nintendo, what games do you play?" and finally: "If you hate Nintendo, you don't really like gamezzz!!!!11q"

NeoGAF is truly an amazing place.


Holy smokes. It's amazing how the non-Nintendo gaming thread asks, "If you don't like Nintendo games, what do you play?" but people perceived it as "If you hate Nintendo, what games do you play?" and finally: "If you hate Nintendo, you don't really like gamezzz!!!!11q"

NeoGAF is truly an amazing place.

But then again, if they would make a racing Sim, we would've caught wind of it allready. Too many licenses, tests, expenses and planning go into this genre to not go unnoticed.

Do you really need to license anything for it to be a simulation? Simulation refers to how a game is played, not whether it has the official branding of some real world company. Good gods, don't you go telling me that WWE '12 was a simulation in anything other than failed promises!

As for the rest… it's Nintendo. They're the Schroedinger's Cat of video games. If they're silent now, it could mean that they're about to announce "Master Chief vs Gordan Freeman"* tomorrow for a September release, but it could also mean that they won't release anything but bunny hop simulators for the next decade.

* I'll let y'all hammer out the details on that one

Nintendo lets Microsoft buy Rare, they proceed to totally wreck their reputation and turn the company name into complete obseletion, now Nintendo finally shows an interest and wants to buy em back? Nohoo. Please tell me yall aint buying this

This insane theory predates now by more than half a decade. In fact, when Nintendo originally sold them off, some people were saying stuff like "They'll just buy them back at a much lower price once Microsoft runs them into the ground and pocket the profits. Nintendo is brilliant as always!"
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