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Wii U Community Thread

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-I/O Controller Chip.

-Out of Order CPU.


-Compute Shaders.

If anyone else has any, throw them in.

I/O controller simply means the input/output, how fast the cpu does this affects the speed of processing.

An out of order cpu is sort of like a shopping list, you go into the shop with that list, but don't necessarily get things in that order. That means the cpu can run at lower speeds but get something similar in performance.

A GPGPU is a graphics processing unit that can do some things that the cpu can do, so if the load on the cpu gets to heavy, the gpu can help.

I'll get back to you on compute shaders since I'm on my phone.
AC3 uses their next gen engine AnvilNext, wich should suite Wii U far more than Xbox360 and PS3.

All games in the next 2-3 years will rely on it just like with the anvil engine (AC2, AC Brotherhood and AC Revelations all run on Anvil engine)

No dev builds a brand new engine for just 1 game.


No one in the west



I understand that if you're trying to get every last cycle out of a system then slight differences in things like cache, latencies etc will matter. However seeing as most code I image is essentially 'C' and most power these days is GPU, I would have thought that the compilers take care of a lot of the work of making code optimal for games that don't stress the CPU. Therefore I would have expected at minimum the same performance as current HD systems.

I don't know enough about xenon and what might be in Wii U to know for sure, but it just doesn't sit right with me. Also, I imagine that these Jaguar or Steamrollers will still annihilate Wii U and therefore by brute force will pose no problems in running current gen HD titles.
Well if it doesn't have vector units as postulated by some, I could see that being a big problem if devs made heavy use of them. Theoretically GPUs would be good at the types of computations that vector units are good at (highly parallelizable stuff), but that's not a simple switch to turn on for the compiler afaik, barring some higher level abstraction like OpenCL or whatever fancy engine.
I/O controller simply means the input/output, how fast the cpu does this affects the speed of processing.

No, the I/O controller is a seperate chip on Wii U that handles all the controller input/output stuff, thus freeing the CPU from that task.

Wii U also has a dedicated audio processor, wich handeles all the audio tasks, wich also frees CPU from this task

Xbox 360 has no audio chip, and in the worst case (according to our GAF insiders) that can already take the power of one full core.

An out of order cpu is sort of like a shopping list, you go into the shop with that list, but don't necessarily get things in that order. That means the cpu can run at lower speeds but get something similar in performance.

No exactly. The CPU can priorize more important calculations over ones that are not that important, thus doing them "out of order". Problem is, the engine needs to be coded for "out of order" execution or it won´t get you any benefits. Xbox 360 (Not sure about PS4) still has an in order cpu.

A GPGPU is a graphics processing unit that can do some things that the cpu can do, so if the load on the cpu gets to heavy, the gpu can help.

Yes, but you specifically need to code the engine to offload tasks to the GPU. Its not just going to work out of the box. Using GPGPU (AFAIK) not very easy to program...

I'll get back to you on compute shaders since I'm on my phone.

Compute Shaders do the GPGPU stuff ;)
Well Dillon is a cowboy in the game and "The Last Ranger" can sound like it has something to do with Dillon but it can be something new hopefully.

Not only is Dillon a cowboy in the game they are referred to as "Rangers"...

Now I have no clue if the two are related, but a full fleshed out Dillon's Rolling Western would be fine by me.

No, the I/O controller is a seperate chip on Wii U that handeles all the controller input/output stuff, thus freeing the CPU from that task.

Wii U also has a dedicated audio processor, wich handeles all the audio tasks, wich also frees CPU from this task

Xbox 360 has no audio chip, and in the worst case (according to our GAF insiders) that can already take the power of one full core.

No exactly. The CPU can priorize more important calculations over ones that are not that important, thus doing them "out of order". Problem is, the engine needs to be coded for "out of order" execution or it won´t get you any benefits. Xbox 360 (Not sure about PS4) still has an in order cpu.

Yes, but you specifically need to code the engine to offload tasks to the GPU. Its not just going to work out of the box. Using GPGPU (AFAIK) not very easy to program...

Compute Shaders do the GPGPU stuff ;)

Though, everyone has their own way to explain it I thought this may help explain some of these things to people.

The I/O should not only handle controllers for Wii U but should handle the drives and hubs... As already noted this is another way that it free's up the CPU.

I think his analogy of the Shopping List is pretty good but an In order CPU would be like taking the Shopping List analogy and saying you had to start in aisle 1 each "cycle" and go down each aisle and could only get 1 item until you went down each aisle. Then you would start over at aisle 1 again... Out of order allows you to go down any aisle you want and get the items in any order so you don't waste any time walking down the aisles that have no items on your shopping list (wasted cycles)...


That'll be down to differences in the TVs they were using, rather than the superiority of the console.

And because of stuff like that, I think we're going to have to wait until the final versions of these games come out before Digital Foundry and the like can make accurate comparisons of them.

Different TV settings? I have yet to see a TV that could turn brown to blue or add slightly better lighting with a settings change.


Black Ops II

Calling it now.

Yea its going to be something thats announced for the other systems, there is nothing unannounced yet for anything coming out near launch outside of on the Japanese side of things.

I say COD: BO2 also or something like RE6, its not gonna be some WiiU exclusive game.


Wasnt AC3 kinda built ground up for WiiU?

At E3 2011 AC3 was announced for WiiU, that was before we know it was AC3 and before AC3 was even announced at all for anything.

So its not a port, it was built for WiiU

No, it wasn't. Even Ubisoft stated that they are not planning to utilize the Wii U's potential for the game. It's a straight port. Whether or not it's a good port or a shitty port has yet to be seen. Though, I don't expect it to be a shitty port.


XBox3 and PS4 are both using Jaguar cores which are out of order execution like WiiU, probably quite similar in performance as well (though they seem to be going with an extra core or so and a higher clock speed).

Oh Ok thanks. I can see why you're a bit more optimistic about the Wii U's "next-gen-readiness." This puts Wii U in a slightly better position as devs won't have to rework their PS4/Xbox3 code as much as they would have otherwise. The outlook seems better if there's a performance gap(which shouldn't be immense on the CPU side), rather than a drastic architectural difference.
I'm so tired of people crying about Madden WiiU, like has been said 100 times 360 Madden 06 was crappy port.

This Madden is getting a lot of new features for it to stand on its own, next years Madden will prob be the best one, since it will likely have everything plus 2 gamepad support.

But this Madden doesnt not look like a crappy port, more like just a prototype of what to expect Madden on WiiU to become.
Yeah, Wii-U Madden looks like it'll have all the features of last year's 360/PS3 Madden game, plus a bunch of new touchscreen features. Compare this to the 360 Madden '06, which had LESS features than the year before: no Owner Mode, no play challenges, no mini camp, no pre-snap reassigning players. Its ONLY advances were in graphics and presentation.
Yeah, Wii-U Madden looks like it'll have all the features of last year's 360/PS3 Madden game, plus a bunch of new touchscreen features. Compare this to the 360 Madden '06, which had LESS features than the year before: no Owner Mode, no play challenges, no mini camp, no pre-snap reassigning players. Its ONLY advances were in graphics and presentation.

"HD Graphix" was the whole selling point for PS3/Xbox360 consoles last gen, especially at the beginning. They just focused on the selling point and worked on that the most.

Guess what Wii Us seeling point is? The Wii U Gamepad. And thats where they focused on with Fifa and Madden.

Riddle solved.

Can i haz mah cookie now?
I'm having a déja-vu. Pretty sure I've seen the same story about the trademark a couple of months earlier and it was debunked to be the Japanese name of that Rolling Western game or something.

Original trademark was US and JP. This trademark was for Europe.

No one provided video or evidence of it being The Rolling Western 2, although it was allegedly alluded to be so in an alternate ending of the game.


Ahahaha that made me laugh. Yes ... google BFG 9000

And for everone else for once and for all:

Doom 3 BFG is a special edition that has support for Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display:
Oh shit it does stand for that hahaha. What are the chances?


In the incredibly rare case that WiiU sells out for the first two years of launch like Wii was, I'm preordering and will be there at midnight. Can't take any risks :)


Interesting read. Probably BS. It's a good theory though.
While I marked this as a rumor, I put this up because I heard about this from trusted friends of mine who work at EA and thus I hope someone reposts this as news. I’m not going to list all five of their names so that way they can feed their kids so I ask of you do the same, if you repost this, please leave my name out of this. I just want this info out in the public to see if we can get the pure truth from EA even if it’s a “no comment”.
Ok, remember last year when the President of EA came onto Nintendo’s E3 Stage and announced their “very close partnership” with Nintendo like double rainbows just happen and we were going to get a ton of high quality games for Wii U?
What happened to that?
Well supposedly, eight months before E3 and many months after this is what it was like between EA and Nintendo. Nintendo noticed that many people commended EA’s online system and netcode they did for their Wii games (Madden, Medal of Honor, ect) so they asked them if they could work on contract to help build the core online ecosystem for their next gen console. EA provide a ton of consoling to Nintendo, such as how to make low-latency net code, username account systems, social networks and more. While other companies did provide input as well, EA made sure to provide the most input and support for the Wii U’s R&D.
As an reward, EA received development kits even before Ubisoft, Valve or Tecmo Koei. Many of EA’s studios were interested, especially Bioware who have been wanting to put their own games on a Nintendo system for ages and finally had the technical ability to do it with a Mass Effect Trilogy port and Dragon Age 3 on slate for the system.
Here comes the problem. At a meeting in Kyoto, a month or so after Peter Moore visited them, Nintendo of Japan showed EA their new Nintendo Network and Miiverse online system for Wii U. They wanted to congradulate them helping them with the support and paid them for their consoling.
This is where reportedly EA according to my friends who were at the meeting the core executives at EA got greedy. They then offered this deal to Nintendo where EA could go further with the online system adding smartphone/tablet functionality, communities, Facebook and Twitter interactions and more. Better netcode and something that would truly rival Xbox Live and PSN.
The catch? Nintendo would have to make the Nintendo Network for Wii U officially part of Origin and run Origin’s interface and netcode. Ergo, Nintendo Network would be and Origin exclusive network.
Nintendo actually did debate for a minute if they should accept EA’s deal, but they quickly decided (and put their foot down) that there was WAY more harm than good doing this. Even though Nintendo Network can link to Origin and it’s servers, having the core network running on Origin would provide quality control issues. For example, if EA wanted to sell some low end DLC for $50 each when realistically consumers would buy it only for $5, EA could do this without Nintendo having any say since it was their network and not Nintendo’s. Also, if a rival company let’s say Activision wanted to put Modern Warfare 4 on Wii U, EA could give Activison the WORST netcode and support resources while putting all their back into Battlefield 4, thus making a rival look worse than EA”s products.
These unfair business possibilities and consumer complains on Origin for PC made Nintendo reject EA’s offering for Origin and instead opted to keep the platform open to it’s own internal network and able to link/patch in other networks such as Steam and uPlay.
This, like the PSN VS Capcom incident that caused MH4 to jump ship, destroyed any momentum that Nintendo had with EA for Wii U. While EA still likes Wii U and will support it, from what I understand unless the launch titles or future titles sell way beyond expectations, EA will simply “throw Wii U bones” by putting some multiplat games without giving them any real budgets. This means we are going to get low quality in terms of budget and manpower ports of various EA games with no soul behind them and thus the original agreement of ME3, FIFA and Madden are gimped and the developers have only that small budget to work with.
Ironically, the good thing that came out of this is that other 3rd Parties praised Nintendo. This especially please Ubisoft, who was head over heals with the system to begin with and this move further solidified their partnership with the Big N. In a way, Nintendo lost EA and gained the entire good side of Ubisoft instead. This also gave props to Valve, who also loves the system and since they are hard at work for 5 games in the next three years next year they will show off games for Wii U, starting with a multiplat Left 4 Dead prequel announcement for Q1/Q2 2013.
That is what I was told. Please spread the word.


This also gave props to Valve, who also loves the system and since they are hard at work for 5 games in the next three years next year

I know Ubisoft has stated multiple times that they like the system but I've never heard of anything from Valve. Is there a source for Valve or is this just another part of the EA rumor?



If it's true, Nintendo did the right decision. Make Nintendo Network to be an exclusive Origin platform is not what I call fair to other people who want to make online games. EA was greedy and yet they are still EA. All Nintendo needs from them is mainstream multiplatform games that's all. Overall, EA is still dead to me.

But I think it's BS all this theory.


I know Ubisoft has stated multiple times that they like the system but I've never heard of anything from Valve. Is there a source for Valve or is this just another part of the EA rumor?
Gabe said he's interested in the console but hasn't announced any games for it.

Heh, reading the article again, he praises the Wii U's CPU and GPU. Hmmm....
"It sort of fits better into the scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU performance, so I think it'll be a lot easier for us to fit it into our scalability model."


EA would have been dense, shortsighted and downright idiotic actually, to seriously believe Nintendo of all companies would give Origin that type of power on their platform. And almost as dense to make it a company directive to "get Nintendo back" for it. Their both in the business of making cash so I doubt this theory. They may drop a few priorities for Nintendo but that's all I see happening.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Where do you even draw the line between games when it comes to a developer like Valve? I doubt they've got five new titles projected to launch within three years. But I'm certain they've got several prototypes and concepts floating around, which may or may not evolve into something substantial.


NHL 13 might come to Wii U, someone asked EA Customer service and asked if NHL 13 is coming to Wii U and this is what they said.

no official information on that subject at the moment, but that he should definitely keep my eyes open in the coming weeks

It's from Go-Nintendo.


I'm creating a list of games the Wii U should automatically get next gen that the Wii didn't just because of HD (unless the publisher is an asshole).

~HD Collections
~Sprite based fighters
~2D platformers
~Visual novels (lol)

Anyone know anymore?
I'm creating a list of games the Wii U should automatically get next gen that the Wii didn't just because of HD (unless the publisher is an asshole).

~HD Collections
~Sprite based fighters
~2D platformers

Anyone know anymore?

HD Anime brawlers
HD Anime fighters
Musou games
Western RPGs
Uncharted clones
QTE games
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