So... I know everyone is here to discuss and speculate about what is coming for Wii U. What are the insides of the Wii U made up? And when is Miyamoto, Iwata and Reggie coming for all of us in order to ride their Train and end up crashing into the abysm of nothingness, you know fun things. But,
- Who is planning on buying the Wii U?
- Why are you going to buy it? And if not, why not?
- What is your opinion about the console? What does it needs? What does it lack? What other information are you waiting Nintendo un unveil?
For example,
I plan to buy it. Still don't know if will get it by launch or some time after launch.
The reason is mainly because of Nintendo games, I loved them.
However, the console itself is something that really attracts me. The online features that will come with really takes my curiosity, mainly because Nintendo always end up putting its "Nintendo flavor" to things, so I am eager to try features like the "MiiVerse". Also, the usage of the second screen is quite awesome. After playing "Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass", "Spirit Tracks" and "Ocarina of Time, and then playing "Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap" on the 3DS, I found out that going back to not having a second screen from which I can choose my weapons, watch my maps and other stuff is quite difficult. The easiness of just selecting everything on the fly from the second screen is really a great gameplay-enhancer. You know, instead of having to "Pause" the game, then move from one menu to the other, then "Unpausing", to then having to open it again, and so on.
I know some people say that changing your view from one screen to another will break the experience, because you will have to get out of the "game world". But, I think that when you get to play it, the screen will be part of the "game world" and the experience will not break, similar to the experience with the screen of the DS and 3DS, even if the space between screens is bigger, with the time the player will get used to it. Or at least, that's my opinion.
I hope more and more usages get invented from this combination. Really hoping here, that someday we will have a new "Pokemon Snap" that will use the 3D Space that the control can create. Like the feature that the 3DS has, but enhanced.
Also, it would be nice if the system is near in "power" or "graphical capabilities" as the future Xbox and PS, in order to be able to get most 3rd Party games that will be on those consoles.
And, well, as everyone here, I am waiting for a new Nintendo Direct to know more about the launch-day, prices, colors, features, and a long etcetera.