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Wii U Community Thread

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Has the possibility of the Wii U becoming the console of choice for MMOs been discussed? It seems really logical with the gamepad. Console controllers have a really hard time emulating the hotbar found in many MMOs. This is something the gamepad could do fairly easily.


Has the possibility of the Wii U becoming the console of choice for MMOs been discussed? It seems really logical with the gamepad. Console controllers have a really hard time emulating the hotbar found in many MMOs. This is something the gamepad could do fairly easily.

I know developers said Wii U is a great console for RPG's and JRPG's.
Has the possibility of the Wii U becoming the console of choice for MMOs been discussed? It seems really logical with the gamepad. Console controllers have a really hard time emulating the hotbar found in many MMOs. This is something the gamepad could do fairly easily.
Something something I want pokemon mmo something.


this was the original reason. afterwards, they redid the contract much more in nintendo's favor, and they dropped sony again, this time in favor of phillips. they dropped phillips too, but not before phillips got some nintendo franchise games out on their system.

Wikipedia says that happened after Nintendo tried Phillips, but Sony pulled out of the revised agreement because they decided they could make their own stand alone console.


Cool . . .that's the same gpu that I have in my computer. That seems pretty good to me. I can play Skyrim at 1080p averaging about 40 FPS with settings on mostly high. I also can play Deadspace 2, Deus Ex: HR, Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 1 & 2 all at 1080p with settings on high or near high with at least 30 fps on all of those.

Unfortunately you have no idea what you're talking about. Nobody has the same GPU or CPU that will be in WiiU.
Unfortunately you have no idea what you're talking about. Nobody has the same GPU or CPU that will be in WiiU.

Well... they've got variations of it that will never be used to capacity. Benefit of closed system designs. You can design down to the metal (if you've got the money or time) without the risk of it not working. Because there's no competing drivers or changes in architecture to worry about.

This is why I will say in one minute that PC's will always have the theoretical advantage, but that consoles can set the standard. A WiiU game given time and money will take whatever GPU is in there much farther than it could ever be taken on the PC.


Honestly, I never understood the obsession with third party support on Nintendo consoles, which as far as I can tell is what the vast majority of the hardware debate revolves around.

I'm assuming most of the people in this thread have been playing on Nintendo platforms since at least the GameCube era, if not the N64 era. For anyone who has, they have been through at least two, if not three generations of Nintendo not having third party support, yet are still interested enough to spend tons of hours debating Nintendo's next console and eagerly anticipating picking it up.

It's been 6 years since the Wii came out and 11 years since the GameCube released. Surely most of you must be at least nearing the age where you're entering the work force. Now, if you're in absolutely dire financial straights (at which point buying the Wii U might be kind of questionable) or still in your teens, I can appreciate the monetary issues in picking up multiple boxes to play a majority of the games you want, but still I feel this can't seriously apply to even the majority of people who seem upset about the potential for a fair amount of third party games not showing up on the system.

I feel it takes all of 30 seconds looking at the Wii's line-up to tell that the Wii U's hardware power will be more than good enough for Nintendo to make great games. Let's say the worst case scenario happens and there's barely any third party support for the system. Is it really the end of the world to go pick up a second box 2-3 years after the Wii U comes out? The other systems will probably have some pretty good deals going by then and a bunch of cheap/great third party games that can be bought for $10 used.

I mean, for every generation so far, I've had to save up money for quite a while when I wanted to get a new platform, but by shopping around and being careful, it really wasn't that much of a burden, and I definitely didn't come from a background of great or even moderate means. That's finally changed now, but I just have trouble seeing how this issue alone could be the lynchpin for all of this.

Now, if the controller is the sticking point for some people, I can appreciate that, but let's be honest, so far with every unique console controller since the multiplatform trend started, almost every multiplatform developer really, really doesn't care to do a good job. Almost every stand out example I can think of is either a first party game, or a third party exclusive, and thus the ability to run every game the other systems has really isn't important for that either.

Is there something else I'm missing that makes it critical that Nintendo have almost every third party game, and thus the hardware needed to run them? This is a serious, honest question, because I'm really having trouble fully understanding the issue.

Exactly, many people are below 20 who have too much time and need games to waste it.

I have no time to care for 3rd parties. I go as I go, i make no decisions 1 year ahead, i will see if i will buy it this year or not, no idea, probably not but not ruled out.

I am from the Sega Genesis/SNES times* (but didn't played a lot of games b/c i was very young to be able to have ability or familiarity) honestly the actual self-awareness came with N64 where i actually played games because they were good and knew which ones to buy instead of parents deciding everything.

With all that said: I've never cared about 3rd parties on nintendo, and still don't. Even if I would I don't have time as much as I got before.

Those who care about 3rd parties are multiplatform people.


Well... they've got variations of it that will never be used to capacity. Benefit of closed system designs. You can design down to the metal (if you've got the money or time) without the risk of it not working. Because there's no competing drivers or changes in architecture to worry about.

This is why I will say in one minute that PC's will always have the theoretical advantage, but that consoles can set the standard. A WiiU game given time and money will take whatever GPU is in there much farther than it could ever be taken on the PC.

What the analysis will do when WiiU comes out is the determination of equivalent PC card, and that doesn't mean it's just a variation of that one inside, it's fully custom.


I asked if people wanted to hear info that I just got.
I stated the info that I got today could be old.
And I said what two of my sources where the other day.
Im not giving out their names and their companies though.

And frankly, what Im being told is not out of the realm of possibility.
As it has been speculated on for quite sometime.

Be honest, are your sources Thunder Monkey's figs? Don't believe their lies.
Nice of the Bonus Round to spend less than 5 minutes on the Wii U (half of which were complaining about two ports) before letting the Dishonored guy pitch his game.


I ain't trying to 'start something' I just found this really fascinating in Gunpei Yokoi's biography:


Check the section on his philosophy of 'withered' or 'seasoned' technology. Strikes me that a popular narrative that's been going around is that Nintendo has only now, entirely changed the way they operate and stopped competing with the tech of others. But it's not true; they've followed a different philosophy since word one.

Which is true; the Gameboy was technologically inferior in many areas to other portables to enable playability - long battery life. People may not realize it due to hazy childhood memories, but the SNES, N64, and Gamecube, were all inferior in some way to the competitors, all cut corners. Optical drive in the case of the N64, obviously. But the SNES had an inferior CPU compared to the Genesis for many purposes. Gamecube was more limited than people make it out to be, did not have a lot of the technology in the PS2. Then obviously there is the DS.

The thing is, there is a lot of sense to that philosophy, particularly if your goal is to hit a mass market, rather than enthusiast market. I suppose the blind spot of the gaming community is that the most vocal gamers tend to be like a car fan who demand every automobile in the world be a Ferarri, as anything less would be an 'insult to auto lovers'.

Every console is inferior to another of its generation in some ways though, SNES was inferior in CPU power (arguably, though its CPU was more advanced), Megadrive was inferior in sound and GPU power. N64 was inferior in media storage space, PSX was inferior in media access speed, GPU power ect (N64 was unquestionably the superior hardware overall). GameCube was inferior in CPU power, disc storage space and RAM space, PS2 was inferior in GPU power, disc access speed and RAM performance (overall GC was the superior hardware). XBox was inferior in CPU power as well but was superior in GPU power and RAM.

Some of these difference came down to cutting corners and some came down to design preferences. For instance lack of a optical drive in N64 wasn't about cutting corners, it was a choice of access speed over storage space. But none of this equals a "withered technology" philosophy. Wii fits into that category and GameBoy fits into that category. But SNES, N64 and GameCube don't, each of those systems used new technology. Custom GPU's, exotic memory, custom media ect.

I think Nintendo's design philosophy has changed with every console they've designed. It just depends on what they feel they need at the time.

I'd be interested to see you expand on the sentence I've bolded BTW. What technology are you referring to that PS2 had and GC didn't?


on a lighter note:

MDX, I see your head hasn't rolled yet, but did you enjoy your time in the stocks pelted with rotton cabbages?

Speak in code next time like “I had a dream last night” (don't take my advice btw). Or change your name to Van Owen, guy's totally unbannable and mastered troll skill 'victimhood'.
To touch on a different more actual news worthy subject:

How do you suspect will Nintendo go about the Digital Versions of their WiiU games. Will they demand 3rd parties to price them similar to them (overpriced to hell and back basically) or will they let 3rd parties decide the prices. With the current NSMB2 digital pricepoint fiasko (40 pound for a freaking 3DS game) and Nintendos abysmal account system, that we have to asume so far will also tie accounts to the WiiU (but now you can lose up to 12 accounts when your console is stolen), I'm wondering if Nintendo might actually be able to completely sabotage their online offering at launch and beyond.

With how slow Nintendo works on the online front, I wouldn't be surprised if their efforts for the WiiU online library are comparable disgusting money grabs like their 3DS offerings.

I guess one could allways hope that retailers will carry download coupons at reasonable prices, but what about Digital only games? Stuff like Lost Winds or Toki Tori2? Will those be able to price themselves competitively or will Nintendo once again cockblock any attempt of 3rd parties to entice downloads by pricing their games accordingly.


They're not at Gamescom (guess they blew their money for SDCC). I wouldn't expect any announcement at Gamescom at all (including 3rd parties), maybe at the next Nintendo Direct.


Also, even if Nintendo were to go to gamescom, they NEVER announce anything. Only Sony has a press conference every year where they announce minitons (Sly Collection, PS3 Slim and price cut, etc).

At this point, Nintendo Direct at the end of the months is our best bet.
The Wii U name and the design of the console itself still really irk me. When I see the little displays in HMV, I still don't think they say much to the casual consumer.

The name pretty much tells you nothing, I can see why people would look at the displays and think it was just a controller for the Wii. It doesnt help at all that the actual console pictured looks near identical to the Wii.

If there was a poster that said 'Wii 2' in big letter it would pick up attention straight away. It would avoid any confusion about the look of the machine for sure. Same as if the Wii U name was kept but the console design was completely new.

When I buy a new house, I dont want it to look exactly the same as my old one but with better air conditioning and better roof tiling.

When I bought my SNES, I was glad it had a new design. Can't imagine buying it and it looking like a slightly bigger NES, but with a SNES logo in tiny writing on it.

The main reason his irks me is because this is the exact same problem that the 3DS has suffered from. It's absolutely shameful that Nintendo has not learnt from that. Shameful. Serious questions have to be asked about those who have made these big decisions.


Nice of the Bonus Round to spend less than 5 minutes on the Wii U (half of which were complaining about two ports) before letting the Dishonored guy pitch his game.

And noone calls Pachter out. It is a shame that with a new console launch, even the gaming press couldn't give two fucks. There is a serious disconnect going on and I dunno who is to blame.

Larsen B

The main reason his irks me is because this is the exact same problem that the 3DS has suffered from. It's absolutely shameful that Nintendo has not learnt from that. Shameful. Serious questions have to be asked about those who have made these big decisions.

Has there been any evidence that "people" (which I suppose means the general public) have been confused by the 3DS?

It's a line of thinking that I understand and when people say it, I think "yeah, that's probably true" but the people who say it are ones who know the difference. I've never heard anecdotal evidence of someone buying a 3DS game for their DS or some grandmother making a mistake.

Are the poor initial sales of the 3DS the only thing that supports this thinking, even though there are also other reasons for those sales?

This is a question borne of curiosity rather than animosity.
Has there been any evidence that "people" (which I suppose means the general public) have been confused by the 3DS?

It's a line of thinking that I understand and when people say it, I think "yeah, that's probably true" but the people who say it are ones who know the difference. I've never heard anecdotal evidence of someone buying a 3DS game for their DS or some grandmother making a mistake.

Are the poor initial sales of the 3DS the only thing that supports this thinking, even though there are also other reasons for those sales?

This is a question borne of curiosity rather than animosity.

I have friends who play games (COD, FIFA etc) who until last week through the 3DS was the DS with a 3D option. When I showed my mate a Luigi's Mansion trailer on my new XL he was pretty impressed. He's never really looked into it since the device is very much in the mould of the DS and the name never really told him anything except that the device did 3D.

Casual observers need things spelling out for them all the time because they don't look into things like we did. I had to explain the system and show him actual games just to get him convinced this wasn't just another DSi.

The name DS2 and a sleeker new design would have told him that this wasnt just the old DS instantly though.

Worst (best) example I ever saw was a poster at a game store saying 'choose your style: lite, XL or 3D'. Summed up the entire problem for me.
I'm the poster of that thread. Can anyone tell me why you think it was closed by mods? Are threads discussing the WiiU banned from the Gaming Discussion forum. Is it all relegated to this single thread in the community forum?

1. Reads like viral marketing to some
2. Phrased like that, will be sure to attract antagonistic responses
3. A thread to express your own opinion about the Wii U may not be necessary

Just guessing here.
And noone calls Pachter out. It is a shame that with a new console launch, even the gaming press couldn't give two fucks. There is a serious disconnect going on and I dunno who is to blame.

What are they supposed to get excited about? Nintendo have battened down the PR hatches, so the media are waiting for the same assumed pre-launch press conference the rest of us are.

Plus, the whole point of the Wii U is the synergy between the GamePad and the TV screen, and to be frank, they haven't shown anything that shows it off convincingly. At least not for the audience that reads enthusiast gaming websites. Maybe they're scared Sony and Microsoft will rip off their ideas, I dunno.


The main reason his irks me is because this is the exact same problem that the 3DS has suffered from. It's absolutely shameful that Nintendo has not learnt from that. Shameful. Serious questions have to be asked about those who have made these big decisions.

That would be the 3DS which is currently selling more than it's predecessor did at this point in it's life, yes?
I'm the poster of that thread. Can anyone tell me why you think it was closed by mods? Are threads discussing the WiiU banned from the Gaming Discussion forum. Is it all relegated to this single thread in the community forum?

Dont stress over it. Enthusiasm is immensely unpopular in post-internet society.

Larsen B

I have friends who play games (COD, FIFA etc) who until last week through the 3DS was the DS with a 3D option. When I showed my mate a Luigi's Mansion trailer on my new XL he was pretty impressed. He's never really looked into it since the device is very much in the mould of the DS and the name never really told him anything except that the device did 3D.

Casual observers need things spelling out for them all the time because they don't look into things like we did. I had to explain the system and show him actual games just to get him convinced this wasn't just another DSi.

The name DS2 and a sleeker new design would have told him that this wasnt just the old DS instantly though.

Worst (best) example I ever saw was a poster at a game store saying 'choose your style: lite, XL or 3D'. Summed up the entire problem for me.

Oh man.

With the 3DS XL Iwata Asks, they said a lot about how game stores would need to explain about the lack of a charger. I wonder if they put too much faith into the idea of stores doing their explaining for them.

The latter 3DS adverts seem to make a distinction that the 3DS is not a DS, though I don't think even that is clear enough, so maybe the WiiU adverts will make more of a point about it.
What are they supposed to get excited about? Nintendo have battened down the PR hatches, so the media are waiting for the same assumed pre-launch press conference the rest of us are.

Plus, the whole point of the Wii U is the synergy between the GamePad and the TV screen, and to be frank, they haven't shown anything that shows it off convincingly. At least not for the audience that reads enthusiast gaming websites. Maybe they're scared Sony and Microsoft will rip off their ideas, I dunno.

They could give getting excited over the possibilities a try.


Not looked at Wii-U for a while. Are we expecting to see some announcements this week from Nintendo at Gamescom?

As already stated, Nintendo won't be there themselves so there shouldn't be any first party news (baring a Nintendo Direct).

However, third parties might be different. I think EA has a few announcements, and we might see something like an Overstrike trailer or news. I also think EA has some games launching this year that they have, at a minimum, not announced dates for.


What are they supposed to get excited about? Nintendo have battened down the PR hatches, so the media are waiting for the same assumed pre-launch press conference the rest of us are.

Plus, the whole point of the Wii U is the synergy between the GamePad and the TV screen, and to be frank, they haven't shown anything that shows it off convincingly. At least not for the audience that reads enthusiast gaming websites. Maybe they're scared Sony and Microsoft will rip off their ideas, I dunno.

Well, part of the problem is that most press people are so busy arguing about rape in a Tomb Raider trailer that isn't there and Hitman Absolution being about shooting Nuns because the marketing dept. put out a silly CG trailer, that they cannot find the time to actually look at what's out there about the Wii U.

I keep hearing and reading all this layman business analysis, "Oh, but it's Nintendo™" jokes and comparisons with other platforms that don't make sense.

Time and time again, I get the feeling even the press is looking for reasons to avoid the Wii U because it might mean more work to be familiar with another platform. Ignoring the Wii was made easy and many perfected it over the years save for when the usual Mario, Zelda, Metroid games came out.

Those "why does this game need a touch screen? why does it need to be on Wii U?" nonsense is what irritates me the most. I heard that during E3 in relation to Rayman Legends being exclusive. Some would prefer it if the game just came out on everything so they wouldn't have to play it on the Wii U which would require adapting to a different system. Do you EVER hear people say "why is this game on 360? why is this game on PS3? why is this game on PC? they could've done this on any other platform." No, you don't. Why? Because they already own those. "New features? Pah! Don't need those, the old game was fun without them." ...

I honestly believe it comes down to convenience or lack thereof. Aside from the graphics issue, what was the number one argument that came up with the Wii? "I don't wanna wave my arms around for hours at a time." A comment signaling ignorance on the speaker's part. What do we hear when people talk about Wii U aside from the graphics issue (again)? "I don't wanna NOT look at my TV, why do I need to keep looking at the touch screen, that thing looks weird an uncomfortable." Oh. My. God! Seriously?

It seems like many people covering games have become so jaded and old that they have lost all their imagination. When I see Wii U and games like Pikmin, Project P-100, ZombiU, Rayman Legends and even Mass Effect 3 (which I have just finished a few weeks ago on 360), I see the possibilities, what makes these games or versions stand out or better.

Being split into four characters in Pikmin 3, each having a separate goal and a few Pikmin to achieve it, forcing you to focus your attention on multiple characters and sometimes combining their efforts and the Rock Pikmin and Flying Pikmin get me damned excited! Having a map on the screen also sounds pretty damn useful. It's not exciting but its presence makes the game potentially a lot better since you don't have to pause and look at the map and scroll around. Just take a peek onto the GamePad's screen!

Kamiya's brand of crazy with tons of little superheroes running around cities and fighting huge robots by forming giant swords or ladders? Sounds pretty dope!

Having just finished ME3, I can totally see why playing it on the Wii U would make it so much better: you have direct access to MORE skills without having to pause and select one from the radial menu. In the old versions, you have D-Pad left and right for ONE of your two squadmates' powers each. Your own skills are spread across three buttons. (quick tap RB/R1, LB/L1 and Y/Triangle)--that makes five skills that are accessible to you at any point without pausing. On Wii U, you have all those buttons AND you have EIGHT slots on the touch screen, easily accessible via your thumb (= a total of TWELVE powers without pausing)! And a map so you don't have to run around to find that last enemy that keeps hiding behind a crate somewhere! Also, that turns the Wii U into a small Codex-reader if you switch to Tablet-Only view, turn off the TV you can comfortably read the Codex entries on the tablet. Reading long text on the TV is bad. Wii U combats that issue in this game.

ZombiU suffers from Horrible-Name-Syndrom and Red-Steelitis so it easily gets dismissed. I found it hilarious that on a Gamers With Jobs Conference Call a couple of weeks ago they had one guest on who went to one of the Wii U press events before or after Comic Con and played some of the games. They talked about the same stuff everyone already talked about at E3 and made similar points, cautiously neutral, don't care, they didn't show anything, ports, ZombiU might be ok? blah blah blah. In that same episode, they then had a dedicated DayZ segment where they eventually reached the conclusion that it's a cool idea but they'd love to see that in a more accessible format. ZombiU did not come up once in that part of the discussion! I banged my head against an imaginary table. As far as we know, it doesn't have any direct MMO-style player vs. player interaction (sounds more like sequel material) but the basic idea is the same: survive--if you die, you start over fresh! Only that ZombiU has plot progression and is gameplay wise tailored more after Dark Souls (one of the producers is a huge fan). I'm not saying it's better or anything but why is it so hard to take that game seriously?

Some of the press comments appear no different than what Random Internet Person might say in terms of how informed their statement is or how much care they put into how they express their opinion and that bugs me a lot these days. A lot of the press people I like fall into that category as well. And I expect better from them.

If anybody actually reads this, sorry for ranting but thanks for reading.


They could give getting excited over the possibilities a try.

this is basically the tl;dr version of my huge post :D
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