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Wii U Community Thread

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I found this interesting - a general news story about retail video game sales falling, but the article's picture is of the Wii-U controller. The article doesn't mention Nintendo or next-gen gaming or anything, they just choose the Wii-U controller to represent video games in general.

Just noticed there's a six page thread in gaming titled "Jimmy Fallon calls the Wii U "a Wii add-on".

Will avoid.

Like the plague.

It's mostly people talking about how Nintendo is mismarketing the system, but (eventually) how great a job they did showing it off on Jimmy Fallon. Here's a crappy Youtube clip of the Wii-U segment, note the part about it being an add-on was before this, just talking about what the show was gonna be about.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Just noticed there's a six page thread in gaming titled "Jimmy Fallon calls the Wii U "a Wii add-on".

Will avoid.

Like the plague.

Quite a good thread, actually. Nicely pointing out Nintendo's stupid (or lack thereof) marketing.
We don't even have a release date, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that the marketing kicks in gear that says, "Hey, not a Wii accessory, it's a totally new console! Mario might be there at launch, maybe!"


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.


User Tron

Quite a good thread, actually. Nicely pointing out Nintendo's stupid (or lack thereof) marketing.

Why should they care about marketing months before launch? Average consumers would have forgotten about it within a few days. This is why Apple shows their stuff and makes it available within a short time.
Quite a good thread, actually. Nicely pointing out Nintendo's stupid (or lack thereof) marketing.

Yeah, I'm on the third page and it's not a bad read but I ain't posting. And not so much name related, but I went off on an angry rant earlier today about Nintendo's horrible marketing and media incompetence the past few weeks, so you have no need to convince me of that fact:


i thought it was better to avoid opposing viewpoints at all cost.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Why should they care about marketing months before launch? Average consumers would have forgotten about it within a few days. This is why Apple shows their stuff and makes it available within a short time.

They haven't gone off the deep end yet, but having a major talk show host effectively call your new console a peripheral for an existing console is bad PR. Damage control can be done, but there should be no need for damage control in the first place.

Nintendo does not need another 3DS situation. It does them no good.


They haven't gone off the deep end yet, but having a major talk show host effectively call your new console a peripheral for an existing console is bad PR. Damage control can be done, but there should be no need for damage control in the first place.

Nintendo does not need another 3DS situation. It does them no good.

I don't know, I will worry about the console after it launches, they did point out it was a new console, even jimmy when he said that, it was something like it's a new console that you play with the Wii... lol

Also, not sure even from an add on point it should be worried... the Balance board has sold 43Million units? I think that is a pretty good indication that "Wii" and Nintendo products in general have mind share with the general public.


They haven't gone off the deep end yet, but having a major talk show host effectively call your new console a peripheral for an existing console is bad PR. Damage control can be done, but there should be no need for damage control in the first place.

Nintendo does not need another 3DS situation. It does them no good.

the hard thing for me to wrap my head around is jimmy fallon being called a major talk show host.


They haven't gone off the deep end yet, but having a major talk show host effectively call your new console a peripheral for an existing console is bad PR. Damage control can be done, but there should be no need for damage control in the first place.

Nintendo does not need another 3DS situation. It does them no good.

I don't think it matters right now. There's still plenty of time to get the branding right and I don't think it'll matter for guys like us (who will ultimately be the early adopters). I do think they should show the system with the controller every chance they gets in order to solidify the new console angle, but it's not really necessary right now. The key thing should be to just get the word out there. Letting people know the system is coming and what the games are.

Though, I do wonder if they have pretty much given up on trying to court the "core" guys. I mean, if you look and how much flack they're getting from that group, you have to wonder why they would even bother. None of them cared during the GC days, and surely not during the Wii days. They have an uphill battle and maybe they've figured that out. I don't feel like they can win the "mindshare" battle. Maybe they'll prove me wrong once the system comes out, but ultimately I don't think the "core" guys really are gonna give them a chance.

Reggie's comment about install base gives me the impression that they simply can't convince 3rd parties to jump on with anything for the "core", but "casual" experiences are easy to get a lock on. We can blame Nintendo for this, but I feel like there's plenty of blame to go around for all including 3rd parties. It's stupid self fulling prophecy. So it looks like Nintendo is hoping that the software will come if they build up the installed base. Yeah...that worked out so well for the Wii. However, I do think they'll get decent Japanese support and maybe that will help western houses jump on board. Gotta love this industry...not.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
At the beginning, Jimmy said it was a new console, and then, as a casual enthusiast, just asked if the tablet could have been used with the Wii. And then, Reggie restated it's a brand new console, immediatly. So, there's quite an overreaction for the segment, which went pretty well, in the end.

However, as a matter of fact, 3DS situation was caused not just by having "DS" in the name, but due to the fact DS had many versions. DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL. Then, 3DS has been believed as "another version of Wii". This is what mainly caused the confusion at the beginning, and it wasn't even the main factor for what has happened with 3DS ( lack of good first party releases saleswise, high price, not adequate marketing ). So far, we know with Wii U first party issue and price issue will be solved. It's obvious they'll take care of this other problem when we're very near to the launch.
People shouldn't overreact on every peace of bad indication.

Nintendo is going to spend millions on marketing, I doubt it won't be indicated or shown that this is a new system.

The mass isn't as dumb as you may think, if people here get that this is a new system, most people will do it also. (yeah, this is a gaming-website, whatever)
One or two websites who make the mistake declaring it as an add-on are not noteworthy, especially if they're going to correct their mistake in the future and tv-commercials are far more important.

And I think Reggie did a good job at Jimmy Fallon, Takamuros Ninja Castle was the perfect joice, it showed an intuitive, easy gameplay mechanic which is new, its as easy to throw this star as to wiggle with the Wii.

And Zombi U was there to show you can play mature games too with some new features.

I wanted to look up if the show gave the Wii U any bump: https://www.facebook.com/WiiU/likes

Last time I looked at this, it was at 330.000 likes, but this could be just a standard progression.

But facebooks like-tracker is a pain in the ass, because new weeks aren't tracked from Monday to Sunday, but from Monday - Sunday, Thuesday - Monday, Wednesday - Tuesday, and so on xD


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
So, does the leaked Xbox720 roadmap document spell doom for Nintendo?

Augmented reality, Kinect2, multimedia box always on, 8x more powerful than the 360, etc.


Eh, I'd like to know if the 299$ price can be considered reliable, since I've seen many on the thread saying it's possible...but since we've recently heard of 8GB of RAM, it seems something which would increase over 299$ the price...but it's possible I'm wrong.


Though, I do wonder if they have pretty much given up on trying to court the "core" guys. I mean, if you look and how much flack they're getting from that group, you have to wonder why they would even bother. None of them cared during the GC days, and surely not during the Wii days. They have an uphill battle and maybe they've figured that out. I don't feel like they can win the "mindshare" battle. Maybe they'll prove me wrong once the system comes out, but ultimately I don't think the "core" guys really are gonna give them a chance.

Reggie's comment about install base gives me the impression that they simply can't convince 3rd parties to jump on with anything for the "core", but "casual" experiences are easy to get a lock on. We can blame Nintendo for this, but I feel like there's plenty of blame to go around for all including 3rd parties. It's stupid self fulling prophecy. So it looks like Nintendo is hoping that the software will come if they build up the installed base. Yeah...that worked out so well for the Wii. However, I do think they'll get decent Japanese support and maybe that will help western houses jump on board. Gotta love this industry...not.
It's understandable that at the beginning of a gen pubs will be wary. No point spending tonnes on a port to sell to 50 people. However Nintendo has not helped the situation be once again being so casual focussed.
Eh, I'd like to know if the 299$ price can be considered reliable, since I've seen many on the thread saying it's possible...but since we've recently heard of 8GB of RAM, it seems something which would increase over 299$ the price...but it's possible I'm wrong.
That must be at a massive loss no? If not then what the fuck are Nintendo going to charge? $150?
That must be at a massive loss no? If not then what the fuck are Nintendo going to charge? $150?

It's almost a foregone conclusion that if these specs and features are vaguely accurate, they'll be guaranteed to sell at a substantial loss. Not that it would mean much to a company like MS, who will also be there peddling the new Windows 8 integration (maybe even Win8 Lite as the OS) in order to start the saturation.

In the next ten years, my prediction will be the ones to really watch change gaming will be Nintendo and Microsoft. I don't know if Sony can find their me too niche over the next 10-20 years.

But looking back at recent history, just like the Wii's price point stood and more recently the 3DS. I say Nintendo doesn't go below $250 until late-mid cycle or late cycle. The Wii was $200 for a LONG time, way past the time any consumer could look at the tech and see it was overpriced due to branding, just was nowhere near the price-to-value ratio. Teh Apple complex.


It's understandable that at the beginning of a gen pubs will be wary. No point spending tonnes on a port to sell to 50 people. However Nintendo has not helped the situation be once again being so casual focussed.

I don't think it's something they are trying to do intentionally. With so many pubs holding things back, perhaps that's all they can do. If no one else is throwing down support except for "casual" stuff, maybe that's all they can do. Painted in a corner, so to speak. By talking to folks at E3, all I kept getting from pubs was "we're not sure", "we'll wait and see", "not at this time". Even the Rockstar guys are talking about "we'll give them some casual stuff, but not sure about the 'core' stuff." What else can they do? I mean, people on this forum are always act like they can just force 3rd parties to make games for their system. It just doesn't work that way. All the begging in the world could still end up with nothing. Should Nintendo throw tons of money at them for table scraps? In my opinion, I say no. To hell with them if that's the case. Iwata saying that they don't want to throw money down for exclusives and such is the right way to go, in my opinion. Maybe we, as gamers, don't like it, but to ask them to bow down to 3rd parties when they're (Nintendo) is being so accommodating is crazy. Lots of people I spoke with said that they felt like Nintendo was listening, but if that doesn't drum up support, then why should they even bother?

Anyway, I'm just ranting. Ultimately, it doesn't matter as history will sort itself out. It's just I'm so tired of the game industry it makes my head hurt. Unfortunately, I'm a gamer and it's been part of my DNA since the early '80s. Not sure I could get out even if I wanted to. Heh, heh.


It's understandable that at the beginning of a gen pubs will be wary. No point spending tonnes on a port to sell to 50 people. However Nintendo has not helped the situation be once again being so casual focussed.

They are not casually focused, they got a range of launch games for a wide audience.
How is that being casually focused?
So, does the leaked Xbox720 roadmap document spell doom for Nintendo?

Augmented reality, Kinect2, multimedia box always on, 8x more powerful than the 360, etc.


Granted, fortunes change, but historically nothing has ever spelled doom for Nintendo. Hardware competitors have come and gone and Nintendo's been the single constant of the video game industry since the early 1980s. Software is king and they unquestionably have software that moves systems. Even at their lowest point they were still doing quite well.


I think Nintendo is much more focused on both audiences this time, I mean:
1. They showed off a 3rd party game on national tv that will be for launch.
2. That game is very "core" focus.

Sure they showed off Nintendo land too, but they showed a trailer for zombiU, a secondary feature, and talked about the concept of being turned into a zombie, then hunting your old self down to get your gear back.

To me, Nintendo really looks like they are trying hard to show core gamers that Wii U will have something ready for them at launch... Could they try harder? sure but lets face it, the market is much larger than hard core gamers, otherwise NeoGaf would have millions of users.

also were you here when people wanted to make a nintendo news website that had only the 'truth' about nintendo news? THAT WAS THE CRAZIEST SHIT

The idea has changed, it's more about creating a different kind of place about the entire industry, though most of the members are Nintendo focused, but I think the big draw is the IRC channel, which is better suited for threads that hit 20,000 posts in a couple weeks imo.
TheExplodingHead said:
But looking back at recent history, just like the Wii's price point stood and more recently the 3DS. I say Nintendo doesn't go below $250 until late-mid cycle or late cycle. The Wii was $200 for a LONG time, way past the time any consumer could look at the tech and see it was overpriced due to branding, just was nowhere near the price-to-value ratio. Teh Apple complex.
That's up to the market. They had plenty of buyers willing to buy Wii at its initial price for ~3 years. GameCube and 3DS, a handful of months.


I don't think it's something they are trying to do intentionally. With so many pubs holding things back, perhaps that's all they can do. If no one else is throwing down support except for "casual" stuff, maybe that's all they can do. Painted in a corner, so to speak. By talking to folks at E3, all I kept getting from pubs was "we're not sure", "we'll wait and see", "not at this time". Even the Rockstar guys are talking about "we'll give them some casual stuff, but not sure about the 'core' stuff." What else can they do? I mean, people on this forum are always act like they can just force 3rd parties to make games for their system. It just doesn't work that way. All the begging in the world could still end up with nothing. Should Nintendo throw tons of money at them for table scraps? In my opinion, I say no. To hell with them if that's the case. Iwata saying that they don't want to throw money down for exclusives and such is the right way to go, in my opinion. Maybe we, as gamers, don't like it, but to ask them to bow down to 3rd parties when they're (Nintendo) is being so accommodating is crazy. Lots of people I spoke with said that they felt like Nintendo was listening, but if that doesn't drum up support, then why should they even bother?

Anyway, I'm just ranting. Ultimately, it doesn't matter as history will sort itself out. It's just I'm so tired of the game industry it makes my head hurt. Unfortunately, I'm a gamer and it's been part of my DNA since the early '80s. Not sure I could get out even if I wanted to. Heh, heh.
I don't think paying for big exclusives is a good thing either, it just costs too much money. I also realize that Nintendo could be trying to get them all on board but not succeeding through no fault of their own. However, the end result is the same and if these people are giving casual games and not their core games, that's due to Nintendo's past focus with the Wii.

They are not casually focused, they got a range of launch games for a wide audience.
How is that being casually focused?
Sorry, by casually focussed I mean 50/50 focused, not mainly focused. I would prefer Nintendo go back to mainly doing core titles and the casual stuff far less.
That's up to the market. They had plenty of buyers willing to buy Wii at its initial price for ~3 years. GameCube and 3DS, a handful of months.

True, but unless a dire 3DS-type situation were to happen (unlikely), I don't see Nintendo dropping below the launch price for quite a while. I see the Wii U being successful in it's own way with it's own gimmick, and I just don't see Nintendo dropping below $299 or whatever. Could be wrong though.

Especially if the new Mario becomes a gangbuster at launch and they can keep casual and Nintendo fan interest, that wave might carry them pretty far, sales wise. Once sales drop off I suspect they'll announce the next 3D Mario, casual title and probably Retro's game. As always Nintendo will keep the hardware price as static as they can, while they offer software to provide it's long term value. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see them abandoning the Wii philosophy until it proves totally invalid.

Problem with the 3DS was the launch price was too high, coupled with the fact no compelling software was consistently offered.
I don't think paying for big exclusives is a good thing either, it just costs too much money. I also realize that Nintendo could be trying to get them all on board but not succeeding through no fault of their own. However, the end result is the same and if these people are giving casual games and not their core games, that's due to Nintendo's past focus with the Wii.

Sorry, by casually focussed I mean 50/50 focused, not mainly focused. I would prefer Nintendo go back to mainly doing core titles and the casual stuff far less.

After the great success of Wii Fit and other casual titles Nintendo has produced recently, would it make sound business sense for them to retard the development of such titles? Also, Nintendo's software development is not a zero-sum game. The development of a Wii-Fit, for example, does not prevent the development of other core Nintendo titles. Simply ignore the software you don't like and buy the software you do like.

Problem with the 3DS was the launch price was too high, coupled with the fact no compelling software was consistently offered.

The 3DS, at its launch, had glasses-free 3D and considerably better technology than the DSi XL and yet only carried a $60 premium over that portable. Indeed, the 3DS launching at $250 was a more than reasonable proposition. The problem, as you noted, was that Nintendo placed too much confidence in 3rd parties to provide meaningful software when they were presented with the opportunity. In retrospect, Nintendo probably should have anticipated 3rd party indifference and released a Mario game at launch.


I don't think paying for big exclusives is a good thing either, it just costs too much money. I also realize that Nintendo could be trying to get them all on board but not succeeding through no fault of their own. However, the end result is the same and if these people are giving casual games and not their core games, that's due to Nintendo's past focus with the Wii.

That shouldn't even matter. This is a new system. A chance to start over and build their brand on new hardware. What happened in the past simply doesn't matter. Pretty much all generations have proven this time and time again (the exception being the PS1/PS2). Instead of starting fresh, they're going to be singing that same sad song they were this generation, and that's sad. Nintendo has said many times that they want to include everyone this generation and you can see that they're trying to show all kinds of software both "core" and "casual". Why kick them in the balls for that? Doesn't make any sense to me. Considering the way games are selling these days, you'd think they'd be more than willing to get in on the ground floor of a new platform. This is true for all systems from Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Publishers like EA and Activision will support Wii U for no other reason than to compete with Ubisoft. They aren't going to cede market share on what could possibly be the number one selling platform next generation.


EA is gonna "support" Wii U ? Maybe with their sports titles and some casual crap if we're (really) lucky, wouldn't even be surprised if instead of bringing the "real" sports titles they'd make a Wii/Wii U version. But maybe I'm wrong and EA isn't talking bullshit about "new IPs" and "unprecedented relationship". How I'd love to be wrong.

If Origin is going to be a big part of the Wii U experience like I've been hearing, then I'm sure they're gonna jump into the Wii U with both feet. I guess we'll see what's going down in the next few months. But I'm pretty sure the Wii U will get a lot of EA support regardless.


EA is gonna "support" Wii U ? Maybe with their sports titles and some casual crap if we're (really) lucky, wouldn't even be surprised if instead of bringing the "real" sports titles they'd make a Wii/Wii U version. But maybe I'm wrong and EA isn't talking bullshit about "new IPs" and "unprecedented relationship". How I'd love to be wrong.

Well although Mass Effect 3 being in the launch window doesn't mean too much in terms of excitement, it does mean EA is willing to test the waters, ME3 did sell pretty well I believe, so there was no need to make up losses, it sounds more like EA trying to grow a user base for future installments of the series.

I keep saying this to you guys, but it seems to bounce off some sort of disappointment bubble, Wii U is vastly different from Wii's position, a game for Wii had to be built from the ground up, but a Wii U version can literally be a small group of people (maybe a dozen) working for a year or two, just to port over code, heck as for the whole tablet controller usage, everyone knows "remote play" will be a huge selling point, so I don't buy innovation as a reason to not bring over a game.


aka Cabbie
I don't think it's something they are trying to do intentionally. With so many pubs holding things back, perhaps that's all they can do. If no one else is throwing down support except for "casual" stuff, maybe that's all they can do. Painted in a corner, so to speak. By talking to folks at E3, all I kept getting from pubs was "we're not sure", "we'll wait and see", "not at this time". Even the Rockstar guys are talking about "we'll give them some casual stuff, but not sure about the 'core' stuff." What else can they do? I mean, people on this forum are always act like they can just force 3rd parties to make games for their system. It just doesn't work that way.

Great post, and I mostly agree. At this point there's a few unknowns but overall since the atmosphere among 3P's is sort of unenthusiastic, more than ever I'd rather see them (Nintendo) hold off on brute force moneyhatting until mid gen. That is assuming they set up a decent infrastructure and navigate the casual market with a bit more moderation this time. I'm sure the 3P's will be more receptive when, like many in this thread are always saying, things get a little too real for their finances. Until then however I think I'll always be irritated by this conspiracy theory. I understand how it seems futile, and how gaming side donging on Nintendo without hesitation doesn't help that, but I've seen the way some of us approach the arguments and it makes us look kind of bad. Piling up on that Ecotic guy was not cool.

Look guys, if Ubisoft reports their first 1-2 quarters of sales with Wii U in the mix, and the platform represents a significant portion of the overall sales, than of course the other publishers will follow.

This. It really is a bigger prospect than alot realize.

There's a large part of me that, as fun as the game may be, wants a standalone release of this game so that it can bomb. Nintendo needs to learn. I'm sure it'll be a lovely game, but I want them to see that deeper gaming experiences will do much better for them sales-wise.
(and if it does succeed.. I'll look on the bright side that Nintendo profiting = more Nintendo games in the future..)

Thing is they already believe they have those deeper gaming experiences. In about 3-4 franchises for the console, and we know what those ones are. And they seem to do the trick, although I'm no finance expert so perhaps they could be doing more expansion without risk?

And Nintendo profitting hasn't really done a damn thing for me this gen, but I can see what you mean, in that they may value the profits from a more reliable source of income when faced with Wii U missing the mark/bombing in the casual market.

And confession time? In all of this time, I've never, ever played Wii Sports. On Launch Day for the Wii, I tried Trauma Center for a day or two and then spent the next few months with Twilight Princess. I guess I need to turn-in my fanman card..



My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Look guys, if Ubisoft reports their first 1-2 quarters of sales with Wii U in the mix, and the platform represents a significant portion of the overall sales, than of course the other publishers will follow.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
If they decide on that after Wii U has been out for 6 months it's probably too late. That's the same thing that happened with Wii when it turned out to be a huge success. Half a year after release the 360/PS3 releases will probably have dried up and publishers will already be heavily invested in 720/PS4, which means not only that development for Wii U will be more difficult, but also that the potential audience might have to wait for titles even longer.

The 'Wait and see' approach just doesn't work.

But at the time, 360 was out one year, or even more, before Wii and PS3 came. Now Wii U is the first one to come.


Great post, and I mostly agree. At this point there's a few unknowns but overall since the atmosphere among 3P's is sort of unenthusiastic, more than ever I'd rather see them (Nintendo) hold off on brute force moneyhatting until mid gen. That is assuming they set up a decent infrastructure and navigate the casual market with a bit more moderation this time. I'm sure the 3P's will be more receptive when, like many in this thread are always saying, things get a little too real for their finances. Until then however I think I'll always be irritated by this conspiracy theory. I understand how it seems futile, and how gaming side donging on Nintendo without hesitation doesn't help that, but I've seen the way some of us approach the arguments and it makes us look kind of bad. Piling up on that Ecotic guy was not cool.

I don't think it's some kind of conspiracy theory, but I do think some people in the game community are too stubborn for their own good. It's like sometimes it's just the in thing to hate on something because the idea of it goes against your point of view. It's like why "core" gamers get so upset over "casual" gamers. There is simply no need for that sort of thing.

What I simply don't understand is with games like Max Payne 3 not doing as well as they expected, why wouldn't they be looking at all other options for getting their games to consumers? To write one off before the console is even out of the gate is just crazy to me.

On a side note, personally, I don't like mini-game collections. It's just not my thing, but I don't disrespect those who do or treat them as less than gamers. They game just like I do, but they like different games. Last time I checked there's nothing wrong with this. The sad thing is I know a lot of people who simply would refuse to call them "gamers" because mini-game collections aren't "real" games. All I can do is simply shake my head.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I don't think it's some kind of conspiracy theory, but I do think some people in the game community are too stubborn for their own good. It's like sometimes it's just the in thing to hate on something because the idea of it goes against your point of view. It's like why "core" gamers get so upset over "casual" gamers. There is simply no need for that sort of thing.

What I simply don't understand is with games like Max Payne 3 not doing as well as they expected, why wouldn't they be looking at all other options for getting their games to consumers? To write one off before the console is even out of the gate is just crazy to me.

On a side note, personally, I don't like mini-game collections. It's just not my thing, but I don't disrespect those who do or treat them as less than gamers. They game just like I do, but they like different games. Last time I checked there's nothing wrong with this. The sad thing is I know a lot of people who simply would refuse to call them "gamers" because mini-game collections aren't "real" games. All I can do is simply shake my head.

Summing things in just few words: gaming industry isn't mature enough. Manchildren, manchildren everywhere.

P.S. You know what? If Wii U can guarantee me many years like Wii's 2010, I'd be pretty enthusiastic, since 2010 was a fantastic year for Wii owner. Fantastic.


aka Cabbie
P.S. You know what? If Wii U can guarantee me many years like Wii's 2010, I'd be pretty enthusiastic, since 2010 was a fantastic year for Wii owner. Fantastic.

Personally I'd rather see them set a new, higher standard than even the best for Wii this gen.

Coming from a very picky person when it comes to games.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Is this thread the appropriate place to talk about specific games?

Anyways, I caught something when watching this video of Pikmin 3. When the player defeats the spotty bulborb and out pops a few cherries, the Pikmin standing around appear to automatically pick them up and start carrying them off:


I hope the game won't change the Pikmn AI to start automatically doing stuff whether you commanded them or not. That could get annoying and make it feel you aren't in total control. I don't know, perhaps there is a command much like "swarming" that the player is activating at that moment.


P.S. You know what? If Wii U can guarantee me many years like Wii's 2010, I'd be pretty enthusiastic, since 2010 was a fantastic year for Wii owner. Fantastic.

That's why many people are disappointed with Wii U so far. Wii U has not guaranteed an amazing future. It's only guaranteed a decent launch window.

Nintendo has only shown stuff for 2012 so we have no idea what the future looks like for this console. Nintendo needs to be less secretive about their future software to build more confidence in consumers.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.

Realistically, I think we've also seen the lineup for the first half of 2013 as well. I suspect Nintendo is being very liberal with the term "launch window" and these games cover release dates of January-June of next year.

I'm not positive, but someone should really ask NOA if this is it for Nintendo published games before E3-2013?



Realistically, I think we've also seen the lineup for the first half of 2013 as well.

I can see only a few of those games possibly falling on the first half of 2013 like Alien Colonial Marines and maybe Game & Wario.

Most of those games are a good bet for 2012 unless Nintendo decides to spread everything out much more to prevent early 2013 droughts.



My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Well, I was only talking about Nintendo's published stuff. I'm sure a bunch of quality 3rd party games will drop in the first half of 2013. But I wouldn't be surprised if only P-100, Game and Wario, and Wii Fit U are the games from Nintendo during that time frame.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
That's why many people are disappointed with Wii U so far. Wii U has not guaranteed an amazing future. It's only guaranteed a decent launch window.

Nintendo has only shown stuff for 2012 so we have no idea what the future looks like for this console. Nintendo needs to be less secretive about their future software to build more confidence in consumers.

Nintendo Directs / Fall Conference are the way.

Realistically, I think we've also seen the lineup for the first half of 2013 as well. I suspect Nintendo is being very liberal with the term "launch window" and these games cover release dates of January-June of next year.

I'm not positive, but someone should really ask NOA if this is it for Nintendo published games before E3-2013?
Reggie said 3-4 months after launch covered launch window, so it ends February-March next year.


Reggie said 3-4 months after launch covered launch window, so it ends February-March next year.

In that case, I get a bad feeling certain games like P-100 will be in Feb-March because Nintendo will want to focus on the most mainstream games with the broadest appeal for launch (Nintendo Land, Sing, Wii Fit, New Super Mario Bros, Pikmin 3, Lego City Stories). They'll throw games with more niche audiences in Jan-March.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
This is the same company that launched the Gamecube with...

Nov: Luigi + Wave Race
Dec: Pikmin + Smash Bros.
Jan: NBA Courtside
Jun: Eternal Darkness

That's it. Six games in eight months.


This is the same company that launched the Gamecube with...

Nov: Luigi + Wave Race
Dec: Pikmin + Smash Bros.
Jan: NBA Courtside
Jun: Eternal Darkness

That's it. Six games in eight months.

In their defense, Resident Evil remake (May) and Star Wars: Rogue Leader (November) were there to make GameCube's lineup slightly less worse. February Sega brought out Sonic Adventure 2 (Back then, people loved that game. Not so much anymore).

But you're right. Wii U's launch window destroys GameCube and N64's launch window.
The problem is that you can't expect your intended audience to be on a console you haven't supported in its first 6-12 months and/or gave people no intention to buy the platform if they are interested in your games.

Of course Nintendo could get such a huge head start that it's impossible for 3rd parties to leave it out, but it's dubious to me whether 3rd parties are gonna find the intended audience there if they didn't build it up from the very beginning. It could simply lead to another market split, another wasted opportunity, which is what no one wants.

This industry needs to draw in new audiences, if possible even to "hardcore" games. They can't expect that to happen if they don't show up on what they see as the "casual" platform.

If that leak document truly details the direction and hardware Microsoft is chasing and Sony continues what they're doing, we will see consoles much different than last gen. You'll have Nintendo providing an innovative tablet/traditional system, Microsoft with an all in one media box, and Sony with a high end traditional/??? system. Going to be messy in the roadmap for developers and consumers as far as who everyone is catering to
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